"The Wire" on HBO

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It seems that there are no threads on here for this show, which mortifies me since it also seems to be the best thing on American TV in years. The season finale is tomorrow night, let's get the ball rolling here! Spoilers to ensue, I presume. Unless none of you fuckas watch it. >:O!!

Adrian (Adrian Langston), Sunday, 24 August 2003 07:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

I love the Wire. Haven't seen it in a year since I could no longer afford HBO. :(

Texas Sam (thatgirl), Sunday, 24 August 2003 07:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

I love this show too, but I missed the first 3/4 of the first season and there are still things happening on it that I find really hard to follow (mainly the machinations of the drug dealing characters; I have no idea who Omar is or what his deal is). I'm waiting for the first season to come out on DVD so I can figure out big chunks of the story. But yes, it is excellent, fills up the hole Homicide's cancellation left very well, although I kind of wish he could have working in Bayliss or something.

anthony kyle monday (akmonday), Sunday, 24 August 2003 15:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Best show on TV. I loved the season finale. I've loved everything about this show; I even prefer it to Homicide.

I love how high a level they're working on: this is a TV show where they don't have to condescend to the audience and where every single facet - the cast, the story, the locations, the care they put into every detail from the smallest local custom to the largest political issues - is uncompromising.

The DVD may come out next summer - HBO is notoriously slow about releasing those. They're usually two seasons behind, compared to Fox, who put out the 24 DVDs for one season right before the next one starts.

Chris Dahlen (Chris Dahlen), Monday, 25 August 2003 02:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

I think the point where I knew this was the greatest TV show ever was last season when two of the detectives were restoring that crime scene in that apartment, and the only dialogue in the entire scene was the word "fuck." It was the ultimate "show don't tell": most shows whack you around with droning exposition upon exposition, but here they told the entire story through evidence photos and gestures - playing with the fridge door, comparing angles of the bullet going through the window - with no meaningful dialogue at all. Brilliant.

How'd people feel about the finale? Not as tight as last year's (since it was setting up Season 3), but I loved it.

Chris Dahlen (Chris Dahlen), Monday, 25 August 2003 02:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, it's one of those shows that you can't really jump into, which probably stunts its chances at getting a broad base of viewers. But it's sooooo worth it for anyone who chooses to follow it.

Anyway, the first season - yeah, that all centered on the Barksdale case, which didn't exactly take a backseat this season but was... less pronounced. Omar has always stood out on the show, which is usually a little more reserved about its characters - he's the superbadass gay stick-up kid whose boyfriend Brandon was brutally cut to pieces by Barksdale's crew in retaliation to Omar's unrelenting attacks on their stashes. Haha i was gonna continue but to try and recap all the ties and Byzantine dealings between the characters would take a few hours so uh yeah... wait for the DVD. :/ I was lucky enough to start catching the show earlier this year when they reran the first season in prep for the second.

Oh man, there's so much about this show that just gets me giddy though. The final sequence of shots, set to that song, were very fitting; building up and building up, the tension and dynamics of two huge cases built upon each other that still aren't really finished and all the people crammed into the power dynamic of it, and it all collides right on top of that last shot of Nicky Sobotka, completely trapped under the weight of human wreckage. Most of the show is about, and is most sympathetic to, some very deeply damaged human beings, but there's always compassion for them. This show loves its characters and loves its actors (the guy who played Frank Sobotka was brilliant), and I think that's probably one of the things that comes through best in all the episodes (along with the writing, which never misses a single damn beat...)

apparently Richard Price is gonna be writing for them next season too. oh mama.

also, lord, the usage of music is great on here. McNulty driving drunk to "Transmetropolitan" was a highlight; don't really buy Nicky being a Palace Music (!) fan, though..

aaaah someone shut me up already

Adrian (Adrian Langston), Monday, 25 August 2003 02:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

yeah, that "fuck" sequence made me say "fuck" quite a bit myself. I knew I was onto something amazing then too.

Adrian (Adrian Langston), Monday, 25 August 2003 02:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

The finale was sharp, but you're right that it wasn't as tight - I think I would lend this to the fact that it has to touch on elements hanging from both the first and second seasons. And as you said, the level of detail is high, but they do an amazing job of relating a huge amount of information and subtlety to the audience in a pretty comprehensible fashion. Each episode seems to be worth seeing at least twice, just to catch all the little things...

Adrian (Adrian Langston), Monday, 25 August 2003 02:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

Spend some time in Baltimore going to shows, and you'll believe Nicky could have dug Palace.

I loved this show the instant I tuned in and saw somebody from the Annapolis HC scene in a small credited role -- since he's gained more weight than I have since that time, I declare the Wire a classic.

Colin Meeder (Mert), Monday, 25 August 2003 09:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, I was actually planning on going to a few Baltimore shows when I was in DC a couple weeks ago, but it didn't pan out. Still, point taken. And any show that so casually uses Johnny Cash and the Stooges is always OK in my book.

Adrian (Adrian Langston), Tuesday, 26 August 2003 04:25 (twenty-one years ago) link

one year passes...
this is still the greatest show ever ya know

Yanc3y (ystrickler), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:15 (nineteen years ago) link

yer right. i'm in an airport using my phone, so I'm not putting a detailed 'why I love...' together .. but I'm looking forward to catching up on the last 2 episodes tomorrow. I wish I could catch all of the dialog in this show .. If only I were hip enough to understand what crack dealers were saying .. but that genuousness is one of the reasons it's a great show. Also, that the dealers are humanized and you actually root for them sometimes...

dave225 (Dave225), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:39 (nineteen years ago) link

damnit I need last week's and the previous week's (the wake episode, right?) from bitorrent or something, I missed them!

kyle (akmonday), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:40 (nineteen years ago) link

i've been writing a fair amount about this season on my blog, and right now i'm totally obsessed with the show, having bought season one on dvd and reading the wire book, which is really tremendous so far. i think i'm interviewing creator david simon soon! i'm psyched.

Yanc3y (ystrickler), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:47 (nineteen years ago) link

there's a book? a non-fictional one ala Homicide and the Corner, or something else?

kyle (akmonday), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:48 (nineteen years ago) link

It's still very good. Some of the plot machinations are starting to seem rotine (how many more times can we go through the "Dammit McNulty, bring me something by Friday or we're shutting down the wire!" bit?), but the characters, dialogue and layered storylines are all pretty great. I can't think of another show that takes politics -- local politics, no less -- so seriously, and that digs into how it works and its ramifications. Along with Deadwood, it's my current favorite show.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:49 (nineteen years ago) link

a book accompanying the series, with essays on the show and episodes written by the show's writers and creator

Yanc3y (ystrickler), Monday, 18 October 2004 16:51 (nineteen years ago) link

It's damn good TV, for sure. Baltimore represent.

I was a little disappointed by the book, I have to say. Most of the episode guides (which is to say most of the book) is just plot summary; now that whole seasons of TV series are coming out on DVD, I don't see a lot of use for such info.

Formerly Lee G (Formerly Lee G), Monday, 18 October 2004 17:17 (nineteen years ago) link

two months pass...
So is it completely over now? It didn't end feeling as if there would be a season four.

dave225 (Dave225), Tuesday, 21 December 2004 13:04 (nineteen years ago) link

It's arriving in the UK in January, finally, on FX, which I don't think I have ever watched.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Tuesday, 21 December 2004 13:32 (nineteen years ago) link

dave225, I've heard they're working on a new angle for a new season, still in Baltimore but possibly involving the Baltimore public school system. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of that smarmy councilman or Major Daniels and his wife.

God I love this show.

Baked Bean Teeth (Baked Bean Teeth), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 05:19 (nineteen years ago) link

I thought the season wrapped up pretty well. [SPOILERS!!, you u.k. people] Sorry to see the end of Stringer, but it had a nice tragic arc, the past catching up to him, etc. Even the corniest bits (McNulty going back on the beat, the boxing gym) are grounded enough to escape cliche.

So how long 'til the next season?

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:24 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh, and I was glad Omar made it through another season intact. My favorite character on TV.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:25 (nineteen years ago) link

I wanted to see a showdown between McNulty and Stringer .. I guess that's what makes the show great - they never give you what you want.

dave225 (Dave225), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 13:00 (nineteen years ago) link

Argh I had to skim really carefully through this thread because I've only seen season one, but it was amazing, Sarah and I watched the whole thing in a couple of weeks and became totally overinvolved. What a great show.

n/a (Nick A.), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 15:36 (nineteen years ago) link

well, david simon says hbo might not bring it back, which would be a fucking tragedy. this is my favorite show ever. i just rererererewatched seasons one and two on dvd (two comes out 1/25) yet again, and it's perfection. i might be interviewing simon and burns soon, and i can't think of a chat i've looked forward to more.

Yanc3y (ystrickler), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 15:42 (nineteen years ago) link

Stanley Crouch:

One can never underestimate the human importance of the aesthetic contributions to television narrative that HBO continues to make. One easily recognizes the impetus for the late-night trash that it presents as a neon sop of barely soft-core pornography for the masses, but that would not explain all of the other things that this adventurous station offers. In aesthetic terms, I think this is especially true of The Wire, a dramatic series with much wider scope than The Sopranos, an unprecedented classic.

The human importance of The Wire is that it avoids the caricatures that we are too often given of black people in rap's pervasive minstrelsy and the other fast-food ethnic images of mass media. The Wire is the best crime show since Hill Street Blues, Law & Order, and NYPD Blue. Like its predecessors, the show has a breadth of human vision that moves us far beyond the stereotype and does the best that it can with the mysteries of human personality.

The Wire is set in Baltimore and does not back away from the monstrous elements of the black drug trade in American cities, but it also gives great variety to the criminal characters, from extremely stupid to extremely clever. Even more impressive than that already impressive achievement is the range of black people in law enforcement and the complex rendering of urban politics as played out along racial, sexual, and class lines. For one long stretch its focus was white ethnic crime on the Baltimore docks, and the series was as successful in creating complex scenarios, providing the viewer with maddening, flawed, corrupt, heroic, and tragic characters. Within the limits of its form (which seem to be no more than the width of the screen, since cable television is not, for good and for bad, held in check by censorship), The Wire is a masterpiece and will continue to be as long as it can maintain the depth of the standards it has set for itself.

jaymc (jaymc), Friday, 31 December 2004 16:44 (nineteen years ago) link

I've not seen this show yet (it hits the UK next week on channel FX), but that is an extraordinary piece of writing, in that it doesn't mention Homicide!

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 31 December 2004 17:04 (nineteen years ago) link


jaymc (jaymc), Friday, 31 December 2004 17:05 (nineteen years ago) link

Crouch hits on one thing there, the range of black characters, that really sets it apart. Has there ever been a show with so many black lead and supporting characters -- good guys, bad guys, men, women, children, etc. etc.? And it deals with race head-on -- in politics, in the relationships between the characters -- but without pedantry or determinism or whatever. It has the most complex racial dynamics of any TV show ever, and I can't think of many movies that come close.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Friday, 31 December 2004 17:37 (nineteen years ago) link

That was why I cited Homicide - pending actually seeing The Wire, that is the drama show with the strongest and most prominent black characters that I've ever seen.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 31 December 2004 17:47 (nineteen years ago) link

Also, David Simon (who created The Wire) wrote the book that "Homicide" was based on, and also wrote and produced for the show. "The Wire" is basically a much more fully realized rendering of "Homicide," without all the constraints of network TV. (That's not to slight Homicide, which -- early on, anyway -- was a good show within those constraints.)

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Friday, 31 December 2004 18:51 (nineteen years ago) link

has this been picked up for another season by HBO? I heard that they were thinking of passing, so if this season ended like there wouldn't be another one, that may be why.

kyle (akmonday), Friday, 31 December 2004 21:16 (nineteen years ago) link

little known fact: I-dris who plays one of the main dons was the premier UK garage MC in New York c.2000-2001 (with Wikkid Crew)

Paul (scifisoul), Friday, 31 December 2004 21:22 (nineteen years ago) link

This starts tomorrow night at 10 on FX in the UK - channel 289 if you have Sky. I'm kind of excited.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Tuesday, 11 January 2005 19:58 (nineteen years ago) link

spread the word, martin!

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Tuesday, 11 January 2005 20:01 (nineteen years ago) link

did you watch it martin?

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Friday, 14 January 2005 17:28 (nineteen years ago) link

Yes, and I'm impressed. It obviously isn't going to overtake Homicide in my affections after one episode, but I certainly see why it's so loved.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 14 January 2005 17:52 (nineteen years ago) link

was it season one?

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Friday, 14 January 2005 18:06 (nineteen years ago) link

"A key break in the investigation occurred in August when police followed Ferguson to Las Vegas, where he was trying to drum up business for his line of urban wear."

Whoever Posts Below This is Gay (Adrian Langston), Saturday, 15 January 2005 21:58 (nineteen years ago) link

"this is still the greatest show ever ya know"

yes. yes i do know. even though I missed most of this last season :[[[[ After not catching a bunch of eps in a row I basically gave up and decided to wait for the reruns, but the beginning of the third run wasn't quite as arresting as what came before, one had the sense that the show had found a groove and was settling into it (i think by tackling so many Big Ideas™ in the second season they ended up neutering themselves in terms of how far they could expand the scope of the story) (not necessarily a bad thing) but there was still quite a bit of interesting stuff going on. and I had no idea that Stringer bell was one of those rappin' limeys!! They should get Dizzee on there.

Whoever Posts Below This is Gay (Adrian Langston), Saturday, 15 January 2005 22:16 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, as far as I could tell they were starting from the very beginning, so I know there is lots to come.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Tuesday, 18 January 2005 13:23 (nineteen years ago) link

"The one woman charged in the case, Melissa Wakefield, 26, has an apparent infinity for high-end shoes, such as Prada and Gucci."

dave225 (Dave225), Tuesday, 18 January 2005 13:31 (nineteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
I'm obsessed with this show. I only discovered it late last year, on DVD, and am finishing the second season now. Blockbuster doesn't carry it in Baltimore. (Gee, I wonder why?) I'm also checking out George Pelecanos's books (he's one of the show's best writers).

Here's my review of Season One in City Pages:

HBO Home Video

Only some of The Wire's greatness can be measured by how thoroughly it demolishes the "realism" of other TV public dick shows and gangsta soaps. Every trick of television verisimilitude has a freshness date, and makes way for a new set of clichés (think of the shaky camerawork in the now rote Law & Order franchise). Even FX's The Shield, once the cutting edge of morally ambiguous cop heroes, demonstrates the diminishing returns of constantly defying viewer expectations. In the end, its extremism is about nothing but other cop shows.

HBO's The Wire, however, is about work. And the genre it subverts isn't just the crime one, but the nameless category of TV and film that might be labeled "people who are great at their jobs and work like maniacs." Most characters in this emergent genre of the overworked '90s and '00s are judged by how well they serve their institutions. Yet in The Wire, it's the institutions that are the problem--including the illegal ones. Running a housing project in West Baltimore like a death squad might run a food court, local gang members adhere to a demeaning organizational hierarchy. There's no Bonnie and Clyde fantasy of freedom to this murderous pecking order, which exists only to perpetuate itself. (In one poetic touch, the kingpin's right-hand man takes macroeconomics at the community college. At the core, he's a company man.)

The narcotics detectives have their own parts to play, and it doesn't seem remotely heroic when they buck authority. McNulty, the romantic lead among cops (he carries a liquor bottle and spits when he talks), admits at one point that he's pursuing the gang as an ego trip. If characters find dignity anywhere in the Sisyphean drug war, it's in their duties to each other, and in their craft.

Created by a former Baltimore Sun reporter (David Simon, who also gave us Homicide: Life on the Streets) and a former Baltimore Police detective (Ed Burns), The Wire is clearly a work of journalism. But it never pretends that the truth can set you free. --Peter S. Scholtes


Pete Scholtes, Sunday, 6 February 2005 23:24 (nineteen years ago) link

i can't wait to see this show

Amateur(ist) (Amateur(ist)), Sunday, 6 February 2005 23:44 (nineteen years ago) link

I started from the beginning last week and I'm halfway through the first season right now, and I'm totally astonished by how good this show is. It's exactly the kind of show I want to see right now, at least in terms of realistic fiction.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Monday, 7 February 2005 01:44 (nineteen years ago) link

does it have all the "documentary" stylistic aspects of law and order? i.e. shaky camera and abrupt camera movements, ostentatiously overlapping dialogue etc.? or is it more reserved?

Amateur(ist) (Amateur(ist)), Monday, 7 February 2005 01:46 (nineteen years ago) link

I can't agree with the people who go for the "best tv show ever" thing though - I still think that Arrested Development and The Sopranos are better shows, though this is all very apples-and-oranges. It's definitely one of the best shows ever, though, and most certainly the finest show about cops and crime ever. (The Sopranos is more of a grand tragedy than a straight crime show.)

Amateurist, The Wire is the most naturalistic show I've ever seen on television. Yeah, some shaky camera etc but only when it suits the scene. It's not very stylized, most of the technical filmmaking stuff is pretty subtle.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Monday, 7 February 2005 01:50 (nineteen years ago) link

The style is more cinematic than documentary, which I think is all to the good. It's very well paced and edited, but not in a way that makes you notice -- it's all at the service of the story (or stories, actually), so that what seems good after two episodes seems great after four or six or eight as the various threads wind around each other and the characters get deeper and richer.

It allows itself occasional flashy touches (like Bunk and McNulty's great "Fuck" scene, where the dialogue consists entirely of "Fuck" said with a dozen or more different inflections), but those come as sort of welcome bonuses -- easter eggs for dedicated viewers or something.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 7 February 2005 01:55 (nineteen years ago) link

Also, I know this an obvious point, but the fact that characters in The Wire can say "Fuck" -- or anything else they want -- makes a lot of difference. Profanity has always been a glass ceiling on "realism" in TV drama, especially TV cop drama. Even NYPD Blue's alleged envelope-pushing -- "asshole," etc. -- just made obvious how restricted the show's writing still was by FCC codes.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 7 February 2005 01:58 (nineteen years ago) link

yeah the fuck scene probably does count as 'flash' for the wire and it's decidedly not that flashy!

j blount (papa la bas), Monday, 7 February 2005 01:59 (nineteen years ago) link

And besides, it's not all "fuck." There's a lot of "motherfucker" and "fuck me" in that scene!

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Monday, 7 February 2005 02:03 (nineteen years ago) link


Amateur(ist) (Amateur(ist)), Monday, 7 February 2005 02:45 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm also checking out George Pelecanos's books (he's one of the show's best writers).

Agreed. After I devoured the season one DVD set I picked up a stack of Pelecanos novels and fell in love with his work pretty much immediately. A Firing Offense, his first one, is pretty stiff, but King Suckerman and The Sweet Forever are genius -- lots of great music references and layered characters and observations about race. His work on The Wire is starting to inform his writing pretty obviously; I just finished an advance of his next book, Drama City, and it has a very Wire-y structure. There's less music stuff, but it's still good stuff. (Comes out in March.)

m.e.a. (m.e.a.), Monday, 7 February 2005 03:07 (nineteen years ago) link

So good...just finished watching season two on DVD last night. The second season takes a lot longer to really get going, then it seems like it goes really fast for the last few episodes, but it was still really good. There are so many great characters in this show: Stringer Bell, D'Angelo, Frank Sobotka (the actor who plays him is INCREDIBLE, why the fuck isn't he everywhere?), and especially Omar.

n/a (Nick A.), Monday, 7 February 2005 16:40 (nineteen years ago) link

The level of moral fluidity on this show is pretty amazing for a cop show, there are really no "good" guys or "bad" guys at all.

n/a (Nick A.), Monday, 7 February 2005 16:43 (nineteen years ago) link

I think the show takes the entirely moral stand that this is what you get when you criminalize drug use. And the show is definitely not amoral when it comes to the choices made by these characters: D has some hope for redemption. Stringer is the devil as CEO.

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 7 February 2005 18:21 (nineteen years ago) link

you think stringer is the devil??? i think that cleary the writers have a palpable affection for stringer -- there's honor in his turning slinging into just another brick and mortar store. there are no devils on the wire, in large part because the writing team obviously LOVES every one of their creations, even rawls. don't forget that more than anything the wire is a show by and for writers.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 18:24 (nineteen years ago) link

I haven't seen that far ahead, but I think that there's definitely a difference between the writers loving a character and that character also being irredeemably evil. From what I've seen, Stringer is obvs evil, but realistically so. The whole show is a big grey scale of morality, and Stringer is in the darkest end of the spectrum.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Monday, 7 February 2005 19:58 (nineteen years ago) link

how is stringer evil??? i seriously fail to see this. avon is far more violent. stringer is just cuthroat and smart.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 19:59 (nineteen years ago) link

I agree with Yancey. I think Stringer is perceived as being "evil" just because he's less emotional, or less demonstrative in his emotions. It's easier to forgive Avon because he breaks down occasionally, but Avon does things that are a lot worse. Hell, if you want to take the perspective that the show is anti-drug-criminalization, then Stringer is essentially blameless.

n/a (Nick A.), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:03 (nineteen years ago) link

OK, that may be a bit of an exaggeration.

n/a (Nick A.), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:05 (nineteen years ago) link

That's probably exactly why I percieve Stringer to be a worse person, though I think Avon is a pretty cruel bastard too. Again, I'm only 8 episodes into the show, plus a few episodes from season 3.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Monday, 7 February 2005 20:08 (nineteen years ago) link

within the frameworks of the wire, i don't think anyone we see could be called evil -- these are the people at the bottom of the power theory pyramids, and they are simply making do with the reality that they have been dealt. any accusation of "evil" should clearly be moved farther up the chain to people high in power who are willing to milk the lower class' lives and livelihood to maintain their source of strength, a la every hegemony theory ever.

but what makes the wire so great is that it never gauchely strikes out at the status quo (see: everything bad about michael moore); instead it accepts that it is reality and shows how people work within it: what they bend, what they break, how they cope, how they don't. and so all of the action that we are presented with are people bristling and bumping up against the limitations of life itself. that's where you get the hyper-realism. there are no master criminals or puppetmasters or cops. i mean, jimmy mcnulty is don quixote with a drinking problem and that's that. he's not special; he's smart and he's well trained.

and nick i'm with you that frank sobotka (he's currently on the espn poker show tilt) was a great character. i really can't think of a character that i didn't like. even prez gets his moments!

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:29 (nineteen years ago) link

(and for the record i have watched season 1 three times, season 2 three times and season three once. yes i should marry it.)

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:31 (nineteen years ago) link

(also i think i might have now passed like 50,000 words written about the show.)

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:33 (nineteen years ago) link

The one character I can't stand: Ziggy. Yes, I understand he's supposed to be a fuck-up, and he has a couple of good tender moments, but overall I found him hard to sympathize with.

n/a (Nick A.), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:34 (nineteen years ago) link

Yancey, you're the entire reason I'm into this show right now, so I'm glad that you've written so much about it.

I don't know, regardless of the societal reasons that lead people to do awful things, I have a hard time forgiving extreme cruelty, violence, and murder. It's easier for me to feel bad for guys like D'Angelo Barksdale, but not so much for powerful puppet masters like Stringer and Avon.

Matthew "Flux" Perpetua, Monday, 7 February 2005 20:40 (nineteen years ago) link

i'm with you ziggy, nick. i think what keeps us from totally turning on him is that we all know someone like him.

and matthew i'm psyched to hear that! that's great.

if anyone's interested in a cheap copy of s2 ($60!), i may end up having two copies of it on dvd shortly. i bought it when it came out but i think i'm getting another copy from hbo cuz i reviewed it for blender. if it does arrive (i never count on these things) i'll post notice here.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:45 (nineteen years ago) link


I think one of the many things that's great about the series is that it shows rather than tells in making its case. We hear about dumb Pollocks, then notice some of them being smarter than the characters using that phrase. Stringer and his boys call Omar a cocksucker and a faggot, but we see him having more heart (in every sense) than any of them. In season two, one of the young dock workers talks about project niggers, but ends up doing essentially the same business as them, but with less smarts.

Now, you could make the argument that there is "honor" in Stringer's taking an Econ class and attempting to invest drug money in "legitimate" stocks and other businesses, schooling his employees in the realities of capitalism that have to be faced before a gun is drawn. You can definitely make the argument that he's a great character, and the show's writers love him.

But to me, he's the essence of a soulless rational maximizer. He takes what he can get. He kills characters I like, because they might hurt him down the road as informants. Once you extend the idea of "honor" to self-preservation at all costs, you have adopted Michael Corleone's morality, my friend.

Plus, he doesn't like go-go music!

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 7 February 2005 20:48 (nineteen years ago) link

OK little SPOILER alert for anyone who's not seen season 3, but I think Stringer is your basic Shakespearen tragic hero type. Or tragic antihero, maybe. Point being that he is undone by the same things that allow him to succeed -- ruthless pragmatism, eye on the bottom line, and a strong but imperfect grasp of how the world works. So I don't think he's evil, exactly; I think the writers are as fascinated by him as the audience is (and as the other characters in the show are, too -- McNulty's pursuit of him is as much out of curiosity as antagonism).

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:50 (nineteen years ago) link

(er, Shakespearean)

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:51 (nineteen years ago) link

the most shakesperean character by far, i think, is lil ziggy. he's a tragedy wrapped in ugly-ass italian leather.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:55 (nineteen years ago) link

bumping up against the limitations of life itself

Life itself? I think if you don't see a radical critique of the various systems on display in front of us, you're trying not to see it. Check out this interview with the show's creator:


Pete Scholtes, Monday, 7 February 2005 20:56 (nineteen years ago) link

pete of course there's a critique of the systems. but it's not spelled out nor does it take on the individuals in power. instead it shows how those policies and decisions affect people actually on the ground. show not tell and all that.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 7 February 2005 20:59 (nineteen years ago) link

Poor Ziggy. The scene where he tries to get the dudes to take his coat as payment and they just make fun of it is one of the funniest and most pathetic in the whole series.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 7 February 2005 21:01 (nineteen years ago) link

The two good scenes with Ziggy: out on the docks with his dad late at night, smoking a cigarette together, and when his dad comes to see him in prison, and Ziggy leaves the interview room and is immediately engulfed in a crowd of huge scary prisoners.

n/a (Nick A.), Monday, 7 February 2005 21:07 (nineteen years ago) link

Sorry to be grumpy. Another great Ziggy scene: "Bad advice! You guys gave me bad advice!"

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 7 February 2005 23:35 (nineteen years ago) link

Huh. It's kinda weird to read this article after seeing The Wire. I mean...

At a review of crime statistics last week at the police headquarters, computerized maps flashed onto screens as ranking officers sharply questioned precinct commanders on crime trends. Forests of blue icons pinpointed drug-dealing hot spots, many accompanied by red X's to denote homicides.

Yet as the maps showed killings increasing in some places, they also showed that other reported crimes, including rape, robbery, aggravated assault and burglary, were down in most precincts.

"As I ride down the street, I'd have to say the city is safer," Acting Police Commissioner Leonard D. Hamm said.

Not everyone is so sure. Some criminologists have questioned the statistics, arguing that some precinct commanders may be downgrading serious crimes to lesser categories to make their districts look better.

And then there's this, which Simon's gotta be kicking himself for not thinking of first:

"Baltimore is actually a very safe city if you are not involved in the drug trade," Health Commissioner Peter Beilenson said.

And look at the photo -- it's Carcetti and Burrell!

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 06:28 (nineteen years ago) link

Okay I just finished Season One and I am completely in love with this show (although I think it may PALE ever so slightly next to the first three Prime Suspects--which is no insult as I consider those perhaps the finest television ever produced.) Is Season 2 as good? Is getting the "team" back together uber-contrived? The first Season ends so perfectly (the little closing codas--esp. Stringer's--are done so well) that it's a little hard to imagine a natural continuation from there.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 05:50 (nineteen years ago) link

I think Season 2's just as good as 1. They were smart to take a sort of left-turn away from just the drug ring. I would say there's a slight drop-off in Season 3 -- because some of the devices start to wear thin, and also because the tackling of "issues" is a little more transparent -- but only slight. All 3 seasons are completely worth watching.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 06:09 (nineteen years ago) link

I just started season 2, and I think the "getting the gang back together thing" is actually a little contrived, but that is more than made up for by the fact that the reason for the existence of the main investigations in the first place is one of the greatest pieces of plotting I have ever seen or read.

I've been telling lots of people that Season 1 was the best season of TV I have ever seen, and after giving that a lot of thought, I'm pretty sure I agree with myself. I think it's aided somewhat by being only 12 episodes, so there are no duds, but still. If you love THE NOVEL, you'll love The Wire. Season 1 is not only the best TV shows ever, it's also one of the best novels I've ever, uh, witnessed.

Scott CE (Scott CE), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 06:33 (nineteen years ago) link

Actually, if there is one thing about the show that is pervasively BULLSHIT (this after I just said it's the best show ever), it's the depiction of the Barksdale crew's lawyer. I realize that, for reasons owing generally to the public's ignorance and paranoia, we'll never see an even-handed or compassionate portrayal of a realistic criminal defense lawyer.

But do we really need any more of these evil, conspiratorial, slimy, and yes, JEWISH defense lawyers who seem to LOOOOOOOVE crime and misery? This "Maury Levy" (UGH) is the only real full on caruacature on the show. Give me a fucking break already with the smirking and the evil-ness.

Still the best show ever, though.

Scott CE (Scott CE), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 06:38 (nineteen years ago) link

caruacature? No, that's not a word. I meant it, like, with an "i."

Scott CE (Scott CE), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 06:40 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I agree with that. A drug dealer's lawyer could be a much more interesting character, and on that show should be, since everyone else is given way more than one dimension.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 07:06 (nineteen years ago) link

I mean, I have several friends who work as public defenders who sometimes get drug dealers off on technicalities, and they're not evil at all (even if the narcotics cops probably think they are).

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 07:10 (nineteen years ago) link

I'd just like to point out that Omar is in the "How We Do" video.

yaydrian (PUNXSUTAWNEY PENIS), Wednesday, 2 March 2005 03:21 (nineteen years ago) link

I think that public defenders are a different breed from corporate lawyers who defend big time drug dealers though. That said, the evil Jewish lawyer stereotype is kind of tired (it really is the shows only weakness, but it's a minor one so I mostly overlook it. . . plus the Omar vs. Levy court scenes are so delicious.) I wish they had done something more interesting with his character.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 2 March 2005 04:58 (nineteen years ago) link

every wire fan should read richard price's "samaritan" and david simon's "homicide" ok bye

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 2 March 2005 17:13 (nineteen years ago) link

Agreed. Those are both great books. In fact, I remember when I first saw the wire, I thought Simon finally had a show that captured the depth and complexities of his book in a way that the show "Homicide" never quite could (good as it was). I love how in the The Wire, the cops always drive out to the tracks in their cars and get shit-faced drunk, which was taken from the Homicide book.

