Star Trek: Picard

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two weeks pass...

This comment (originally posted in jest) aged surprisingly well.

Wordle Stephen Curry II (Leee), Friday, 21 January 2022 23:18 (two years ago) link

Anyway, here's another trailer:

Wordle Stephen Curry II (Leee), Friday, 21 January 2022 23:24 (two years ago) link

one month passes...

first episode was p great! just zips right along

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 4 March 2022 07:01 (two years ago) link

Just finished rewatching S1 and glad i did as had forgotten SO much

groovypanda, Friday, 4 March 2022 10:51 (two years ago) link

Don't get my hopes up, Veg.

Mobile Suit Gundam Style (Leee), Friday, 4 March 2022 19:40 (two years ago) link

get em up! way up!!

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 4 March 2022 22:09 (two years ago) link

I got this!

Mobile Suit Gundam Style (Leee), Friday, 4 March 2022 23:02 (two years ago) link

OMG this actually was good! But, where is mark's bad paintings on TV thread?

It was jarring to see though scenes of domestic abuse on a Trek show.

Mobile Suit Gundam Style (Leee), Saturday, 5 March 2022 21:29 (two years ago) link

Also yaaas queen, her new ensemble is awesome. Looks almost McQueen, fittingly.

Mobile Suit Gundam Style (Leee), Saturday, 5 March 2022 21:41 (two years ago) link

Honest question, not snark, not well versed enough in Trek lore to know - why are li'l picard and his mom dressed like it's the 1930's?

Daniel_Rf, Monday, 7 March 2022 14:12 (two years ago) link

lol that was something I wondered myself -- I thought maybe because they're vintners but the dialogue suggested that they're moving from Paris.

Mobile Suit Gundam Style (Leee), Monday, 7 March 2022 17:20 (two years ago) link

his brother dressed kind of oldtimeyish in the TNG ep…i didnt think much of it i figured it was just an oh yknow, Paris, winemaking ~handwave~

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 7 March 2022 17:25 (two years ago) link

In Star Trek, if you live on a planet, and you're not a soldier or a politician, you get "peasant-y type local attire"

Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 7 March 2022 17:35 (two years ago) link

everyone is a historical cosplayer in the future of france

mh, Monday, 7 March 2022 17:36 (two years ago) link

quiddities and agonies of ST groundlings

Everybody Loves Ramen (WmC), Monday, 7 March 2022 17:37 (two years ago) link

it's skintight or kaftan, there are no other fashions

Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 7 March 2022 17:39 (two years ago) link

Guinan’s hat bugged me slightly. looked a little crafty/rushed & not quite circular?

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 7 March 2022 18:34 (two years ago) link

i'm going in lads

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 18:40 (two years ago) link

timecheck 4:48: #ffs

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 18:48 (two years ago) link

what if,, picy blinders?

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 19:05 (two years ago) link

this is the worst speech anyone has given in the history of human speech

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 19:07 (two years ago) link

everyone plz stop saying "final frontier"

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 19:30 (two years ago) link

well that was a grim slog, apologies to everyone loving it

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 19:48 (two years ago) link

mark's not ready for more frontiers

mh, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 19:55 (two years ago) link

narrator's voice: it was the exact same number of frontiers

mark s, Tuesday, 8 March 2022 19:59 (two years ago) link

ok I pretty much guessed the big loop of this season from episode one

hope they throw in some twists and turns!

also, lol at hardman Picard

mh, Thursday, 10 March 2022 18:14 (two years ago) link

Definitely fun to see his grim side, as it were. (Finally got around to seeing the first episode yesterday and the new one just now.)

Kinda fun casting decision -- the Magistrate there in the new episode, who exactly the actor was was bugging me the entire time. Then I saw the end credits -- Jon Jon Briones! (Who is indeed Isa's dad, and who I last saw in the Assassination of Gianni Versace series.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 10 March 2022 22:28 (two years ago) link

Fun episode BUT this is really a mirror universe story, not a Back to the Future part II story. They are having it both ways with nature/nurture -- it is in the characters' genes that they become great people, but their morals are dictated by the reality they live in. This isn't a problem in Mirror Universe stories because they are in a bizarro universe, where some things are backwards and you shouldn't think about it too hard.

adam t. (abanana), Thursday, 10 March 2022 23:12 (two years ago) link

pleased to note that ART is featuring strongly in every ep so far :D

mark s, Friday, 11 March 2022 18:30 (two years ago) link

every ep is going to have a terrible painting and a worse picard speech riffing off the same stupid original

mark s, Friday, 11 March 2022 18:55 (two years ago) link

feel like these confederation dudes are kinda dumb

mark s, Friday, 11 March 2022 20:21 (two years ago) link

That's what I kinda like about them -- they're both laughable AND terrifying, which, how you say, has a certain contemporary resonance.

Ned Raggett, Friday, 11 March 2022 20:24 (two years ago) link

loved when the viewscreen said FLEET DEPLOYED

mookieproof, Saturday, 12 March 2022 03:24 (two years ago) link

Frankly I'm glad that it isn't another Mirror Universe story (though it kind of is in all but name) as I feel that it's been played to death in the Trek universe. That said I'm kind of into this so far, as some of the dialogue (if not the speech writing) has been sharper as far as defining the characters and Agnes is bringing the lols.

Vladimir Poutine (Leee), Saturday, 12 March 2022 23:52 (two years ago) link

I'm also imagining a new, final frontier where the role of the Queen is played by multiple actors, kind of like the Doctor but with more prosthetics.

Vladimir Poutine (Leee), Saturday, 12 March 2022 23:57 (two years ago) link

this is goofy af, but i'd watch seven and rios and laris do anything

and picard and q, especially if they're doing eeeeevil

agnes is okay; raffi and (especially) elnor seem pointless to me

mookieproof, Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:05 (two years ago) link

elnor is the worst

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:11 (two years ago) link

raffi sucks. i die inside every time she calls picard “JL”

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:12 (two years ago) link

there are lots of arguments to be had about what is and what isn't 'star trek' but i'm pretty sure having happy-go-lucky elnor slit peoples' throats is the latter

mookieproof, Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:14 (two years ago) link

its his version of skateboarding down an elephant

terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:30 (two years ago) link


Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 March 2022 01:52 (two years ago) link

I gotta say I was thinking the other day how if you had gone back 35 years to the filming of the TNG debut episode and told Patrick Stewart and John DeLancie they'll be continuing to interpret these characters in, well, 35 years, I would have enjoyed their reactions.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 13 March 2022 01:54 (two years ago) link

delancie would have been 'cool!' and stewart might have killed himself

mookieproof, Sunday, 13 March 2022 02:59 (two years ago) link


terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Sunday, 13 March 2022 03:00 (two years ago) link

raffi sucks. i die inside every time she calls picard “JL”

I keep checking in with this thread to see if I should start watching the second season, and it is exactly stuff like this that makes me glad I decided not to bother.

Patrick Freyne's review is good and funny (as usual).

trishyb, Sunday, 13 March 2022 14:05 (two years ago) link

New season is fun so far so I'd say you're missing out.

groovypanda, Monday, 14 March 2022 07:50 (two years ago) link

Disgusting Siskobaiting in the last ep.

Daniel_Rf, Monday, 14 March 2022 09:27 (two years ago) link

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