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also i'm wrong: there was a third yuka album on tzadik. it was several years after her previous one, so i missed it. GOSH WISH I COULD HEAR IT.

''i am the kanye west kanye west thinks he is.'' (Austin), Sunday, 2 April 2023 23:50 (one year ago) link

Zorn's own music and concepts annoy me in some nameless way (I rolled my eyes so hard they nearly fell out of my head when I read that he makes his Hermetic Organ albums "in a trance") but he attains god-tier staus fpr the Tzadik label alone which has so much great non-Zorn stuff on it.

"The pudding incident?" (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, 2 April 2023 23:53 (one year ago) link

yes, not having Tzadik on streaming or download is annoying

"The pudding incident?" (Boring, Maryland), Sunday, 2 April 2023 23:53 (one year ago) link

for real, love or hate him, i would've just assumed he'd have been one of the big proponents of bandcamp. seems like a huge goof on tzadik's part. do you think he has chosen to stay low profile out of fear of @ntisemit!sm? asking out of genuine curiosity and ignorance here. not meaning to be rude. i don't like his music, but it has nothing to do with his heritage and i actually really don't want to delete tzadik catalogue. but yeesh, some of that stuff. ugh!

''i am the kanye west kanye west thinks he is.'' (Austin), Monday, 3 April 2023 00:00 (one year ago) link

Curious what about bar kokhba you find so massively dud-ish? Seems like just a lot of really nice solo performances of masada tunes.

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 3 April 2023 02:02 (one year ago) link

I love John Zorn. Re: Patton, my contentious opinion is that Chuck Mosley was the far superior frontman to FNM

it’s Balenciaga, not Baleenciaga (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 3 April 2023 06:01 (one year ago) link

Zorn DOES NOT keep a low profile the dude loves to make big booming speeches and stuff and he's always playing live. I think he's a huge zionist.

kurt schwitterz, Monday, 3 April 2023 06:03 (one year ago) link

Also he's been dropping some of the best albums of his career the last couple of years!

kurt schwitterz, Monday, 3 April 2023 06:07 (one year ago) link

Totally agree with crut re: hey ya! That shit is annoying!!

kurt schwitterz, Monday, 3 April 2023 06:07 (one year ago) link

Not really an opinion but a feeling, I guess: few things make me feel more deeply uncomfortable than seeing people on Monday obsessively talking smack about a living musician and then spending the day Tuesday eulogizing a dead one

it’s Balenciaga, not Baleenciaga (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 3 April 2023 06:44 (one year ago) link

I agree, one should continue to talk smack about dead musicians.

Halfway there but for you, Monday, 3 April 2023 11:25 (one year ago) link


it’s Balenciaga, not Baleenciaga (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 3 April 2023 11:34 (one year ago) link

Sakamoto is surely as close to unsmackable as it gets though!

imago, Monday, 3 April 2023 11:39 (one year ago) link

I think he's a huge zionist.

^i don't know either way but this is a loaded one liner to throw out there, is that based on something?

I love John Zorn. Re: Patton, my contentious opinion is that Chuck Mosley was the far superior frontman to FNM

― it’s Balenciaga, not Baleenciaga (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, April 3, 2023 2:01 AM (six hours ago) bookmarkflaglink

Agreed. I like Patton too, and think many of his lyrics were brilliant, but he was always assuming different roles, whereas Mosley delivered gloomily humorous poetry from his heart.

peace, man, Monday, 3 April 2023 12:53 (one year ago) link

i heard "hey ya!" at a burger place a week ago and was just like, how was i ever brainwashed into liking this migraine headache of a song lol

ꙮ (map), Monday, 3 April 2023 17:36 (one year ago) link

I've seen Zorn live many times and every time has been at least interesting and often galvanizing. Not sure his recordings have ever fully captured that energy.

o. nate, Tuesday, 4 April 2023 22:58 (one year ago) link

Masada does, I think. Those albums are amazing

Paul Ponzi, Tuesday, 4 April 2023 23:13 (one year ago) link

I remember especially liking the mid-90s albums by the original quartet line-up. Unfortunately it seems those are way out of print and hard to find.

o. nate, Tuesday, 4 April 2023 23:17 (one year ago) link

I don't mind Hey Ya so much as the cultural reception of Hey Ya and its iconic status as THE hip hop pop song of that era, and yes it's really annoying.

Nabozo, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 09:13 (one year ago) link

i heard "hey ya!" at a burger place a week ago and was just like, how was i ever brainwashed into liking this migraine headache of a song lol

― ꙮ (map), Monday, April 3, 2023 10:36 AM (two days ago) bookmarkflaglink

Had the same reaction recently when I heard it while wandering around Target. Heard “get lucky” on the same trip and had a similar reaction but then again that whole daft punk album quickly fell apart for me within months of release.

omar little, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 14:33 (one year ago) link

I feel like the other song that screams "lol 2003" is "I Believe ina Thing Called Love"

hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 14:50 (one year ago) link

Is that one still played, like on rock radio?

Honestly I rarely even hear “Hey Ya!”; I didn’t realize it had an iconic status of whatever. If anything, I would’ve guessed it was underplayed now, relative to a big hit it was.

hypnic jerk (morrisp), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 14:57 (one year ago) link

get lucky is just tedious the other two are actively obnoxious not sure if that's to their credit or not

your original display name is still visible (Left), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 14:59 (one year ago) link

I never heard "Hey Ya!" on the radio enough for it to repel me.