Also, I would recommend all of Price's books. Wasn't that Richard Price as the literature teacher in the prison class in Season 2?

Scott CE (Scott CE), Wednesday, 2 March 2005 18:52 (nineteen years ago) link

that indeed was him. what's interesting is how the wire made clockers the film totally irrelevant.

i'm guessing that if season four of the wire happens with its supposed public school-focus, i bet some of the themes of samaritan figure in prominently.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 2 March 2005 19:28 (nineteen years ago) link

I've read Pelecanos's Hell to Pay since I posted, and it was really good. Hard for me not to imagine actor Clarke Peters as Derek Strange, though.


Pete Scholtes, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 22:31 (nineteen years ago) link

First episode did not really grip me, it just made me miss Homicide.

I KNEW McNulty was an English guy putting on an American accent as soon as he opened his mouth.

just adam (nordicskilla), Tuesday, 15 March 2005 17:55 (nineteen years ago) link



Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:46 (nineteen years ago) link

Still don't like it.

VIC MACKEY (nordicskilla), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:49 (nineteen years ago) link

He's actually Australian and Adam it's not much of prediction cuz I KNOW it sez it right on the description on the Neflix slipcase.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:51 (nineteen years ago) link

He was born in Sheffield, home of Pulp and Warp records. That's in England.

VIC MACKEY (nordicskilla), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:53 (nineteen years ago) link


j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:54 (nineteen years ago) link

Biography for
Dominic West

6' (1.83 m)

Has brown hair and brown eyes

Was one of seven children - five girls, two boys - born to George & Moya West - his parents divorced in 1996

His father owned a plastics-manufacturing plant and his mother was a homemaker who loved the theater.

Began appearing in community theater by age 9

Once spent four months as a cattle herder in Argentina in 1988 trying to be "different". Afterwards he enrolled at Dublin's Trinity College, graduating in 1993 with a B.A. in English literature.

Has never been married, but has a 3 year old daughter named Martha with former girlfriend Polly Astor

Graduated from Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 1995.

I don't read the Netflix slipcases. This was no exception.

VIC MACKEY (nordicskilla), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:55 (nineteen years ago) link

Neflix lied to ME! Either way you are crazy for not being into this show.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:57 (nineteen years ago) link

It kicks the Shield's ass six ways from Saturday.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Friday, 18 March 2005 21:57 (nineteen years ago) link

Now you are just being inflammatory for the sake of it.

VIC MACKEY (nordicskilla), Friday, 18 March 2005 22:01 (nineteen years ago) link

(I've only seen two Wire episodes)

VIC MACKEY (nordicskilla), Friday, 18 March 2005 22:01 (nineteen years ago) link

I think that The Wire's only peer is The Sopranos.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Friday, 18 March 2005 22:10 (nineteen years ago) link

Me too.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Friday, 18 March 2005 22:34 (nineteen years ago) link

Although the first season of Six Feet Under was pretty close.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Friday, 18 March 2005 22:41 (nineteen years ago) link

I don't know. I like Six Feet Under a lot, but it has a lot more flaws than The Wire or The Sopranos. It's not nearly as complex and thought-provoking as The Wire, that's for sure.

In a lot of ways I prefer the grand operatic story of The Sopranos, and I sure as hell think that everything from season 3 onward on that show is pretty much as good as it gets, but The Wire is so tight. There's no such thing as a weak episode in this show. Not a moment is wasted.

My personal favorite season of SFU is season 3, actually.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 19 March 2005 02:35 (nineteen years ago) link

the first two seasons of six feet under were mindblowingly great, it's suffered a bit by getting worse as it goes on (the sopronos got worse then got way better; the second season of the wire was really fascinating to me, but I missed the first one and the last one; I like it but, like I've said before, it's so fucking complicated if you miss any of it, you have no idea what is going on. The Sopronos is like this but it usually doesn't matter because the plot is secondary to the characters; the Wire is ALL plot).

kyle (akmonday), Saturday, 19 March 2005 03:46 (nineteen years ago) link

i really should see if season three of the wire is on on-demand now and catch up

kyle (akmonday), Saturday, 19 March 2005 03:48 (nineteen years ago) link

Though I agree that character is secondary to plot in The Wire, I think that it is important to note that the character writing on that show is essential, and there is no shortage of great characters on that show. McNulty, Stringer, Avon, Freamon, Bunk, Frank Sobotka, D'Angelo, Beadie, Prez, Omar - those are amazing characters.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 19 March 2005 05:18 (nineteen years ago) link

2006 is far away :[[[[

I don't think 6FU or the Sopranos really match up to the Wire at all. 6FU was really great starting out, but this last season turned into some bizarro homoerotic grand guignol. Which isn't HALF as awesome as it sounds. Sopranos was always wildly uneven, and for the last couple years the only good eps have been the ones in which important characters are killed. The cardboard hatefulness of the Sopranos pisses me off too, esp. in comparison to The Wire - even the sympathetic characters are monsters. which, yeah, is obviously the point, but it makes it hard to remain invested in the show when everyone drips venality and cruelty. The uneven writing makes it even harder, obv. Things definately did improve last season, but after all the meandering it's difficult to care about how things will conclude. (and for a show in which character comes first [wtf does that mean anyway], the people in it sure are fucking static)

Cabaret Voltron (PUNXSUTAWNEY PENIS), Saturday, 19 March 2005 16:53 (nineteen years ago) link

No, the entire point of the Sopranos is that the characters never really change, that they only become more and more like themselves. It's a pretty fatalistic narrative. We always know these people are doomed to being themselves.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 19 March 2005 17:08 (nineteen years ago) link

"Character coming first" vs. "plot coming first" is just a reference to the emphasis of the narrative. On SFU and The Sopranos, the story is more about the core cast of characters and what happens to them, whereas in the Wire, it's about this larger system and following what happens in this macrostory. The characters are fleshed out, but the story isn't really about them so much as the system they are. The Sopranos is very clearly the story of Tony Soprano, with the b storyline being the story of Christopher Moltisanti. Six Feet Under is more of a soap opera, and has a more aimless narrative with some central themes that come up again and again.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 19 March 2005 17:14 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, fair point about the narrative. Watching some reruns not long ago, I was struck by all the things I'd missed viewing the series first time around - there are some exceptionally well-executed episodes, whereas I'd sorta dismissed the whole affair as sloppy my first go through. Still doesn't excuse how many scenes there were in the last two seasons of characters WATCHING TV.

Cabaret Voltron (PUNXSUTAWNEY PENIS), Saturday, 19 March 2005 18:13 (nineteen years ago) link

But are there really any occasions when characters are watching television, and it doesn't either push the plot along or include some kind of meta comment on the narrative? It's never gratuitous. And people watch a lot of tv, so it's hardly unrealistic.

The only kinda gratuitous tv-watching that I can remember from the last two seasons was that bit in "Cold Cuts" when Tony is getting all freaked out by that 60 Minutes report on how easily terrorists could get stuff into US docks.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 19 March 2005 18:43 (nineteen years ago) link

i like the corner and oz.

scg, Saturday, 19 March 2005 18:51 (nineteen years ago) link

'But are there really any occasions when characters are watching television, and it doesn't either push the plot along or include some kind of meta comment on the narrative? It's never gratuitous.'

I guess the only way I can refute this is by going back and looking at those eps, which sounds like a pain in the ass. I know that WHAT they're watching usually has some kind of thematic relevence, but I never felt like it enriched the narrative or contributed much? It also frequently came off as self-parody to me. I guess I just prefer more to be HAPPENING in my tv (cf. the Wire), and this particular trope always felt emblematic of the show's slothfulness.

(and yeah, not unrealistic, but it's hardly a documentary etc blah blah)

Cabaret Voltron (PUNXSUTAWNEY PENIS), Saturday, 19 March 2005 18:57 (nineteen years ago) link

me and my friend were really really stoned watching the final episode of the corner, and when it got to the end and the guy interviewed the real family we totally spun out and was nearly sick. one of the darkest pieces of television i've ever watched.

scg, Saturday, 19 March 2005 19:04 (nineteen years ago) link

I don't know, man. I love the Wire intensely, especially right now, but I think that the plot is waaaaaay more slothful than the Sopranos, which seems to move at a much quicker pace for the most part, even during the fourth season. (Which is extremely underrated.)

The Sopranos seasons: 3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Sunday, 20 March 2005 08:26 (nineteen years ago) link

o that's crazy

1 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 4

j blount (papa la bas), Sunday, 20 March 2005 17:52 (nineteen years ago) link

Three is the worst season! The second episode of that season is also the worst SINGLE episode ever.

(Not seen Five):

But 1 > 2 > 4 > 3.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Sunday, 20 March 2005 18:01 (nineteen years ago) link

The Wire > Deadwood > Sopranos

Chris Marx, Sunday, 20 March 2005 19:29 (nineteen years ago) link

Season 1 and 2 of The Sopranos have their up points and are generally pretty good, but all of the worst episodes of the series in those seasons. Especially season 2 - there's some major duds in there, plus way too much pointless selfawareness in the narrative. Definite softmore slump. Season 1 is mostly quite good, but then you have that lousy episode with the rappers that completely throw off the average. I understand why some people like season 1 the best - it has a lot of wish fulfillment in the narrative, but to me that's pretty boring compared to the slow dissolution of the Soprano family over the most recent three seasons. You can have Richie Aprile and Mikey Palmice, I'll have Ralph Ciferetto, Tony Blundetto, Johnny Sac, and Phil Leotardo, thanks.

Alex In SF, I can't believe that you really believe that "Proshai, Livushka" is the worst episode of the series. I'd easily place that one in the top ten or top fifteen. If you really think that duds like "Commendatori," "D-Girl," and "A Hit Is A Hit" are better, then hey, whatever. We're not going to see eye to eye on this!

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:11 (nineteen years ago) link

Um, "sophomore slump."

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:12 (nineteen years ago) link

"d-girl"'s great!

j blount (papa la bas), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:21 (nineteen years ago) link

You rate an episode which has an awkward computer generated face superimposed on someone's body and feels like a desperate attempt to integrate someones real life death into the show's narrative? You're right we aren't going to see eye to eye on this.

Also "D-Girl" is great. The other two are just okay though.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:32 (nineteen years ago) link

Season Three also has the Jackie Junior/Meadow melodrama which is probably one of my least favorite subplots.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:43 (nineteen years ago) link

johnny sack > mikey palmice
richie aprile > ralph ciferetto
big pussy > tony blundetto

j blount (papa la bas), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:51 (nineteen years ago) link

All of them >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jackie Jr

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Sunday, 20 March 2005 21:51 (nineteen years ago) link

it's all about the pine barrens, obv. and for the wire, it's all about the second (or third?) to last episode of season two. the one that starts with "i walk the line."

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Sunday, 20 March 2005 23:34 (nineteen years ago) link

You rate an episode which has an awkward computer generated face superimposed on someone's body and feels like a desperate attempt to integrate someones real life death into the show's narrative?

Well, what else were they supposed to do? Pretend the character never existed? Please be even a little bit realistic or sympathetic about this. That one scene isn't that big of a deal, but the rest of the episode is VERY strong. It was a great send off for that character, who had run her course either way.

Ralph Cifaretto > all other similar antagonist characters on the show combined, and has the best death episode of anyone in the five seasons to date.

I'm not that sour about Jackie Jr, but I do agree that it's not one of the best subplots in the series. A lot of the reason that I love season 3 is the stuff with Tony and Carmella, the introduction of Ralph, "Pine Barrens," and the Gloria Trillo storyline. I have a certain fondness for season 3 because it's the season where the show really comes together. Season 1 and season 2 are good, but there's some flailing in season 2 that makes me suspect that the writers weren't 100% sure where they were going with it, and were still reeling from the massive success of the first season.

I saw that Wire episode with "I Walk The Line" at the start of it (it's called "Storm Warnings") for the first time yesterday. I agree, it's exceptional. It's hard to pick stand-out episodes in the Wire because it's all so consistent, but yeah, that's on the shortlist for me.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Sunday, 20 March 2005 23:36 (nineteen years ago) link

actually was the jar jar lidia episode the same one with her wake? cuz her wake was fantastic

j blount (papa la bas), Sunday, 20 March 2005 23:38 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh hey, can anyone tell me where I might find season 3 of The Wire online? I'm too hooked right now to wait til the dvd, and HBO isn't rerunning it any time soon.

Yes, the "Jar Jar" Livia is the same episode as her wake. The wake is the majority of the episode, and that one scene with her is no more than two minutes.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Sunday, 20 March 2005 23:40 (nineteen years ago) link

See I feel like Season Three is the real "flailing" season for me. Season Two was very specifically tailored to be ultimately about Pussy and Tony and that season's final episode is maybe one of my favorite ones.

There are two or three really great individual episodes in Season Three (Pine Barrens is amazing, so is the first one--Mr Ruggiero's Neighborhood--with the FBI, also all the bits with Janice and the one legged lady are brilliant) but it's got a lot of the weakest subplots too (Charles S Dutton, Melfi's rape, I don't rate the Gloria subplot at all, and of course almost all of the Jackie Jr stuff.)

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Monday, 21 March 2005 00:54 (nineteen years ago) link

The Sopranos is just about a better subject: the subconscious. The Wire is about work, which is almost as great, but isn't going at you on as many levels...

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 21 March 2005 03:35 (nineteen years ago) link

I think you're wrong about Dominic West's accent on the show. I never would have guessed he was a Brit. And though I haven't met tons of Baltimore white folks, many of them do have a weird accent that can sound British, Southern, and Bostonian all at the same time...

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 21 March 2005 03:39 (nineteen years ago) link

Finished Pelecanos's Soul Circus not long ago, too. He's on an American book tour starting March 28, and any fans of The Wire should check it out:

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 21 March 2005 03:43 (nineteen years ago) link

I was surprised to learn that Dominic West was not an American, and double surprised to learn that Idris "Stringer Bell" Elba is from England.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 05:05 (nineteen years ago) link

Spot-on accent or no, Elba's performance is just incredibly convincing. I don't think I paid as much attention to Stringer in the first season, but there's so much nuance in every scene he does in the second season. That scene with Brother Mouzone in the hospital and his last scene with Avon in episode 12 of season 2 really impressed me in particular.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 05:07 (nineteen years ago) link

Davey D's article on Elba (who's from Hackney, London, and is a DJ):


From MTV news:

Meeting Idris Elba is a straight bug-out. He's been in videos by Fat Joe and most recently Angie Stone, but he's best known as kingpin Russell "Stringer" Bell on HBO's "The Wire." So imagine how ill it is to holla at him for the first time and discover that he has a thick British accent and he's a DJ. "I've been collecting records since I was like 10," said Elba, who grew up in London. The actor, whose DJ name is Big Dris, began spinning around the age of 14. "I started out with my uncle," he remembered. "He had a sound system called Sound International back in London. He basically did weddings. I was the speaker boy. ... By the time I was 15, me and my men from around the way started our own little sound that was called the Social Affair Sound [and] we started doing local parties." Dris, who began putting it down behind the turntables in clubs by the time he was 19, has been living part-time in NYC for the last six years and actually started earning his living by spinning in the East Village and Alphabet City before landing a guest appearance on "Law and Order" in 2001. His stint on "The Wire" began in 2002. Dris said things are going to get ugly this season for his character, but in real life, Elba is straight. He's already put out a series of street CDs called Foot Fetish, and he's linking up with other DJs to put out collaborations. "I consider myself a blend DJ more than anything," he said. "Like my mixtapes, the way I want to see them grow, I basically want to see if I can get my mixtapes to showcase new talent. I can't compete with the big boys on getting the freestyles and all that, because I don't have the connects yet. Eventually, I'd like to get the new freestyles, but at the same time, I want to see the new cats that's coming up."

Pete Scholtes, Monday, 21 March 2005 07:37 (nineteen years ago) link

I hope to track down this book, too:

Hey Cabbie! by Thaddeus Logan


Pete Scholtes, Monday, 21 March 2005 07:38 (nineteen years ago) link

hey matthew sorry i haven't responded to yr email. i'm not sure how to get season three, though supposedly it's coming out this summer. certainly you could get it via bittorrent i'm sure, and i bet some folks on the hbo wire message board could hook you up. that's all i gots.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 21 March 2005 14:05 (nineteen years ago) link

If it's coming out in the summer, I can probably hold out and netflix them. But oh man, I am dying to get on with the Stringer Bell/Omar/Brother Mouzone storyline.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 16:53 (nineteen years ago) link


Frankenstein in SF (Alex in SF), Monday, 21 March 2005 16:54 (nineteen years ago) link

It's probably a wise move to wait a bit on season three if it's going to be at least 12 months til season 4 starts up. (The Sopranos will be on winter 06, so The Wire will probably start around March or April.)

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 16:58 (nineteen years ago) link

Be quiet with your marketing REASONS! Want in SUMMER!

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Monday, 21 March 2005 16:59 (nineteen years ago) link

Actually, I think in terms of marketing, sooner is better. I was talking about myself there - it's better that I pace myself right now rather than have to wait a full year to get the next fix.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 17:32 (nineteen years ago) link

i was told by someone in the know a month or so back that because of the TREMENDOUS success of the wire on dvd, they were gonna get season three out sooner than you might expect. i've seen season three twice now (thanks on demand!). anyone saying it's a drop off is totally nuts.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Monday, 21 March 2005 17:48 (nineteen years ago) link

It's no big shock that The Wire would find its greatest success on dvd. That's the perfect format for the show. I know that I never would have gotten into the show if I didn't watch it on dvd in rapid succession. And now I'm hooked and I'll be a regular viewer. It's the only way to make converts, you can't just jump in on that show. I tried, and I was in way over my head.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 17:59 (nineteen years ago) link

I wish that the box sets weren't so expensive, though. I'd probably buy them if they were more like $30 or $40 instead of $100. I mean, I will probably buy them, just not any time soon on my current income.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Monday, 21 March 2005 18:00 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I was very lucky to have someone send me half the first season on tape I managed to watch all of that in about two days and now I'm never getting rid of this monkey.

Austin, Still (Austin, Still), Monday, 21 March 2005 18:02 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...
Anyone know anywhere on the webs to pick up the third season? I can't WAIT.

Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Thursday, 23 June 2005 18:17 (nineteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
You can find season 3 at Pirate Bay.

I really liked this show. A whole lot. But didn't anyone else think it was a little too, I don't, Tom Waitsy? Like they were trying to turn Baltimore into New Orleans, a super-colorful gothic place that's full of really colorful eccentrics. And sure, Baltimore is pretty interesting, but come on. I had exactly the same problem with Homicide.

McNulty accent was pretty awful too, especially compared to Stringer Bell's. Everytime he'd really try to put on a Baltimore accent (by saying "Bawmore" or whatever), I winced.

Chris H. (chrisherbert), Thursday, 7 July 2005 23:51 (nineteen years ago) link

i'm finishing up season 2 right now and am kinda disappointed with it after loving season 1. it's funny though how many of the cop actors in "the wire" were previously playing junkies and crackheads in "the corner" mini-series (which i think might be superior to the wire, as far as being a slice of "baltimore reality" goes. but then it is based on true story...)

Ô¿Ô (eman), Friday, 8 July 2005 01:08 (nineteen years ago) link

Season 3 is probably the worst of the three. Partly cause it's the whole Hamsterdam subplot is overtly political and a little hard to believe.

Oh yeah, and the sex scenes! WHY?! It's you're watching a nice, realistic drama then bam, cinemax style softcore.

Chris H. (chrisherbert), Friday, 8 July 2005 04:27 (nineteen years ago) link

goddamit fuck. i'll still rent it though.

Ô¿Ô (eman), Friday, 8 July 2005 04:44 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh yeah, it's worth renting. No question.

Chris H. (chrisherbert), Friday, 8 July 2005 04:53 (nineteen years ago) link

oh my god! i just realised prez is the elevator dude in hudsucker proxy!

that is so cool.

Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Friday, 8 July 2005 05:11 (nineteen years ago) link

season 1 was OK at parts, kinda patchy i thought. but season 2 was great, although i didn't like it at all in the beginning. it definitely grew on me though and surpassed season 1.
i missed season 3 when it came out and am now following the weekly reruns on hbo2 (wed. nights). so far it is pretty yawny, but it seems they all start out that way. interested to see how it transpires each week ... or may lose patience and download the whole season 3 off bit-Torr.

omar is pretty SIC-WID-IT though.

leonard (tk), Friday, 8 July 2005 05:15 (nineteen years ago) link

I've seen them all in a row up through midway through season 3 (currently being rerun on Wednesdays on HBO2) and seriously I have no complaints. There are maybe a couple inconcruous sex scenes, but I don't know, sometimes the show needs some bit of sexiness or levity because so much of everything else in it is pretty dead serious.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Friday, 8 July 2005 13:07 (nineteen years ago) link

Dude, I laugh a LOT while watching The Wire. The Moving the Desk scene, to take one brilliant example. Snot Boogie. Drunk Driving through the underpass...

I guess a lot of it happens in the pre credit sequence.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Saturday, 9 July 2005 01:54 (nineteen years ago) link

Okay, the sex scenes can be forgiven or explained away, but Lt. Daniels has his shirt off through half the third season, and he looks like a GI Joe man. Or D'Angelo in that video. He's absurdly ripped, and looks like he's done a 45 minute workout before filming the scenes. I dunno, it distracted me, that's all.

Chris H. (chrisherbert), Saturday, 9 July 2005 02:29 (nineteen years ago) link

He's estranged from his wife, so he's gotta do something to work out that excess energy.

Actually, I find the softcore pretty distracting and not (usually) revelatory of any character or plot stuff, so I have a theory it's all just part of HBO's attempt to keep a minimum tits per hour average on their original shows.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Saturday, 9 July 2005 02:49 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I was kinda "whoa" when Daniels was topless - I figured he'd be skinny, not totally ripped.

Any time sex on the Wire borders on gratuitous, it's always McNulty. And it's usually funny.

And yeah, there's a lot of wit in The Wire. Just not a lot of slapstick.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 9 July 2005 15:29 (nineteen years ago) link

Hey, imagine getting that memo: "Love the show, but please add more titties."

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Saturday, 9 July 2005 15:30 (nineteen years ago) link

The rumors say there will be a lot less McNutty in S4. Whatsisname's movie career is getting big, and the character was busted back to beat cop anyway so he can't be working any big cases. He'll supposedly show up for a cameo in a few episodes, but not part of the main ensemble.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Saturday, 9 July 2005 15:58 (nineteen years ago) link

That could be a good thing. I like McNulty fine, but the renegade-cop shtick is one of the few gratuitous cliches on the show.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Saturday, 9 July 2005 16:36 (nineteen years ago) link

There should be more scenes with Carver and Herc! There's something very captivating about Carv, I dont know how to explain it. I just want to see more of him. Also, that scene(s) with him and Herc when they talk about what man, if they had to, they'd sleep with, is so very classic.

And it's essential they find a way to add Omar to the storyline for next season.

Lovelace (Lovelace), Saturday, 9 July 2005 20:52 (nineteen years ago) link

They should subcontract Omar to other series and movies. He's such a great character, he could just kind of turn up here and there, do his thing, move on.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Saturday, 9 July 2005 21:15 (nineteen years ago) link

a friend thinks that bunk and lester should get their own show where they solve a new crime every week. amazing.

mcnulty might be the most cliched thing to you, gypsy, but he's also one of the most reality-based characters on the show! he's ed burns.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Saturday, 9 July 2005 21:54 (nineteen years ago) link

He might be reality-based, but his clashes with the brass started to seem kinda Dirty Harry-ish.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Saturday, 9 July 2005 22:06 (nineteen years ago) link

If I could make one request for season 4, it would be PLEASE MORE FREAMON AND PREZ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Sunday, 10 July 2005 00:44 (nineteen years ago) link

I think McNulty is a great character, but I think most all of them are great characters. Herc and Carver's old-married-couple routines are definitely a comic highlight of the show, though.

Personally, I hope they find some way to keep Cutty in the mix - that guy is fascinating. I'd like to see Zig and Nick and Horseface and the Greek and other guys from the docks come back, too, but I guess they've been pretty well dropped.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Sunday, 10 July 2005 00:59 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...
I just finished Season 3, and I have to say I think it leaves the other two seasons, good as they were, in the shade. There's just so much payoff. Long-term payoff. Arcs whose parabolas have taken three years to reach their zenith and then fall spiralling inevitably towards the flames. What's there left to do? Plenty, I guess. But to me the show's heart was always the Barksdale crew. The scene with Stringer (can words to justice to Elba's portrayal?), Avon (who to me bears an eerie resemblance to Brad Pitt; I think it's because he looks like he could smuggle rodents in his constantly flexing jaws) and Brianna (the incredible Michael Hyatt), where they discuss the circumstances of D'Angelo's death, plays deeper than anything else in the three seasons of the show, in part because it's had three season's worth of build-up to get to that point. The core of the crew is in the crucible there, you can see it in the picture made by the actors in the room, you can feel it in their performances, and you can see the results in every aspect of the plot thereafter.

The cops, on the other hand, have never seemed too serious to me. They've never had a scene like that. Sure, there have been steely-eyed threats, hurled recriminations, long friendships put at risk, but the "game" is something the cops can dip out of -- to the extent that they turn off their cell phones -- any time they want. Even to the most "natural police," as the show puts it, their jobs, and the relationships in their jobs, matter, but only so much. Which probably reflects reality, to an extent. Bayliss and Pembleton cared so much they almost drove themselves off the deep end; these police seem a little more balanced. But less interesting.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 03:59 (eighteen years ago) link

the "game" is something the cops can dip out of -- to the extent that they turn off their cell phones -- any time they want

You're giving pretty short shrift to a McNulty who recruits his own kids for subject surveillance!

rogermexico (rogermexico), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 05:41 (eighteen years ago) link

Which isn't a slam on the actors. The cop roles just don't seem like they have the same stakes to them. DRINKING GAME: Every shit-eating grin out of McNulty one drink; every seen-it-all shrug from Kima one drink (with eye-roll, drink from the bottle); every exasperated sigh from Kima's partner... well, okay, the stakes were always pretty high with her. Too high. But she wasn't a cop! The theory holds!

xpost haha yeah, but McNulty caught hell for it, cause he's an outrageous dick.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 05:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Why the hell am I so stilted writing about this show??

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:06 (eighteen years ago) link

awesome tracer! i'm impressed that you watched season three in like three days! the avon/stringer/briana scene was amazing, as was avon and stringer on the balcony overlooking the harbor.

and prez. poor poor prez.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link

and CUTTY!!! so cute!

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link

What do y'all think about the City Hall dimension of the show, which has gotten more significant every year, the council and mayoral politics, etc? I'm of two minds about it because on the one hand it's sort of amazing to find a TV show taking that stuff seriously and showing some level of sophistication about it, but on the other hand the show (which I guess means the writers) seem a little less sure-footed there than on the street. The political consultant dragon lady, e.g., doesn't really convince me.

I'd like to see a City Hall show written by someone who knows City Hall as well as Simon knows cops and robbers. But maybe I'd be the only one who watched it.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Also, did anyone see the NYT article a while back about how Baltimore's new police chief has a stepdaughter who's a junkie prostitute? It was a really sad story, and sounded exactly like a "Wire" storyline.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link

i love that aspect of the show, especially as it expounds on the wire's obvious power theory obsession. unfortunately i cannot say how realistic it is, but based on homicide (the book) and the articles i've read about city government, it seems fairly on point. supposedly the fourth season will focus on the city government and its relationship to the schools.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link

I think it gets the broad strokes right, the way the power relationships work and everything, it's just that the details seem a little less convincing than the details of the police work and the gangs. The characters are a little more stock, and their motivations are less complex. But that could be because they've been relatively minor characters so far, maybe in a season that focuses more on the bureaucracy, we'll get more interesting bureaucrats.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:38 (eighteen years ago) link

(and I think focusing on the school system is a great idea)

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:40 (eighteen years ago) link

I didn't see that article. The show has been threatening to follow the money since Season 1, and you're right, it definitely seems to be headed that way. They even added a totally gratuitous meeting between Cutty/Dennis and Daniels' wife in what I hope is a sprinkling of the chess pieces around the board for an epic corruption showdown in Season 4. Does anybody even remember now how the hell they got together? Dennis even asks Burrell -- why are you doing this? -- and see, now I can't remember. That's what happens when you totally pig out on like three episodes a night, I guess. Stuff falls through the cracks.

xpost to jamz -- yeah! The black councilman is running for mayor on an education platform, and the white councilman is running on crime, right? The white councilman is a great character, you never quite know where he's coming from. He seems like he's got real decency under there, but there are ominous signs... the moral triage of politics comes a little too naturally to him, and his vanity is well-documented. The revelation of Hamsterdam was a moment of moral choice for him and he wrestles with it -- use it to his campaign's advantage, or follow his conscience? He's told: "You've been dealt a winning hand and it's like you forgot how to play!" but he remembers how to play at the end, and I wonder if it's the first step down a long, venal road.

The other big indicator that 4 will be all about the money, or at least the politics, as that Clay Davis remains unconscionably un-comeuppanced.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:45 (eighteen years ago) link

p.s. I wonder if Simon knows George Somerby, the man who writes The Daily Howler? Somerby taught in Baltimore for years and has long excoriated everyone whose lapels he can grab about how they've failed kids in city schools.. to the point where he's now explicitly changing the mission of the Howler to focus on education

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link

BUNNY COLVIN!!! How awesome a character was he?

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 17:26 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, he's one of the cops to whom things actually mean something other than ego or advancement or lack of anything else to do. And what a face!!

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 20:18 (eighteen years ago) link

Lt. Daniels has his shirt off through half the third season, and he looks like a GI Joe man

Lance Reddick rules. He ruled on Oz too.

I saw him running at the dog park a few weeks back. Intimidating! But sporting the tall man's tell-tale knee braces.

And, in the hidden indicators department, he's done time in Rochester. Eastman School on his resume.

rogermexico (rogermexico), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 21:24 (eighteen years ago) link

Apparently the 'arc' narrative of the fourth season is going to be following four middle school students through a school year. I forget where I read that, but it was linked from a Televisiowithoutpity.com forum. Sounds good to me. I'd like to hear back (somehow) from the Sobotka family or otherwise somehow get back to the docks. Vondas is still supplying Proposition Joe, right? That could do it.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 26 October 2005 22:02 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...
First off, this Ed Burns interview about season four is amazing, and shows how aware the creators are of the power theory/class questions of the Wire. (Of course they are but it was nice to hear them spelled out.)

Secondly, last week thanks to the transit strike and me spending Christmas in New York, I rewatched the first season and am mid-way through the second. Just so so good. So many things I had forgotten, and some little tidbits in the early going that showed the uncertainty that it began with. Things like:

1) Omar curses in the first episode
2) Stringer SMOKING in the first episode (no way would he ever smoke)
3) McNulty's British accent is sooooo apparent in the earlygoing

Anyway, I'm just convinced more and more everyday how genius this show is/was.

