Interesting little publisher of short-ish books. They started off with Fitzcarraldo-like uniform look (red and black instead of blue and white).
But they are much stranger than an indie publisher. They try to republish things they feel are great but time forgot (Jean Paul, Miguel de Unamuno) (don't have to pay anyone for the rights), they'll publish new translations at the novella/short story level or 'anecdotes' (von Kleist) and then they have twitter book posters who publish their own writing (?) through it (Sequeira, Tudor-Sideri)
This tweet sums lists what they have published.
Um, hello to all of our new friends! Very glad to have you here. If you're new to our list, well, here it is! Do feel free to browse:— Sublunary Editions (@sublunaryeds) October 3, 2023
― xyzzzz__, Friday, 6 October 2023 09:03 (one year ago) link
Interesting digging! Had no idea De Quincey wrote a story about Kant's last years?!
Antero de Quental a towering figure in 19th century Portuguese cultural life. A socialist and atheist (sadly did find Jesus in his later life), friend of Eça de Queirós, notorious for his essay "The Causes Of The Decadence Of The Peninsular Peoples" (in a nutshell: the Catholic church, the turn towards a centralized monarchy, the financial system brought about by colonialism). Ended up killing himself, on 9/11, but not that one. You can't tell much of his political views in his poetry but it's quite lovely at times.
(don't have to pay anyone for the rights)
Gotta pay for the translation tho right?
― Daniel_Rf, Friday, 6 October 2023 09:51 (one year ago) link
I think some of these might be a reprint of really old translations hence no payment. I don't know for certain.
I've only read one book (Prefaces by Jean Paul, who is a really interesting writer with a very baroque style)
― xyzzzz__, Friday, 6 October 2023 10:23 (one year ago) link
Had no idea De Quincey wrote a story about Kant's last years?!
They made a movie out of it.
― alimosina, Friday, 6 October 2023 14:05 (one year ago) link
They've got a couple of interesting authors from Latin America on it.
a crazily inventive treasure—every sentence a brocaded surprise—I sense affinities with Severo Sarduy or José Lezama Lima—but Lamborghini attains his own odd pinnacle—Jessica Sequeira’s translation offers a loving exegesis of the ribald labyrinth—— Wayne Koestenbaum (@CampMarmalade) October 31, 2023
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 November 2023 12:16 (one year ago) link
Looks like an awesome book
Absolute gem of a book here, typeset and edited by @jsief. No small feat. 17th century spelling intact.— Matthew Spencer (@unpaginated) November 14, 2023
― xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 14 November 2023 19:20 (one year ago) link
There was / still might be a 30% off sale. Bought three books.
― xyzzzz__, Thursday, 23 November 2023 21:37 (one year ago) link
The Jeremy Taylor sermons is a great release and the best 'revival' of a great, obscure English writer since the NYRB put out Burton's Anatomy. A real must.
― xyzzzz__, Sunday, 11 February 2024 14:48 (eleven months ago) link
Really enjoying this interview with this Sublunary author, she is an interesting presence on twitter.
― xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 17 July 2024 11:15 (six months ago) link