Me and my girlfriend have our best conversations in real time over the internet... :-)
― gershy, Saturday, 24 November 2007 23:03 (sixteen years ago) link
The Truth Has Outed
― roxymuzak, Sunday, 25 November 2007 00:39 (sixteen years ago) link
glad to be of service Meta -- Has It Gone Too Far?
― gershy, Sunday, 25 November 2007 00:55 (sixteen years ago) link
"At the same time, I feel like the bottom has dropped out of my world, yet I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." It's understandable that you feel this way: if the bottom fell out of your world, causing you to descend quickly downwards, it makes sense that any weight which had been on your shoulders before you dropped might seem to have 'been lifted', even though it is a perceptual illusion.
-- Nancy Drew, Friday, November 30, 2001 11:00 AM (5 years ago)
! that was my first ever post to ilx, i couldn't remember what thread it was on.
― estela, Sunday, 25 November 2007 01:07 (sixteen years ago) link
^^what the heck is this wbout!?!?
― chaki, Sunday, 25 November 2007 01:36 (sixteen years ago) link
the dude who pretended his girlfriend was killed on 9/11 right?
― max, Sunday, 25 November 2007 01:45 (sixteen years ago) link
I suspected maybe!
― roxymuzak, Sunday, 25 November 2007 01:59 (sixteen years ago) link
didn't he say he had friends killed in 9/11, and he allegedly had a crazy ex who was saying nasty stuff... but then it turned out she wasn't lying... and he didn't have dead friends... ok that's all i've managed to glean from a bunch of revived threads.
which kate is this, anyway?
― Rubyredd, Sunday, 25 November 2007 02:44 (sixteen years ago) link
The great charm of the Net for me is that you can be (hopefully) scintillatingly brilliant, witty, funny and all that while conceivably sitting in your room buck naked, unshaven and greasy.
-- Ned Raggett, Thursday, September 20, 2001 7:00 PM (6 years ago) Bookmark Link
― Curt1s Stephens, Sunday, 25 November 2007 03:16 (sixteen years ago) link
Mod request
― Curt1s Stephens, Sunday, 25 November 2007 22:46 (sixteen years ago) link
so where does the wife come into it? xxxposts
also, was she trying to be courtney love?
― sunny successor, Sunday, 25 November 2007 23:10 (sixteen years ago) link
who knows? - there seems to be just the one fleeting mention of a 'wife'.
ilx is like 'days of our lives' on crack sometimes
― Rubyredd, Sunday, 25 November 2007 23:42 (sixteen years ago) link
i would revive this to recommend Bombay to Goa if I hadn't agreed to no revive november
help me with bollywood
― Crêpe, Monday, 26 November 2007 00:20 (sixteen years ago) link
Welcome back, Crepe! <3<3<3<3
― roxymuzak, Monday, 26 November 2007 01:34 (sixteen years ago) link
I revived it anyways.
― roxymuzak, Monday, 26 November 2007 01:36 (sixteen years ago) link
People on I Love Everything Who Would Be Banned If The Mods Here Weren't Worthless
― gershy, Monday, 26 November 2007 04:22 (sixteen years ago) link
― Pleasant Plains, Monday, 26 November 2007 04:48 (sixteen years ago) link
seriously, what is the point? -- stevem (blueski), Friday, 13 February 2004 16:08 (3 years ago) Link
― Dom Passantino, Monday, 26 November 2007 14:13 (sixteen years ago) link
so I go to the Freaky Trigger site and there's some sort of business site there in it's place. What up?!!! -- James Blount (James Blount), Tuesday, 4 February 2003 05:09 (4 years ago) Bookmark Link
― Dom Passantino, Monday, 26 November 2007 14:19 (sixteen years ago) link
You wake up in a dinghy in the middle of the Atlantic to find you are being given a very aggressive handjob by Billy Idol...