Also, has anyone else seen Cutty in those Cheerios commercials? And last night I saw D'Angelo's mom in an episode of West Wing!

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 18:03 (eighteen years ago) link

Secondly, last week thanks to the transit strike and me spending Christmas in New York, I rewatched the first season and am mid-way through the second.

This sentence is true of me as well. Yancey, are you me?

Paul Eater (eater), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 19:05 (eighteen years ago) link

if only i could be so lucky!

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 19:12 (eighteen years ago) link


On the second viewing, I found myself more impressed by the skillful long-arc structuring, but slightly more annoyed by the couple of actors for whom I can't quite suspend disbelief. Frank Sobotka in particular makes me picture the script, and the camera, and the audition, and generally the actor trotting around the Upper West Side with a latte and a copy of Backstage.

Paul Eater (eater), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 19:29 (eighteen years ago) link

I thought the guy playing Sobotka was very believable!

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 19:32 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, I realize that I'm in the minority. Kima is the only other one who bugs me a little.

Paul Eater (eater), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 19:38 (eighteen years ago) link

I love all the Sobotkas.


Austin Still (Austin, Still), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 22:47 (eighteen years ago) link

Kima is somewhat unbelievable at times, and sometimes Omar is a little over the top, but Sobotka was totally real to me.

Scott CE (Scott CE), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 22:50 (eighteen years ago) link

Omar's over-the-top-ness is what makes him so fun.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 23:26 (eighteen years ago) link

Secondly, last week thanks to the transit strike and me spending Christmas in New York, I rewatched the first season and am mid-way through the second.
This sentence is true of me as well. Yancey, are you me?

Hey you guys are me wtf cut it out I'm me

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 23:58 (eighteen years ago) link

wait, is Season 3 out on DVD yet (didn't find anything on amazon.com)?

alex in montreal (alex in montreal), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link

season three comes out this summer, apparently. which means season four will start in august or september. i bought a burned copy of season three online for about $10. sucks to pay someone for piracy, but i couldn't stand not being able to rewatch it...

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Bring it over to my house! I don't have HBO, I haven't seen any of season 2, and summer is too far away. I need it NOW.

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:58 (eighteen years ago) link

Season 3 is just starting again on HBO Zone, if you've got a good HBO package.

Yeah, season 4 is debuting in the fall of 06.

HBO for 06:

March - May: The Sopranos / Big Love

July - September: Deadwood / Entourage

September - November: The Wire

Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 16:51 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm interviewing writer-producer George P. Pelecanos on MLK Day in D.C. Anyone have any questions for him?

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Thursday, 29 December 2005 23:03 (eighteen years ago) link

You can smell Sobotka's armpits thru the tv screen. I like that.

My favorite is Bunk.

[use of street parade as pivotal set piece] (nordicskilla), Thursday, 29 December 2005 23:07 (eighteen years ago) link

The Deadwood/Wire combo will keep me happy for almost half the year, then. 2006 is looking up.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Thursday, 29 December 2005 23:10 (eighteen years ago) link

I never finished the third season, ironically. I've been hoping for a longass time that the DVDs would just come out, but I'm thinking of downloading them shits as time goes on.

I GUARONTEE ::cajun voice:: (Adrian Langston), Thursday, 29 December 2005 23:20 (eighteen years ago) link

I meant I hadn't seen any of season 3. Sheesh. No small-motor control.

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Thursday, 29 December 2005 23:26 (eighteen years ago) link

one month passes...
just finished watching season one. best tv show ever.

hstencil (hstencil), Friday, 24 February 2006 16:49 (eighteen years ago) link

agreed. i've only watched to the end of season 2, via netflix, and it gets better and better. complete pwnage of all other tv, in my opinion.

tobo (tobo), Friday, 24 February 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link

only things:

1. it woulda been cool if d'angelo's mom was introduced a little bit earlier, but oh well.
2. beginning of last episode - scene with lt. daniels and mcnulty in the hospital is, aside from daniels' closing lines, pretty terrible.

starting season 2 next week!

hstencil (hstencil), Friday, 24 February 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
SPOT ON. The fuck did I do?

For all the seriousness, this show gets hilarious in a "jokes between friends" sort of a way. See Omar and McNutty clothes shopping. "Well...It's a look." "No it ain't."

I don't really have anything to add to what everyone else has said except OOOH. I had no idea Dominic West was English, but I knew Idris was. I've seen him on the telly. He was great in that show with Miles (Jack Davenport, I mean) that was about vampires except it wasn't.

Oh, inDEED. I am desperate to get season 3, having only watched the first two. I'm downloading it, but only at speeds I haven't witnessed since the 90s.

This show makes me want to drink. Always.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:03 (eighteen years ago) link

I just dled S3 myself. I'm still seeding, too!

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:20 (eighteen years ago) link

Did it take you 50 days? Ha.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:33 (eighteen years ago) link

About four, but it was aa 4 gig file!

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:34 (eighteen years ago) link

So when is this supposed to be on again, anyway? I swear I saw some teaser last year that said "March 2006" but I guess not.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:35 (eighteen years ago) link

argh - website sez "Production is about to begin on THE WIRE's next season. Stay tuned for more updates about the upcoming season four."

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:40 (eighteen years ago) link

tracer deadwood's next season is after sopranos takes it's break so my guess is around august/september which since it's focusing on the schools next season makes nice timing. still haven't seen s3 yet - i missed the first month and it's not a show you can just pick up on in the middle really.

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 17 March 2006 02:54 (eighteen years ago) link

FIE. I'm jealous of your not having watched S3. (I liked it a lot better than 2.)

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 17 March 2006 03:32 (eighteen years ago) link

I am Ned now, apparently.

Tracer Hand ;) (tracerhand), Friday, 17 March 2006 03:50 (eighteen years ago) link

"still haven't seen s3 yet - i missed the first month and it's not a show you can just pick up on in the middle really."

pretty much the same for me, i caught the first few eps and then missed one or two, which was enough for me to write it off until i could see the whole thing at once. which still hasn't happened.

also it really embarasses me whenever this thread is bumped :'(

I literally just finished watching Season 3 about three minutes ago and now a thread pops up. Weird.

I started watching this show about a month ago on DVD and picked up season 3 on bittorrent. Now I've watched all three seasons over the course of the month.

I really didn't like the first six episodes or so of season 1. The dialogue seemed like forced, hardboiled verite bullshit. But the last half of season 1 and then season 2 and 3 were so goddamned brilliant. I'm really glad I stuck through it because I personally believe this is one of the best shows in the history of television.

I mean, all you can really ask of art is that it change the way you think a bit and make you reconsider your perspective on the shape of the world, and it might sound corny but this show has been a big deal for me.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Friday, 17 March 2006 09:01 (eighteen years ago) link

Maybe I just need torrent advice. I dunno. I can't seem to use anything without sucking up all the broadband power we have, and it still doesn't dl very fast...


Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Friday, 17 March 2006 12:22 (eighteen years ago) link

All three seasons begin slowly, and then you feel them kick into high gear about halfway through (the drunk driving/Pogues moment in Season 2, the establishment of "Amsterdam" in Season 3), and they usually have Pelecanos write that episode.

I think this series has a lot to say about what's going on in Iraq, especially Season 3.

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Saturday, 18 March 2006 01:28 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm almost dying to see Season 3! I didn't feel this at the end of the first season, but there seems to be some inevitable things set up at the end of the second and I need to see that shit happen (Stringer's gonna get GOT).

I'm going to leave my computer on for a month if I have to.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Saturday, 18 March 2006 01:33 (eighteen years ago) link

I also can't stop laughing, and wanting to say, "them shits" in every sentence.

"I wiped them shits down" "I need to hear them shits" "nah, fuck those shits"

It's just so much funnier in plural.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Saturday, 18 March 2006 01:54 (eighteen years ago) link

Just started the third Season and I don't know if it was the withdrawal (rented Season 1 and 2 back-to-back last summer), but my mind is blown and every crap show I've watched in the past months is gone from my head. Not too sure I'm keen on the new version of the theme, though.

I'm about 5 eps in, but I love the storyline involving that old dude that just got out of jail. I have no idea where this is heading, but fuckin' superb. Councilman Carcetti is also a great addition.

alex in montreal (alex in montreal), Tuesday, 28 March 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link

I just watched the 3rd series! I think downloading it all at once spoilt me and I really need to watch through again though, at a slower pace (ie, not in one day and an evening).

I had trouble with Carcetti, because I kept thinking he'd just slip back in to being the dude from Queer Is Folk, like it was a secret he was hiding. Ha.

Knowing the next series is about the school system, it's interesting to see (what I think might be) them setting up characters I imagine will be involved in that (Cutty and the boxing gym, very young kids in seemingly prominent positions on Marlos crew, the kid with Bubbs at the end?). I know there's been those sorts of characters throughout, but I kept thinking these were the main angles that would be taken for that next season. I wouldn't be surprised if I was completely wrong, though.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Tuesday, 28 March 2006 18:23 (eighteen years ago) link

There's also the principal from the gymnasium.

Is there ever going to be a season that doesn't end with a montage of pictures being removed from the pinboard?

polyphonic (polyphonic), Tuesday, 28 March 2006 18:30 (eighteen years ago) link

I hope not.

I saw Peter Geraty (the judge) in "The Lieutenant of Inishmore" on Sunday night at the Atlantic Theater, playing a roaring bastard of an alcoholic father.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 28 March 2006 19:07 (eighteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
Zsiggy Sobatka prevents a rape.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Friday, 21 April 2006 13:03 (eighteen years ago) link


you done good zig.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Friday, 21 April 2006 13:18 (eighteen years ago) link

Ziggy's duck is so sad.

Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Friday, 21 April 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link


Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 21 April 2006 14:34 (eighteen years ago) link

What was up with the "pretending to pull out the gun" part, though? That's not really explained.

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 21 April 2006 14:36 (eighteen years ago) link

i met him, recently. good for zig.

hstencil (hstencil), Friday, 21 April 2006 14:43 (eighteen years ago) link

Goddamn it, when is season 3 coming out on DVD?

Scott CE (Scott CE), Friday, 21 April 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link

i've got it in my netflix queue (sp?), but they don't provide a release date. not sure where else to look. anyone?

tobo (tobo), Friday, 21 April 2006 14:59 (eighteen years ago) link

It's stories like this that remind me not all celebrities live in their own fantasy world. For every Britney Spears and Sharon Stone, there's a James Ransone who chases down criminals and excessively beats them with metal bars.

Previous Entries
» Kevin Federline and Kidd Kraddick Dance Off
» Sharon Stone is the best mom ever
» Britney Spears still really attractive
» Nicole Kidman wants a Catholic wedding
» Britney Spears pisses off little people

dave's good arm (facsimile) (dave225.3), Friday, 21 April 2006 15:01 (eighteen years ago) link


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Friday, 21 April 2006 15:01 (eighteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
Television taught me to be cynical about street-level arrests.

Paul Eater (eater), Friday, 12 May 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link

It turns out I work for the woman who made all those impossible Wire quizzes on the HBO site! I told her she was cruel. She said she just did it because she hated her job and wanted to lash out.

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link

That is crazy, though, Paul. It echoes Season 3 to a T. You have to wonder about the bigger fish this bust put out of reach.

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:21 (eighteen years ago) link

That is a bummer to read. Any possibility the dealers were actually inspired by the show?

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:29 (eighteen years ago) link

Is anyone in the UK watching this? It's on cable channel FX (Fox sci-fi and drama) but I haven't seen it yet. Charlie Brooker called it the best programme ever made, and he is not the sort to exaggerate, much.

Konal Doddz (blueski), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:36 (eighteen years ago) link

Any idea which season they're showing over there, Konal M?

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:39 (eighteen years ago) link

no but it can be found out i expect. are they up to season three now? didn't hear about it until recently. Brooker (on his BBC4 show) spoiled things a bit by talking about what's happened up to this point but brief enough to make watching still worthwhile i'm sure.

Konal Doddz (blueski), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:41 (eighteen years ago) link

Season 3 ended around 17 months ago. Season 4 kicks up in the fall, I think.

Austin Still (Austin, Still), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:47 (eighteen years ago) link

COMMISSIONER: Ladies and gentlemen, what you see on the table in front of you represents our department's answer to a culture of death and drugs. And when an officer falls in this war, others stand ready and carry the fight to the very doorstep of those responsible. Now this is only the beginning, I can assure you. But today, a message has been sent. And believe me, this message is being heard loud and clear, by all those who seek profit and power in the importation and sale of illegal drugs.

Paul Eater (eater), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link

Cue Bunk and McNulty cursing and throwing their casefiles across the room.

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 12 May 2006 14:57 (eighteen years ago) link

"A Guided Tour Of The Wire's East Baltimore"


The other day I rode the bus that cuts up north on Gay St. and goes by that American Brewery Bldg and marveled at how insane that building is, it's really beautiful. Had no idea that was the sniper location in Homicide

(as a sidenote, the bus I was on had Blood and Crip graffiti, like "6 poppin 5 droppin" and "Crips 4 Life" and that was all x'd out with Blood stuff and B with an arrow up and C with an arrow down and "5 poppin 6 droppin." The strangest one was a five-pointed star with B-L-O-O-D at each point, and there was also a six-pointed star with a 6 in the middle. I guess Bloods are 5 and Crips are 6? Looked like weird occult stuff almost.)

Q('.'Q) (eman), Wednesday, 24 May 2006 21:54 (eighteen years ago) link

Really interesting article, just kind of silly in its hand-wringing over "tourism." Exploring poor and unfamiliar neighborhoods is part of being alive and loving cities. And is there a single actual former or current resident of the Lower 9th Ward who resents people going there to see the disaster? These strike me as news editors' conceits.

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Thursday, 25 May 2006 18:45 (eighteen years ago) link

Goddamn it, when is season 3 coming out on DVD?

-- Scott CE (sceldre...), April 21st, 2006 11:55 AM. (Scott CE)


Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 01:18 (eighteen years ago) link

hexagram = gangsta disciples/folks (rock blue + mix with crips) + pitchfork/three fingers. don't you listen to rap?

333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 02:40 (eighteen years ago) link

six stars and they shine so bright
disrespect my organization and you dyin tonight
take flight to chicago and visit the wild 100s
murders, dopedealin, kidnappins, we done done it
set larry hoover free, that's on a g, my nigga
six poppin, five droppin
we some brothers of the struggle.

333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 02:41 (eighteen years ago) link

now we gon start with the southside
where gds and bds and blackstones don't coincide
so, let me be your tour guide
so, when you in a certain area you will know what that hood ride
now let's start with the vulture
where folks throw up the fork sign to niggas they know they close to
at 49th and state some mingle
but just a few buildings north you got bds throwin three fingers
they call that the low
but back on 53rd and state them mcs be running the whole

333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 02:43 (eighteen years ago) link

is rap still alive?

Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Goddamn it, when is season 3 coming out on DVD?
-- Scott CE (sceldre...), April 21st, 2006 11:55 AM. (Scott CE)

I would like to reiterate this question, though I would like to add a "the fuck" after "when" and a "motherfucking" after "is."

Scott CE (Scott CE), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:44 (eighteen years ago) link

dk thats dope that you know DA Smart. Those Chi Bangin CDs are classic.

deej.. (deej..), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:50 (eighteen years ago) link

I met this dude a couple months ago who was a friend of william upski wimsatt, the cat who wrote 'bomb the suburbs' and 'no more prisons.' He was telling me about how when Upski went through his 'jew power' phase or whatever he would wear this chain with a star of david around his neck, and he was visiting this guy and he was flipping out, like "William, you can't wear that shit around here!"

deej.. (deej..), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:53 (eighteen years ago) link

You know Jiggs & Cheeks? (off topic)

deej.. (deej..), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:55 (eighteen years ago) link

lol Scott

in answer to dk, if not having the foggiest idea what those lyrics are from = not a rap listener, then guilty as charged

Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:57 (eighteen years ago) link

the first one i had to google and DK's blog came up...its some obscure Z-Ro track. The second one is D.A. Smart, who's from Chicago.

deej.. (deej..), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:58 (eighteen years ago) link

(Wild 100s is the far south side, as in 100th street - the El stops running at 79th so its the farrrr south side. I have a friend from down there who i barely ever see.)

deej.. (deej..), Friday, 26 May 2006 03:59 (eighteen years ago) link

i thought Z-Ro was Houston, not Chicago

Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 04:24 (eighteen years ago) link

that's the only d.a. smart track i know! that's a great song, though. i put it on a cd i made for ethan.

and it was mr 3-2, not z-ro! z-ro is nominally a crip, mostly out of affil with s.l.a.b. and all the old s.u.c. dudes.

333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 04:32 (eighteen years ago) link


totally bizarre, ro claiming 5-2 hoover and everyhting but being famous for rollin one deep/can't trust nobody/i'm my own gang raps!

333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 04:34 (eighteen years ago) link

i put my trust is no man, only my motherfuckin block
cause she ain't never let me down before
fuck a gang, i follow my bitch cause she be bustin rounds for ro
unlike my homies cause they phony than a motherfucker
even my broad cause she might be fuckin another brother


333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 04:35 (eighteen years ago) link


333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 04:39 (eighteen years ago) link

oh and i want to mention da vinci's inquest here cause i love it and i just watched the last episode. it works with the same sort of ideas the same way, especially the last few seasons, municipal politics + a failed community + focusing on the people pitted against each other.

333333333333 (33333), Friday, 26 May 2006 04:43 (eighteen years ago) link

Goddamn it, when is season 3 coming out on DVD?


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Friday, 26 May 2006 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link

0 seeds in 0 peers

Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 12:14 (eighteen years ago) link

The DVDs are coming out first week in August, I think. I worked on the DVD production, and they've been done for a long while-- HBO's been sitting on them until now, for whatever reason.

antexit (antexit), Friday, 26 May 2006 13:03 (eighteen years ago) link

Well, Deadwood 2 DVD is just coming out now, only a couple weeks before Deadwood 3 starts airing. So, take that as a hint.
they've been done for a long while-- HBO's been sitting on them until now, for whatever reason.

i knew it! i guess season 4 airs soon after, is that why they are waiting? otherwise wtffffff

Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 22:04 (eighteen years ago) link

and that is dope btw antexit, i envy your job

also this is worth linking to:

Darkroom Productions Takes Baltimore Hip-Hop From Hamsterdam To Hollywood


Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 22:08 (eighteen years ago) link


(are these going to be mpeg files or what? probably some format that can't play on my comp.)

Q('.'Q) (eman), Friday, 26 May 2006 22:14 (eighteen years ago) link

when I dled s3 it was divx.
yeah season 4 starts in September and I think the season 3 DVDs will be out around the same time, shooting just wrapped a couple weeks ago. I'm finally just about caught up with every past episode, so I'm pretty hyped about the new season, also because I know a ton of people (including Darkroom) who either did music for the new season or have small acting roles in it.

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Saturday, 27 May 2006 01:18 (eighteen years ago) link

would dimensions in music have that hamsterdam mix for sale? or mondawmin mall?

Q('.'Q) (eman), Saturday, 27 May 2006 01:38 (eighteen years ago) link

I dunno, I haven't seen it in either of those places. you can get it from Darkroom's site, though:

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Saturday, 27 May 2006 04:10 (eighteen years ago) link

(are these going to be mpeg files or what? probably some format that can't play on my comp.)


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Saturday, 27 May 2006 12:41 (eighteen years ago) link

tried that, there was no sound and the picture was messed up

Q('.'Q) (eman), Saturday, 27 May 2006 17:46 (eighteen years ago) link

it it completely downloaded? apologies if you know this already, but torrents can't be watched if they're only partially downloaded.

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Saturday, 27 May 2006 18:51 (eighteen years ago) link

last night i bro'd down with ziggy. as weird a guy as he seemed on the show.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Saturday, 27 May 2006 20:25 (eighteen years ago) link

shit i'll try it again - xpost

Q('.'Q) (eman), Saturday, 27 May 2006 23:18 (eighteen years ago) link

good 2 go, tnx doods! way waaay better than season 2 so far

Q('.'Q) (eman), Monday, 29 May 2006 22:43 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm quite new to The Wire, having gone out on a limb and bought seasons one and two on dvd in April and completely pigging out on them. I'm now absolutely obsessed with it and find myself urging people to watch it and scoffing at their ignorance of what has to be the finest television series if not ever, at least this century so far. I'm a massive Sopranos fan too, but I have to say that this has it beat.

I'm currently watching the re-runs of season three on FX and I'm two episodes away from the end. Fuck knows what I'm going to do without it! I love the way that even the smallest, most peripheral characters (Butchie, Landsman, Clay Davis) are so well fleshed out and even though you know very little about them, their motivations are so clear and believable.

Each scene is a work of genius (maybe I'm piling on the hyperbole, but hey, fuck it), but if I had to pick a favourite, it's Omar in court in season two ("I shot the boy Mike-Mike in his hindparts") when he completely turns the cross-examination on Levy. Priceless. Also, in season three when Cutty is telling Avon that he's leaving the game brought a lump to my throat.

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

yer mam! (yer mam!), Sunday, 11 June 2006 12:52 (eighteen years ago) link

> if I had to pick a favourite, it's Omar in court in season two

I also love the aftermath of that scene.

McNulty: "You really see Bird shoot that man?"

Omar: "You really asking?"

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 11 June 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link

Cutty is so awesome in a Jerome Bettis kinda way.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Sunday, 11 June 2006 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link

i'm starting to watch season 3 a second time, its my favorite so far. i like the guy marlow and the dudes under him, their characters are really understated and believable. how is season 4 gonna top this?

Q('.'Q) (eman), Sunday, 11 June 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link

OTM about Marlo. That scene where the girl that Avon's sent is coming on to him is brilliant. The level of paranoia that's in his head really comes through in the guy's performance. Scary stuff.

yer mam! (yer mam!), Sunday, 11 June 2006 17:23 (eighteen years ago) link

Just noticed that the season 3 opening theme is by the Neville Brothers. the end credits music is dope, I never really get tired of hearing it.

Q('.'Q) (eman), Monday, 12 June 2006 01:51 (eighteen years ago) link

"got that WMD right chea, right chea"

Q('.'Q) (eman), Wednesday, 14 June 2006 01:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Back in SEPTEMBER?!?!?

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Friday, 23 June 2006 12:47 (eighteen years ago) link

"this..is bullllllllshit."


XD (eman), Saturday, 24 June 2006 00:08 (eighteen years ago) link

If Prez is back, does that mean they're going to find a (logical) way to shoehorn McNulty in, as well? I certainly hope so.

I'm gonna go re-read Savage Inequalities and get myself pumped up for this season. I think it might just piss me off as much as it entertains me.

Deric W. Haircare (Deric W. Haircare), Saturday, 24 June 2006 02:11 (eighteen years ago) link

just seeing this thread gets me amped.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Saturday, 24 June 2006 06:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Wouldn't McNulty being on the beat in the Western put him right in the middle of Marlo's operation?

I just want to be sure that Bodie is back. I see Herc is now on Entourage, so I guess he isn't.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Saturday, 24 June 2006 08:12 (eighteen years ago) link

Why wouldn't he be?

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Saturday, 24 June 2006 10:43 (eighteen years ago) link

Fuck! I'm in the UK and I'm completely obsessed with The Wire. Anyone have any idea when we're going to get it over here. I'd venture to say it will probably be about January.

yer mam! (yer mam!), Saturday, 24 June 2006 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link


theantmustdance (theantmustdance), Saturday, 24 June 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link

I prefer Azureus, but yeah.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Saturday, 24 June 2006 11:43 (eighteen years ago) link

Cheers, but my computer doesn't seem to like torrents. Gonna have to wait.

yer mam! (yer mam!), Saturday, 24 June 2006 11:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Season 4, Episode 1: Boys of Summer
Season 4, Episode 2: Soft Eyes
Season 4, Episode 3: Episode #4.3
Season 4, Episode 4: Refugees
10 September 2006
Season 4, Episode 5: Alliances
Season 4, Episode 6: Episode #4.6
Season 4, Episode 7: Unto Others
November 2006
Season 4, Episode 8: Corner Boys
Season 4, Episode 9: Know Your Place
Season 4, Episode 10: Misgivings
Season 4, Episode 11: A New Day
Season 4, Episode 12: That's Got His Own
Season 4, Episode 13: Final Grades

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Saturday, 24 June 2006 11:54 (eighteen years ago) link

The nice folks at HBO sent out the first six episodes of "The Wire" season four (back in September!),

is this true? someone should really leak those episodes right now.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Saturday, 24 June 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link

the wire forum on hbo's site is kinda crazy

XD (eman), Saturday, 24 June 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link

there's threads with david simon from the end of each season - definitely worth reading.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Saturday, 24 June 2006 14:59 (eighteen years ago) link

I just want to be sure that Bodie is back. I see Herc is now on Entourage, so I guess he isn't.

I don't know about Bodie but Herc is supposedly seen in the Season 4 teaser

XD (eman), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:00 (eighteen years ago) link

13 episodes? That's really unlikely - HBO does 12 episode seasons now.

Matthew Perpetua! (Matthew Perpetua!), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:26 (eighteen years ago) link

Also, there's no way those episodes could have been season 4 - it didn't start shooting until 2006.

Matthew Perpetua! (Matthew Perpetua!), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:27 (eighteen years ago) link

Okay, I'm slightly wrong, but mainly right: it began shooting in late 05, but there's little chance that they had anything remotely completely in September 05.

Matthew Perpetua! (Matthew Perpetua!), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link

I think he meant that it's back on tv in September, not that he received them in September '05. That's how I read it anyway.

yer mam! (yer mam!), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:37 (eighteen years ago) link

one thing i never get about this show--and i say this as a complete and total fan--is how people bend over backwards saying how "realisitic" it is. i mean, it is, comparatively, with almost everything else on tv. but plenty of the scenes and set-ups are totally contrived, the acting can be hammy, there's more speechifying than ever goes on in real life, and whoever upthread was way on the money when they said there was a certain "no chief, YOU'RE out of order" quality about mcnulty.

that said, best show on tv.

Bea Arthur - Lost COmic GEnius ? (dubplatestyle), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:54 (eighteen years ago) link

and of course, it means much more to me now. "aw look, that junkie is leaning on a city paper box."

we were petitioning my boss for a while to buy the orange couch in a charity auction but he wouldnt go for it.

Bea Arthur - Lost COmic GEnius ? (dubplatestyle), Saturday, 24 June 2006 15:55 (eighteen years ago) link


Perpetua, are you referring to the episode list? I knicked it off IMDB, and it says 2006, when they're meant to be airing (the ones they have dates for).

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Saturday, 24 June 2006 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link

From HBO: With the Barksdale investigation concluded, the fourth season of THE WIRE will expand its focus to include a look at the role of the educational system in an urban environment.

Eazy (Eazy), Saturday, 24 June 2006 16:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Perpetua is misreading like a mofo, just ignore him

but plenty of the scenes and set-ups are totally contrived, the acting can be hammy, there's more speechifying than ever goes on in real life, and whoever upthread was way on the money when they said there was a certain "no chief, YOU'RE out of order" quality about mcnulty.


XD (eman), Saturday, 24 June 2006 17:26 (eighteen years ago) link

i also interviewed the music director for a story i'm working on and got MAD SEASON 4 SPOILERS but i was sworn to secrecy.

Bea Arthur - Lost COmic GEnius ? (dubplatestyle), Saturday, 24 June 2006 20:09 (eighteen years ago) link

omar gets pregnant?

XD (eman), Sunday, 25 June 2006 00:47 (eighteen years ago) link

that youtube parody sucked. And what's up with the taunting by saying The Wire is a hit show?

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 25 June 2006 01:00 (eighteen years ago) link


Music director? So who is doing "Way Down in the Hole" this year?

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Sunday, 25 June 2006 08:47 (eighteen years ago) link

It's got to be the Compulsive Gamblers version. That's the only other version I know of anyway.

yer mam! (yer mam!), Sunday, 25 June 2006 11:34 (eighteen years ago) link

Wow, that youtube thing is awful. The only remotely funny thing in it is that wtf? Stipe gag.

Matthew Perpetua! (Matthew Perpetua!), Sunday, 25 June 2006 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link


gbx (skowly), Sunday, 25 June 2006 15:52 (eighteen years ago) link

youtube parody is a hit on the wire / hbo forum

I have no speakers AND THAT WAS FUNNY!


XD (eman), Sunday, 25 June 2006 15:58 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, it was maybe a notch or two below Mad TV in terms of quality. Which is about as damning a condemnation of "comedy" as I can come up with.

Except for the Omar part. That was hilarious. And so dead-on and perceptive. It was almost like they'd actually encountered one of those mythical "homosensuals" at one point or another.

Deric W. Haircare (Deric W. Haircare), Sunday, 25 June 2006 17:13 (eighteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
So who is doing "Way Down in the Hole" this year?

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Monday, 10 July 2006 17:29 (eighteen years ago) link

Devo 2.0

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Monday, 10 July 2006 17:34 (eighteen years ago) link

The Pogues?

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Monday, 10 July 2006 17:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Lily Allen?

Tracey Hand (tracerhand), Monday, 10 July 2006 17:53 (eighteen years ago) link


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 10 July 2006 18:08 (eighteen years ago) link

spank rock lol

j blount (papa la bas), Monday, 10 July 2006 18:09 (eighteen years ago) link

hbo site says dru hill feat. sisqo

XD (eman), Monday, 10 July 2006 20:03 (eighteen years ago) link

"Ten Thousand Bullets" interview with George Pelecanos

with much more Q&A about 'The Wire' here:

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Wednesday, 19 July 2006 13:51 (eighteen years ago) link

nicely done, pete!

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 19 July 2006 15:51 (eighteen years ago) link

great interview, thanks.

i find his real guy stance a little off-putting, like i'm the one who shows people what they need to see, that's why they hate me so. but i guess that's how he motivates himself to make such delightful things. or at least the wire is delightfull. which of his books is good?

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 19 July 2006 19:10 (eighteen years ago) link

Thanks. I think Drama City is his best, with Hell to Pay a close second. But I never regret anything I read of his: Shoedog, Shame the Devil, Soul Circus, Right as Rain, Hard Revolution, and The Sweet Forever so far. He got me into devouring fiction again. I like the ones set in the present day best--more immediate, less explanatory--but they all have a naturalism in the talk and in the characters that sucks you in.

