Request: delete text or post from old thread

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Hi, I don't know if this is the place and way to ask this, but I don't know where else to put this request - so sorry in advance if this is not the right way to ask this.

I would like to make a request to delete or hide my name in this post, because it keeps popping up in Google searches when people Google my name:

ILx "first mentions"

I rather don't type my name here, because otherwise this question will also pop up in Google searches, but it is the text which says:
"JEEEZUS wat een gezeik hier! ik kom per ongeluk op deze site, en lees godverdomme een en al gezeik over een gast met een KISS-shirt! En iedereen er over doorzeiken, ik heb na de helft van alle berichten mijn moed verloren om verder te lezen. Ik las alleen nog het laatste bericht van Tony van Reeuwijk, en dat was de enige figuur die gelijk had: Die Lester is gewoon een LOWLANDS-GAY die loopt te zeiken over trends en wat wel en niet 'cool' is. shiiiiiiiiiiiit, ik ga kapot hier, wat een mongool die Lester! Echt zo'n sms-ende TMF-nerd! Ik kan er niet meer tegen..."

To be honest, I don't even recall writing this in 2004, but it is not very nice. Is it possible to delete this or delete my name so that it will not pop up in a Google search?

(please don't type my name again if you answer my question, to prevent it from popping up in Google even more haha)

Sorry for bringing up such an old thread, but it is really getting a problem for me that people who look me up in Google get to see this text. I hope someone here can help me out :-D

C Man, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 11:11 (two years ago) link

I think the general vibe of moderation here is "you posted it, you deal with it", but I've got time on my hands so I'll help you out. Googleproofed your first name and changed the last name to an initial, so you shouldn't see it pop up. The original post might still come up though, so if you see it then link it here and I can delete it for you.

mod, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 15:18 (two years ago) link

Thanks so much!

I do understand the vibe of 'you posted it, deal with it'... The stupid thing is I don't remember writing it nor can I find anywhere where the original post is, so I am really thankful for your help! Thanks again :-D

C Man, Thursday, 1 December 2022 13:34 (two years ago) link

it's here - You wanted the best and you got the best....

koogs, Thursday, 1 December 2022 13:53 (two years ago) link

Oh damn, you found it! Thanks, I read quickly through the whole threat and still don't remember me typing this, but I have have to admit I probably was not in my best mental shape at the time and I do find it offensive what I read there!

So, is it possible to flag my own comment there so that it gets deleted? Or is it very weird to flag your own post? :-p

C Man, Thursday, 1 December 2022 16:27 (two years ago) link

Thanks for that, koogs. OG post deleted now.

mod, Thursday, 1 December 2022 16:29 (two years ago) link

two months pass...

Hello, New here and signed up to reach or contact an admin about an old post. My personal data and information that is questionable is posted here. However, it’s getting brought up and affecting us negatively. It’s a post ThTs 15 yrs old and I would greatly appreciate it being removed. I didn’t say or attack any individual or use offensive language towards any one person or a group. It’s found in google searches and impacting us in multiple ways to include minor children. My email is in my registration info for this site and I would appreciate the time for someone in charge to assist and please contact me by email directly. Many thanks.

Cloaked123, Friday, 17 February 2023 03:19 (two years ago) link

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