― Dom Passantino, Monday, 26 November 2007 15:27 (sixteen years ago) link
Haha, what up with that Blount one?
― roxymuzak, Monday, 26 November 2007 17:08 (sixteen years ago) link
lmao @ OGILX Class and race: enemies of creativity in pop?
― gershy, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 07:14 (sixteen years ago) link
"Posts here are moderated in order to lessen the negative impact on the forum due to people who lack the basic communication and social skills necessary to exchange opinions civilly."
― roxymuzak, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 08:59 (sixteen years ago) link
As you may notice, there have been some posts deleted from the end of this thread. 'paul' or whatever you answer to, stop being a cockfarmer on our nice message board. Everyone else, please try not to respond to stuff like this.
(There were a few posts deleted which sort of made points relevant to the whole thread, in an effort to relate the cockfarming back to the topic at hand. I'm sorry to remove those contributions, but thought it was best since so many surrounding posts were removed.)
-- Josh (ILM Moderator), Tuesday, 15 May 2001 00:00 (6 years ago) Link
"nice message board"
― Curt1s Stephens, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 15:52 (sixteen years ago) link
The missing posts were paul "doompatrol" ragging on Robin C and threatening to curtail Robin's writing career. I remember that thread really well! I even posted on it. IR OG. There was another one, long deleted, in which DP got really fucked off because some people didn't like alan mcgee and did not wish him well with his (then) new record label. I think an actual libellous allegation was made.
I remember with nostalgia the days when I was the stupidest person on ILM. I haven't got any smarter since then, but the board has got a lot stupider for sure.
I wish Doompatrol still posted here, he was OK. Likewise Robin.
― Pashmina, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 16:49 (sixteen years ago) link
What you've got to remember is when that thread was made, there were <40 regulars on ILM, there was no ILE/ILX, nothing showed up on Google, you could read the entire archive of ILM posts in about 2hrs!
― Pashmina, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 16:52 (sixteen years ago) link
Kate : if it brings comfort then i never thought you were insane. -- anthony
― omar little, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 18:47 (sixteen years ago) link
Yes, part of why it's so lollable is that you can tell it's such a different world.
― roxymuzak, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 19:14 (sixteen years ago) link
The hits just keep coming Children with friends - CLASSIC or DYSTOPIAN NIGHTMARE?
― gershy, Friday, 30 November 2007 05:31 (sixteen years ago) link
I want to tell every squlign infant to shut the fuck up. I want to segerate them all . I know this is irratonial.
-- anthony, Wednesday, 11 July 2001
― am0n, Friday, 30 November 2007 05:37 (sixteen years ago) link
I wish Doompatrol still posted here, he was OK.
sometimes i really dug the dude, but i think he was getting a bit too old to be as concerned with being "cool" as he clearly was/is
― electricsound, Friday, 30 November 2007 05:38 (sixteen years ago) link
he was a fucking dickwad.
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Friday, 30 November 2007 09:53 (sixteen years ago) link
hello henry
― El Tomboto, Friday, 30 November 2007 09:57 (sixteen years ago) link
― That one guy that hit it and quit it, Friday, 30 November 2007 10:25 (sixteen years ago) link
yes I am
― El Tomboto, Friday, 30 November 2007 10:30 (sixteen years ago) link
― roxymuzak, Friday, 30 November 2007 13:16 (sixteen years ago) link
Why do you allow the dumb cunt known as Fred Nerk to exist?
― gershy, Sunday, 9 December 2007 21:05 (sixteen years ago) link
― roxymuzak, Monday, 10 December 2007 01:17 (sixteen years ago) link
Are you, gentle reader, still ticklish?
― Crêpe, Monday, 10 December 2007 03:23 (sixteen years ago) link
For a minute I mistook that as Pleasant Plains.
― roxymuzak, Monday, 10 December 2007 04:08 (sixteen years ago) link
― Curt1s Stephens, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 02:36 (sixteen years ago) link
the part where chaki posts the picture of bl@nch@rd is still one of the all-time great moments of ILx for me Dane Cook is the worst thing to ever happen to comedy.
