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I've never been interested in PBP rpgs, but I've been playing in one (actually we finished one and are on the second) on Discord for the more than three months. It's maybe the most fun I've had playing an rpg in a long while.
Right now it feels like we have a long way to go in this one and it's going to be a perfect winter activity as it's set in a sort of 1930's alpine setting with some Balkan flourishes, fantasy elements (spells), and pseudo-dungeons with ancient technology. The vibe is alternating between cozy and brutal.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Friday, 22 September 2023 22:26 (one year ago) link
six months pass...
Still playing the alpine/Balkan PBP game. What a journey.
I have really enjoyed running Trophy Gold, which is sort of an OSR-ish story game. It feels like an early D&D game where death is around every corner, but it is zero prep and no stress. It turns out I am much better as a high-improv GM than I ever was as a high-prep GM.
We had a lot of rolls last night - maybe 8 in three hours - but I have also had sessions with a single roll. Every roll is high stakes and can change the story dramatically.
The highest complement I can give is that it's the closest I've felt to what gaming was like as a young kid since that time.
― il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Wednesday, 27 March 2024 23:17 (nine months ago) link
two months pass...
three months pass...