Morio Agata

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The influence of manga on early Japanese rock! One of the first songs Takashi Matsumoto wrote for Happy End (Haru yo koi, the Ohtaki song that opens their first self-titled) was directly inspired by a Shinji Nagashima manga. I adore unabashed fanfiction in songwriting, especially when the band/artist *doesn't* think their music has to become parody / self-effacing to accommodate the content.

TheNuNuNu, Monday, 9 December 2024 12:57 (two months ago) link

I haven't looked into Agata's film work yet, but there's lots of it, and it seems well-regarded. Here's a clip from his '75 independent arthouse film I'm No Angel (Boku wa tenshi ja naiyo). Agata is the animated, smiling one. The others are Eiichi Ohtaki of Happy End, with moustache; and Tadanori Yokoo, with cat; this is the guy who brought Hosono to India, got fully co-credited on Cochin Moon, and did the cover art. Agata's the only one of the three who looks comfortable acting. Watching it as my Agata obsession was beginning made me think, "No wonder the dramatic monologues on the '70s records are so good."

TheNuNuNu, Monday, 9 December 2024 13:09 (two months ago) link

one month passes...

This hits harder in the context of the album, where it's the second-to-last track. But even orphaned, it's a beautiful song.

TheNuNuNu, Monday, 13 January 2025 05:06 (four weeks ago) link

And for stirmonster, a killer 2008 performance of Submarine:

TheNuNuNu, Monday, 13 January 2025 05:14 (four weeks ago) link

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