I got 987/1000 on guess three, 120 guesses later i now have all but three of the ten closest, including 999, and i still can't get it :/
― ledge, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:31 (two years ago) link
Gave up. Ridiculous.
― ledge, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:44 (two years ago) link
Ha, me too!
― Grandpont Genie, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:58 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #74 in 64 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 9.74. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #23. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 75.60 (999/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
― johnny crunch, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:17 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #74 in 41 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.76. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #19. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 60.48 (996/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
― we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:30 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #74 in 62 guesses. Was also surprised by literature-related words not really making an appearance, I took a solely sports-based approach up to the word.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 13:59 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #74 in 67 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.06. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #19. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 17.88. https://semantle.novalis.org/
Considering I had 999 at guess 32, that took a frustrating path to get there.
― a superficial sheeb of intelligence (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 14:01 (two years ago) link
The database is news articles iirc. There are way more articles about sports than literature.
― we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 14:16 (two years ago) link
Eeep, non-hidden spoilers, PBKR! Am abusing my mod powers to hide them.
Also, yeah, I guess your point is right. Still at least a little surprising, though!
― emil.y, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 14:20 (two years ago) link
Oops, sorry!
― we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 14:34 (two years ago) link
49 today, quite a few high 900s before
― nxd, Wednesday, 13 April 2022 15:55 (two years ago) link
66 guesses for me, had basically the whole top 10 before getting it.
― Guayaquil (eephus!), Wednesday, 13 April 2022 20:31 (two years ago) link
Got #75 in 68 guesses. A long time messing around with words for building/construction eventually led me to my first (low) green 'assembly', which led to 'meeting' in the high greens and I got it a couple of guesses later.
― Zelda Zonk, Thursday, 14 April 2022 00:30 (two years ago) link
34 - my first green was ’fete’ so messed around with party, gala, feast, celebration, wedding etc before I decided to broaden it out and stumbled on the solution on the first try. Didn’t get anything above 987.
― Roz, Thursday, 14 April 2022 03:49 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 109 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 8.95. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #88. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 34.83 (945/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
― papal hotwife (milo z), Thursday, 14 April 2022 04:44 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 65 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.14. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #34. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 6.84.
― joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:09 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 54 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.33. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #2. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 25.98 (647/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
Got to 956 on guess #4 then went down a food rabbit hole, moved to meeting on guess #41 and got it fairly easily from there.
― Dan Worsley, Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:54 (two years ago) link
Good one today!
I solved Semantle #75 in 23 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -4.25. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #8. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 12.18.
― Grandpont Genie, Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:43 (two years ago) link
14! Maybe my best yet. Having set as one of my early guesses finally pays off.
― ledge, Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:47 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 56 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.61. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #46. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 30.03 (866/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
― lemmy incaution (emsworth), Thursday, 14 April 2022 09:35 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 72 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -0.01. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #43. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 11.75. https://semantle.novalis.org/
― we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:52 (two years ago) link
110 for me. Was stuck on synonyms for a good while, should have thought of juggalos sooner.
― emil.y, Thursday, 14 April 2022 14:20 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 22 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.16. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 34.85 (946/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
― a superficial sheeb of intelligence (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 14 April 2022 14:53 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #75 in 200 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 8.00. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #56. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 42.64 (990/1000).
Got stuck on time-of-day things, then meal-times, then hit upon celebration/ceremony and honed in with -- lots of other guesses.
I used to want to get my scores below 100. Now I just want a few greens before guess 50.
― The Sarsgaard-Skarsgård Scotchgard (weatheringdaleson), Thursday, 14 April 2022 16:34 (two years ago) link
Gave up today. I was on the right track but graduate, draft, etc. pointed the wrong direction.
― papal hotwife (milo z), Friday, 15 April 2022 00:59 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #76 in 92 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 30.07 (841/1000).My penultimate guess had a similarity of 3.95.
Guess #1 was train. Choo-choo related? No. What athletes do? No. Guess #43 was "job" and #70 was "hire" which got me there.
― The Sarsgaard-Skarsgård Scotchgard (weatheringdaleson), Friday, 15 April 2022 04:26 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #76 in 36 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -1.21. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #13. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 29.01 (791/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
another good day for me today. :) route was university - college - enrol - enlist, and a few guesses from there to the target word
― Roz, Friday, 15 April 2022 04:59 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #76 in 75 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.04. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 13.51. https://semantle.novalis.org/
Neither good nor bad! Thought I was on another sport words journey - which sort of worked for me, but I can take a step back and see it in a broader context now.
― lemmy incaution (emsworth), Friday, 15 April 2022 05:22 (two years ago) link
Gave up too, 12 day win streak comes to an end. Got to 990 and had more greens than any other attempt.