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Wednesday, 19 July 2006 22:33 (eighteen years ago) link

nice one. didn't know that about slim charles being in backyard, he is def. one of the best new characters in season 3

lmaoborghini (eman), Wednesday, 19 July 2006 23:35 (eighteen years ago) link

and shot twice on stage - holy shit

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Thursday, 20 July 2006 13:00 (eighteen years ago) link

soooooooooo who wants spoilers?

david allen grier (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 20 July 2006 13:11 (eighteen years ago) link

this is the only time i will ever have something cool before anyone else.

david allen grier (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 20 July 2006 13:12 (eighteen years ago) link

Give us, just, like, a LITTLE one. Not like, who dies, or anything. Just a taste.

Scott CE (Scott CE), Thursday, 20 July 2006 14:06 (eighteen years ago) link

i'm feeling v conflicted

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Thursday, 20 July 2006 17:29 (eighteen years ago) link

how many episodes in til mcnulty is demoted to crossing guard?

j blount (papa la bas), Thursday, 20 July 2006 19:14 (eighteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
season 3 dvd is out next tuesday ˚_˚

pls tell me they kill off carcetti in 1st ep. of season 4, that guy sux

Lmaoborghini (eman), Friday, 4 August 2006 01:23 (eighteen years ago) link

ziggy sucked at first too though

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Friday, 4 August 2006 01:33 (eighteen years ago) link

I picked up Samaritan on the suggestion of y'all and couldn't stop reading. The scenes with kids are so good in that, and I'm hoping that bodes well for Season 4...

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Friday, 4 August 2006 12:49 (eighteen years ago) link

I love Carcetti!

By the way, I bought the DVD for the first two seasons of Homicide, and so many things in it remind me of The Wire. The Baltimore-specific language, the themes relating to ethnicity, the multi-episode case arcs,... it's just terrific. I remember liking the show, but I like it much more the second time around. If you're hankering for more Wire, it's a great salve.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Friday, 4 August 2006 21:20 (eighteen years ago) link

HBO's press release for season for s4, courtesy Fat Harry.


Not too spoilery, though, at least until you get about halfway in, and they start summarizing the first four episodes. I stopped reading when I saw that.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Saturday, 5 August 2006 01:18 (eighteen years ago) link

i read the summaries, it doesn't really give that much away, just the general outline. and it's only the first 3 episodes

i love this cover:


Lmaoborghini (eman), Saturday, 5 August 2006 02:35 (eighteen years ago) link

I’ve become obsessed with how tightly written this show is. I love how each an every episode builds on another like a piece of architecture. Everything matters in The Wire, even the seemingly insignificant. In the first Season Two episode, McNulty and his partner tow a stalled party boat into Baltimore harbor. Ironically, the boat is named “Capital Gains.” With those carefully chosen words the writers have cleverly outlined the main themes of season two - how money, economic dislocation, and politics affect everyday life. The pay-off comes later in Sobotka’s bitter speech; “We used to build shit in the country. Make shit. Now all we do is take money out of each other pockets.” Such scathing critiques of early 21st century capitalism are something that no other television program has the skill or wit to do nowadays. Without a doubt, The Wire is the most politically astute show on American television,

Ice Cream Electric (Ice Cream Electric), Sunday, 6 August 2006 06:04 (eighteen years ago) link


(okay, one spoiler: you will see omar go out to buy cereal in his pajamas.)

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 6 August 2006 11:05 (eighteen years ago) link

(from Royal Farms®)

=[[ (eman), Sunday, 6 August 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link

royal farms!! where one is curiously unable to buy beer??

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Sunday, 6 August 2006 14:30 (eighteen years ago) link

Yes, but will Omar buy crabcakes in his underwear?

Ice Cream Electric (Ice Cream Electric), Sunday, 6 August 2006 16:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Article about the Wire. It contains mild spoilers and a handy introduction to what's what in season 4.


The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Monday, 7 August 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link

HBO boss Chris Albrecht suggested that renewal for a fifth and final season -- which Simon had in mind when he left certain season four story threads unresolved -- will depend largely on critical reaction to the new episodes

wait, season 4 might be the last, wtf?

alex in montreal (alex in montreal), Monday, 7 August 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah i thought season 4 was definitely the last one, already determined as such. the idea of a season 5 has me psyched tho!

hstencil (hstencil), Monday, 7 August 2006 19:00 (eighteen years ago) link

I think every show on HBO should be considering itself on its last legs the way they're giving the chop over there. The good news for the Wire is that it wins awards (though not Emmys) and it's also quite cheap to make compared to most other HBO hour-longs.

It was originally conceived as a five season show, so I hope it works out.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Monday, 7 August 2006 19:47 (eighteen years ago) link

I saw this for the first time the other night. It was terrible!

Danny Aioli (Rock Hardy), Thursday, 17 August 2006 20:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Start from the beginning. With this show, even more than most other serials it is the ONLY way.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Thursday, 17 August 2006 21:07 (eighteen years ago) link

Plot convolutions aside, it was just packed with bad acting. Sub-Efrem-Zimbalist-Jr. at best.

Danny Aioli (Rock Hardy), Thursday, 17 August 2006 21:22 (eighteen years ago) link

I thought the show was pretty bad for the first five or six episodes of Season 1, and then I changed my mind.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Thursday, 17 August 2006 21:43 (eighteen years ago) link

> bad acting

We're just not going to agree on this.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Thursday, 17 August 2006 22:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Charlie Brooker did a nice segment on how amazing the Wire is on Screen Wipe this evening. Say what you will about that man, but he's always tried to spread the word on the show.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Thursday, 17 August 2006 23:58 (eighteen years ago) link

i walked 29 blocks to buy the season 3 dvd's tonight and they didn't have them >:-{

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:30 (eighteen years ago) link

oh i also know who does way down in teh hole this year but i think if i reveal it i get fired

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:31 (eighteen years ago) link

royal farms!! where one is curiously unable to buy beer??

-- Euai Kapaui (tracerhan...) (webmail), August 6th, 2006 11:30 AM. (tracerhand)

i know of at least one that sells beer but locks it at midnight (and sundays of course)

xpost - simon reveals it in that interview i thought. local choir kids?

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:35 (eighteen years ago) link

oh did he? haha we got scooped

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:35 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm going to take credit for that, btw. About a year ago - maybe longer - I was posting on television without pity's The Wire thread and suggested a children's chorus could do a great version of the theme song, plus it would fit in nicely with the education motif. I've heard they troll interforums for feedback, so...

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Q: What about "Way Down In The Hole" for season 4? Did you get someone to newly-record the song or did you pick a previously-recorded version? [Glen in Pennsylvania]

A: In keeping with the theme of the season, we sought out voices of middle-school-aged students from Baltimore. Rather than seek out a particular recording artist this year, we tried for the essential voice of our adolescent characters.

Beyond the musical choice, I think it works emotionally.

Specifically, our theme was arranged and produced by Doreen Vail, Maurette Brown-Clark and J.B. Wilkins. The young voices featured are those of Ivan Ashford, Markel Steele, Cameron Brown, Tariq Al-Sabir and Avery Bargasse. The musicians are Ronald Lindsey and Thomas Crosson. Mike Potter engineered the session.

All of the boys are from Baltimore and Tony Small, who directs a boys choir locally, found them for us.

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:45 (eighteen years ago) link

i missed season 3 first time around, have been catching the reruns before deadwood but last night impatience took me over so i watched the final two on-demand (where if i'm not mistaken you'll be able to watch the new episodes starting the monday before the premiere - is this right?): omg so awesome. what's everyone's take on carcetti? btw his consultant is incredibly hot, mcnulty was never served more poorly by his principles.

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:45 (eighteen years ago) link

scooped by a aol member in a wire beef!

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:47 (eighteen years ago) link

(where if i'm not mistaken you'll be able to watch the new episodes starting the monday before the premiere - is this right?)

yup. now whats the deal with on-demand? specifically how much is it?

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:49 (eighteen years ago) link

i thought it was free with digi cable (provided you already gots hbo)

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:50 (eighteen years ago) link

so its free w/ comcast?? oh shit! i dont have it but i know someone that does

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:52 (eighteen years ago) link

i thought it was! i havent had cable for a while

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 00:54 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah it's free w/ digital cable or whatever. i can get why they don't have every sopranos/sex&thecity/curb etc up there all the time but i wish they'd put/keep larry sanders on there since it's not really on dvd.

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:03 (eighteen years ago) link

wot no arli$$

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:05 (eighteen years ago) link

haha my dad always bizarrely brings up arli$$ immediately whenever talk turns to 'great hbo shows' the same way he always brings up the doobie brothers whenever talk turns to the rnr hall of fame (dude has a very strong point here) or 'rock legends' or top 100 whatever of rock bs. doobies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arli$$ obv.

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:15 (eighteen years ago) link

is DREAM ON on dvd yet?

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:18 (eighteen years ago) link

5 dvd set of just rich hall's sniglets segments from not neccessarily the news due in october

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:20 (eighteen years ago) link

i'm tempted to see if fraggle rock is on dvd but i know that in five hours i'm gonna come home drunk and end up throwing that shit in my netflix queue.

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:21 (eighteen years ago) link

haha it is

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:21 (eighteen years ago) link

sez the dude who has boy meets world lurking in his netflix queue

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:22 (eighteen years ago) link

larry sanders is dope. i caught a late-night marathon of it last year on some network channel (wb? fox?). commercials were thrown in per usual but it was uncensored, wtf? i watched a couple hours of it. saw the one w/ chris elliott!

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:25 (eighteen years ago) link

i think bravo was showing reruns but i think it was 'formatted due to time considerations' or something.

j blount (papa la bas), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:30 (eighteen years ago) link

ha this wasn't even basic cable though. like some disgruntled dude at the station got sick of putting in the same midnite-televangelist tape and decided to play larry sanders back to back for hours

=[[ (eman), Friday, 18 August 2006 01:41 (eighteen years ago) link

okay, now that i've seen the whole thing, this show be straight fuckin with you

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 27 August 2006 23:22 (eighteen years ago) link

also there HAS TO be a season five or it's gonna be like chopping the last 200 pages out of a novel

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 27 August 2006 23:23 (eighteen years ago) link

man when is the new season premiering

SLUTSPIRIA (Adrian Langston), Sunday, 27 August 2006 23:40 (eighteen years ago) link

As a Deadwood fan, let me assure you HBO won't take that into consideration.

Chris L (Chris L), Sunday, 27 August 2006 23:42 (eighteen years ago) link

haha i'm butchering this paraphrase but david simon from an interview we're running this week: "I don't care if it doesn't get renewed. I gotta finish it. I'll write a book or make a movie or go stand on Charles St. and perform it all myself if I have to."

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Monday, 28 August 2006 00:01 (eighteen years ago) link

> man when is the new season premiering

I believe it's two weeks from right this very minute!

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Monday, 28 August 2006 00:06 (eighteen years ago) link

I think it is on HBO On Demand a week or so earlier. I hope someone uploads it on some dastardly internet site, as I can't wait.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Monday, 28 August 2006 02:43 (eighteen years ago) link

it's killing me that the entire season is in the hands of the media yet unavalible to me.



jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 28 August 2006 12:55 (eighteen years ago) link

i've got some catching up to do -- i've only seen the first three episodes of the first season.

gbx (skowly), Monday, 28 August 2006 13:15 (eighteen years ago) link

just watched first ep. of season 4 on demand ^__^

señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 5 September 2006 03:05 (eighteen years ago) link

is it up on the ondemand menu? i looked earlier 2nite and didn't see it. it's ok, i think i need another week to make the transition from deadwood.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Tuesday, 5 September 2006 05:28 (eighteen years ago) link

probably depends on the cable company but i would think it would be on there for everyone by now


señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 5 September 2006 21:59 (eighteen years ago) link


100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 00:48 (eighteen years ago) link


haha get used to that

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 01:59 (eighteen years ago) link

the biggest difference about this season is that, like, the cops are hardly in it.

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 02:00 (eighteen years ago) link

where is the torrent i am freaking out over here

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 03:10 (eighteen years ago) link

oh man. i forgot how much i missed this show until i watched the new episode. i loved the idiotic power-point presentations to the teachers and the cops. carcetti's a prick, but i like simon's sense of politics as the dirtiest racket of all. hope bubbles and omar turn up soon.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link

he actually wanted to spin the whole carcetti storyline into a separate show--joanie loves chachi to wire's happy days i guess--but shockingly enough hbo said no.

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:32 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah, i could see that. maybe send him off to congress -- simon would do interesting things with d.c.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:35 (eighteen years ago) link

the character is pretty well based on b-more's current mayor (italian instead of irish but basically the same thing, white dude doing the longshot thing in majority black city)--who is currently running for MD governor for '08. so if he wins, or even if he doesn't, i think simon's got a readymade plotline.

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:37 (eighteen years ago) link

Carcetti is a good character but I think that actor is one of the weakest they have had on the Wire. He plays up the HERE IS MY SLIMY, CONNIVING STARE thing way too much. You can see that the character is written with some subtelty, in that he DOES really care about the city and he wants to do the right thing, but I feel like the actor emphasizes the sleaziness and the egotism too much. Although this is partly the direction as well (CLOSEUP ON CARCETTI WHILE HE FLASHES HIS FUCK ME EYES).

Scott CE (Scott CE), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link


yeah, o'malley showed up in nyc recently on a local npr panel about "what have we learned from sept. 11." the only reason i could figure for him being here was to raise his profile for future endeavors.

carcetti might be too pretty. otoh, here's the o'malley clan:

[img src="http://www.martinomalley.com/images/71.jpg"]

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:48 (eighteen years ago) link

oops, i mean...


gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:49 (eighteen years ago) link

carcetti's bare ass humping away last season kind scarred me - they could've left that out or filmed it from a different angle or something.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:56 (eighteen years ago) link

haha another good thing about this season: MUCH LESS ONSCREEN SEXING

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link

i am not minding kima's lesbian philandering so much

where is that interview mentioned a little way upthread?

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 16:59 (eighteen years ago) link

I am so glad that I have a friend with HBO now. Waiting years for Season 3 to make it to DVD was awful.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 17:30 (eighteen years ago) link

too true Alex

my beef isn't with carcetti the character, but the actor playing him. the 4 kids are cast perfectly, so i can tell this season is gonna be good, if not great. chris from marlowe's gang is genuinely pretty scary to watch in his calm cold-bloodedness.

i love how former bmore mayor kurt schmoke made a cameo in season 3 during the legalization debating scene at the mayors office, as he actually did bring that up during his term in office and caught all kinds of hell for it.

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 18:05 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah the sex scenes have always been groanworthy but i ain't saying i mind them! definitely wouldn't mind some certain ones this season as that one carcetti advisor is the first white woman on this show i'd fuck like crazy. loved that the first episode this season really didn't provide much of a jump-on for people new to the show.

j blount (papa la bas), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 18:32 (eighteen years ago) link

it might be an optical illusion but that female carcetti advisor has plumped up nicely this season. (no nude scenes.)

PARTYMAN (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 18:42 (eighteen years ago) link


She's actually the worst actor of the bunch actually. Carcetti is just poorly directed IMO.

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 19:32 (eighteen years ago) link


Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 21:33 (eighteen years ago) link

a night out with bubbles

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 21:43 (eighteen years ago) link

i just finished season 3!! amazing. what a spectacular slow burn... best show on tv.

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 6 September 2006 23:33 (eighteen years ago) link

Tim Goodman's recent paean to 'The Wire'

M. White (Miguelito), Thursday, 7 September 2006 17:38 (eighteen years ago) link


señor citizen (eman), Thursday, 7 September 2006 21:30 (eighteen years ago) link

aw hell these kids are gonna make my heart hurt, i can just tell.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 11 September 2006 12:46 (eighteen years ago) link


señor citizen (eman), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link

i watched episode one a 2nd time and carcetti has grown on me some

señor citizen (eman), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link

Obv Carcetti's supposed to be annoying to a degree but i don't have a problem w/ his character's role in the series (at least as of season 3) and find him less abrasive than ziggy (who was also fine).

I wish I had HBO. I can tell waiting for this to come out on dvd is just going to be murder.

deej.. (deej..), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link

dude the internet srsly

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:43 (eighteen years ago) link

i like carcetti pitching a fit and getting laughed at by his staff and leaving his shoe on his lawn then having a terse sarcastic exchange w/his wife while heading for the car the next morning stopping turning you think he's gonna go back and give her a kiss instead he just throws her the shoe and she catches it and she's not mad - they're both tough.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link

chris actually scares me, but i'm in love w/his little bad girl sidekick - the exchange in the home depot was a brilliant microcosm (although the cgi hardware barn sign was ass.)

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:52 (eighteen years ago) link

avon and stringer look like complete dufus amateurs compared to marlo and chris.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 11 September 2006 16:55 (eighteen years ago) link

favorite scene in season 3: kids playing w/ the computer face program
"make his ears stick out"
"cuz i fucking told you so"

señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 03:31 (seventeen years ago) link

also, anyone else notice lt. rawls in the background of the gay bar when brother muzone's dude is leaving? some sort of weird in-joke or wtf

señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 03:35 (seventeen years ago) link

i should take a screenshot of it, its fucking hilarious

señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 03:35 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah i noticed that, i caught up on season 3 this past week.

hstencil (hstencil), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 03:36 (seventeen years ago) link


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 13:18 (seventeen years ago) link

Watched the new episode last night and I am pumped for the new season.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 16:19 (seventeen years ago) link

I am Lovable and Capable!

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 16:37 (seventeen years ago) link

hahahah nice rawls shot.

hstencil (hstencil), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 16:38 (seventeen years ago) link

haa beat me to it


"You're just having a laugh, aren't you, Bunny? You got the real stats and projections somewhere else. Someone's just outside the door with them, right? A stripper, maybe? That would be nice. He comes in, flashes a little nut, gives us a whiff of that ass and delivers my fucking stat sheets with a reduction that matches just what we promised the Mayor. That would be beautiful. That would be creme fucking brulee."

señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 16:54 (seventeen years ago) link

Ha, I forgot about that motivational presentation! I love that shit, it's always so baffling that people in life persist with it.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 17:03 (seventeen years ago) link



jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 17:10 (seventeen years ago) link

hows pres gonna handle the kids? just roll w/it cause he's seen worse? or maybe snap and kill one of em? stay up all night examining their permanent records?

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 17:12 (seventeen years ago) link

The Wire has been renewed for its fifth and final season. Awesome.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 09:08 (seventeen years ago) link


100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 09:44 (seventeen years ago) link


j blount (papa la bas), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 11:28 (seventeen years ago) link


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 11:40 (seventeen years ago) link

ok look it's a new wire blog, it has one post! http://heavenandhere.wordpress.com

linked to from freedarko, likely the same people more or less - which sounds kinda... i'm not sure.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 12:09 (seventeen years ago) link

:D kinda figured they would as they have ads everywhere for season 4. they finally stepped up their promotion of it

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:20 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah and it's getting lotsa this is the best thing ever on tv love from teh media

first weeks numbers must've been good too

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:26 (seventeen years ago) link

it probably helps that it's probably not that expensive a show to produce (only cheaper fiction ones i can think of on hbo are lucky louie and maybe curb yr enthusiasm though i suspect larry david's earning a hefty enough penny on that to maybe push it past the wire) and with sopranos/deadwood/rome ending the schedule's pretty light.

j blount (papa la bas), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:36 (seventeen years ago) link

actual sunday night ratings were only 1.5 mil, which is only slightly better than the 1.3 mil averaged by season 3.

that doesn't take into account the weekly repeats on various hbo channels, or more importantly, On Demand. I'm surprised they renewed it so early.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:37 (seventeen years ago) link

haha i was really hoping homorawls would figure into season four but alas

john cougar thornton melloncamp (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:46 (seventeen years ago) link

with sopranos/deadwood/rome ending the schedule's pretty light.

they've still got Big Love, and David Milch's surf detective thing, something about vampires, and one more drama in the works for next year. i can't imagine any of those being breakout hits, though.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:47 (seventeen years ago) link

haha i was really hoping homorawls would figure into season four but alas

In episode 4, he moves up to a small town in New Hampshire and meets a charming coffee shop owner who is also a volunteer fireman.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:49 (seventeen years ago) link

i do hope it's actually called "something about vampires"

john cougar thornton melloncamp (dubplatestyle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:52 (seventeen years ago) link

d'oh. my poor use of conjunctions rears its ugly head again.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link

i was thinking of something about the vampires actually.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:59 (seventeen years ago) link

"interview or something with a vampire"

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 16:25 (seventeen years ago) link

I thought they renewed Rome. Not that it's any great shakes.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 16:26 (seventeen years ago) link

rome blows

deadwood was supposed to be about rome but hbo was all we already got one of those so the deadwood guy goes well i could put it in the old west or something

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 16:39 (seventeen years ago) link

I like Rome. But I'm a nerd.

It was renewed, but only for one more season. The second season will be its last.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 16:47 (seventeen years ago) link

haha i was really hoping homorawls would figure into season four but alas

In episode 4, he moves up to a small town in New Hampshire and meets a charming coffee shop owner who is also a volunteer fireman.

-- The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar2...) (webmail), September 13th, 2006 12:49 PM. (lokar)

season 5 crossover w/ Six Feet Under

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 17:46 (seventeen years ago) link

season 6 he becomes hank kingsley's new assistant

j blount (papa la bas), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 19:58 (seventeen years ago) link

anwan "big g" glover (slim charles) with backyard band:


señor citizen (eman), Thursday, 14 September 2006 03:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Good article:


polyphonic (polyphonic), Thursday, 14 September 2006 22:11 (seventeen years ago) link

holy shit episode 2 was amazing

j blount (papa la bas), Saturday, 16 September 2006 00:37 (seventeen years ago) link

one thing i never get about this show--and i say this as a complete and total fan--is how people bend over backwards saying how "realisitic" it is. i mean, it is, comparatively, with almost everything else on tv. but plenty of the scenes and set-ups are totally contrived, the acting can be hammy, there's more speechifying than ever goes on in real life, and whoever upthread was way on the money when they said there was a certain "no chief, YOU'RE out of order" quality about mcnulty.

so OTM, a lot of the dialogue is well written but not really realistic at all, the "thin line 'tween heaven and here" type highfalutin Shakespeare lines and chess metaphors always make me roll my eyes. and I already ranted on my blog last week about how scarcely Baltimore accents are represented on the show. other than that though super psyched about season 4 so far and the news of renewal. also OTM about D'Agostino's hotness and her unexplained plumpness this season, her first scene in episode 1 i kept waiting for some reference to her being pregnant or something.

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Sunday, 17 September 2006 22:43 (seventeen years ago) link

how scarcely Baltimore accents are represented on the show

mcnulty's is laughable but since having recently heard him interviewed in his heavy brit accent i give him credit for whatever american accent he's managed thus far.

señor citizen (eman), Monday, 18 September 2006 00:47 (seventeen years ago) link


milo z (mlp), Monday, 18 September 2006 04:12 (seventeen years ago) link

I missed out on the first three seasons (I kept getting it confused with every other generic cop show), but this is crazy. So tense - I want to go out and have a smoke after each episode just to unwind.

milo z (mlp), Monday, 18 September 2006 04:14 (seventeen years ago) link

having had bad boston accents ruin movies for me i agree w/their decision to let the native speakers do it and then everyone else just more or less talks american. love the baltimore accent - completely left field culture clash.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 18 September 2006 04:22 (seventeen years ago) link

i'm kinda sad i'm not getting to experience this week to week in a way

katie quirk (dubplatestyle), Monday, 18 September 2006 04:24 (seventeen years ago) link

if you want to send me the season i'll be happy feel yr pain

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 18 September 2006 05:49 (seventeen years ago) link

where the hell is the 4.2 t@rrent????? this is the highlight of my week, and i've been waiting for 12 hours for it to turn up. i know that says a lot about my life, but give me a break.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Monday, 18 September 2006 21:13 (seventeen years ago) link


been up since thurs - dude claims he's gonna post 4.3 today.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 18 September 2006 21:23 (seventeen years ago) link

you are my new god.

is there some sort of registration required for this site for later use? e-mail me if so.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Monday, 18 September 2006 21:33 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah thx!! let us know when 3 is up :D

señor citizen (eman), Monday, 18 September 2006 21:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Wow. I fucking love this show and had no idea it had started back up. And I even knew it was going to.

I plead combination of Deadwood hangover, start of football season, and 6-day workweeks.

Thank the lord for HBO on demand...

rogermexico (rogermexico), Monday, 18 September 2006 21:44 (seventeen years ago) link

Oooh thank you thank you! was also wondering where this had got to...

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Monday, 18 September 2006 23:25 (seventeen years ago) link


- cool Lester Smooth
- Prez still using Ring of Fire as his "getting shit done song".
- Cutty! Positive and popular (as he deserves)
- Platinum club! Ha. Good one Avon.
- Wee Bay's spoilt son!

I know there was more.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 11:09 (seventeen years ago) link

- rawls, pearlman and daniels all marveling @ cool lester smooth: rawls - he's got game; pearlman - like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth; daniels - i'm just glad he's doing it to someone else.
- kima and sydnor enjoying the shit out of ruining their careers.
- the kids: my god, i don''t know what to say.
- cutty taking his pick of the ladies.
- last season corner boy spider saved by cutty.
- weebay always on the grind, morality obliterated by work ethic.
- clay davis' twice uttered shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiit (especially the 1st time).
- carver and herc maturing, hilarious! uh yr not really dressed for chasing down little kids and beating the shit out of them and i've got some stuff to take care of - let's just call it in.
- bodie always incredulous, always rolling eyes - love that guy.
- snoop
- what's up w/marlo losing his composure at a little kid?

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 14:13 (seventeen years ago) link

4.3 is up

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 14:30 (seventeen years ago) link

- cutty taking his pick of the ladies.

yeah, this is a funny riff that also gets at, you know, "deeper underlying issues" (the dearth of eligible black men of a certain age in inner-city neighborhoods). that's when the show's at its best i think, wrapping social observations in offhanded moments.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 14:42 (seventeen years ago) link


jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 14:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Damn, I forgot the shhhiiiiiiiiiite!

I'm especially fond of the Cutty thing, because he plays it so well too. He seems so innocent and almost unaware, and you can totally see why all the ladies love him. And it's a nice turnaround from last season where I always felt he was getting hard done by. So it's all going to go wrong, right?

I always think I really like Bodie, then I'm all "But you killed Wallace in a really mean way! Poor Wallace." but then Bodie has a funny scene with Carver and I'm all "awww, you guys!".

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 14:59 (seventeen years ago) link

I always think I really like Bodie, then I'm all "But you killed Wallace in a really mean way! Poor Wallace." but then Bodie has a funny scene with Carver and I'm all "awww, you guys!".

yeah they're totally fucking w/us.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 15:03 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm especially fond of the Cutty thing, because he plays it so well too. He seems so innocent and almost unaware, and you can totally see why all the ladies love him. And it's a nice turnaround from last season where I always felt he was getting hard done by. So it's all going to go wrong, right?

Yeah, I def have the feeling bad things are going to happen. sad

dar1a g (daria g), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 15:23 (seventeen years ago) link

think u guys are forgetting some things:


- clay davis' twice uttered shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiit (especially the 1st time).


- what's up w/marlo losing his composure at a little kid?

That was odd at first but i thought it became apparent that he was just trying to get a rise out of Michael. When he makes that face, Marlo kinda laughs and lets him go on his way.

señor citizen (eman), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

it was also that the whole point of the exercise was marlo building up his legend (avon did this shit like crazy) and some nobody punk kid calling bullshit on it. marlo and cutty both saw 'this kid's got something' (haha 'he's got the goods'). my fave moment was bugs and prez running into each other in the principal's office.

j blount (papa la bas), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 16:52 (seventeen years ago) link

i'm wondering if michael doesn't have some sort of history with marlo's organization that marlo doesn't know about - he ovb doesn't have a problem w/the drug trade.

i don't think ignoring the situation would've made marlo look weak - everyone knows he's deadly already. if anything it was lame to show that he cared at all - seems like he has a lot to learn about wearing the crown.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 17:34 (seventeen years ago) link

i'm really sorry about this dudes:

michael - john
namond - paul
dukie - george
randy - paul

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:02 (seventeen years ago) link

Um Ringo?

Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:03 (seventeen years ago) link

uh, randy - ringo

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:04 (seventeen years ago) link

the second paul is paul schaffer

katie quirk (dubplatestyle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:05 (seventeen years ago) link

having said that i'm gonna watch the 3rd episode now.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:05 (seventeen years ago) link

kid who stole the car - pete best

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:06 (seventeen years ago) link

kid who stole the car - awesome

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 00:23 (seventeen years ago) link

> 4.3 is up


100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 03:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I loved it, as always, but...

I did kinda feel like they leaned a little hard on the 'mirror' thing this week - Clay and Randy both saying "I don't care where the money is from as long as it's free" and Bubs and Cutty's boss both talking about doubling territory.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 03:20 (seventeen years ago) link

(okay, one spoiler: you will see omar go out to buy cereal in his pajamas.)

-- PARTYMAN (wt...) (webmail), August 6th, 2006 8:05 AM. (dubplatestyle)

and I thought this was a joke

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 04:08 (seventeen years ago) link

prez's reaction to the carving on the student's desk was priceless

señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 04:10 (seventeen years ago) link

4.2 was an EXCELLENT episode for all the reasons previously described and more. I love how both Cutty and Namond turned off politics on the television to do something else. I love that when Marlo was giving the candy to the kids there were a ton of political campaign posters in the background. Yeah guys, we get it. Parallelism. Gotcha.

It's so nice to see all the characters I missed in 4.1, finally weaving their way back into the plot.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 06:00 (seventeen years ago) link

so very good, so dense, so tightly edited.
I can't imagine what someone who hasn't seen the first three seasons must think of this, tho'. There's no expository for the characters; there's just not time.

The look between Pryz and Bubbles slayed me.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 06:23 (seventeen years ago) link

"Like lambs to the slaughter here. So, what did you do before you decided to teach?"

"I was a police, in the city."

"And why did you quit that."

"I was fired for killing a co-worker. Oh, and one time I beat a kid's eye out cause I was drunk and he sassed me."

Yeah, this isn't going to end well...

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 09:34 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't imagine what someone who hasn't seen the first three seasons must think of this, tho'. There's no expository for the characters; there's just not time.
Never seen another episode, and I'm really enjoying that element. I wish TV shows would be more opaque sometimes.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 11:33 (seventeen years ago) link

> 4.3 is up

-- 100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (austin.swinbur...), September 20th, 2006.

-- 100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (austin.swinbur...), September 20th, 2006.

see you did it all by yr self!

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 14:30 (seventeen years ago) link

If you build a man a fire, he's warm for the evening; but if you set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life.