― gershy, Saturday, 15 December 2007 06:49 (sixteen years ago) link
meta question: is il* getting nastier?
― gershy, Sunday, 16 December 2007 05:44 (sixteen years ago) link
Meta - Thread/Topic Ownership
― gershy, Sunday, 16 December 2007 06:03 (sixteen years ago) link
wau @ ally vs. ethan!!!
― max, Sunday, 16 December 2007 06:18 (sixteen years ago) link
Do you have hang-ups about being an interweb mentalist?
― chaki, Sunday, 16 December 2007 09:05 (sixteen years ago) link
excellent work, chaki
― gershy, Sunday, 16 December 2007 16:24 (sixteen years ago) link
Does no one else besides my close personal friends notice Ethan's weird psuedo-thing for me? I think this has 10 times more to do with Ally's personality than Ethan's.
-- [ban me], Thursday, 1 November 2001 01:00 (6 years ago) Link
I hate to say it, but [ban me] otm.
― roxymuzak, Monday, 17 December 2007 03:03 (sixteen years ago) link
Who Are Your Friends? Old friends who've lost their minds finding out friends' trashy exploits ^^^gems
― chaki, Monday, 17 December 2007 08:39 (sixteen years ago) link
seriously though ban burt_stanton
― buzza, Saturday, 19 March 2011 08:23 (thirteen years ago) link
― Pleasant Plains, Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:53 (thirteen years ago) link
― lol ok (Lamp), Friday, 1 April 2011 17:06 (thirteen years ago) link
pictures of people who are not gabbneb
― ☠ (roxymuzak), Thursday, 14 April 2011 00:20 (thirteen years ago) link
Marissa Marchant is gone off the net because of you
― 151 bieber gang (absolutely clean glasses), Monday, 27 June 2011 12:03 (thirteen years ago) link
― rip nyc chicken (am0n), Friday, 1 July 2011 18:52 (thirteen years ago) link
also thread of value
― how many sb'ings do you have? (buzza), Friday, 1 July 2011 19:21 (thirteen years ago) link
― honk
― rip nyc chicken (am0n), Friday, 1 July 2011 20:01 (thirteen years ago) link
― rip nyc chicken (am0n), Tuesday, 5 July 2011 15:56 (thirteen years ago) link
Solid Black Shit
― lol waggoner (am0n), Tuesday, 1 November 2011 20:11 (twelve years ago) link
― lol waggoner (am0n), Tuesday, 1 November 2011 20:34 (twelve years ago) link
^^ Both of those unlocked, btw.
― pplains, Tuesday, 1 November 2011 20:38 (twelve years ago) link
― Juggy Brottleteen (ENBB), Tuesday, 1 November 2011 20:39 (twelve years ago) link
― gershy, Sunday, December 16, 2007 1:03 AM
― lol waggoner (am0n), Tuesday, 1 November 2011 20:48 (twelve years ago) link
Great thread
― velko, Tuesday, 1 November 2011 20:57 (twelve years ago) link
― lol waggoner (am0n), Tuesday, 1 November 2011 21:09 (twelve years ago) link
― buzza, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 00:50 (twelve years ago) link
Dee's blowup in that meta thread is ultra o_0. It was weird how she went from constantly over-apologetic over-enthusiastic fangirl to this snarling, bitchy, unpleasant ball of ragequit.
― Trayce, Saturday, 5 November 2011 23:57 (twelve years ago) link
No if's, and's or butts
― one dis leads to another (ian), Thursday, 19 January 2012 16:31 (twelve years ago) link
Dr. Morbius Threats of Violence Poll Nominations Thread
― ⚓ (gr8080), Tuesday, 14 February 2012 21:53 (twelve years ago) link
help me with a meth problem
― buzza, Thursday, 1 March 2012 03:49 (twelve years ago) link
ban nakhchivan
― toandos, Tuesday, 13 March 2012 05:33 (twelve years ago) link
Deej and Jordan S: or how can you post so friggan much and still have no discernible posting style or personality?
