Programming for fun

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Good luck with that!

(We're Not) The Experimental Jet Set (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 2 November 2022 16:10 (two years ago) link

> unrelated question - how do you stop your eyes from hurting after looking at code all day?

dim or invert colours on your ide.

koogs, Wednesday, 2 November 2022 17:32 (two years ago) link

unrelated question - how do you stop your eyes from hurting after looking at code all day?

― | (Latham Green), Wednesday, November 2, 2022 9:02 AM (yesterday) bookmarkflaglink

some time last year i started doing serious eye exercises, and they've helped. i still do the old temple rubs but massaging below the eyes feels incredibly comforting. eyebrows and some forehead rubs are good, too. i haven't really read anything definitive in terms of what works and what doesn't though, so i've just been trying random stuff. also, monitor position, body posture, and neck and head position i find help a lot, weirdly enough

i've only ever coded professionally in dark mode, so i'm not sure if light vs dark mode has any effect, personally

Punster McPunisher, Thursday, 3 November 2022 21:13 (two years ago) link

or I guessmake the font size huge and huge monitor

| (Latham Green), Friday, 4 November 2022 16:39 (two years ago) link

actually did some fun programming for a change. this is a cut down version of something i did for a friend's birthday, hence the candle. done on pico8, written in lua...

left, right, x to jump, watch out for the bats

i have some more features to add, more enemy types etc

koogs, Friday, 4 November 2022 19:22 (two years ago) link


(We're Not) The Experimental Jet Set (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 5 November 2022 04:58 (two years ago) link

two years pass...

7 days into this year's Advent Of Code where you get two little tasks to write code for everyday, all 14 stars so far

using Ruby, which means i have to look up about 50% of the code i write, and the nature of it is that none of it will be reused so it's as scrappy as all hell but...

koogs, Saturday, 7 December 2024 19:01 (two months ago) link

spent the weekend catching up on the two i'd dropped. and today's was a bitch. but 30/30 so far.

koogs, Sunday, 15 December 2024 21:53 (one month ago) link

three weeks pass...

46/50 and counting. the 50th is apparently a freebie if you have the other 49 so three more to do...

16b - union of multiple minimum paths
19b - count the (millions of) ways to parse some strings
21b - 25 robots in a chain

koogs, Sunday, 5 January 2025 12:36 (one month ago) link

silently applauding anyone who ventures that far - similar kind of minor awe when you see someone completely destroy a og video arcade game

Elvis Telecom, Monday, 6 January 2025 06:16 (one month ago) link

Literally one of my favorite Christmas traditions. This year I did all 50 points in modern C++. It ruled.

Allen (etaeoe), Monday, 6 January 2025 14:22 (one month ago) link

I've been using ruby in an attempt to get better at ruby. i have got better at the kind of scrappy ruby you use to do these puzzles (which, luckily, is the same kind of ruby that i use for component tests). but i have missed strong typing.

koogs, Monday, 6 January 2025 17:41 (one month ago) link

and proper 2d arrays

koogs, Monday, 6 January 2025 17:41 (one month ago) link

16b done

got the cost of the minimum path quite quickly, but getting the ROUTE of ALL the paths with that value took, well, weeks. adding enough information to each step to remember where it came from, and then more code to use that data. redid it in Processing so i could see it working, ended up saving the final frame and counting the pixels as a check...

koogs, Friday, 17 January 2025 20:04 (three weeks ago) link

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