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 14:35 (seventeen years ago) link

A club girl who took up years earlier with Wee-Bey, fathering his son and taking his name, Delonda soon found herself one of many in Wee-Bey's stable of molls. And it had been years since Bey had lived with anyone save for his tropical fish. But in the wake of his life imprisonment, she has shown her loyalty, visiting on weekends and bringing Namond to the visiting room to be schooled by his father. In return, Delonda's loyalty is rewarded with financial security that accrues from Wee-Beys standing in what is left of the Barksdale organization.

hbo.com has info not provided on the show (at least not yet). i was wondering if that basement aquarium that weebay took d'angelo to was in delonda house.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 14:42 (seventeen years ago) link

of course it still could be...

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 14:44 (seventeen years ago) link


señor citizen (eman), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 23:46 (seventeen years ago) link

obviously this means two things:



and also possib;y that I'm about to be banned from imageshack

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Thursday, 21 September 2006 00:19 (seventeen years ago) link

entrepreneurial randy so classic

girl getting cut was maybe the most painful scene yet, although it did allow an opening for dukie to show himself a bodhisattva roaming the animal realms. wonder if we'll discover the origins of the beef. the antagonism starts ordinarily enough then almost immediately escalates to assault w/a deadly weapon - they're telling us something here.

omar in it for the sport roffle

gotta think the other shoe's gonna drop with the suponas and give carcietti the election.

rawls acknowleging lester's brilliance was kinda tender.

marlo eyeing michael - creepy.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Monday, 25 September 2006 14:33 (seventeen years ago) link

if there is a shoe to drop it might be the discovery of all the bodies marlo's crew has stashed. It might be the reason to get lester and kima back on the major case unit.

wwweb (jbweb), Tuesday, 26 September 2006 05:15 (seventeen years ago) link

what is up with kricjek (sp?) not running with the blowjob thing??? he doesn't exactly seem like the honorable type - i mean yeah, it would bury herc permanently but what the fuck does k. care?? odd

this is best season so far by a long shot says me (altho/and the actual "wire" part of the show feels vestigial/outgrown/underloved whereas it was the whole game before; i guess i'm saying it would be nice to see a little more policework but that may come - and i also may be stubbornly clinging to a mode the show's moved on from)

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 22:51 (seventeen years ago) link

Is Ep4 up anywhere?

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 22:58 (seventeen years ago) link

Well, obviously a major part of this season will be the fruits of the labor on the wiretap, especially the political records. But given the events of episode 3, the way it manifests will be very different than in previous seasons.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 22:59 (seventeen years ago) link

oh wait a minute i get it - he HAS run with the blowjob thing, off-camera - it was him on the phone, derrrrr - (nice shot of the mayor's crotch as line 1 lights up)

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 23:01 (seventeen years ago) link

On the phone with Carcetti you mean? That wasn't about the blowjob, it was about the dead witness - Sarge tipped him off after talking to the detective.

The Slate reviewer (Weisberg?) has a bizarro article on the show talking about difficult the slang is to penetrate - he apparently took three or four episodes to come to terms with "yo" and "feel me."

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 23:03 (seventeen years ago) link

"There is also the challenge of following the localized black dialect that the program tries to represent as faithfully as it does its other details. In the Baltimore ghetto, yo is both a salutation and the third-person singular pronoun; "feel me," means "listen to what I'm telling you"; and the ubiquitous use of bitch has mostly replaced the N-word."

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 23:05 (seventeen years ago) link

the classroom scenes are pretty gripping. i used to be neutral on prez but he's really great this time around

where is ep. 4444?$$??$??$#

marlo eyeing michael - creepy.

heh there's a couple shots of cutty grinning and staring at michael throwing punches that were kinda creepy, esp. when a chick is trying to talk to him

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 23:13 (seventeen years ago) link

I found an mp4 of Ep 4 on mininova, but it was completely useless. In quicktime it was literally a screen full of static, and it wouldn't play in wmp or divx at all.

I want my AVI!

100% CHAMPS with a Yes! Attitude. (Austin, Still), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 23:26 (seventeen years ago) link


milo hm OK, i guess i wasn't paying attention

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 27 September 2006 23:56 (seventeen years ago) link

plays in vlc kinda - i had to restart it a couple times

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Thursday, 28 September 2006 00:30 (seventeen years ago) link

The Slate reviewer (Weisberg?) has a bizarro article on the show talking about difficult the slang is to penetrate - he apparently took three or four episodes to come to terms with "yo" and "feel me."

in his defense, Baltimore is the only place I've ever been where "yo" is used as a pronoun, it's not really the normal usage. I didn't think "feel me" was so much of a Bmore thing, though (although "carry it" definitely is). I kinda wish The Wire would go all out with the local slang, down the hill, half-n-half, chicken boxes, get your life, ayyurp, etc.

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Thursday, 28 September 2006 00:32 (seventeen years ago) link

i particularly like "yoette"

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 28 September 2006 13:20 (seventeen years ago) link


antexit (antexit), Thursday, 28 September 2006 14:08 (seventeen years ago) link

lol i took the pic down

also *pssst*

am0n (am0n), Thursday, 28 September 2006 23:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I am teh sorry. I will take teh pic down, too.

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Friday, 29 September 2006 00:22 (seventeen years ago) link

Quicktime doesn't like that MP4, but it seems to work OK in VLC.

milo z (mlp), Friday, 29 September 2006 00:30 (seventeen years ago) link

This thread (and it's demonoid side tracks) are A+++

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Friday, 29 September 2006 00:42 (seventeen years ago) link

milo there's a note at that link:

Rename the mp4 extension to avi fixes the issues that this torrent has. it will get a little pixelated at the 2 bad spots but it will play though

am0n (am0n), Friday, 29 September 2006 01:09 (seventeen years ago) link

haha, I r 2 lazy to read

milo z (mlp), Friday, 29 September 2006 01:14 (seventeen years ago) link

oh man, best one yet

am0n (am0n), Friday, 29 September 2006 03:45 (seventeen years ago) link

I kinda wish The Wire would go all out with the local slang, down the hill, half-n-half, chicken boxes, get your life, ayyurp, etc.

-- Alex in Baltimore (shipley.a...), September 27th, 2006 9:32 PM. (Alex in Baltimore)

i think snoop does an ayyurp in ep4

am0n (am0n), Tuesday, 3 October 2006 02:38 (seventeen years ago) link

ok i just saw an episode of this finally and maybe it grows on you but i was pretty taken aback by the sort of dippy romanticism it seemed to be dripping with -- way more than most network cop dramas even. hbo shows in generally tend to be sappy and just oozing from the pores with signifiers of "meaning."

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 3 October 2006 04:03 (seventeen years ago) link

Haven't seen the new season yet, but just noticed that Dennis Lehane and Richard Price have both written episodes.

Eazy (Eazy), Tuesday, 3 October 2006 05:43 (seventeen years ago) link

isn't there supposed to be a new ep? can't find it

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Tuesday, 3 October 2006 14:41 (seventeen years ago) link

I have never wanted OnDemand more than I do right now. If the amount of spoiler-text elsewhere is to be believed, shit hits the fan in Ep5.

milo z (mlp), Tuesday, 3 October 2006 18:26 (seventeen years ago) link

nah, it's about the same ratio of shit to fan-hitting. a little more, maybe. great episode, though

lemin (lemin), Tuesday, 3 October 2006 18:49 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah it's still building i'd say. marlo's one evil fucker, the uh thing w/ the vender this week took my breath. fucker's smart too. pete best helping pryzbo into his car was pretty great. i was sorta wary when i heard the school angle but it's been really great so far. i think i like carcetti now too.

j blount (papa la bas), Wednesday, 4 October 2006 02:20 (seventeen years ago) link

Somebody needs to get some Carcetti for Mayor bumper stickers up on CafePress.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 4 October 2006 04:21 (seventeen years ago) link

Things are building at a good pace, I think. I reckon some real police work is in the cards very soon. Still 8 episodes to go!

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Wednesday, 4 October 2006 11:24 (seventeen years ago) link

*********WEEK 5 SPOILERS DUDES********

marlo seems intractable and doom laden then he pulls a 108 admits prop joe outsmarted him and joins the collective - kid is a cypher.

wondering if they just totally forgot abt the video cameras in fat man's store when pulling the omar set up - probably not, but the show did make a big deal out of them twice and then ignored them.


jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 4 October 2006 11:47 (seventeen years ago) link

oh and that blog i mentioned upthread heavenandhere.wordpress.com is fun, some good conversations in the comments - david simon even dropped by to take my side in an argument (kinda).

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 4 October 2006 11:50 (seventeen years ago) link

and this too http://www.ncjrs.gov/html/bja/gang/pfv.html ed burns' drug gang fighting tactics.

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 4 October 2006 11:51 (seventeen years ago) link

holy shit Prez killed an undercover!?!?

milo z (mlp), Thursday, 5 October 2006 01:40 (seventeen years ago) link

Welcome to winter, 2004.

The Ultimate Conclusion (lokar), Thursday, 5 October 2006 15:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh shit, they shot Kima!

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Thursday, 5 October 2006 15:26 (seventeen years ago) link

the cameras were pointing straight down at the ground, though, weren't they? and kima gives her little disgusted pout when she sees them. of course she's never NOT giving her little disgusted pout.

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 5 October 2006 15:36 (seventeen years ago) link

o i think i can remember one scene where she wasn't giving her little disgusted pout

j blount (papa la bas), Thursday, 5 October 2006 16:52 (seventeen years ago) link

james you disgust me, and i love it.

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 5 October 2006 17:02 (seventeen years ago) link

kima really deserved that action - wonder what ever happened to her terrible girlfriend

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Thursday, 5 October 2006 17:06 (seventeen years ago) link

dunno but kima's a hell of a lot more femme these days!

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 5 October 2006 17:11 (seventeen years ago) link

scroll down to the comments for a nice surprise ;)

am0n (am0n), Monday, 9 October 2006 21:48 (seventeen years ago) link

I may not watch Heroes tonight after all...

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Monday, 9 October 2006 22:15 (seventeen years ago) link

FileFront is sloooooow. But one day is better than a full week, I suppose.

milo z (mlp), Monday, 9 October 2006 22:20 (seventeen years ago) link

I think the whole lot has leaked now.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Tuesday, 10 October 2006 14:15 (seventeen years ago) link

oh do tell - i've got 1-9, and 11 (orig labeled as 10). in the piratebay 10 (really 11) comments there's links to the other episodes but all the download slots are full and someone said they not work so good any way.

i had 4 hour sweet wire marathon last night.

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Tuesday, 10 October 2006 14:19 (seventeen years ago) link


Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 13:56 (seventeen years ago) link

through ep8 now - new teachers are fine.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 16:51 (seventeen years ago) link

I watch 6 last night and was a little bit disappointed with how much they hammered home the whole Cutty/Namond-don't-care-about-politics thing, but otherwise it was a great episode as usual.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 16:55 (seventeen years ago) link

but the cutty jogging scene was spectacular! i think the wire has only done two music montages ever -- that one and the "walk the line" from episode nine i think of season one. two of my favorite wire moments.

Jams Murphy (ystrickler), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 17:00 (seventeen years ago) link

That's true, it was pretty outstanding.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 17:05 (seventeen years ago) link

I wonder who's gonna get the ring next.

Paul Eater (eater), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 17:16 (seventeen years ago) link

i think cutty (on the show) could do with a look through this thread - Girls - What Does "Romance" Mean To You?

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 17:23 (seventeen years ago) link

Loved the Cutty jogging scene. I caved and watched up to episode 9; the scene where Chris and Snoop use Marc Clarke and the Big Phat Morning Show as an indicator of who is and isn't from Baltimore was hilarious. "Maybe I should ask the questions from now on."

govern yourself accordingly (dayan), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 17:24 (seventeen years ago) link

cutty jogging scene = http://www.breakplay.com/gameimages/gamescreen41e2fa1b74694-game.jpg

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 11 October 2006 18:11 (seventeen years ago) link

but the cutty jogging scene was spectacular! i think the wire has only done two music montages ever -- that one and the "walk the line" from episode nine i think of season one. two of my favorite wire moments.
-- Jams Murphy (littleknow...), October 11th, 2006 2:00 PM.

nah, isn't there a montage in every season finale?

funny that there's a Big Phat Morning Show reference in an episode that'll air just a few weeks after they re-tooled the show and canned everyone but Marc Clarke. .

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Thursday, 12 October 2006 01:28 (seventeen years ago) link

they've been having a lot of cast members on the morning show lately, too (Prez, Omar, I think some of hte kids), but i keep sleeping in or forgetting to listen.

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Thursday, 12 October 2006 01:29 (seventeen years ago) link

the other scene that bugged me so far is when prop joe does those voices on the phone

am0n (am0n), Thursday, 12 October 2006 02:53 (seventeen years ago) link

so i've watched them all now and i don't really know what to say - it's like that.

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Thursday, 12 October 2006 11:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Me too, I became embroiled in this show for two days or something because I couldn't resist! (I'd only seen the same ones you had before, btw)

I'm gonna have to rewatch this whole thing sometime soon. I'm very excited for the last season, it's all set up nicely... very nicely.

Yeah I also don't know what to say. And I don't want to spoil anyone.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Thursday, 12 October 2006 11:31 (seventeen years ago) link

were the last few eps you got .rm files? not really into watching it on realplayer

am0n (am0n), Thursday, 12 October 2006 12:05 (seventeen years ago) link

Are eps 10 and 11 still mistakenly ID'd on torrent sites? i don't wanna get crossed up

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 12 October 2006 12:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I finished up at three in the morning and couldn't sleep afterwards. Fuck a impulse control and all, but I have no regrets. Aren't they supposedly either combining episodes 9 + 10 or adding a bunch of new footage to ep. 10 or something?

xxpost - yeah, the .rm rips were really low quality, but at that point it hardly mattered. That said, the Divx torrent of ep. 13 I downloaded had the LAST 20 MINUTES CUT OFF.

govern yourself accordingly (dayan), Thursday, 12 October 2006 12:10 (seventeen years ago) link

The only Ep 10 out is the nigh-unwatchable .rm version. I just got Ep 11, but I'm holding off to see if 10 pops up soon.

This seasons just becomes FUCKING EPIC at Ep9, doesn't it? All those weeks building and building and maybe a little slow and then whoa. Best season since the first.

milo z (mlp), Friday, 13 October 2006 03:20 (seventeen years ago) link

is this some kind of precendent, whole season leaking before it's even aired?

am0n (am0n), Friday, 13 October 2006 03:29 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm wondering who's going to get fired. I've only seen two screener IDs, so there can't be a long list of people responsible.

milo z (mlp), Friday, 13 October 2006 03:35 (seventeen years ago) link

home taping is killing serial drama

shabba ranks (dubplatestyle), Friday, 13 October 2006 04:08 (seventeen years ago) link

It sucks that this thread is now way way ahead of the broadcasts.

Scott CE (Scott CE), Friday, 13 October 2006 14:13 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, I am afraid to view it even though I'm two episodes ahead of the broadcasts!

polyphonic (polyphonic), Friday, 13 October 2006 21:18 (seventeen years ago) link

10 and 12 are totally watchable. i mean, not very good quality, but watchable. 13 on the other hand has a very noticeable audio sync problem.

having seen everything, i'm still thinking season 2 is the best, but they all are very unique in amazing ways. this one ... just ... ugh. it's hard to think about.

lemin (lemin), Friday, 13 October 2006 22:21 (seventeen years ago) link

2 >>> 4 >>> 1 >>> 3


Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Friday, 13 October 2006 22:24 (seventeen years ago) link

2 = 3 > 1

Not ready to judge 4 yet.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Friday, 13 October 2006 22:25 (seventeen years ago) link

That's just personal preference, like. I mean, they're like chapters of a novel. A really fucking good novel. That is on telly.

I love this show.

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Friday, 13 October 2006 22:39 (seventeen years ago) link

I was just looking at the cast page on the hbo site and was blown away by how many characters they have listed, but also how many characters that I know and love who didn't make the website cut. This show has got to have the most regular cast members of any show in history. Am I wrong?

polyphonic (polyphonic), Friday, 13 October 2006 23:16 (seventeen years ago) link

Also, the actress who plays Snoop has the same name as her character, which leads me to believe that she isn't acting.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Saturday, 14 October 2006 00:41 (seventeen years ago) link

I saw an interview with Felicia Pearson (it's on the HBO video podcast page), she said she got lucked up at fourteen (for something unnamed) and only got out at 20.

milo z (mlp), Saturday, 14 October 2006 00:45 (seventeen years ago) link

2 >>> 4 >>> 1 >>> 3


-- Suedey (mincingspoo...), October 13th, 2006 7:24 PM. (John Cei Douglas)

wtf hell no. 3 + 4 are like some kind of television coup

am0n (am0n), Saturday, 14 October 2006 01:01 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, but so were 1 + 2. If 2 had delved deeper into the union (like 4 with schools), it might have been inconceivably good, like 'best 12 hours of television ever' good.

milo z (mlp), Saturday, 14 October 2006 01:08 (seventeen years ago) link

The emphasis on the school system in this season makes it a frontrunner for my favorite season yet, mostly because I think it is unbelievably ballsy television and well executed at the same time.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Saturday, 14 October 2006 03:45 (seventeen years ago) link


Bubbles makes a mix tape 4u!

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Saturday, 21 October 2006 21:40 (seventeen years ago) link

It sucks that this thread is now way way ahead of the broadcasts.

-- Scott CE (sceldre...), October 13th, 2006 11:13 AM. (Scott CE)

lol @ technology

am0n (am0n), Saturday, 21 October 2006 23:32 (seventeen years ago) link

Dookie's mix tape >>>> Bubbbles's.

milo z (mlp), Saturday, 21 October 2006 23:37 (seventeen years ago) link

has anyone else had trouble this week getting the next episode (44) On Demand early? for some reason my menu still won't go past 43. I mean, it's coming on tomorrow night so I shouldn't bitch, but I like to stay a little ahead.

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Saturday, 21 October 2006 23:38 (seventeen years ago) link

speaking of which, I don't think there's anything better this season than Dookie's progression from silent outcast to functioning member of the group with computer skillz.

milo z (mlp), Saturday, 21 October 2006 23:38 (seventeen years ago) link

xpost - i heard that hbo took the week off, as in no episode last sunday, so it might have affected the on demand as well

am0n (am0n), Saturday, 21 October 2006 23:51 (seventeen years ago) link

or maybe its this sunday they're not showing an episode. i forget

am0n (am0n), Saturday, 21 October 2006 23:53 (seventeen years ago) link


bo janglin (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 22 October 2006 00:05 (seventeen years ago) link


bo janglin (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 22 October 2006 00:06 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't believe that Snoop's baby is half cylon! And since Carcetti is the dad, you know what that means...

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 22 October 2006 00:07 (seventeen years ago) link


jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Sunday, 22 October 2006 00:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Griggs isn't gay; she's one of The Others. Fish Biscuits for everybody!

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Sunday, 22 October 2006 05:41 (seventeen years ago) link

can anybody tell me what is the story with pigeons in this show/baltimore?? i r being confused

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Sunday, 22 October 2006 13:00 (seventeen years ago) link

I just finished the season. Y'know, in early episodes I thought they were repeating themselves a bit too much what with Fuzzy Dunlop redux, Kima doing the first season "kitchen duet" solo in an alley and Bunny being all rogue again. But now...now I think it's eclipsed even season 2 in my heart. I nearly burst into tears about 30 times in that last 80 minutes. Even for fucking Landsman. LANDSMAN!

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 22 October 2006 14:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I really hate that the season leaked on the internet cos now I have absolutely no one to talk about the show with without fear of getting spoilers.

Matthew Perpetua! (Matthew Perpetua!), Sunday, 22 October 2006 15:37 (seventeen years ago) link

so let's talk about the pigeons instead!!

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Sunday, 22 October 2006 16:39 (seventeen years ago) link

the only thing i could find was this, a free excerpt from an article in the baltimore sun, oct. 18, 1998, by carl schoettler -

Pondering the great homing pigeon panic
Is it microwaves? Cell phones? Pigeon lovers' minds are racing over just what might be causing their formerly unerring birds to fly the coop.

The Hamilton racing pigeon flyers have lost plenty of pigeons this year. But they're not alone. The whole country began hearing about roaming homing pigeons a few weeks back, when Philadelphia area clubs suffered the sensational and mysterious loss of some 1,600 of 2,200 racing pigeons launched in Virginia and western Pennsylvania.

[John] Butler's big rumble theory is no more far-fetched than most of the theories as to why the pigeons' usually precise homing systems are going awry. Butler, a retired printer who's been racing pigeons since he was a boy, thinks the birds may be telling us something, their erratic behavior a kind of early warning system.

Sleek racing pigeons should not be confused with the scruffy "rats with wings" that beg for food in the street. These are elegant, intelligent, highly trained and conditioned, and sometimes quite expensive birds. Not long ago a Taiwanese syndicate paid $1 million for a single male bird, according to Tom Erskine, a Hamilton club flyer who is chief copy editor for the nationally prestigious Racing Pigeon Digest. The million-dollar pigeon won't be racing anymore, but he'll get a $5,000 stud fee each time he mates.

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Sunday, 22 October 2006 16:45 (seventeen years ago) link



Phone. 001 (410) 962-0330
Fax 001 (508) 992-9398

am0n (am0n), Sunday, 22 October 2006 17:01 (seventeen years ago) link

i finished the season too and kinda find the whole Dookie getting hired by CompUSA a bit corny

am0n (am0n), Sunday, 22 October 2006 17:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Yabbut Carver getting Randy work as a croupier in Atlantic City was genius.

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 22 October 2006 17:24 (seventeen years ago) link

i found the bubbles cleans up and opens 50,000 sq ft "Bubble's Depo" story-line a bit implausible, if inspiring.

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Sunday, 22 October 2006 17:47 (seventeen years ago) link

OK guys but i'm serious about the pigeons.

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Sunday, 22 October 2006 21:55 (seventeen years ago) link

i always want to stop into new breed pigeon supply on my lunch break

bo janglin (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 22 October 2006 22:11 (seventeen years ago) link


Who did that version of "Walk on Gilded Splinters"? I was thinking maybe Steve Earle since he was hanging around for the finale, but don't find it at Allmusic. The likeliest candidate I see there is Duane Allman, does anyone know if that's correct?

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 22 October 2006 22:37 (seventeen years ago) link

haha the fake spoilers are freaking me out so much that I think I just decided not to read this thread for the next 2 months

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Sunday, 22 October 2006 22:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Fake spoilers?

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Sunday, 22 October 2006 22:57 (seventeen years ago) link

things I've learned today: Bunny's second-in-command was Tom Pellegrini, one of the cops Simon followed for Homicide. That's almost as cool as the Deacon being a former drug kingpin.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:26 (seventeen years ago) link

not Pellegrini, Jay Landsman, the detective-sergeant

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:26 (seventeen years ago) link

Why are the kids trying to catch pigeons in the beginning? Why does Marlow keep pigeons?

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:29 (seventeen years ago) link

Are you serious?

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:33 (seventeen years ago) link

(psst 'Marlo')

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:33 (seventeen years ago) link


Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:35 (seventeen years ago) link

it's a hobby people do it all over

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:37 (seventeen years ago) link

And some pigeons are valuable to those who keep and breed them - pure-white, I guess? Or those descended from homing pigeons.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Marlo keeps pigeons because that is the only way to communicate with Ghost Dog.

Paul Eater (eater), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:40 (seventeen years ago) link

i almost said that

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:47 (seventeen years ago) link

me three

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:48 (seventeen years ago) link

Sergeant Jay Landsman Played By Delaney Williams

Lieutenant Dennis Mello Played By Jay Landsman

is this what yr takling abt milo

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:52 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah. Landsman #2 is the detective-sarge you meet in the opening pages of Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets.

ps don't buy the mass-market paperback of Homicide, the printing runs too close to the binding (like a lot of mass-markets). I'm going to shell out $15 for the new trade paperback tonight.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:56 (seventeen years ago) link

wtf why you make me so fat!

uh, sorry... wanna be on the show?


jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 20:57 (seventeen years ago) link

and Detective Ed Norris (tall, bald guy often eating donuts) is a former Deputy Ops and Commissioner for Balt. City Police.

milo z (mlp), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:02 (seventeen years ago) link

theres a Gov. Bob Ehrlich cameo too

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:05 (seventeen years ago) link

Detective Edward Norris Played By Ed Norris

and that public health advocate who was in the meetings with the mayor et al, after they found out about bunny's dastardly plan, was the former mayor of baltimore who got slapped for his flirtations with decriminalization (the most dangerous man in america!).

jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:08 (seventeen years ago) link

xxpost - dude thats right! iirc ed norris is the guy that got nailed awhile back for corruption and did time for it

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Former Baltimore police commissioner Ed Norris, who was convicted in 2004 on federal tax and public corruption charges, plans to seek a presidential pardon that would allow him to work in law enforcement again.


jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:11 (seventeen years ago) link

he's got a radio show but i've never heard it

am0n (am0n), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:13 (seventeen years ago) link

Giving Sonny Perdue a run for his money, Maryland Gov. Bob Ehrlich has gone Hollywood. The Guv has a small role as a Statehouse security guard on an upcoming episode of the HBO series "The Wire"


jhoshea megafauna (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 21:15 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, I was gonna say, Norris is hardly "just an ex-cop," he's the disgraced former commissioner who has a radio show on the station HFS was moved to (I'm pretty sure he was on the 1st season of The Wire, before all that shit went down, and for some reason I think it's kind of cool that the show has stuck with him and actually given him a bigger role). his show is actually pretty decent, he's a good radio personality. I'm not sure if his co-hosts are still the morning zoo crew guys whose contracts hadn't expired yet when he was hired but that made for a weird dynamic.

Alex in Baltimore (Alex in Baltimore), Thursday, 26 October 2006 00:15 (seventeen years ago) link

i want to see the little kid that was going OFF on the 'chz faced bitch' when colvin walked back into the room get a storyline.

j blount (papa la bas), Thursday, 26 October 2006 02:10 (seventeen years ago) link

also that computer startup music and the look on dookie and prezbo's faces was beautiful, pure hallmark

j blount (papa la bas), Thursday, 26 October 2006 02:11 (seventeen years ago) link

Am I the only one who thinks that they are missing the painfully obvious in not doing a music montage with Nina Simone's "Baltimore." Maybe they're saving it for the finale?

Also, not so much Pelecanos writing this season. Although, you can feel his influence. Later in the season?

one six oh (one six oh), Thursday, 26 October 2006 04:06 (seventeen years ago) link

Can't wait anymore; for those who are finished with the season and want to talk meet me in spoilerville

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Thursday, 26 October 2006 06:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Am I the only one who hasn't fast-forwarded?

Snoop was in the Times

Snoop and Chris: television's cuddliest couple?

Paul Eater (eater), Monday, 30 October 2006 16:27 (seventeen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Black atheletes weigh in on the Wire in general and Omar in particular.

It's the lazy and immoral way to become super hip. (Austin, Still), Monday, 20 November 2006 16:22 (seventeen years ago) link

one month passes...
holy shit

so good; SO SO good

cozen (Cozen), Sunday, 7 January 2007 18:50 (seventeen years ago) link

Is this show done? Like, was last season the final one or do we have more to look forward to?

B.L.A.M. (Big Loud Mountain Ape), Sunday, 7 January 2007 19:24 (seventeen years ago) link

One more season.

milo z (mlp), Sunday, 7 January 2007 19:31 (seventeen years ago) link

i want to see the little kid that was going OFF on the 'chz faced bitch' when colvin walked back into the room get a storyline.


am0n (am0n), Monday, 8 January 2007 04:28 (seventeen years ago) link

have you just come to it, cozen?

benrique (Enrique), Monday, 8 January 2007 09:14 (seventeen years ago) link

That is good news indeed. This is easily my favorite show on television.

B.L.A.M. (Big Loud Mountain Ape), Monday, 8 January 2007 14:03 (seventeen years ago) link

yup; watched first series through, up to the finale, over the past weekend

am... not flabbergasted as to its quality, but certainly taken back... uncompromising is often an ill-judged way to describe a tv show but wd stake tht it fits here... the attention to, observance of, the formalities of policing and the legal requirements is stunning

a lot of the acting is stunning (w.poss exception of mcnulty who sometimes sounds a bit cereal-box american)

it is VERY good when for some reason I wasn't sure it would be

cozen (Cozen), Monday, 8 January 2007 14:07 (seventeen years ago) link

(w.poss exception of mcnulty who sometimes sounds a bit cereal-box american)

he is from sheffield!

i just got into it in the autumn, am up to end of s02. i sort of remember some noise when it came out but at that point i was dubious too, not sure why, probabyl similar reasons to tracey hand. david simon on the commentary is very... uh, high-minded, and i feel easier with, say, 'the shield'.

but mind is now blown and i join the chorus saying it's the best thing ever. i think watching one a week would be a difficult memory test -- seeing it on dvd quite quickly probably makes it 'easier'.

the original hauntology blogging crew (Enrique), Tuesday, 9 January 2007 10:33 (seventeen years ago) link

It's arriving in the UK in January, finally, on FX, which I don't think I have ever watched.
-- Martin Skidmore (lonewolf.cu...), December 21st, 2004.

goddammn i didn't know it was so recent that it came o'er here.

the original hauntology blogging crew (Enrique), Tuesday, 9 January 2007 10:43 (seventeen years ago) link

tomorrow is the start of rerun on BET here in the states. all the DC city buses have The Wire ads on them right now

dar1a g (daria g), Tuesday, 9 January 2007 13:45 (seventeen years ago) link

stringer is english??!!!!!????!!!!????

his mindboggling first role:

"2point4 Children" .... Parachute Instructor (1 episode, 1994)
- Fortuosity (1994) TV Episode .... Parachute Instructor


the original hauntology blogging crew (Enrique), Wednesday, 10 January 2007 10:54 (seventeen years ago) link

yes, he is. I had no idea when I first started watching (early in s1 I could totally hear dominic west's accent).

oh, here, i knew i read this somewhere - from the new york times..
"Wherever I go the real hard-core dudes come up to me and confide in me," said Mr. Elba, who over the years has been approached by dozens of drug dealers identifying with Stringer. "I almost feel guilty turning around and saying: 'Hello, mate. My name's Idris and I'm from London.'" Mr. Elba burst into an exaggerated version of his cockney accent. "I don't want to break the illusion."

dar1a g (daria g), Wednesday, 10 January 2007 12:05 (seventeen years ago) link

Davey D's article on Elba (who's from Hackney, London, and is a DJ):


From MTV news:

Meeting Idris Elba is a straight bug-out. He's been in videos by Fat Joe and most recently Angie Stone, but he's best known as kingpin Russell "Stringer" Bell on HBO's "The Wire." So imagine how ill it is to holla at him for the first time and discover that he has a thick British accent and he's a DJ. "I've been collecting records since I was like 10," said Elba, who grew up in London. The actor, whose DJ name is Big Dris, began spinning around the age of 14. "I started out with my uncle," he remembered. "He had a sound system called Sound International back in London. He basically did weddings. I was the speaker boy. ... By the time I was 15, me and my men from around the way started our own little sound that was called the Social Affair Sound [and] we started doing local parties." Dris, who began putting it down behind the turntables in clubs by the time he was 19, has been living part-time in NYC for the last six years and actually started earning his living by spinning in the East Village and Alphabet City before landing a guest appearance on "Law and Order" in 2001. His stint on "The Wire" began in 2002. Dris said things are going to get ugly this season for his character, but in real life, Elba is straight. He's already put out a series of street CDs called Foot Fetish, and he's linking up with other DJs to put out collaborations. "I consider myself a blend DJ more than anything," he said. "Like my mixtapes, the way I want to see them grow, I basically want to see if I can get my mixtapes to showcase new talent. I can't compete with the big boys on getting the freestyles and all that, because I don't have the connects yet. Eventually, I'd like to get the new freestyles, but at the same time, I want to see the new cats that's coming up."

