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Still playing the alpine/Balkan PBP game. What a journey.
I have really enjoyed running Trophy Gold, which is sort of an OSR-ish story game. It feels like an early D&D game where death is around every corner, but it is zero prep and no stress. It turns out I am much better as a high-improv GM than I ever was as a high-prep GM.
We had a lot of rolls last night - maybe 8 in three hours - but I have also had sessions with a single roll. Every roll is high stakes and can change the story dramatically.
The highest complement I can give is that it's the closest I've felt to what gaming was like as a young kid since that time.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 23:17 (nine months ago) link
two months pass...
three months pass...