― Dan Worsley, Friday, 15 April 2022 08:29 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #76 in 96 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.55. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #45. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 7.95. not a green, but the word that set me on the right path turned out to be 'rookie'
― Grandpont Genie, Friday, 15 April 2022 11:07 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #76 in 16 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -0.47. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #7. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 56.42 (994/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
new pb!
― nxd, Friday, 15 April 2022 13:39 (two years ago) link
75. A very satisfying game to play, making steady progress from low to high greens, finding related concepts, trying antonyms, switching verb/noun forms e.g. graduate (though the answer also works both ways I got there via enroll). A six hour time out helped with the final euraka moment.
― ledge, Friday, 15 April 2022 14:24 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #76 in 126 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.83. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #6. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 17.08. https://semantle.novalis.org/
I had cultivate (942) at guess #18, so this one took me a lot longer than it should have.
― we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Friday, 15 April 2022 15:11 (two years ago) link
similar story here. enlist (991/1000) was my 41st guess, and from there I threw out a bunch of words relating to matriculation and military recruitment and job applications. the secret finally popped into my head (with a feeling of "there's no fucking way this can't be it") on guess #83. my brain is a lot less efficient at this game when I'm tired and irritable
― in walked airbud (unregistered), Friday, 15 April 2022 23:27 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 25 guesses. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #13 (love, 774/1000), and from there I jumped from admire (#14, 878/100) to "appreciate" (#15, 985/100) to "thank" (#16, 997/1000). I would have gotten it more quickly if I hadn't been so convinced it was a verb. my penultimate guess was "thankful" (999/1000), mostly prompted by lack of imagination
― in walked airbud (unregistered), Saturday, 16 April 2022 00:41 (two years ago) link
Got it in 12 guesses, which must be my best ever, making up for a dismal performance yesterday which ended in giving up. 'Happy' (984/1000) at guess 4 put me on the right track.
― Zelda Zonk, Saturday, 16 April 2022 01:17 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 86 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.59. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 89.77 (999/1000).
Kind of a high score, but a fun one.
― The Sarsgaard-Skarsgård Scotchgard (weatheringdaleson), Saturday, 16 April 2022 02:39 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 21 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.61. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 16.91. https://semantle.novalis.org/
― lemmy incaution (emsworth), Saturday, 16 April 2022 03:25 (two years ago) link
12 guesses very strong ZZ! My (early) first green was “appreciate” (985/1000) which was helpful - although needed a few guesses to flesh out context! I was convinced it was a verb also
― lemmy incaution (emsworth), Saturday, 16 April 2022 03:29 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 67 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.84. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #10. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 21.28.
― joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Saturday, 16 April 2022 07:04 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 158 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.68. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #14. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 63.60 (992/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
Slow work today, 46 greens, got there in the end.
― Dan Worsley, Saturday, 16 April 2022 08:08 (two years ago) link
It had to happen, someone is youtubing their games. This is yesterday's, so not a spoiler obviously:
It's frustrating for me to watch someone who is a far better player of this game than I could ever hope to be. Like in this example he makes the leap from "attract" to "hire" which is something that would never have occurred to me in a million years.
― joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Saturday, 16 April 2022 09:15 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 171 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 25.96 (283/1000).My penultimate guess had a similarity of 89.77 (999/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
Wasting away again in Synonym-ville, looking for another word for generous.
― we only steal from the greatest books (PBKR), Saturday, 16 April 2022 13:28 (two years ago) link
Got #985 at guess six. Gave up 100 guesses later, after leaning on the thesaurus and reading all the spoilers here! Some you win & some you lose.
― ledge, Saturday, 16 April 2022 18:00 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 107 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.85. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #17. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 60.75 (987/1000). another one with lots of greens (21), with the last few all synonyms of 'thank' in its various forms.
― Grandpont Genie, Saturday, 16 April 2022 20:35 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #77 in 217 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.54. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 38.58 (885/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/my worst in a while, got stuck in synonym hell and spent the entire duration certain it was a verb, not an adjective, because the verbs were all hitting better than their corresponding adjectives. i only broke out of it with "thank" to "thankful" which was convenient. oy
― ✖, Saturday, 16 April 2022 22:03 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #78 in 8 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.62. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #4. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 40.29 (700/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
new pb :D today’s word is actually a bit difficult (judging from the list of closest words) but I got lucky as one of my starters was just a different form of the target word
― Roz, Sunday, 17 April 2022 02:24 (two years ago) link
Wow 8, congratulations! I managed it in 110, but really should have got it much earlier: I had 'philosophy' at guess 49, but it took me another 60 guesses before it occurred to me to try the adjectival form.
― Zelda Zonk, Sunday, 17 April 2022 07:22 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #78 in 86 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -2.30. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #45. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 23.79.
― joni mitchell jarre (anagram), Sunday, 17 April 2022 07:28 (two years ago) link
I solved Semantle #78 in 169 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.54. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #92. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 46.21 (939/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
― Dan Worsley, Sunday, 17 April 2022 09:03 (two years ago) link