-- Pete Scholtes (pscholte...), March 21st, 2005.

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Wednesday, 10 January 2007 13:14 (seventeen years ago) link


SEE Stringer kill Vampyrs, BBC style!


DONT see McNulty rawk his new 'do with Marky Mark!

Suedey (John Cei Douglas), Wednesday, 10 January 2007 14:02 (seventeen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

am0n (am0n), Sunday, 4 February 2007 07:48 (seventeen years ago) link

More wire gifs please.
Also, no mention of Omar in Trapped in the Closet on this thread? Say it ain't so.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Sunday, 4 February 2007 19:15 (seventeen years ago) link

wtf @ mcnulty w/stryper hair

Hoosteen (Hoosteen), Sunday, 4 February 2007 19:58 (seventeen years ago) link

i'd totally forgotten his stint in steel dragon

Hoosteen (Hoosteen), Sunday, 4 February 2007 19:59 (seventeen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
'Man Blames Burrito For Paralysis'?

fies, Thursday, 1 March 2007 23:53 (seventeen years ago) link

Ah, sorry. That first link should be

Season Four to be the Dr Strangelove of police procedurals

Oilyrags, Thursday, 1 March 2007 23:56 (seventeen years ago) link

The as yet unannounced Season Six is where they will focus on the hopeless quagmire of burrito paralysis that plagues the American Urban Environment.

Oilyrags, Thursday, 1 March 2007 23:58 (seventeen years ago) link

lol at paralysis burrito

forksclovetofu, Friday, 2 March 2007 02:50 (seventeen years ago) link

between re-reading Tim O'Brien's Vietnam memoir this week and watching Full Metal Jacket, I was just thinking how much I'd like to see a Wire-esque take on war movies/tv. This is close enough for me.

milo z, Friday, 2 March 2007 03:00 (seventeen years ago) link

I am watching season 1 rerun on BET. it's nice when all these characters are still alive.

daria-g, Friday, 2 March 2007 03:09 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm sayin', y'all. Between Generation Kill and John From Cincinatti, it looks like HBO has their hooks in me for the near future.

Oilyrags, Friday, 2 March 2007 03:17 (seventeen years ago) link

There's a good Chuck Stephens piece on the show in this month's Cinema-Scope.

C0L1N B..., Saturday, 3 March 2007 23:43 (seventeen years ago) link

i've never read this thread because i don't want to accidentally spoil anything, but...


this guy came in my restaurant today! i talked to him for like 15 minutes. dude was really nice, awesome guy! :D

modestmickey, Sunday, 4 March 2007 03:18 (seventeen years ago) link

He is very good at the fresh-faced recruit thing. The one time he really stepped out of that was great, too - when he came in to tell the mayor he was being indicted, knowing he was possibly committing career suicide by doing do - I love the the sheer oh-what-the-hell look on his face, the acceptance of what side he was, and the joy in that acceptance, all having to get conveyed through and around about three very understated lines.

Tracer Hand, Sunday, 4 March 2007 13:30 (seventeen years ago) link

The Mayor? Nah. Clay Davis.

But yeah, hilarious scene.

Oilyrags, Sunday, 4 March 2007 13:36 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh yeah Clay! Sometimes I wonder if I even saw these shows at all.

Tracer Hand, Sunday, 4 March 2007 13:58 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't read this thread, because I've only just got to season one episode five, but love it this far, esp the scene where they're in the kitchen trying to work out the murder scene, and the only dialogue is "fuck".

.stet., Sunday, 4 March 2007 16:24 (seventeen years ago) link

Isn't there a handyman or super or somebody hanging around in that scene, watching them piece everything together? It would have been great if it were him who got in the last word.

Tracer Hand, Sunday, 4 March 2007 16:31 (seventeen years ago) link

stet otm, I just finished season 2 so I'm skimming very very cautiously.

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 5 March 2007 00:08 (seventeen years ago) link


maybe season 5 torrents will leak as they're being filmed

am0n, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:00 (seventeen years ago) link

here's a still from upcoming season


am0n, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:03 (seventeen years ago) link

Okay, I knew he was going to be back in plainclothes, but...

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:04 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, i just finished season 2 so i can't read this thread like at all

gbx, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:17 (seventeen years ago) link

You are going to shit yourself at Brother Mouzone's sex change.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:20 (seventeen years ago) link

I just watched the first disc of season 3 last night. If you haven't gotten to this point I am about to do some


I kinda sensed the body language b/w Daniels & Pearlman was getting more intimate, but the sudden seduction was a total WTF. I guess Daniels left his wife between seasons? WHAT IS GOING ON

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Det. McNulty follows the money trail all the way to a seedy after-hours "toga party" at Power Plant Live. There he learns that the nearby Discovery Zone is literally the "kid-powered museum", operating as a facade for a child-slavery ring.

am0n, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:34 (seventeen years ago) link

(many xposts)

am0n, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 03:36 (seventeen years ago) link

daniels and his wife were in separate bedrooms at least as early as s02.

That one guy that quit, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 09:54 (seventeen years ago) link

from what the actor i met told me, season 5 should be filming right now. but when the hell does season 4 come out on dvd? i can't find that info online anywhere

modestmickey, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 14:05 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, season 5 supposedly starts filming this month, although I haven't heard anything concrete like those signs pointing to the set or cast member sightings yet. if it wasn't so rare that the show needed any white extras I'd look into casting calls (my dad got to be an extra on Homicide a couple times, though. Pembleton's house on the show was almost his house!).

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 14:48 (seventeen years ago) link

i didn't meet an actor but it was in the newspaper that s05 was going to start lensing this month or next.

That one guy that quit, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 14:49 (seventeen years ago) link

"LENSING" ..!!!

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 14:51 (seventeen years ago) link

i write for variety don't you know.

That one guy that quit, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 14:53 (seventeen years ago) link

it also says in article linked above filming won't finish until end of summer, post-prod. in october. they are doing generation kill simultaneously. s04 dvd will come out, like s03 did, right before the premiere.

am0n, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 15:01 (seventeen years ago) link

uh that last sentence is my own assumption :/

am0n, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 15:10 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, plz to hurry it along hbo!

That one guy that quit, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 15:11 (seventeen years ago) link

i've been watching the wire at least once or twice a week for the past couple months. i'm dying now while waiting for s04 on dvd! what's up with boy marlow!

modestmickey, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 21:02 (seventeen years ago) link

Do you really want to know?

Alex in SF, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 21:03 (seventeen years ago) link

not yet :(

modestmickey, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 21:17 (seventeen years ago) link

[Removed Illegal Link]

[link http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/15/AR2007031501664.html]massive feature story on Snoop in today's Washington Post Style section![link]

daria-g, Friday, 16 March 2007 15:44 (seventeen years ago) link

GODDAMN can't this UI just give you a warning that the link syntax is bad instead of posting it and taking out the link!!!

WIRED blog on the Wee-Bey Theory of criminal justice

daria-g, Friday, 16 March 2007 15:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Snoop story

daria-g, Friday, 16 March 2007 15:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Hah! A couple friends of mine have noticed the similarites between Khalid Shayk Mohammed and Weebay, too.

Oilyrags, Friday, 16 March 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

i just finished season 4 and was practically hiding under the pillow by the end of the last episode. i love this show, but there's something almost masochistic about watching it. the wonderful performances from the kids really twisted the knife in.

lauren, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 14:25 (seventeen years ago) link

haha while reading that khalid story, the image of wee bey munching on chips, muttering, "oh yeah, and i killed him too" was the first thing that came to mind

modestmickey, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 14:29 (seventeen years ago) link

speaking of which, i missed wee bey and dee in season 3. they were so much more interesting than the new guys!

modestmickey, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 14:30 (seventeen years ago) link

i think i've said this before, but the "street" parts of season 4 were like a horror movie in many respects.

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 14:52 (seventeen years ago) link

good point. right down to the zombie/vacant house thing and the fact that the romantic subplot (cutty and the nurse) was completely tacked on.

lauren, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 14:59 (seventeen years ago) link

Seriously, Dee was my DUDE!


BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 15:12 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't read this thread, because I've only just got to season one episode five

Me too, exactly the same place. Does it stay good through season 2 +?

Jordan, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 15:14 (seventeen years ago) link

it gets BETTER. season 2 is sort of a "low point" but with a series like this that's a compliment. seasons 3+4 (especially 4) are every bit the equal of season 1.

max, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 15:18 (seventeen years ago) link

i think 3 & 4 are better than 1.

lauren, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 15:19 (seventeen years ago) link

I think season 4's a little overrated but 3's probably my favorite.

Last week I got to talk on the phone with Blake, the music supervisor for the show, and had to resist trying to ask a bunch of questions about season 5 (which he probably wouldn't have been able to answer anyway since I assume he does most of his work in post-production).

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 16:12 (seventeen years ago) link

did you ask him who's doing the theme for season 5?

max, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 16:13 (seventeen years ago) link

no :(

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 16:15 (seventeen years ago) link

there's a tom waits version of the theme song floating around somewhere i think. hmm.

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:09 (seventeen years ago) link

that was season 2, wasn't it?

lauren, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:10 (seventeen years ago) link

i must have erased the memory from my mind. i can't stand that dude's style.

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:13 (seventeen years ago) link


That Snoop article is great.

jeff, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:14 (seventeen years ago) link

tom waits wrote the theme song, it's not a tom waits "version"

cutty, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:25 (seventeen years ago) link

I think it's a Tom Waits original, actually... first season was the Blind Boys of Alabama, second was Waits, third was Aaron Neville and the fourth was some schoolkids, as I recall.

max, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:26 (seventeen years ago) link

Season 2 is great! You guys are crazy!

Alex in SF, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:52 (seventeen years ago) link

Seriously! I might even venture to say I prefer 2 to 3!

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 17:59 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't find the thread where we ranked every single season of the Wire and the Sopranos, but I definitely prefer 2 to 3 now (I think.)

Alex in SF, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:03 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, Season 2 may be my fave.

I found a Polish-language (At least it looks like Polish, but I could be wrong) version of the theme song on slsk.

C0L1N B..., Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:18 (seventeen years ago) link

Can anyone find that ranking HBO shows thread? GAH I hate the new search engine.

Alex in SF, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:20 (seventeen years ago) link

i love method man: "that shit was unseemly!'

also very happy to see the brief return of kimmie, though for her sake i hope she meant what she said about being retired.

lauren, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:29 (seventeen years ago) link

Seeing Frank Sobotka on the "Black Donnellys" hurts me deep. Also, that show sucks.

jeff, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Jeff on the scrilla.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Man my heart leapt when McNulty thought he spotted Port Authority Cop whatshername in Season 3 and then it wasn't her. I was like "Seasonal Character Returns!! Yes!!" But then she didn't.

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:44 (seventeen years ago) link

you mean Beadie? you haven't watched Season 4 yet, have you? I won't spoil how she shows up again.

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:52 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah I'm stuck waiting on the DVDs. I guess I could just torrent it, but I've become obsessed with hearing everything over my newish speakers.

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:53 (seventeen years ago) link

season 2 lovers be preferring a whiter cast, lol

that snoop article is kinda sad, almost foreboding

am0n, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:53 (seventeen years ago) link

season 2 lovers be preferring a whiter cast
obsessed with the politics of work and capitalism,

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:57 (seventeen years ago) link

ha the other seasons don't touch on that AT ALL

am0n, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 18:59 (seventeen years ago) link


am0n, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 19:01 (seventeen years ago) link

you mean Beadie? you haven't watched Season 4 yet, have you? I won't spoil how she shows up again

Or the last ep. of season 3, even. I haven't seen 4 either.

Oilyrags OTM w/reasons for season 2 love. I think it also has to do with how effectively it metastasized and added nuance to the ideas of the first season. I loved the first season, but it wasn't until the middle of the second that I entered holy-shit-this-is-the-greatest-thing-that-has-ever-been-on-television mode.

Now (or after the third season at least) season 2 looks comparatively shoddy--the ideas and themes introduced are necessary to how the show functions, but adding a different milieu and set of characters who, as far as I've seen, are yet to reappear seems so much less graceful in light of season three (and the Barksdale and police investigation story-lines in season 2) where they're able to the same kind of brilliant expansion while dealing with a set of characters more narratively connected to the first season.

C0L1N B..., Wednesday, 21 March 2007 19:12 (seventeen years ago) link

Frankly, I'd feel differently about Season 2 if the dockworkers had showed up again at all, I think.

max, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:12 (seventeen years ago) link

what about the snoop article is foreboding? is she dead?

also, elements of season 2 pop up in the last episode in season 4

cutty, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:20 (seventeen years ago) link

Frankly, I'd feel differently about Season 2 if the dockworkers had showed up again at all, I think.

I agree! I'm not saying they should reappear but the season just kind of seems like this weird blemish in a show that otherwise doesn't have to look elsewhere to do what they need to thematically.

C0L1N B..., Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:24 (seventeen years ago) link

Colin and Max have made some damn good points. I may have to reconsider my s2>>>s3 stance.

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:28 (seventeen years ago) link

"but adding a different milieu and set of characters who, as far as I've seen, are yet to reappear seems so much less graceful in light of season three"

Um the Greeks are still there. They are still providing Prop Joe with the drugs.

Alex in SF, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:42 (seventeen years ago) link

what about the snoop article is foreboding? is she dead?

seems negative about her future in acting, like everything is hinged upon it, chances are slim, etc.

am0n, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:42 (seventeen years ago) link

I have to say, when she claimed she could play "girly" roles, I was pretty dubious. But who knows?

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 21:54 (seventeen years ago) link

nice race baiting amon

i think season 2 tends to be underrated. i often hear people complain that its the worst season but i found the intrigue behind the whole The Greek crime org. to be fascinating. Season 3 seemed tame in many ways - it was setting up the next season and finishing off the first season, or something.

deej, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:00 (seventeen years ago) link

I think season two is more uneven than the others. That being said the montage in the final episode is one of my favorite things ever. Also I can't think of too many programs about ethnic working class life that get it right. Season two does.

leavethecapital, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:12 (seventeen years ago) link

how do the drugs get in - da dox

who's more than willing to look the other way these days - da guys on da dox

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:18 (seventeen years ago) link

Right, I understand why, even just practically, we need to know about the docks and that implicitly the Greeks are 'around' for the rest of the show. All I'm saying is that the shift from the second season revolving around the docks to their disappearance from the third seaons (unless you count the "re-elect Frank Sabotka" poster in the montage) is one of the few things on the show that wasn't handled seemlessly. This isn't a complaint or criticizism, I'm just mentioning in relation to ranking the seasons.

C0L1N B..., Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:35 (seventeen years ago) link

haha for a second I thought you were saying that Baltimore's big drug connect went through Club Paradox (what people usually mean when they refer to "the dox" around here).

I'd love to know how fact-based the Season 2 storyline is, given how many head shops there are in Greektown.

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:36 (seventeen years ago) link

Alex, have you read The Wire: Truth Be Told? It's written by Raphael Alvarez who writes for the show and grew up in a Baltimore steevedor family. I don't think it has quite what you're looking for (making this assumption from the "head shops in Greektown" line) but it has lot of other info on factual bases for events/characters/storylines from the show.

C0L1N B..., Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:47 (seventeen years ago) link

those head shops (is there more than two?) are more highlandtown i thought

am0n, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 23:06 (seventeen years ago) link

karmic connection -> the "tibetan connection"??

am0n, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 23:08 (seventeen years ago) link


(i just like saying PIMLICO)

cutty, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 23:15 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah maybe it is more Highlandtown, I've only heard about them second-hand.

haven't read the Wire book, but I definitely want to. in the middle of Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets right now.

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 21 March 2007 23:42 (seventeen years ago) link

regarding season 2: the dude i met from the cast told me that pretty much every one of the actors agrees that s2 was a big screw-up. cue drudge sirens!

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 03:04 (seventeen years ago) link

I dunno if I'd put too much stock in the opinion of a group of actors who lost a bunch of screen-time in that season.

C0L1N B..., Thursday, 22 March 2007 03:27 (seventeen years ago) link

well, there was also the totally unrealistic magical reunion of the detail on the s2 case. i mean.. the stuff about the greeks and the dockworkers was important i just think they should've found another way to make a case out of it.. also spent more time on d'angelo, stringer, avon.. especially d'angelo, i miss him. and less time on ziggy, who is like about 20 kids i knew in college and hope to never cross paths with again..

daria-g, Thursday, 22 March 2007 03:33 (seventeen years ago) link

The reunion was obviously a little contrived, but they at least managed to do it in a way that fit the bosses' logic.

C0L1N B..., Thursday, 22 March 2007 03:40 (seventeen years ago) link

the homicide book is great. i think they mention the hit song that summer being "it takes two" which is funny in regards to b-more club

i liked s2 but it might as well have been its own show or a spinoff. maybe they'll find a way to tie it back in with s5

am0n, Thursday, 22 March 2007 14:36 (seventeen years ago) link

that chapter w/ "it takes two," with the prison riot and everything, is incredible
i love that book.

deej, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:20 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah I need to pick up The Corner at some point too.

Alex in SF, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:24 (seventeen years ago) link

Be sure you have your antidepressant scrips all filled up when you do.

Oilyrags, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:28 (seventeen years ago) link

s2 seemed like it lacked focus. the whole introduction to the major criminal case was so contrived. i mean, a little church rivalry? get the fuck out of here. even if it doesn't seem forced, you have to admit that it's not nearly as intriguing as what we were used to be in s1. then, like said above, the detail's reunion is just absurd script writing magic. and the whole season switches between so many different stories, feeling the need to still have something move with stringer, avon, etc, although not focus on it, that there's not much that happens in any one of the plot lines. what's even weirder is by the time the detail is finally arranged and it's time to investigate the case, there's what, 3 episodes left? the majority of the case work is done in a fast-forward montage of clips with music playing since the writers realized they didn't actually have time for any of that anymore.

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:47 (seventeen years ago) link

i think it's OK. and i loved the church rivalry thing. that is totally the way some horrible things get set in motion, they start with dumb childish grudges and move through one upmanship to something more serious. or less serious. the main thing i didn't like about s2 is that i just didn't want to spend that much time with ziggy and his perpetually pissed-off brother. characters in tv shows are like people that you're spending time with instead of spending time with actual friends and those two just didn't do it for me.

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:53 (seventeen years ago) link

I dunno, I liked the stained glass church window catalyst, it seemed like the kind of random thing that could actually happen (albeit more plausible a few decades ago when more of the police dept. brass were Catholic from European immigrant family types and the community was more church-based). I need to re-watch that season sometime but the way the old major crimes unit came back together in it didn't strike me as any more contrived or unlikely than a lot of other minor details in the show that bug me more than they should.

Alex in Baltimore, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:55 (seventeen years ago) link

the wire is all about the dumb and childish or seemingly insignificant reasons that set horrible things in motion, though.

lauren, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:58 (seventeen years ago) link

haha xpost, what Tracer said. Maybe some of this kind of thing is in the Alvarez book, but I think the one thing I'd be most interested to ask Simon or Burns or any of the other Wire writers if I ever interviewed them or something, is about the biggest continuity errors and plot contrivances that they've pulled off or regret not catching until it was too late. A show like that, where there's so much attention to detail to make its universe feel real and lived-in, I think it'd be pretty interesting to know what they've screwed up.

Alex in Baltimore, Thursday, 22 March 2007 15:58 (seventeen years ago) link

but yeah, s2 does feel caught by its affection for all of the characters and storylines. it's pulled in a bunch of different directions and seems to want to devote equal time to everything, and things end up being a bit confused.

lauren, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:00 (seventeen years ago) link

I really like season 2's expansiveness--not that the other seasons are myopic in their focus or anything, but season 2 just tries so hard to pull so much in and to me it mostly works.

Alex in SF, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:03 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm always kinda surprised that that's one of the stock complaints about Season 2, but not Season 4, where that seemed, to me, to be as much or more of a problem. Maybe it was just that the schoolkids were more popular new characters to introduce than the dockworkers, but I felt like as well as S4 pulled together all the divergent strands, it could've been done better. There were a couple episodes at a time where I was left wondering what happened to a character or if their storyline would be continued at all.

Alex in Baltimore, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:04 (seventeen years ago) link

The only season that's really focused is the first one actually.

Alex in SF, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:08 (seventeen years ago) link

i didn't feel that way at all. i thought that in general s4 was an example of expansiveness done right.

lauren, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Ziggy hate makes no sense to me at all. The Sobatkas in general just kill me. Nicky's "you're white, I'm white" speech to Frog? Man...

Oilyrags, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:18 (seventeen years ago) link

i like the perpetually pissed off brother, but how is anyone going to like ziggy?

kenan, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:22 (seventeen years ago) link

A show like that, where there's so much attention to detail to make its universe feel real and lived-in, I think it'd be pretty interesting to know what they've screwed up.

Alex in Baltimore on Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:58 AM (20 minutes ago)

i could be wrong about this, i'd have to re-watch, but... my friend who i'm watching this show with always jokes about how the dude i met in the show, the black cop whose name i can't remember, just kind of disappears for long stretches of time and then randomly pops back up. "what's up guys, how's this case going? oh, jump on some roof? word." i'm pretty sure when the studio magic of the detail reunion happens and everyone is sitting in one room together, he's not there at all - he's been completely forgotten. then later in the season he's magically back on the case doing stuff. haha

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:23 (seventeen years ago) link

i don't 'like' ziggy but i don't like plenty of characters
i do KNOW ziggy tho, or have known people like him, which is why he resonates.

deej, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:23 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, and he's insufferable

kenan, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:24 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, I think Ziggy is an unloved element of S2 because his character is depressingly realistic, but not in the same way as, say, the destitute and drug-addicted characters. Not so much tragic as annoying. Like the person upthread who said they don't like because he's "like about 20 kids i knew in college and hope to never cross paths with again."

Alex in Baltimore, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:25 (seventeen years ago) link


modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:25 (seventeen years ago) link

but i know what you mean

kenan, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:25 (seventeen years ago) link

that's sydnor. he gets pissed off about being forgotten and given lowly tasks, though.

lauren, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:25 (seventeen years ago) link

many xposts

also, isn't the pissed off brother actually the pissed off cousin? nicky and ziggy's fathers are brothers.

lauren, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:26 (seventeen years ago) link

yep, cousin. yep, sydnor.

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:27 (seventeen years ago) link

it is his cousin... i just looked that up, actually, because it didn't sound right. :)

kenan, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:30 (seventeen years ago) link

speaking of dee: is it just me, or is it that when we are first introduced to him he seems like far more of a retard than he actually is? "huh huh, that was tight, yo, that was tight how you got that security lady to testify. haw hawwww tight yo hawww." contrast that to the chess scene.

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:34 (seventeen years ago) link

speaking of dee: is it just me, or is it that when we are first introduced to him he seems like far more of a retard than he actually is? "huh huh, that was tight, yo, that was tight how you got that security lady to testify. haw hawwww tight yo hawww." contrast that to the chess scene.

I'd have to re-watch it, but it doesn't seem like a strech, those are to totally different contexts and of course he's going to act diffrently with Avon than with Bodie and Wallace. If I recally correctly, Dee does the same sort of mumbly, akward thing at the lunch with Weebay and some of the crew-chiefs a little later in the season.

C0L1N B..., Thursday, 22 March 2007 16:57 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, dee tries to come off smarter than he is most of the time with bodie etc. Remember him lying about shooting the girl through the window.

kenan, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:01 (seventeen years ago) link

tru, tru, u right

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeh, I'm not saying I want a friend like Ziggy or anything like that. I'm saying watching him hurtle inevitably toward self destruction is compelling TV.

Oilyrags, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:19 (seventeen years ago) link

one thing about the wire that makes me love it so much is that i find it all really believable. not in any way to compare my experience with anybody in the show's, but it all just seems very credible to me. remember the letter trick that buck and the other cops pulled on dee after the witness shooting? fbi did the same thing to me. when they raided me, before i had access to any lawyers, they convinced me that my best chance is to write an on-the-spot letter to (ironically) mcn4ulty, the doj bureaucrat prosecuting my case, and plead for sympathy, explain the reasons for my crime, etc. i fell for it too. i am such a fucking douche.

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:32 (seventeen years ago) link

That letter thing is straight out of Homocide IIRC.

Alex in SF, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:37 (seventeen years ago) link

heh heh yeah, sorry mickey. it's good you can have that perspective on it. if there's one thing i learned from the homicide book it is if you are in trouble, DO NOT SAY A WORD TO THE COPS, EVER. it is very very hard to prove cases with no cooperation from the defendant.

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:39 (seventeen years ago) link

sigh, no kidding.

but point is, stuff in the movie seems really believable. lines from the probation office (forgot where this came in the series, but i noticed when it happened) are the same lines i had p.o. read to me, the stuff feds say, way they act, etc, is same as what i've seen, all the little hoppers act just like the hoppers i grew up around, etc. i think it's rare to find a tv show so believable.

modestmickey, Thursday, 22 March 2007 17:41 (seventeen years ago) link

this girl told me they were filming tonight at dougherty's pub so i went to see what was what but they already had the place closed off so i couldn't be an extra {Ò_Ó}. i took some crappy far away cellphone pics of some guy that might have been ed burns

am0n, Friday, 23 March 2007 01:41 (seventeen years ago) link

thereis a lot of great stuff in series two and it's got to be one of the more audacious moves in serial cop shows ever, to reorient so drastically. i wish they ccould have found a way of keeping some of the dock people in, but maybe they will return. don't forget that season brought in method man and the east side in general. prop joe is in s02 more than s03.

That one guy that quit, Friday, 23 March 2007 09:40 (seventeen years ago) link

The other day when I was leaving work I saw a couple big trailer type things next to my parking garage and thought nothing of it. Supposedly it was a hair and make-up trailer for The Wire, though, so I guess they're shooting in Mount Vernon right now. I dunno if Jess is on this thread but he works on the same block, maybe he can verify. I'm definitely gonna loiter a little if I see any more trailers, though.

Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 23 March 2007 12:49 (seventeen years ago) link

this girl told me they were filming tonight at dougherty's pub

Is this the pub they always go to for a funeral?


Season 2 is great, especially on repeat viewings. I'm not sure there is anybody left from the port story, aside from Beattie and Stavros/the Greek that can come back. The Sobotka storyline seemed more of an isolated incident, at least as far as the extent to which he was involved in a major crime racket. At any rate, it did an excellent job of expanding the city itself, at least for those of us who have never been to Baltimore (which sounds really glamorous at the moment, with all this talk of spotting the film crew).

Gukbe, Friday, 23 March 2007 12:58 (seventeen years ago) link

i was totally coming here this morning to say that i wandered into a wire shoot last night! i was leaving work around 12:30, noticed a ton of tractor trailers along reed street, rounded the corner to park ave. and there they were. (i wasn't 100% sure until i spotted david simon, that lovable leprechaun.) perhaps season five will feature a subplot with drug money being run through the deli where i get my lunch every day.

strongohulkington, Friday, 23 March 2007 13:15 (seventeen years ago) link

haha Piccadeli's? it's like Chris Rock's bit about Krispy Kremes, if you told me their Italian coldcut had crack in it, I would be like "I knew something was up."

Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 23 March 2007 13:32 (seventeen years ago) link

their french fries will be the death of me yet

strongohulkington, Friday, 23 March 2007 13:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Is this the pub they always go to for a funeral?

no i think that might actually be the sidebar made up to look "irish", judging from the outside shots of them puking in the street

am0n, Friday, 23 March 2007 14:17 (seventeen years ago) link

lol @ scene of marlo in brewer's art in season 3

am0n, Friday, 23 March 2007 14:20 (seventeen years ago) link

i want to buy a lollipop at the drug store where marlo met the security guard

cutty, Friday, 23 March 2007 14:28 (seventeen years ago) link

haha was that brewer's?? jesus h.

and yeah i always thought it was the sidebar too.

strongohulkington, Friday, 23 March 2007 14:43 (seventeen years ago) link

that's funny, it never occurred to me that it might be the Sidebar in disguise, I'll have to watch that scene again. my girlfriend asked me if I knew where that bar was and I was like, I have no idea.

Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 23 March 2007 15:21 (seventeen years ago) link

major rawls in gay bar = awesome

sean gramophone, Friday, 23 March 2007 15:23 (seventeen years ago) link

uh spoiler alert ???!! ^^^^^

Tracer Hand, Friday, 23 March 2007 15:25 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah they made brewer's look like some vip dance club. should've just filmed at choices

am0n, Friday, 23 March 2007 15:37 (seventeen years ago) link

Hey, I avoided this thread (or browsed it very carefully) when I was waiting for HBO to air all the S4 episodes and a buncha folks here had downloaded them already. People who still have half the series on their netflix queue should know to read with caution. (xpost)

Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 23 March 2007 15:51 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, it's just - that one's a doozy!

Tracer Hand, Friday, 23 March 2007 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link

sorry! it's the opposite of a major plot point if that's any consolation.

sean gramophone, Saturday, 24 March 2007 11:41 (seventeen years ago) link

that's true!

Tracer Hand, Saturday, 24 March 2007 12:23 (seventeen years ago) link

it's just 3 seconds where rawls pops his head out, strictly a wtf moment

cutty, Saturday, 24 March 2007 14:38 (seventeen years ago) link

less than 3 seconds even. totally saw it coming.

modestmickey, Saturday, 24 March 2007 17:20 (seventeen years ago) link

haha suuuuuuuuuure

strongohulkington, Saturday, 24 March 2007 17:29 (seventeen years ago) link


jeff, Saturday, 24 March 2007 17:42 (seventeen years ago) link

how does one see that coming? you can't even remember the name of "the black guy" on the show

cutty, Saturday, 24 March 2007 17:58 (seventeen years ago) link


Alex in SF, Saturday, 24 March 2007 18:03 (seventeen years ago) link

Hey if you sit around calling EVERYONE a fag well then you get to say you called it at least once in a while.

Alex in SF, Saturday, 24 March 2007 18:04 (seventeen years ago) link

He does have quite a penchant for anal metaphors in his speech.

