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For the sake our dear posterity, who can never be told often enough how much they missed by coming late to the dance, I repost this. It was originally posted on Mindless Prattle, but it went down with the ship when Greenspun folded his tent an the carnival moved on:
Marx and Hegel Go Shopping for Clothes:
Hegel: These lederhosen make me look like an overstuffed weisswurst.
Marx: On the contrary, I think they look very good on you -- like the conductor on a funicular railroad.
Salesman: Funiculars are tres chic this year!
Hegel: I don't care. And watch where you put your fingers, you carp in a cravat.
Salesman: A thousand pardons. Foolish me.
Marx: Can we get back to the lederhosen?
Hegel: By all means. They make me look fat.
Marx: Funicular railroad conductors are meant to be fat. Fat is of their essence. It is the fashion among them as with Burgermeisters. I won't hear any more objections on that head.
Hegel: I am not convinced, but I allow that I am swayed. However, can we both agree that this bilious green Tyrolean hat with the pheasant's feather is frightfully ridiculous?
Marx: Sehr richtig! One must draw the line at such bourgeois abominations.
Hegel: That is why I bring you along on these shopping trips, Karl. Our tastes synthesize so perfectly.
Salesman: Shall I have one of the lederhosen wrapped for you, sir?
Hegel: (sighs) I suppose. [exuent Salesman]
Marx: Toe-sucking leech.
Hegel: My thought exactly.
-- Aimless (, October 20, 2003
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Sunday, 9 April 2023 20:31 (one year ago) link