(that's Correct Answers Against, just to be entirely clear)
― anatol_merklich, Saturday, 12 March 2022 16:41 (two years ago) link
for some reason people are playing terrible defense against me this season, so i have 15 three-pointers in 19 matches. which goes a long way
― mookieproof, Saturday, 12 March 2022 16:53 (two years ago) link
Funny that the least motivated I've ever been has been the season that I'm doing the best in, having (temporarily) knocked out first place with a 9(6) to climb into second and being on pace to nearly match my best TCA. I've also been much luckier than I've been in seasons past.
I didn't know that about Bambaataa, on top of which I got it wrong (I always confuse the song with "The Message"); on a similar tip, I was debating between Momaday (whose autobiography I'd read) and Alexie and had known that the latter had gotten caught up in Me Too, but being so much better known figured that he had to be the right answer, and maybe Thorsten didn't know about the allegations.
― Vladimir Poutine (Leee), Saturday, 12 March 2022 18:47 (two years ago) link
Second place right now but judging purely on the TCA of my remaining opponents I have the toughest schedule.
― Justice League: Picard (Leee), Thursday, 17 March 2022 20:06 (two years ago) link
Mired in exciting relegation battle: am at #23, remaining opponents are #25, #26, #13. Will not be at all disheartened if I go down, I'm happy as long as I keep the level of A/B yo-yo.
― anatol_merklich, Friday, 18 March 2022 00:21 (two years ago) link
I'm in first place today, but with second and third only a point behind me, and the fact that I'm facing someone who has NINE categories above 80% and whose worst category is 57% (srsly what are you doing in C???), I'm more worried about staying in the promotion zone than keeping the top spot.
― Justice League: Picard (Leee), Friday, 18 March 2022 18:10 (two years ago) link
Very weird season for me. I won 8 of my first 11 matches, landing me briefly in second place, and then proceeded to lose 9 of the next 10, and so now back to my usual middle-of-the-pack.
― jaymc, Saturday, 19 March 2022 01:10 (two years ago) link
As expected, I got steamrolled again by my LL bully, dropping me to 3rd. With 4th and 5th both playing relegation zone opponents and me up against 6th (with a TCA just 4 behind me), I have an extremely narrow path to promotion.
― Justice League: Picard (Leee), Saturday, 19 March 2022 20:48 (two years ago) link
Well I actually moved up a rank! I'm expecting some regression to the mean next season and to get murdered again in B.
― Justice League: Picard (Leee), Tuesday, 22 March 2022 15:53 (two years ago) link
At this point, I am just treading water at C level.
― Mardi Gras Mambo Sun (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 22 March 2022 16:03 (two years ago) link
Nobody did Musical Plagiarism but me and Greg?
― Came Here to Roll the Microscope (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 7 April 2022 19:21 (two years ago) link
Oh wait, na did it too.
And Leee as well.
I was going to do it, but forgot. I always have trouble getting back into the LL groove after an extended break.
― jaymc, Friday, 8 April 2022 03:56 (two years ago) link
I hear you.
― Came Here to Roll the Microscope (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 8 April 2022 03:58 (two years ago) link
i did it! i just dont think anyone has me on their player tracker
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Friday, 8 April 2022 22:53 (two years ago) link
im having by far my best 1D season ever. a 95th, 90th, and 87th, and another good showing today... not bad for a career C/D rundler
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Friday, 8 April 2022 22:54 (two years ago) link
Oh wait, I do have you tracked, but wasn’t 100% sure, sorry.
― Mr. Uncut Risin’ (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 8 April 2022 22:57 (two years ago) link
James likes me only a little bit better than you, Will!
― Pomelo Anthony (Leee), Friday, 8 April 2022 22:59 (two years ago) link
― Mr. Uncut Risin’ (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 8 April 2022 23:16 (two years ago) link
Looks like a bunch of you are signed up for Advice ML, but not Leee and me.
― Mr. Uncut Risin’ (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 9 April 2022 01:51 (two years ago) link
I uhh... I won a one day. Holy fuck
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Saturday, 9 April 2022 20:51 (two years ago) link
― Guayaquil (eephus!), Saturday, 9 April 2022 20:54 (two years ago) link
I always knew you could do it!
― Mr. Uncut Risin’ (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 9 April 2022 21:00 (two years ago) link
I sure didn't think it'd ever happen!!! All that childhood tv watching in Canada paid off!!!
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Saturday, 9 April 2022 21:03 (two years ago) link
Very clear example of the Last Name Only rule in a recent 1DS.