Oilyrags, Saturday, 24 March 2007 18:28 (seventeen years ago) link

if anything bunk says and does more gay shit than rawls!

cutty, Saturday, 24 March 2007 18:36 (seventeen years ago) link

[bunk line about making lester bowlegged goes here]

am0n, Saturday, 24 March 2007 19:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Even so, Bunk talks more about pussy (or pussae, if you prefer) than he does gay stuff.

Oilyrags, Saturday, 24 March 2007 19:16 (seventeen years ago) link


cutty, Saturday, 24 March 2007 19:22 (seventeen years ago) link

wait a minute modestmickey was talking about bunk???

Tracer Hand, Saturday, 24 March 2007 20:13 (seventeen years ago) link

re spoilers -- the rawls in gay bar bit was in s03, so it's not really fair to call it a spoiler -- it happened two years ago! it's just that not many anglos here have got up to s04 yet.

That one guy that quit, Saturday, 24 March 2007 20:18 (seventeen years ago) link

"You know why I respect you? Because when it came time for you to fuck me... you were gentle."
"That's 'cause I wanted your first time to be special."

milo z, Saturday, 24 March 2007 20:35 (seventeen years ago) link

was that rawls vs burrell?

cutty, Saturday, 24 March 2007 20:41 (seventeen years ago) link

McNulty & Bunk

don't remember which detectives had a similar exchange in the Homicide book

milo z, Saturday, 24 March 2007 20:47 (seventeen years ago) link

you don't think rawls had anything gay about him? ok dude

modestmickey, Sunday, 25 March 2007 03:33 (seventeen years ago) link

tracer, no dude, i was talking about rawls, not bunk. here's one reason rawls was predictable. compare and contrast:
bunk: constant and repeated romantic trysts with various women. married. to a woman.
rawls: oddly absent any sort of mention of romantic life.

modestmickey, Sunday, 25 March 2007 03:35 (seventeen years ago) link

> oddly absent any sort of mention of romantic life.

To be fair, this describes me, too, and I'm not gay. I'm just beneath the notice of the entire female sex, and based on Rawls' personality, the same isn't too much of a stretch to apply to him.

Oilyrags, Sunday, 25 March 2007 03:39 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, not trying to say that gaydarology is an exact science or anything, dude. just had a feeling and i was right.

modestmickey, Sunday, 25 March 2007 03:47 (seventeen years ago) link

Bunk has about ten times as much screen time as Rawls over the course of the series. We see him outside of work, hanging with the boys, etc.. Rawls exists (aside from the aforementioned shot) entirely as his job.

milo z, Sunday, 25 March 2007 04:51 (seventeen years ago) link

Just got through second-to-last ep of S3.


BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Sunday, 1 April 2007 05:50 (seventeen years ago) link

The balcony scene is THE SHIT.

Oilyrags, Sunday, 1 April 2007 06:04 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, balcony scene has some great shit going on. real nice character background, and amazingly fucked up psychological under-the-facade stuff, all awesomely acted out.

modestmickey, Sunday, 1 April 2007 06:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Did that episode have Avon's best line about how all the people at the warehouse shouldn't be "fuckin' around with all these guns and shit"?

milo z, Sunday, 1 April 2007 06:12 (seventeen years ago) link

Just got through second-to-last ep of S3.

oh hey mr. hoosteen. tell you what: watch the LAST ep of s3 before you think about posting. omg stfu etc

kenan, Sunday, 1 April 2007 06:17 (seventeen years ago) link

milo with the spoiler

am0n, Sunday, 1 April 2007 18:33 (seventeen years ago) link

Like hell he is. As pointed out upthread, that scene aired over two years ago.

Oilyrags, Sunday, 1 April 2007 18:37 (seventeen years ago) link

capt. save-a-show

am0n, Sunday, 1 April 2007 18:40 (seventeen years ago) link


Magwitch is Pip's sponsor.

Oilyrags, Sunday, 1 April 2007 18:45 (seventeen years ago) link

The balcony scene is THE SHIT.

-- Oilyrags, Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:04 AM

Yeah after I watched Final Ep (stfu kenan etc, "fuk u wire" reiterating popular sentiment that it was the 'most unwelcome event on tv since the fox news channel') I went back and re-watched the balcony scene. Sooo great. Time to do some mad torrenting for S4.

Did that episode have Avon's best line about how all the people at the warehouse shouldn't be "fuckin' around with all these guns and shit"?

-- milo z, Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:12 AM

haha nah that was last ep

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Sunday, 1 April 2007 18:50 (seventeen years ago) link

2nd-to-last ep. has the Day of the Jackalline, though.

C0L1N B..., Sunday, 1 April 2007 18:57 (seventeen years ago) link

i've broken and am torrenting s04.

That one guy that quit, Sunday, 1 April 2007 19:21 (seventeen years ago) link

A wise decision that. I've finished s04 just minutes ago and it was, once again, amazing.

Jibe, Sunday, 1 April 2007 19:24 (seventeen years ago) link

please release dvd's before recidivism

modestmickey, Sunday, 1 April 2007 20:15 (seventeen years ago) link

aw dude, sorry!

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Sunday, 1 April 2007 22:58 (seventeen years ago) link

Best Buy has season one on sale for $24.99 today. Don't know how long the sale lasts.

milo z, Monday, 2 April 2007 00:13 (seventeen years ago) link


Oilyrags, Monday, 2 April 2007 02:28 (seventeen years ago) link

I picked it up and had a $5 reward zone certificate. The Wire Season One for $20! Such a steal.

Harpal, Monday, 2 April 2007 06:54 (seventeen years ago) link

who up in this bitch has seen 'paid in full' w. wood harris?

That one guy that quit, Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:36 (seventeen years ago) link


Just bought it 2 weeks ago for $50+. BASTARDOS. (Totally worth it, duh, but still.)

David R., Thursday, 12 April 2007 19:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Came into work this morning and once again The Wire crew was all set up on Read Street up the block from the office! I kinda circled the block to get a better look but didn't see any important cast/crew members. maybe if I go by on my lunch break or after work they'll still be there...

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 23 April 2007 12:52 (seventeen years ago) link

walked by "detective sydnor" on charles st twice today.

am0n, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 18:41 (seventeen years ago) link

look who's starring in '28 days later'...


Mike McGooney-gal, Monday, 30 April 2007 03:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Ain't no special dead. There's just dead.

Oilyrags, Monday, 30 April 2007 03:11 (seventeen years ago) link

Just finished season 2. It's odd: Season 1 seemed meaty -- there was lots going on, and I could watch an episode and then leave it. Season 2 seemed to take ages to get itself set up, and almost as soon as it did, everybody was going to jail and it was winding down. I think it possibly just tried to do too much.

stet, Monday, 30 April 2007 03:37 (seventeen years ago) link

Just finished s2 last night as well. It was nice to see McNulty get fucked by someone besides Rawls.

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 13:16 (seventeen years ago) link

Season two is the weakest in some ways, like stet says they didn't manage the pacing at all.

31g, Monday, 30 April 2007 13:27 (seventeen years ago) link

frank sobotka

RJG, Monday, 30 April 2007 13:41 (seventeen years ago) link

season two is great.

That one guy that quit, Monday, 30 April 2007 13:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh boo! I shldn't have read that S2 might not be my thing. S1 is/was utter blissful orgasmic experience to sit through.

stevienixed, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:22 (seventeen years ago) link

I just finnished watching season one and yous guys have totally killed my excitment at checking out season two now :(

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:24 (seventeen years ago) link

season two is essential... you can't just skip it.

kenan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:25 (seventeen years ago) link

Hmm. I'll watch it either way. Even if it's just 1/10th as good, it'll be better than watching E! channel (what isn't ey?)

stevienixed, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:28 (seventeen years ago) link

season two is great

RJG, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:29 (seventeen years ago) link

I actually liked season 2 a little bit more than 3.

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:29 (seventeen years ago) link

It seemed like season 3 was trying a little too hard to get things back to season 1 status quo (i.e. the old team going after the old gang), which is what I wanted to see but still.

(it still kicked ass)

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh, aye, S2 is great stuff, it just didn't feel as chunky as season 1, somehow.

stet, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:32 (seventeen years ago) link

It seemed like season 3 was trying a little too hard to get things back to season 1 status quo (i.e. the old team going after the old gang), which is what I wanted to see but still.

Haha, I think that's why McNulty is still likeable in that season--he's wrong about refocusing on Barksdale/Bell acts obnoxiously, even for him, to get back on that case, but he's essentially arguing the viewers' position--who's going to watch the show if it's about Kintel Williamson?

C0L1N B..., Monday, 30 April 2007 19:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Also funny, in s3 McNulty keeps talking about what a smart police he is but he doesn't really do much proactive policework, besides manipulating people to get back on the case. I guess he pulled some shit to get the disposable phones, but that's it?

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:38 (seventeen years ago) link


David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 19:49 (seventeen years ago) link


Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:50 (seventeen years ago) link


tho I cd, as a s3 remedy, just shit or get off the pot re: the NetFlix movies I've had since 2005.

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 19:50 (seventeen years ago) link


Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:53 (seventeen years ago) link


David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 19:53 (seventeen years ago) link

Two years of netflix defeat?

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 19:54 (seventeen years ago) link

Only 23 months!

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 19:56 (seventeen years ago) link

my one prob w. s03 is that the hamsterdam project does seem like a kind of 'what if' scenario, breaking from the (what i imagine to be!) realism (to use a shitty word) of the rest of it. although on the commentaries they say such things have been attempted.

That one guy that quit, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:04 (seventeen years ago) link

have to rerewatch w/ commentaries

RJG, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:07 (seventeen years ago) link

Solution for David:


MAR070018 THE WIRE SEASON 3 #1 $2.99

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Ha, I watched that Q&A thing from season 3, and he said that to his knowledge nothing like Hamsterdamn has been attempted.

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:11 (seventeen years ago) link

a) the 'what if' scenario of S3 is what's gr8 about it

b) lol "realism"

c) former mayor kurt schmoke (aka sir schmoke-a-lot...j/k) simply posed the idea of drug legalization

am0n, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:23 (seventeen years ago) link

oh yeah now i remember c)

don't get b) though. the show goes to great lengths to get details -- of municipal politics, the law, police procedure, and gang vernacular --right; or so i'm led to believe.

That one guy that quit, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:30 (seventeen years ago) link

This whole talk re: verisimilitude reminds me of the one WTF moment I had w/ s2: that out-of-the-blue fancy "I am tripping my balls off" camera move after Ziggy popped GG & the kid @ the store. As far as I can remember, directors have eschewed any showy camera crap, & just shot scenes as-is. (FWIW, the scene directly following, w/ Ziggy in the car & the radio on & his hand shaking, totally made up for that little lapse.)

Fucking Zig.

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 20:37 (seventeen years ago) link


David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 20:39 (seventeen years ago) link

it aired in 2003!!!! not rly spoilery.


That one guy that quit, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:41 (seventeen years ago) link


(someone find The Sheild thread plz because I R lzy & last week's episode with nu-Vic was AWESUM)

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 20:45 (seventeen years ago) link

(fucking Lem)

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 20:48 (seventeen years ago) link

Nick Sobotka's grillfiend = hot

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 20:49 (seventeen years ago) link

haha the commentary w. omar and mcnutty on that is hilar. they are all zomg re. her tits.

That one guy that quit, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:02 (seventeen years ago) link

haha, why did I not listen to commentaries :(

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Which eps do Omar and McNulty do commentaries on?

milo z, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:06 (seventeen years ago) link

What the hell is this about a comic book version of "The Wire"!??!

Oilyrags, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I've had the entirety of S4 on my girlfriend's laptop for about a month now, but I can't bring myself to watch it on that tiny screen with terrible speakers.

xpost WHAT

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I was just kidding Daver, relax ppl.

Jordan, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Man, I got trolled.

Script adaptation by James Kolchaka and Jim Starlin, art by Rob Leifeld.

Oilyrags, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:17 (seventeen years ago) link

Which eps do Omar and McNulty do commentaries on?

-- milo z, Tuesday, May 1, 2007 12:06 AM (11 minutes ago)

the one episode, on series two. the commentaries with david simon are just a little bit high-minded.

That one guy that quit, Monday, 30 April 2007 21:19 (seventeen years ago) link

herro Mcnulty's naked ass. although, when n. sobotka's gf's boobs popped on I also commented how nice they were. the wire has really nice round body parts going on.

Yerac, Monday, 30 April 2007 22:02 (seventeen years ago) link

The boobs on that one prostitute, tho, um, no.

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 23:29 (seventeen years ago) link

Everyone on The Wire is beautiful in their own way. Even Horseface.

David R., Monday, 30 April 2007 23:31 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah i luvved the commentaries w/omar and mcnulty - it's all so very fly-on-the-wall pragmatic and luvvie and "oh you know she worked with [director x] afterwards" "oh really?" "whoa you remember THAT shot?" "yeah i could barely stop laughin"

Tracer Hand, Monday, 30 April 2007 23:38 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
SPOTTED: lt./major daniels

strongohulkington, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:06 (seventeen years ago) link

looking just as intense walking down the street as he does banging the d.a.

strongohulkington, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:06 (seventeen years ago) link


That shot of shirtless Lt. Daniels in S2 = WHOA

David R., Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:09 (seventeen years ago) link

How come only McNulty looks like he's enjoying himself during sex?

I just deleted Season 4 off the hard drive without having watched it. I can't sit on the computer for an hour without getting distracted by other shit.

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:09 (seventeen years ago) link

that is to tell teh extras where to find teh drugs

strongohulkington, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:10 (seventeen years ago) link

are they shooting that far downtown or is the arrow pointing to somewhere way up north?

Alex in Baltimore, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:12 (seventeen years ago) link

they were shooting around where the post office is, i think

strongohulkington, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:13 (seventeen years ago) link

the sequel to Bunny Colvin taking the kids to Ruth's Chris: Omar spends the afternoon at ESPN Zone. (xpost)

Alex in Baltimore, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:13 (seventeen years ago) link

i wonder how baltimore's most wire-happy alternative weekly will fit into this season's plot about THE MEDIAS

strongohulkington, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:14 (seventeen years ago) link

That shot of shirtless Lt. Daniels in S2 = WHOA

S3 will make you a happy man, then.

Jordan, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 19:59 (seventeen years ago) link

i wonder how baltimore's most wire-happy alternative weekly will fit into this season's plot about THE MEDIAS

I've been wondering about this myself. Simon really tries to avoid painting things in black and white, but CP's been such an champion for the show. It'll be interesting to see how he handles it.

kingkongvsgodzilla, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 20:10 (seventeen years ago) link

i kinda assumed it would be all about The Sun (or some fictional stand-in paper) and maybe the local network affiliates' evening news. maybe there could be a scene of one of the higher-ups in City Hall reading Murder Ink and getting all pissed off?

Alex in Baltimore, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 20:16 (seventeen years ago) link

I've been out of MD for a few years, but as I remember it, City Paper was actually pretty decent when it came to things like, oh say, actual journalism. Is that a fair assessment or am I just being nostalgic?

kingkongvsgodzilla, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 20:17 (seventeen years ago) link

That shot of shirtless Lt. Daniels in S2 = WHOA
S3 will make you a happy man, then.

Phwoar! Now I definitely can't wait! We just finished S2 THIS EVENING and I absolutely loved every single minute of it. I'd definitely rate it as high as S1. That said, I didn't notice S3 at the video store. boohoo. :-(

stevienixed, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 22:20 (seventeen years ago) link

BTW D'Angelo was in fucking TREES LOUNGE. I mean, the actor, not the character duh.

stevienixed, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 22:21 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

More random Wire-related sightings as an excuse to revive this thread: Herc goes to my gym! In the 2 seconds it took me to think hey, that guy looks like someone on a TV show, and realize that show is The Wire and it must really be him, he looked up and I averted my eyes. I've heard they're shooting 'til August. Or maybe that's when they'll be done editing and everything?

Weird tidbit that I didn't realize until I read it on Wikipedia: apparently Herc is the only character who's been in every episode of the show so far. I don't expect that'll stay that way in Season 5, considering that he looked on the verge of losing his job in the last episode, but who knows.

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 14:11 (seventeen years ago) link

i think were gearing up for some sweet herc is a security guard now action

jhøshea, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 15:03 (seventeen years ago) link

I love the scene where him and Carver are at the movies on a double date and they bump into Bodie and Poot doing the same. But how much sweeter if Herc was tearing tickets at the box office?

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 15:14 (seventeen years ago) link

I just started watching season 3, and my favorite moment is when Clay Davis quotes Namond Brice word-for-word: "I'll take money from any motherfucker who's giving it away for free." I lol'ed.

kenan, Saturday, 9 June 2007 21:57 (seventeen years ago) link

And clapped a little, iirc.

kenan, Saturday, 9 June 2007 21:57 (seventeen years ago) link

sorry, season 4

kenan, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:02 (seventeen years ago) link

according to this week's new yorker, steve earle is doing the theme for the new season

max, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:06 (seventeen years ago) link

ok, srsly, stop it with the theme. It was the original Waits version in season 2, you had the rights to it, stick with it. I hate with a passion every version but that one, and I know I am not alone. I saw all of this on dvd, and the Waits version is the only one that didn't make me reach for the FF button like I was suddenly watching a CBS comedy.

kenan, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:18 (seventeen years ago) link

i liked the neville bros one!

max, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:19 (seventeen years ago) link

which one is that?

oh, nevermind, i don't care, i hate it.

kenan, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:21 (seventeen years ago) link

neville bros is s03.

That one guy that quit, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:27 (seventeen years ago) link


cutty, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:28 (seventeen years ago) link

Really? I thought I was the only one who didn't like the Season 4 version. I actually love the Blind Boys version. Waits' version is definitive. But Season 3 sounds like dad-rock on painkillers. I just plain ol' didn't like the Season 4 intro (haven't seen the shows yet). And now Steve Earle, huh? Awright "Waylon," show us you got soul.

kingkongvsgodzilla, Saturday, 9 June 2007 22:34 (seventeen years ago) link

i saw bunk on 6th ave yesterday! he was wearing a suit and posing for a cameraphone photie with a clearly enamored fan. it actually took a bit of willpower not to hammer him with questions about season 5.

^@^, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Goddamn you HBO with your not-putting-out-DVDs-til-show-premiere!

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:09 (seventeen years ago) link

I love the scene where him and Carver are at the movies on a double date and they bump into Bodie and Poot doing the same.

A+ Yes

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Goddamn you HBO with your not-putting-out-DVDs-til-show-premiere!

i goddamn them a little bit as well, but apparently it helps drive up viewership. Critically acclaimed shows need that sometimes.

kingkongvsgodzilla, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:17 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't remember, what movie theater was that scene shot in? maybe Loews White Marsh? I mean I'm assuming, since there are practically zero modern movie theaters in Baltimore city limits anymore (RIP the United Artists on Pratt St.).

on Thursday there was all sorts of Wire shooting business out on Guilford Ave. next to the shopping center w/ 5 Seasons and the Dunkin Donuts I stop at before work. I hate having to drive by too fast to be able to ID anybody. also I found out that some girls I work with used to work at a hotel where JD Williams (Bodie) used to stay and had some funny stories about him.

Alex in Baltimore, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:22 (seventeen years ago) link

Coming to HBO: 'The Wire' at The Post

Making a rare screen appearance as itself: The Washington Post. A crew from HBO's "The Wire" spent more than six hours filming in our very own offices Sunday, the first time in anyone's recent memory that a movie or TV show has been allowed to shoot here. (Even "All the President's Men" had to re-create the newsroom on a sound stage, and that one was all about us. Word is that some bosses here are big fans of the gritty Baltimore crime drama.)

The plot of the fifth season (set to air early next year) focuses on the media, with some scenes filmed at the Baltimore Sun; Sunday's shoot involved a reporter interviewing for a job at The Post. Style chief Deb Heard's office played the office of a fictional Post Metro editor. (Note to hard-core fans: Apparently it was all new characters, so, no -- McNulty, Avon and Omar weren't here.)


jhøshea, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:25 (seventeen years ago) link

tell funny bodie stories plz alex thx

jhøshea, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:25 (seventeen years ago) link

I forget Avon's still around. The ending of Season 3 fucked me up!

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Saturday, 9 June 2007 23:28 (seventeen years ago) link

oh, i dunno if i could re-tell the stories out of context in any entertaining way. mainly they were about his hotel room smelling like weed and him telling the black girl I work with that he'd date her if she wasn't "the wrong color"(?).

the promised return of Avon is a big part of my anticipation for the last season.

Alex in Baltimore, Sunday, 10 June 2007 01:48 (seventeen years ago) link

i keep thinking Bodie's still around! one of the random extra HBOs we get was showing a season 4 episode very late last night. the one where snoop & chris are asking new york dudes who is young leek.. namond is esp. funny. "Ma, let me build!"

daria-g, Sunday, 10 June 2007 16:03 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm still holding out hope that season 5 will include some kind of absurd fantasy reunion of all of the show's deceased characters like the last episode of Homicide. Bodie and Stringer and D'Angelo (and Snot Boogie!) bullshitting up in heaven.

Alex in Baltimore, Sunday, 10 June 2007 16:11 (seventeen years ago) link

Let's not get carried away - I'm still hoping that doesn't happen on the Sopranos tonight. Ugh. Shoot one of Phil's lackeys. Just one.

B.L.A.M., Sunday, 10 June 2007 17:33 (seventeen years ago) link

watching s07 of homicide right so thanks for the SPOILER. so far its the worst season, like jump-the-great-white bad

am0n, Sunday, 10 June 2007 19:47 (seventeen years ago) link

right *now

am0n, Sunday, 10 June 2007 19:47 (seventeen years ago) link

ugh kenan totally off tm, the tom waits version is decent but is totally outshined by seasons one and three

deej, Monday, 11 June 2007 17:45 (seventeen years ago) link

season 4 weirdo gospel version is so teh best duh

jhøshea, Monday, 11 June 2007 17:47 (seventeen years ago) link

I am a Tom Waits loyalist, apparently. ;)

kenan, Monday, 11 June 2007 17:49 (seventeen years ago) link

s1 is best fareal. that shit still drifts into my head at like 3 in the morning.

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 11 June 2007 17:58 (seventeen years ago) link

i haven't seen season 4 so i dont know it

deej, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:01 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm now 5 eps into it, and all I can say is, yannow, ask a friend with pirating skills. It's probably my favorite season, so far.

kenan, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:12 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah pretty amazing

jhøshea, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:13 (seventeen years ago) link

dere it is http://www.torrentportal.com/torrents-details.php?id=750930

jhøshea, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:16 (seventeen years ago) link

oh cool, thanks

kenan, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:21 (seventeen years ago) link

s4 theme suuuuucked. actually, i like the themes in the exact order they aired (although 1 and 2 are kinda equal to me), so i hope i don't hate the Steve Earle one. I really kicked myself for not asking about or suggesting s5 theme possibilities to the show's music supervisor when I spoke to him briefly a few months ago.

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:24 (seventeen years ago) link

didn't like 4 theme

RJG, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:30 (seventeen years ago) link

lots anyway

RJG, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:30 (seventeen years ago) link

I like all the themes.

I watched When the Levees Broke before the Wire, so I had this huge flash of recognition when someone recently mentioned to me that Bunk was one of the guys interviewed a ton in WtLB (with no mention of his role on the Wire).

Jordan, Monday, 11 June 2007 18:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Bodie and Stringer and D'Angelo (and Snot Boogie!) bullshitting up in heaven.

this should be animated in an airbrushed t-shirt style

strongohulkington, Monday, 11 June 2007 21:12 (seventeen years ago) link

fanfic t-shirt

cutty, Monday, 11 June 2007 21:22 (seventeen years ago) link


i think we can fit em in above big pun here

am0n, Monday, 11 June 2007 21:40 (seventeen years ago) link

has Boondocks ever referenced The Wire (strip or show)?

milo z, Monday, 11 June 2007 21:42 (seventeen years ago) link

my friend rode the subway with andre royo this morning! he's kind of little (5'4"ish).

lauren, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:42 (seventeen years ago) link

I ate the same restaurant as Andre Royo and KEITH from Six Feet Under this weekend!

Alex in SF, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:50 (seventeen years ago) link

andre is getting around lately.

lauren, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:50 (seventeen years ago) link

Apparently the restaurant is co-owned by Royo's wife so all the people there were like "yeah it's Bubbles so what" haha while I'm like sitting there trying to evesdrop on his conversations.

Alex in SF, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:53 (seventeen years ago) link

According to his myspace page he's 5'8" but I'm not so sure.

Alex in SF, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:56 (seventeen years ago) link

Haha and he sez the restaurant is HIS new restaurant so whatever.

Alex in SF, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:57 (seventeen years ago) link

Someone should have invited Adebisi.

milo z, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:58 (seventeen years ago) link

Haha if Adebisi had been their I would probably have been too nervous to eat.

Alex in SF, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 18:59 (seventeen years ago) link

andre is getting around lately.

-- lauren, Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:50 PM

OK, my mind is so preoccupied with wondering what's going to happen in Season 5 that this comment instantly led me to wonder whether he's been shooting scenes where Bubbles gets clean and experiences the weight gain of a recovering addict.

Alex in Baltimore, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:01 (seventeen years ago) link

i read an interview w/him where he was all yeah i do sometimes wish they had chosen a different name aka not that cool to have people always yelling bubbles at you from across the street

jhøshea, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:02 (seventeen years ago) link

well maybe mcnulty doesn't like being called mcnutty either

cutty, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:04 (seventeen years ago) link

I named a squirrel that kept looking for food on my patio mcnutty.

mh, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:08 (seventeen years ago) link

also there was a real bubbles

jhøshea, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:11 (seventeen years ago) link

I am so excited for Season 5. Season 4 was my favorite season (next to 2, actually) and I hope they don't shift focus totally away from the kids.

filthy dylan, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:26 (seventeen years ago) link

It seemed like they were setting up Michael to be a major character in future eps, which is too bad, cause I thought he was the least interesting of any of the kids. It's Randy that I really want to see more of.

Oilyrags, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 19:29 (seventeen years ago) link

Still watching s4, almost done, but I have to say, Chris killing Michael's stepdad was maybe the most balls-out BRUTAL killing I've ever seen, certainly on television, possibly anywhere. The way Chris gets INTO it. Gives me a shiver.

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 14:21 (seventeen years ago) link

isn't there a judy blume book where one of the characters decides they want to be called "bubbles"? (but no one does)

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 14:40 (seventeen years ago) link

anyways - i'm a little over half way through the 4th season and am enjoying it but not even close to how much i enjoyed the 1st and 3rd seasons.

dear season 5: less children, more wires!

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 14:50 (seventeen years ago) link

the fourth is really great

RJG, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 16:41 (seventeen years ago) link

brutal but great

bnw, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:12 (seventeen years ago) link

the kids are what make season 4 the best!

max, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:12 (seventeen years ago) link

I really missed watching The Wire when I was in Japan. Now that I'm back, I'll probably go'n' rent season 3 tomorrow.

stevienixed, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:14 (seventeen years ago) link

srsly (xp re kids being awesome)

jeff, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:15 (seventeen years ago) link

Agreed. They're all such impressive actors, too.

And, as I kinda said earlier, Snoop and Chris are just soooo frightening. I loved the way that the beating Chris delivers calls back to all the times he was all reassuring before killing someone -- "Don't worry, I got you, I'll make it quick" etc. Now we see what happens when he does not got you. Goddamn.

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:17 (seventeen years ago) link

All muscle needs to be crazy, I guess, but Chris is lung-eating crazy.

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:18 (seventeen years ago) link

Can't wait until season 4 is on dvd, I have to stop reading this thread now.

Jordan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 17:19 (seventeen years ago) link

s4 haters: u mad

am0n, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 18:35 (seventeen years ago) link

perhaps. but for me season three felt like the natural conclusion to the whole thing.

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 18:55 (seventeen years ago) link

not... really. Seeing as how s2 was a digression in its entirety from the Barksdale plot, why would you think the show was just about that one story?

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:09 (seventeen years ago) link

ok not in its entirety, but in its mostliness.

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:15 (seventeen years ago) link

i saw brother mouzone on saturday.

hstencil, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:17 (seventeen years ago) link

I felt like s3 came to a pretty decent conclusion for the series, not so much because of the Barksdale gang getting pretty definitively busted up, but more the combination of McNulty's decision to return to community policing and Bell's death. They were sort of the Holmes and Moriarty of the show, and each of them had reached a satisfying conclusion to their arc.

That said, I think the angle they put out for S4 worked out great and am really looking forward to the angle they've got for s5. I'd even like to see that slightly hinted-at s6 about migrant labor communities.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:21 (seventeen years ago) link

was he reading harper's? get me my harper's


cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:21 (seventeen years ago) link

season five is the last season, pal

cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:22 (seventeen years ago) link

I remember getting told S3 was the end of the line, too.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:23 (seventeen years ago) link

that was obviously not the case considering the rise of marlo stanfield in season 3

cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:24 (seventeen years ago) link

thanks for puttin that better than i could oilyrags!

with season two it felt like filler - there to just consume space between the 1st and 3rd season (that's not to say i didn't like it or anything).

woah xpostin'

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:24 (seventeen years ago) link

xpost or carcetti

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:24 (seventeen years ago) link

The rise of Marlo wasn't neccesarily setting up anything but the futility of taking down any particular crime org instead of fighting root causes. If you think the point of the Wire is 'winning' the case, you need to watch closer.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:26 (seventeen years ago) link

what would make an appropiate end of the line then, if not Bell getting got and McNutty siting back? The end of all drug dealing in baltimore forever and everyone making major?

they could just keep going with side stories forever (which would be fine believe me) but the end of season 3 just felt like a really good end.


The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:28 (seventeen years ago) link

One and three I liked, especially for every second I could have with Omar or Stringer but there was way too much fucking McNulty, and personally I don't really care that much about the technical stuff of having a wire. Seasons 2 and 4 had the best personal dramas, I thought. You couldn't have ended with Season 3, because it was Season 4 that really got into the heart of what's so tragic about the drug trade.

