Never saw this thread! Speaking of Siano, I wrote about his comp Nicky Siano's Legendary the Gallery: New York's Original Disco 1973-1977(a Soul Jazz import) incl. my first Exuma experience (though I'd to see him in collectors' mail order catalogues from the 80s on):
Spinning out of this disc, the Gallery is mercury still rising, throughcrosstown funk, soul, roots rock, and one gospel song, personalized:Gloria Spencer proclaims,"I got it! I don't understand it! I got it!" A jet blasts (like, "Amen!") outof Exuma's "Obeah Man."
― dow, Wednesday, 30 October 2024 17:22 (two months ago) link
Also, I'd totally forgotten the aformentioned Siano's Gallery thread, despite my posts on there, and now I recall this, by Andy Beta (who also wrote all-time about hanging w Fahey and a JF-made mixtape that only surfaced a few years ago, way after Andy's Voice piece):
the only sign of mixing (a/k/a Siano's 3rd turntable) is at the end of Exuma, where he has a jet sound whoosh come in.― Beta (abeta)
― Beta (abeta)
― dow, Wednesday, 30 October 2024 17:34 (two months ago) link