"The Way You Move," though! That fucker lingered well into late '04 as a recurrent down here.

the very juice and sperm of kindness. (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:01 (one year ago) link

I don’t hear hey ya enough to be driven insane but it’s out there.

omar little, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:06 (one year ago) link

I never heard "Hey Ya!" on the radio enough for it to repel me.

"The Way You Move," though! That fucker lingered well into late '04 as a recurrent down here.

― the very juice and sperm of kindness. (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, April 5, 2023 10:01 AM (four minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

it's a bummer that for a lot of general music fans, the first two Outkast songs they think of aren't even top 100 Outkast songs.

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:06 (one year ago) link

“Ghettomusik” still bangs though, as does “The Rooster”

castanuts (DJP), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:27 (one year ago) link

it does feel churlish to focus on a couple of duds from a group with such an amazing discography

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:36 (one year ago) link

Is that one still played, like on rock radio?

i haven't heard that Darkness song on the radio in years, but it's still a karaoke night favorite apparently

hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:38 (one year ago) link

i get the fatigue about "Hey Ya", though I still think "The Way You Move" is a nice pop-rap jam and I don't hear it as much.

this is a good day to pop in Aquemini tbh

hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 5 April 2023 15:40 (one year ago) link

I don’t mind Hey Ya but that’s because I now associate it with some very goofy and good memories of people just embracing its idiocy many years after it was popular— ie, we were all drunk and dancing like idiots

Goose Bigelow, Fowl Gigolo (the table is the table), Thursday, 6 April 2023 16:25 (one year ago) link

“Ms. Jackson” is the Outkast song that’s most well remembered of them in my age group.

✖✖✖ (Moka), Thursday, 6 April 2023 16:40 (one year ago) link

“Hey ya” was huge but not as huge as “way you move”, both got radio airplay in mexico but on parties/clubs the one you’d hear is the latter. “Hey ya” is an awkward song to dance to… maybe it’s the time signature.

✖✖✖ (Moka), Thursday, 6 April 2023 16:49 (one year ago) link

It does a great job at hiding it tho

✖✖✖ (Moka), Thursday, 6 April 2023 16:50 (one year ago) link

it's 4/4 but has a 5-bar chord progression which is a bit awkward yeah but that's also one of the things that makes it interesting

ufo, Thursday, 6 April 2023 23:00 (one year ago) link

Five bars of 4/4, but also two extra beats stuck in between bars 3 and 4.

Halfway there but for you, Thursday, 6 April 2023 23:07 (one year ago) link

Part of the other reason this one endured is the main riff being simple acoustic chords, so lots of fratboys who brought guitars to parties or musicians that perform covers at bars and restaurants would play it incessantly. For years.

Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Thursday, 6 April 2023 23:14 (one year ago) link

It even wound up in an episode of Scrubs, Ted's a capella group performing it at Janitor's wedding

Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Thursday, 6 April 2023 23:16 (one year ago) link

some of y’all hating on Hey Ya like the most unlistenable shit made on this planet and should hush.

Goose Bigelow, Fowl Gigolo (the table is the table), Friday, 7 April 2023 11:21 (one year ago) link

I still think it's a good pop jam, but overplay dulled it for me

But as ums said it don't really matter cos it's hardly peak Outkast to begin with

Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Friday, 7 April 2023 11:43 (one year ago) link

I guess this is an opinion that belongs in this thread: I find Outkast in general to be really easy to overplay. I liked "Ms. Jackson" and "Rosa Parks" and "Hey Ya" and all the other hits when they were on the radio, but now they've reached "I know this song so well it's boring" status for me and I never need to hear them again.*

*does not apply to albums, songs that don't get a lot of radio play, or "Bombs Over Baghdad."

Lily Dale, Friday, 7 April 2023 14:06 (one year ago) link

I recall tuning into my local college station in 2003 and the dj was playing Hey Ya seemingly unaware that it was also the number one song in the country. The ascent to ultra-mainstream was so rapid.

Terrycoth Baphomet (bendy), Friday, 7 April 2023 14:57 (one year ago) link

Hey Ya blew my mind the first time I heard it on the radio and to be honest, it hasn't stopped. The song is evergreen for me.

Part of the other reason this one endured is the main riff being simple acoustic chords, so lots of fratboys who brought guitars to parties or musicians that perform covers at bars and restaurants would play it incessantly. For years.

― Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Thursday, April 6, 2023 7:14 PM (yesterday) bookmarkflaglink

Definitely saw a college guy with acoustic guitar just sitting on a campus bench strumming Hey Ya.

Get Lucky was a song that underwhelmed me when it first came out, but then I brainwashed myself into liking it for the sake of Nile Rodgers. "Like the legend of the phoenix" is one of the most tepid opening lines in music history.

peace, man, Friday, 7 April 2023 15:16 (one year ago) link

My affection for "Get Lucky" withered quickly too. I was all there for Nile Rodgers.

the very juice and sperm of kindness. (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 7 April 2023 15:18 (one year ago) link

Random access memories is probably the album which most quickly dissipated for me, it’s just not that great.

omar little, Friday, 7 April 2023 15:30 (one year ago) link

bombs over baghdad sucks too!

kurt schwitterz, Friday, 7 April 2023 16:02 (one year ago) link


Trout Fishing in America (Neanderthal), Friday, 7 April 2023 16:03 (one year ago) link

did an outkast discog run recently and it's like five of the best albums ever made and idlewild

wrong thread for this i guess

flamenco drop (BradNelson), Friday, 7 April 2023 16:04 (one year ago) link

I'm losing my mind here.

the very juice and sperm of kindness. (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 7 April 2023 16:50 (one year ago) link

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