Another interesting aspect of season 4 was how everything early in the season was getting us to believe Namond would get in to the game and Michael was the one with the head on his shoulders, which didn't turn out to be the case at all. I like that the show never relies on easy psychology, and how different characters are able to radically surprise you without ever seeming unbelievable.

filthy dylan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:28 (seventeen years ago) link

Carcetti also had a complete arc in S3. It was extended nicely, but I could certainly have lived with it stopping where it did. Ditto Bunny, since someone will bring him up next, I'm sure.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:28 (seventeen years ago) link

The rise of Marlo wasn't neccesarily setting up anything but the futility of taking down any particular crime org instead of fighting root causes. If you think the point of the Wire is 'winning' the case, you need to watch closer.

yes, but season 4 reveals just how carefully and for how long that had been planning and setting up another season. When s3 was rumored to be the last, Simon wasn't done yet.

kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:28 (seventeen years ago) link

he wasn't reading a harper's, unfortunately. did you know that his ass't who was told to get the harper's was the kid from "the corner?" as in, the actual kid the book is about, not an actor?

hstencil, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:29 (seventeen years ago) link

If you think the point of the Wire is 'winning' the case, you need to watch closer.

don't you fucking tell me how to watch the wire

cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:30 (seventeen years ago) link


kenan, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:30 (seventeen years ago) link

i'll fix your clock like prop joe

cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:30 (seventeen years ago) link

eat a lollipop like mar-lo

cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Actually, the end of Deadwood at S3 is a pretty good reflection of The Wire at the end of S3. Sure, there's plenty more you CAN do. But important conclusions have been reached, and on the whole, its quite satisfying as it stands.

That said, sure, I'd LOVE to have some more Deadwood.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:31 (seventeen years ago) link

"don't you fucking tell me how to watch the wire"

I recommend using both eyes, and the organ behind them.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:32 (seventeen years ago) link

wtf organ is behind the eyes?

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:34 (seventeen years ago) link


The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:35 (seventeen years ago) link

my brain is a muscle

cutty, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:37 (seventeen years ago) link

i was under the impression the brian was not an organ. but i have now been wikiducated and will now go get one.

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:40 (seventeen years ago) link

Sometimes I think my brain is a clavinet, actually.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:41 (seventeen years ago) link

there's a few of the wire kids in that decent movie "half nelson".

bnw, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:42 (seventeen years ago) link

It's got the "Fresh" kid in it too, right? Man, that was a good movie. He was good on "The Corner" too, to take it back to David Simon.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:43 (seventeen years ago) link

Bodie was on Oz but that show is ballz

did you know that his ass't who was told to get the harper's was the kid from "the corner?" as in, the actual kid the book is about, not an actor?

-- hstencil, Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:29 PM (8 hours ago)

thats awesome, totally didn't recognize him. what's that mouzone line? "your homophobia.. is so visceral"

am0n, Thursday, 14 June 2007 04:38 (seventeen years ago) link

ok, now I've seen all of it that you have. At long last. I'm still watching s4 episodes twice, and still catching more. Like that Michael was sexually abused by his stepfather. I did not get that the first time, because Michael hates him, but wtf he's an 8th grader, maybe he's he's being crazy irrational and just wants control of the house. But the scene when he rushes home and finds his stepdad with Bug all cradled-like, and Michael orders Bug over, and Bug follows, and stepdad says nothing even though it's his own son... it took two viewings, but I finally got it. And it adds up all down the line. Michael is distrustful of Cutty because Cutty is... on one level, having sex, which makes Michael uncomfortable enough, and on another level, having sex that is kind of illicit, at least in Michael's mind.

Aaaaaanyway. I could go on and on. But instead I will go to bed.

kenan, Friday, 15 June 2007 04:13 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

We just finished S3. I ab-so-lu-te-ly adore this show. We'll have to wait a few months till we can rent S4 tho. :-(

nathalie, Monday, 2 July 2007 12:55 (seventeen years ago) link

no no... download it!

kenan, Monday, 2 July 2007 13:02 (seventeen years ago) link

coming back from my jog today i came across the familiar line of haddad's trucks. followed them to the outside set where i watched them film a few takes of clay davis coming down the court steps and making some sort of victory speech after apparently winning some case against him xD xD

am0n, Tuesday, 3 July 2007 01:36 (seventeen years ago) link

I still have S4 sitting on my hard drive unwatched. AHHH

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Tuesday, 3 July 2007 01:55 (seventeen years ago) link

Sheeeeeit, more Clay Davis! (xpost)

A while back I was talking to a mutual friend of the local rapper Ammo, who had a recurring role as "Spider" on seasons 3 and 4, and they said that he's been "caught up in the streets" to focus on music full-time, which is a pretty depressing real-life parallel with when Spider kinda blows off Cutty and stops coming to the gym.

Alex in Baltimore, Tuesday, 3 July 2007 01:55 (seventeen years ago) link

Commuted Sentence, got that Commuted Sentence, 3 for 10...

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 4 July 2007 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

uk fans, there is a charlie brooker doc abt 'the wire' on uknova. it was on fx the other night.

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Thursday, 19 July 2007 13:33 (seventeen years ago) link

charlie brooker is about the last person i would want to hear talking about this show

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 19 July 2007 13:35 (seventeen years ago) link

i'll watch it tonight and see. kind of know what you mean, but british television criticism is the shame of the nation and brooker is better than the others. i don't know who i'd pick in the uk to do it. well, other than penman, but i say that about everything.

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Thursday, 19 July 2007 13:37 (seventeen years ago) link

ok i'm halfway through. it's bad. if brooker ain't the right guy to present, his UK interviewees are more wtf. nick hornby ffs. a lot of it is brooker talking to two random guys about life in b'more, seven y.o.s with aks and whatnot...

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Thursday, 19 July 2007 19:16 (seventeen years ago) link

ugh! way to pollute the wire for me

czn, Thursday, 19 July 2007 21:47 (seventeen years ago) link

they were all fucking idiots with absolutely nothing to bring except they were just about famous and liked 'the wire'. but they didn't have a single thing to say about it except "it's better than other cop shows". which is always a big cop-out (PUN). it was brooker on autopilot too.

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Thursday, 19 July 2007 22:20 (seventeen years ago) link

roffle/smh @ the wire getting no emmy nods to studio 60 getting 5.

methanietanner, Thursday, 19 July 2007 22:29 (seventeen years ago) link

RAPPER Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, who plays a vicious drug dealer on HBO's "The Wire," once served time in the shooting death of a teenager and made ends meet in jail by selling homemade sex toys. In her upcoming autobiography, "Grace After Midnight," Pearson writes, "It ain't like setting up a Starbucks in the mall . . . I crafted them in four sizes. Made them as real-life as possible. I knew my workmanship had to be solid or I'd get complaints." She was paid with cans of soup, packs of cookies, candy and, once, a joint.

tipsy mothra, Saturday, 21 July 2007 07:30 (seventeen years ago) link


top right - johnny the junkie

am0n, Monday, 23 July 2007 14:57 (seventeen years ago) link

Whoa holy shit @ Snoop: crafter of fine prison dildos.

kenan, Monday, 23 July 2007 15:00 (seventeen years ago) link

It took me two eps to figure out she was a girl, but she god oddly cuter throughout the season. Or maybe that's just me.

kenan, Monday, 23 July 2007 15:00 (seventeen years ago) link

she GOT oddly

kenan, Monday, 23 July 2007 15:01 (seventeen years ago) link

Watching episodes with her after reading the article where her past was spelled out made her character just that much more creepy.

mh, Monday, 23 July 2007 15:12 (seventeen years ago) link

More than creepy: frightening.

kenan, Monday, 23 July 2007 15:37 (seventeen years ago) link

laugh track

hstencil, Tuesday, 24 July 2007 02:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Unfair and lame. That scene's funny without a laugh track.

kenan, Tuesday, 24 July 2007 02:46 (seventeen years ago) link

I just finished the first season of "The Wire" yesterday and had to rewatch select parts of the episodes over again. This show is poetic. This show is epic. Man, once I watched that chess scene between D'Angelo, Wallace (R.I.P.) and Bodie I was sold: "The king stay the king". This show is so quotable.

youcangoyourownway, Monday, 30 July 2007 15:27 (seventeen years ago) link

What's poetic about that scene is how wrong Bodie is. :)

kenan, Monday, 30 July 2007 15:28 (seventeen years ago) link

not gay enough

kenan, Thursday, 9 August 2007 19:35 (seventeen years ago) link

actually, xpost to myself, i meant d'angelo, not bodie, but you knew that

kenan, Thursday, 9 August 2007 19:36 (seventeen years ago) link

Munch! Munch! Munch!

carson dial, Friday, 10 August 2007 11:47 (seventeen years ago) link

Finally got around to this show - I'm up to episode 5 tonight if I get my other shit done.

Hurting 2, Monday, 20 August 2007 23:58 (seventeen years ago) link


Hurry and you can be in it!

Oilyrags, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 00:38 (seventeen years ago) link

That's for the finale - a big musical number.

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 00:46 (seventeen years ago) link


river wolf, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 00:48 (seventeen years ago) link

no, if hbo hews to their old strategy, it will probably come out when season 5 airs.

can someone with a torrent burn it to dvd for me? that would kinda rule tho.

hstencil, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 01:03 (seventeen years ago) link

check yr e-mail

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 01:07 (seventeen years ago) link

fuk, I'm already through episode 8. Wire why you take over life?

Hurting 2, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 04:59 (seventeen years ago) link

thanks hurting, unfortunately i don't have the plugin to watch, and my computer is muy slow.

hstencil, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 06:03 (seventeen years ago) link


Hurry and you can be in it!

-- Oilyrags, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 00:38 (Yesterday)

thx for the tip! got the call today, shoot is tomorrow (tentative)

am0n, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 23:00 (seventeen years ago) link

if my am0n gets in the wire i will be so happy

cutty, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 23:12 (seventeen years ago) link

i hope i get in the wire

jeff, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 23:19 (seventeen years ago) link

dag I totally should've responded as soon as i saw that ad, hesitated and waited :(

Alex in Baltimore, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 23:47 (seventeen years ago) link

you could probably still respond. i think the ad said they were filming up to the end of august

am0n, Thursday, 23 August 2007 00:10 (seventeen years ago) link

LOLZ at hurting gettin' wire hooked.
I've got 3 and 4 on DVD fer computer, hit me up.

forksclovetofu, Thursday, 23 August 2007 02:29 (seventeen years ago) link

From what I've read, it seems that the season 4 dvd set will be out around Christmas, a couple months before season 5 begins.

Mr. Perpetua, Thursday, 23 August 2007 13:01 (seventeen years ago) link

that is so awesome that bunny's deputy is the real life jay landsman. in homicide, landsman was just amazing -- the funniest fucker there was.

YGS, Thursday, 23 August 2007 15:45 (seventeen years ago) link

am0n maybe email me w/ the text of the ad before it got taken down if you have it, i only procrastinated because i don't have many photos i can submit but i'm sure i can dig something up.

Alex in Baltimore, Thursday, 23 August 2007 15:48 (seventeen years ago) link

i don't have the ad but check yr email

am0n, Thursday, 23 August 2007 16:40 (seventeen years ago) link

One thing that strikes me about a show is the degree of respect with which the drug business is treated - like finally someone recognizes that this is sophisticated organized crime and not just a bunch of dudes in skullcaps looking menacing on a corner.

I know that's a strange way to put it, but I always felt there was a huge disparity between the excessive respect lavished on the mafia and the condescension to black gangs.

Hurting 2, Thursday, 23 August 2007 21:54 (seventeen years ago) link

Just read in the current Esquire that Steve Earle has a role this upcoming season.

Eazy, Friday, 24 August 2007 04:26 (seventeen years ago) link

he's been in it before, as a drug counselor

max, Friday, 24 August 2007 04:27 (seventeen years ago) link

o whoa, he's *Waylon* - I knew that dude looked familiar

Hurting 2, Friday, 24 August 2007 11:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Did anyone see that Lance "Lt. Daniels" Reddick is going to have a recurring role as a villain on the next season of Lost? Kinda rad, especially since Lost and The Wire are going to be on more or less simultaneously, thus giving us a double dose of that guy.

Mr. Perpetua, Friday, 24 August 2007 12:38 (seventeen years ago) link

i didn't realize that was earle. makes sense i guess since he was a notorious addict iirc

am0n, Friday, 24 August 2007 13:38 (seventeen years ago) link

I think this was mentioned on the thread already but Earle recorded "Way Down In The Hole" for the Season 5 theme, too.

Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 24 August 2007 13:41 (seventeen years ago) link

lance reddick as a villain sounds amazing

cutty, Friday, 24 August 2007 23:21 (seventeen years ago) link

he was kinda the bad guy in "The Corner"

Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 24 August 2007 23:29 (seventeen years ago) link

as long as there are no sex scenes a la wire season three we'll be ok

cutty, Friday, 24 August 2007 23:43 (seventeen years ago) link

u know u loved it


Alex in Baltimore, Friday, 24 August 2007 23:47 (seventeen years ago) link

chronicles of reddick

am0n, Friday, 24 August 2007 23:49 (seventeen years ago) link

2002 - appeared as the lead police officer in the music video for "'03 Bonnie & Clyde" by Jay-Z featuring Beyoncé Knowles.

am0n, Saturday, 25 August 2007 00:01 (seventeen years ago) link

ok alex i like you again after that

cutty, Saturday, 25 August 2007 00:36 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm through 11 now. Wake up Griggs! ;_;

Hurting 2, Saturday, 25 August 2007 04:59 (seventeen years ago) link

Season 1 finished. 1am. Fuk. Should I start season 2?

Hurting 2, Sunday, 26 August 2007 04:56 (seventeen years ago) link


am0n, Sunday, 26 August 2007 06:10 (seventeen years ago) link

reddick is a cop or fed in basically everything he's done.

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Sunday, 26 August 2007 08:41 (seventeen years ago) link

except in oz, where he is a convicted criminal

cutty, Sunday, 26 August 2007 11:43 (seventeen years ago) link

oh shit, he was undercover on oz!

cutty, Sunday, 26 August 2007 11:45 (seventeen years ago) link


Having achieved notable success as an actor Lance is ready to make available to the public for the first time his musical offerings. To preview audio samples of Lances songs please click here.

cutty, Sunday, 26 August 2007 11:47 (seventeen years ago) link

This EP is a collection of smooth soothing vocals, sophisticated vocal stylings and intriguing lyrics that paint pictures in your mind. With this CD Lance Reddick accomplishes taking you out of your world and into the lives of the people in the stories he is singing about.
When listening to these songs you are just poised to do nothing but sit there and enjoy this stunning musical offering.. The quality of Lance's performance combined with the smooth beautiful jazz instrumentation puts the songs on this EP over the top.
These are songs you will want to listen to over and over again. If you’re a connoisseur of quality music, this is a must have for your collection.

cutty, Sunday, 26 August 2007 11:48 (seventeen years ago) link

well i AM a connoisseur of quality music

Tracer Hand, Sunday, 26 August 2007 13:26 (seventeen years ago) link

here's hoping second album called "reddickulous" with jay-z guest spot

cutty, Sunday, 26 August 2007 15:33 (seventeen years ago) link

idris elba on the decks

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Sunday, 26 August 2007 15:57 (seventeen years ago) link

OMG Bodie listening to Garrison Keilor on the radio in Philly - ROFFLE

Hurting 2, Sunday, 26 August 2007 16:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Daniels' music is terrible. :(

polyphonic, Sunday, 26 August 2007 16:44 (seventeen years ago) link

tick tock the clock is ticking ding ding

am0n, Sunday, 26 August 2007 18:08 (seventeen years ago) link


am0n, Sunday, 26 August 2007 18:13 (seventeen years ago) link

wow, nazi reddick

cutty, Sunday, 26 August 2007 19:04 (seventeen years ago) link


That one guy that hit it and quit it, Sunday, 26 August 2007 19:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Dancin' swastikas.

polyphonic, Sunday, 26 August 2007 19:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Teaser for an interview in this month's Believer:

David Simon
Some things television is good for:
Depicting the “other” America
Pissing off the mayor
Three or four years ago, I got an email from a friend in which he described The Wire as the best thing he’d ever seen on TV, “apart from Abigail’s Party.” Here was a recommendation designed to get anybody’s attention. No mention of The West Wing, or The Sopranos, or Curb Your Enthusiasm, or any of the other shibboleths of contemporary TV criticism; just a smart-aleck nod to Mike Leigh’s classic 1977 BBC play. It reeled me in, anyway, and I went out and bought a box set of the first series.

I’d never heard of the show. It’s not widely known or shown here in the U.K., although whenever a new season starts, you can always find a piece in a broadsheet paper calling it “the best programme you’ve never heard of,” and I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was something that bore no resemblance to Abigail’s Party, predictably, and very little resemblance to any other cop show. At one stage I was simultaneously hooked on The Wire and the BBC’s brilliant adaptation of Bleak House, and it struck me that Dickens serves as a useful point of comparison; David Simon and his team of writers (including George Pelecanos, Richard Price, Dennis Lehane) swoop from high to low, from the mayor’s office to the street corner—and the street-corner dealers are shown more empathy and compassion than anyone has mustered before. The hapless Bubbles, forever dragging behind him his shopping trolley full of stolen goods, is Baltimore’s answer to Joe the Crossing Sweeper.

We talked via email. A couple of weeks later, we met in London—David Simon is making a show about the war in Iraq with my next-door neighbor. (Really. He’s really making a show about the war in Iraq, and the producer literally lives next door.) We talked a lot about sports and music.

—Nick Hornby


NICK HORNBY: Every time I think, Man, I’d love to write for The Wire, I quickly realize that I wouldn’t know my True dats from my narcos. Did you know all that before you started? Do you get input from those who might be more familiar with the idiom?

DAVID SIMON: My standard for verisimilitude is simple and I came to it when I started to write prose narrative: fuck the average reader. I was always told to write for the average reader in my newspaper life. The average reader, as they meant it, was some suburban white subscriber with two-point-whatever kids and three-point-whatever cars and a dog and a cat and lawn furniture. He knows nothing and he needs everything explained to him right away, so that exposition becomes this incredible, story-killing burden. Fuck him. Fuck him to hell.

Beginning with Homicide, the book, I decided to write for the people living the event, the people in that very world. I would reserve some of the exposition, assuming the reader/viewer knew more than he did, or could, with a sensible amount of effort, hang around long enough to figure it out. I also realized—and this was more important to me—that I would consider the book or film a failure if people in these worlds took in my story and felt that I did not get their existence, that I had not captured their world in any way that they would respect.

Make no mistake—with journalism, this doesn’t mean I want the subjects to agree with every page. Sometimes the adversarial nature of what I am saying requires that I write what the subjects will not like, in terms of content. But in terms of dialogue, vernacular, description, tone—I want a homicide detective, or a drug slinger, or a longshoreman, or a politician anywhere in America to sit up and say, Whoa, that’s how my day is. That’s my goal. It derives not from pride or ambition or any writerly vanity, but from fear. Absolute fear. Like many writers, I live every day with the vague nightmare that at some point, someone more knowledgeable than myself is going to sit up and pen a massive screed indicating exactly where my work is shallow and fraudulent and rooted in lame, half-assed assumptions. I see myself labeled a writer, and I get good reviews, and I have the same doubts buried, latent, even after my successes. I suspect many, many writers feel this way. I think it is rooted in the absolute arrogance that comes with standing up at the community campfire and declaring, essentially, that we have the best story that ought to be told next and that people should fucking listen. Storytelling and storytellers are rooted in pay-attention-to-me onanism. Listen to this! I’m from Baltimore and I’ve got some shit you fucking need to see, people! Put down that CSI shit and pay some heed, motherfuckers! I’m gonna tell it best, and most authentic, and coolest, and… I mean, presenting yourself as the village griot is done, for me, with no more writerly credential than a dozen years as a police reporter in Baltimore and a C-average bachelor’s degree in general studies from a large state university. On paper, why me? But I have a feeling every good writer, regardless of background, doubts his own voice just a little, and his own right to have that voice heard. It’s the simple effrontery of the thing. Who died and made me Storyteller?

Hurting 2, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:34 (seventeen years ago) link

oh fucking nick hornby! he was on a tv show here talking about his love for 'the wire'... only he wasn't. ALL he came up with was that other cop shows are formulaic and 'the wire' isn't.

nick hornby writing for 'the wire' would be the funniest and worst shit ever.

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:38 (seventeen years ago) link

which is especially stupid because The Wire *is* kind of formulaic, but in the best sense - I mean it does break with the typical pattern of police shows, but it also relies on a lot of tried and true dramatic devices and its plot moves in a very systematic way that's not exactly a complete reinvention.

But who cares about Hornby, David Simon is great in that bit of interview.

Hurting 2, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:48 (seventeen years ago) link

Every time I think, Man, I’d love to write for The Wire, I quickly realize that I wouldn’t know my True dats from my narcos.

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:51 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah exactly. t. s. eliot said that, or something like it -- the best stuff kind of builds on traditions, it doesn't just come from nowhere, genre can be an enriching thing. and with all the 'homicide: lots' connections...


That one guy that hit it and quit it, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:52 (seventeen years ago) link

My standard for verisimilitude is simple and I came to it when I started to write prose narrative: fuck the average reader.

Hurting 2, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:53 (seventeen years ago) link

That statement alone is a triumphant moment for humanity.

Hurting 2, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:54 (seventeen years ago) link


jhøshea, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:54 (seventeen years ago) link

Fuck him. Fuck him to hell.


jhøshea, Monday, 27 August 2007 14:55 (seventeen years ago) link

the funny thing about that quote is that he's basically talking about hornby

deej, Monday, 27 August 2007 20:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Admittedly he's also buttering up his fans who DO get the show - making them feel extra smart, like any good cult show does. I did feel sort of proud of myself for being able to explain the redevelopment zone scheme to an otherwise very bright friend who didn't get it.

Hurting 2, Monday, 27 August 2007 20:48 (seventeen years ago) link

i so do not get The Believer's affection for hornby. ug.

sean gramophone, Monday, 27 August 2007 20:55 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm up to Season 2 episode 5, btw. I think that makes 17 episodes in about 10 days.

Hurting 2, Monday, 27 August 2007 20:55 (seventeen years ago) link

u slow

deej, Monday, 27 August 2007 21:04 (seventeen years ago) link

please refrain from the periodic hurting updates

cutty, Monday, 27 August 2007 21:21 (seventeen years ago) link

the fuck do you care

I'm not feeling season two as much as of about halfway through but there's enough to keep me interested. My main problem is that the dockworkers are just not as engaging as Barksdale's people. I don't know if it's just a function of the fact that they're a bunch of depressed, sporadically employed drunks, or whether the writers just don't have as much affection for them, although I feel like it's the latter. The whole "back together again" police detail plot is also a bit contrived. Still better than watching anything else.

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 04:33 (seventeen years ago) link

the "getting the band back together" bit of season 2 was the lowpoint of the series, but also necessary, since season 1 was basically an extended pilot. they've sort of had to end each season like it was the last, you know?

river wolf, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 04:52 (seventeen years ago) link

I wish they brought back Mahoney and Hightower. That jerk Mauser just won't let go.

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 05:00 (seventeen years ago) link

ziggy sobotka is engaging

cutty, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 10:14 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, he's a good character. His son is unwatchably annoying, even though I know he's supposed to be annoying on some level. The nephew also leaves me a bit cold. The port cop is likeable - she's obviously going to be the surprise "real police after all" character.

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:22 (seventeen years ago) link

ziggy is the son. frank is the father.

lauren, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:24 (seventeen years ago) link

ah fuk. Pre-coffee posting.

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:31 (seventeen years ago) link

she's obviously going to be the surprise "real police after all" character

watch the show, smart guy

kenan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:32 (seventeen years ago) link

"I don't know if it's just a function of the fact that they're a bunch of depressed, sporadically employed drunks, or whether the writers just don't have as much affection for them, although I feel like it's the latter."

I thought they were really engaging and I think the writers have a lot of affection and sympathy for them!

Alex in SF, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:50 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah i still dont get why people are so down on season 2 or the dock workers in general

deej, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I wasn't into the dock characters at first just because it was so different, but I ended up loving season 2 (agreed re: the getting the old team back together thing, it almost felt like a comic book-style reset).

Jordan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 14:58 (seventeen years ago) link

I like season 2 but I think they could've done some slightly more interesting things to address Baltimore's depressed post-industrial workforce. I mean, I think the decline of Bethlehem Steel had a bigger impact on Baltimore's working class than the docks, but that'd probably be harder to work into a show about cops and criminals.

Alex in Baltimore, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:00 (seventeen years ago) link

Simon said in an interview I heard that he thought about other aspect's of Baltimore industry but went with the docks partly for aesthetic reasons.

I don't mean to be overly down on the dock workers or S2 - I like them fine but it's just a slight letdown from S1.

Hurting 2, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:07 (seventeen years ago) link

ziggy actor is going to be one of the leads in 'generation kill'

am0n, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:10 (seventeen years ago) link

I think someone said it upthread a ways, but season two really is just a big ol' tangent. Which is audacious, I think. I mean, you do get some big picture stuff, you meet Prop Joe, that kind of thing, but by and large it's ott.

kenan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:21 (seventeen years ago) link


deej, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:24 (seventeen years ago) link

off the topic

kenan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:25 (seventeen years ago) link

the topic is baltimore

cutty, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:33 (seventeen years ago) link

saw ziggy on 2nd ave last nite

jhøshea, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:47 (seventeen years ago) link

there was an awesome bit on gawker a while back about ziggy not only preventing a rape from happening in his bldg's vestibule but chasing the rapist down and beating him with a 2'x4' or something because he hates people who disrespect women.

lauren, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:51 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah so awes. i think theres an article linked ot or excerpted upthread. almost makes up for the auto-erotic asphyxiation in that larry clark shitbomb.

jhøshea, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link

ott doesn't mean off the topic

RJG, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link

i reaaally wish i hadnt seen that scene

jhøshea, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:55 (seventeen years ago) link


cutty, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:57 (seventeen years ago) link


max, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 15:59 (seventeen years ago) link

I've been using it to mean off the topic for a long time. I'm surprised no one called me on it. I must have been writing some weird sentences.

kenan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 16:00 (seventeen years ago) link


jhøshea, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 16:00 (seventeen years ago) link


The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 16:31 (seventeen years ago) link


am0n, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 17:02 (seventeen years ago) link

I think that season two kind of was a tangent (the dockworker stuff, anyway), at least insofar as it isn't that deeply intertwined with the rest of the series as a whole. It would be a different story if, for instance, we were still following characters within the Polish community and we saw how their lives were affected by the events that make up the main thrust of the series. I guess that one could argue that the tangential nature was intentional, depending on how segregated Baltimore really is and how little interaction there generally is between those communities.

Deric W. Haircare, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 20:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Season 2 is crucial if only for "did it have any hands or feet? Then it wasn't me!"

polyphonic, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 20:26 (seventeen years ago) link

season 2 also spread out their universe which i think was necessary for balance

deej, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 20:33 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh, and another thing about Season 2 is that a homicide division (or subbranch thereof) is going to have to investigate crimes other than those about the main plotline of the show, but you still learn about Prop Joe, Cheese, Beadie, the Greek and his guys (who factor in later with Marlo), the rise of Carcetti, the kingmaking power/spite of Valchek, ...

Also, it was fun to get a glimpse of life working a boat detail, or working in records, or etc.

polyphonic, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 20:33 (seventeen years ago) link

sure the stevedores didnt reappear after their season but they did provide important context. like why is this society like this? amongst other things there are no working class jobs anymore. so, not tangential - each season's shown a piece of the puzzle.

1 drug war
2 working man
3 city hall
4 education
5 media

jhøshea, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 20:37 (seventeen years ago) link

i hope we get more vondas in season 5

cutty, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 20:57 (seventeen years ago) link

I thought Carcetti showed up in season 3?

kenan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:02 (seventeen years ago) link

Season 2 is only a letdown in that S1 is basically the best 12 hours of TV ever. I don't think the show ever equalled the novel-like vision of the first season - after that it became more like a TV show (still utterly fantastic but different).

milo z, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:04 (seventeen years ago) link

You mighta nailed it, milo. I really want to watch the series all the way through again, at which point I may very well be convinced that season 2 is more crucial than I'd previously believed.

Deric W. Haircare, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:37 (seventeen years ago) link

i still like 2 more than 3

deej, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:41 (seventeen years ago) link

4 is still my favorite

kenan, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:42 (seventeen years ago) link


milo z, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:43 (seventeen years ago) link


am0n, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:45 (seventeen years ago) link

1 is still my least favorite season by far, but maybe I should rewatch it.

polyphonic, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:55 (seventeen years ago) link

I thought Carcetti showed up in season 3?

Maybe (don't remember), but I think all S2 stuff put in motion a lot of events that led to Carcetti's rise.

polyphonic, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:58 (seventeen years ago) link

I thought that possibly at the end of S4 where Marlo was getting paranoid and started asking questions about the greek guy that we were going to come back to that storyline in S5. S2 was fucking brilliant - as was said upthread it was a tangent but a no other show would have followed it through so far or so well.

tpp, Tuesday, 28 August 2007 21:58 (seventeen years ago) link

1 • 3 • 4 • 2

The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 00:59 (seventeen years ago) link


jhøshea, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 01:35 (seventeen years ago) link

i think s2 is great. frankie sobotka is a great tragic character.

s1ocki, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 02:13 (seventeen years ago) link

yah sobotka is brilliant

jhøshea, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 02:14 (seventeen years ago) link

Notice how no Wire fan has said that any season is dull or not worth bothering with. Because it's all good. I like 4 especially maybe because it's especially... gritty. Because Chris and Snoop are some of my favorite villians of all time.

kenan, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 02:26 (seventeen years ago) link

I like season 2 but I think they could've done some slightly more interesting things to address Baltimore's depressed post-industrial workforce. I mean, I think the decline of Bethlehem Steel had a bigger impact on Baltimore's working class than the docks, but that'd probably be harder to work into a show about cops and criminals.

I think there's a reference to this also - iirc Spiros points across the water when talking to Frank and says "They used to make steel there, no?"

Hurting 2, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 03:08 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, how are the docks not related to steel?

kenan, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 03:59 (seventeen years ago) link

Gary, Indiana suffered the same and worse fate... they used to make steel, and the raw materials needed to do that were so heavy that they were cheaper and easier to ship over water. As the stteel industry collapsed, mostly in the 80's, the cities that steel built shrank, and eventually even shipping ordinary goods to those places became less appealing.

kenan, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 04:06 (seventeen years ago) link

that's a HUGE simplification, obv. But docks and steel go together, sure they do.

kenan, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 04:12 (seventeen years ago) link

The British Geological Survey reports that in 2005, China was the top producer of steel with about one-third world share followed by Japan, Russia and the USA.

kenan, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 04:14 (seventeen years ago) link

Sure, and you could probably name dozens of other American cities with similar stories. Jersey City, where I live now, was a huge dock town. You know that rather bland skyline you see across the Hudson from lower Manhattan? It's all built on what used to be railroad and docks. (my understanding is that the city government practically gave the land to Samuel LeFrak for the original Newport development.)

Hurting 2, Wednesday, 29 August 2007 04:17 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm starting to think the main problem in Season 2 is just that the writing isn't as tight. Episode 7 is pretty weak - there are like five scenes that end with people laughing at something just said, the point of each scene is telegraphed, and there are a lot of moments that feel like watered-down rehashes of season 1.