Opposite of regret: projects and hobbies you're glad never got past the aspirational stage

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exchanging ideas sounds good. i don't think i actually know too many people who have that many ideas. or they don't tell them to me if they do. maybe i need to tell them an idea to get the ball rolling. but then i remember that i don't really have any ideas either.

scott seward, Tuesday, 9 July 2024 22:38 (two months ago) link

I asked for a fishing pole for my birthday once, having had some vague notion of getting into what I perceived was a relaxing and low-stakes hobby. It always looked that way in movies, anyway. Then I realized I don't really like worms, don't own a boat, and don't live very close to a body of water. I still have the fishing pole, but I have never used it.

Paul Ponzi, Thursday, 11 July 2024 02:01 (two months ago) link

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