― Anita Quatloos (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 14 April 2022 00:35 (two years ago) link
Just taking a look now at who is in the MLs.
― Anita Quatloos (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 14 April 2022 23:03 (two years ago) link
Bring on the Mini Leagues.
― Anita Quatloos (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 14 April 2022 23:12 (two years ago) link
Not as singular as winning a 1DS outright but I squeaked into the top 10 of (of all things) Ballroom and Latin Dancing!
― Pomelo Anthony (Leee), Friday, 15 April 2022 21:20 (two years ago) link
So you did! Not as good as either of those but I made the top 5% on Tracks of an Old iPhone 3.
― Ramones Leave the Capitol (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 15 April 2022 21:34 (two years ago) link
It's official name was Tracks on an Old iPhone 3, but I feel like an opportunity was lost by using that preposition instead of the one I used.
― Ramones Leave the Capitol (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 15 April 2022 21:36 (two years ago) link
Regretting a bit not doing Advice ML. Also just peeked at the handful of testers signed up so far for my 1DS, very interesting so far.
― Wile E. Kinbote (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 21 April 2022 18:47 (two years ago) link
it was fun to have a Fugazi one-day. i think i did good, but not great (i missed a couple).
― na (NA), Thursday, 21 April 2022 19:01 (two years ago) link
I did a null submission or ghost submission for Fugazi. Can’t remember if we discussed here how to do that.
― Wile E. Kinbote (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 21 April 2022 19:03 (two years ago) link
My 1DS is live today (Female Rappers)
― justfanoe (Greg Fanoe), Saturday, 23 April 2022 09:49 (two years ago) link
Cool! Cranking through some 1DS testing I signed up for last week right now.
― H.R. MacGufnstuf (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 24 April 2022 12:08 (two years ago) link
Sorry I flaked on you, Greg, but it seems like a couple of people here participated and did okay, and you had a reasonable turnout.
― Eric B. Is Hesitant (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 26 April 2022 00:58 (two years ago) link
Recap looks great.
― Eric B. Is Hesitant (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 26 April 2022 00:59 (two years ago) link
― Wile E. Is President (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 3 May 2022 17:56 (two years ago) link
Curious if the DMB 1DS talks about why they are so bad and hated.
― Human-shaped trash bag (Leee), Wednesday, 4 May 2022 21:47 (two years ago) link
Kind of a trip playing English vocab and pop mythology at the same time. Former has generally been hard and hard to defend (DE around .500 and .600), but the latter has an average DE around .700 or .800.
― Star Trek: Strange New Wordles (Leee), Saturday, 7 May 2022 17:58 (two years ago) link
English vocab drama: I was in 3rd coming into MD11 and playing first place, so I didn't think I had much chance yesterday of making the final. But the person in second, who had been in first or second every match day, had a really bad day and lost, and I was able to catapult into second. I haven't opened up the championship yet but expect to do pretty poorly, as this is only the second time I made it to the round.
― Star Trek: Strange New Wordles (Leee), Wednesday, 11 May 2022 17:17 (two years ago) link
Aaaaand I got one question right in the Championship, so it's barely better than not playing in it at all!
― Santa Barbarous (Leee), Thursday, 12 May 2022 17:30 (two years ago) link
lol I qualified for the English Vocab championship but took a look at the questions last night and was like "nope." Not the first time I have skipped a ML championship, though I do feel bad for whoever I beat out to get there, who might have actually wanted to play it.
― jaymc, Friday, 13 May 2022 03:56 (two years ago) link
Two total TCA in two matches, off to a great start in B rundle.
― Pteredactle (Leee), Thursday, 19 May 2022 00:33 (two years ago) link
objection: 'operation' is not a *board* game
― mookieproof, Thursday, 19 May 2022 01:05 (two years ago) link
Yesterday's trivia and today's news converge in a certain scene from GOODFELLAS.
― 20 Preflyte Rock (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 27 May 2022 01:52 (two years ago) link
objection: 'operation' is not a *board* game― mookieproof, Wednesday, May 18, 2022 8:05 PM (one week ago) bookmarkflaglink
― mookieproof, Wednesday, May 18, 2022 8:05 PM (one week ago) bookmarkflaglink
I got this right and yet I have to agree
― Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, 27 May 2022 02:32 (two years ago) link
I coudn't think of it and meant to agree earlier.
― 20 Preflyte Rock (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 27 May 2022 02:58 (two years ago) link
couple days ago i got five right, my opponent got three right, and i lost : /
― mookieproof, Friday, 27 May 2022 20:59 (two years ago) link