that not being able to hear yourself is the weirdest thing and the only time that's happened to me was after the JAMC gig in 1998. it was Jim who randomly ran off stage ending the gig that night. William shrugged and apologised. I assume they flipped a coin back then to decide who'd fuck it up
― Colonel Poo, Sunday, 17 November 2024 04:05 (two months ago) link
I saw JAMC exactly seven days ago, the last day of their US tour. They are just a well oiled machine with Jim handing all the vocals.
― Bee OK, Sunday, 17 November 2024 04:12 (two months ago) link
yeah Trayce I saw them at the Metro in Sydney on that tour, MFMK was like a Space Shuttle launch, although I was oddly disappointed that their performance was so similar to the recorded versions. Somewhere on YouTube there is a hilarious video of them playing "Christmas Steps" and when the bass comes in Stuart jumps, startled by how insanely loud it is.Bee OK's post gave me a sec to find it:
― assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 17 November 2024 04:16 (two months ago) link
I hope JAMC were better than when I saw them a year ago, one of the shittest gigs I've been to by a band I like xp
― Colonel Poo, Sunday, 17 November 2024 04:34 (two months ago) link
Xp TrayceYeah that venue was whack! "The Westgate Entertainment Centre". Everything on the building was written in comic sans font, which is like as funny as anything can be to a hyper-ironic 17yo (self-derogatory). A chatty security guard outside hit us up after it was all over to personally exclaim how loud it was. He asked what sort of band they were like? Accadacca? Barnsey? Meatloaf Nirvana? I said "yeah i guess kinda like nirvana, but hazy, more psychedlic". He liked that.
― H.P, Sunday, 17 November 2024 09:18 (two months ago) link
I did say to Elvis Telecom at the show that is was the worst JAMC show I have seen but the last time I saw them, in May of 2017, it was their best, even better than Rollercoaster.
Unfortunately it was probably Teenage Fanclub who were my worst.
― Bee OK, Monday, 18 November 2024 03:11 (one month ago) link
I've seen JAMC a lot and the standout of all of them is the first reunion tour when Loz from Ride was drumming for them. You can't really be sloppy when Keith Moon is at the controls.
I've written elsewhere on ILX about this - Black Flag was loud but the Ramones in 1984 was like standing in front of a fighter jet. I had no idea LAPD was raiding the Palladium after Black Flag played because they literally could not penetrate the sound of the Ramones. MBV/Spectrum second LA show at the Santa Monica Civic was an experimental infrasound test. Dozens of shoegazers scattered on the staircases - completely passed out and in various levels of pain from sonic attack. Poor kids didn't take the warnings seriously. MBV's Coachella warm-up gig at the El Rey in 2009 is probably my Mt. Everest of Sound Power. Word got out that someone had a seizure during the soundcheck and had to be taken away in an ambulance, which just validated the expectations of the thrill ride crowd.
Yes' 90215 show at the LA Forum unexpectedly super loud - especially for the 80s arena rock era.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 25 November 2024 21:37 (one month ago) link
As someone at that Santa Monica show — yup.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 25 November 2024 21:57 (one month ago) link