― ♆ (gr8080), Wednesday, 11 April 2012 00:12 (twelve years ago) link
Electronic Bugaloo
― buzza, Wednesday, 11 April 2012 01:05 (twelve years ago) link
A WARNING to the perverts and pornographers of IRE
― barman's bar mitz (unregistered), Friday, 25 May 2012 23:43 (twelve years ago) link
R.I.P. links
― ♆ (gr8080), Thursday, 31 May 2012 01:57 (twelve years ago) link
Give some money to charity.
― pplains, Thursday, 25 October 2012 13:24 (eleven years ago) link
threadban Matt P
― 乒乓, Friday, 14 December 2012 22:45 (eleven years ago) link
got shut down right when i was getting high-fives :(
― congratulations (n/a), Friday, 14 December 2012 22:51 (eleven years ago) link
*high fives n/a*
― estela, Friday, 14 December 2012 23:08 (eleven years ago) link
A New Random Pictures Thread!
― pplains, Thursday, 31 January 2013 15:21 (eleven years ago) link
i use beatport
― how's life, Thursday, 25 April 2013 21:50 (eleven years ago) link
Does N3D RAGG3TT smoke weed?
― Remember! The cormorant is a big brrd. It has got a long neck. (unregistered), Sunday, 29 September 2013 17:47 (eleven years ago) link
Thanks Again, ARSEHOLES
― buzza, Tuesday, 1 October 2013 06:27 (eleven years ago) link
― dude dude
― .ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl (am0n), Tuesday, 1 October 2013 15:38 (eleven years ago) link
favorite thread titles:
dude dude is close
― ᶓ͠סּᴥ͠סּᶔ ᶓͼ᷆ₓͼ᷇ᶔ (gr8080), Tuesday, 1 October 2013 15:46 (eleven years ago) link
the smoke persian
― (•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 22 May 2014 17:31 (ten years ago) link
can i have some simpsons porn
― °ㅇ๐ْ ° (gr8080), Friday, 23 May 2014 00:48 (ten years ago) link
ITT: The Starchild Skull
― am0n, Monday, 18 August 2014 15:38 (ten years ago) link
Before anyone freaks out and complains, I deleted the "calling a dude out by their real name when shit gets heated" thread on ILTMI.
― 龜, Thursday, 23 July 2015 11:36 (nine years ago) link
Ralf Hutter's blind date: An ILX Collaborative Tragicomedy
Well, technically I could but I would not want to spoil the perfection. (And you shouldn't either!)
― The Hauntology of Celebrity (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 9 August 2015 16:06 (nine years ago) link
Blingee Pic Postin' Korner
― gr8080, Monday, 17 August 2015 19:57 (nine years ago) link
Oooh hello, this is Gary Numan...
― brimstead, Monday, 21 September 2015 04:50 (nine years ago) link
ban gabbneb ban gabbnebban gabbneb
― just astor (alomar lines), Monday, 21 September 2015 04:52 (nine years ago) link
damn, guess i picked the wrong thread...
― brimstead, Monday, 21 September 2015 05:24 (nine years ago) link
― welltris (crüt), Wednesday, 21 October 2015 23:23 (eight years ago) link
ethan, i am most certainly not a no limit soldier.
― double bird strike (gabbneb), Friday, January 16, 2009 7:25 PM (6 years ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― welltris (crüt), Wednesday, 21 October 2015 23:28 (eight years ago) link
lets cyberfuck
― 💠 (crüt), Friday, 22 November 2019 18:28 (four years ago) link
― Conceptualize Wyverns (latebloomer), Saturday, 23 November 2019 18:37 (four years ago) link