My brane hurt! Some people have too much time on their hands!
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 17:13 (three years ago) link
I ain't reading all that
― jaymc, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 17:16 (three years ago) link
It’s like the worst excesses of the NPL Enigma puzzles
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 17:49 (three years ago) link
xp yeah i accidentally wasted like well over an hour on that and im pretty mad at myself for it
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 18:39 (three years ago) link
like that's time i dont have doing a thing i dont particularly like and am not particularly good at lmao
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 18:40 (three years ago) link
I remember doing the Pen and Paper Math one weekend and spending a lot of time and getting maybe 9/12, maybe one stupid error and two others that were quite hard computations then seeing how many people got 12/12 and wondering how much time they had spent or how in practice they were.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 18:42 (three years ago) link
Famous crossword solver was one of the top three among many.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 18:46 (three years ago) link
...and the same thing just happened to me on Optimizations. Got nine right and was ranked in the 600s.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 19:39 (three years ago) link
I got 8, which is pretty good for me, especially on a 1DS that I didn't expect to participating in.
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 20:49 (three years ago) link
And interesting that all of the questions except two in Optimizations were worth < 50 points.
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 21:23 (three years ago) link
Oh yeah. I couldn't quite conjure up either of those two *sigh*.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 21:59 (three years ago) link
In other news: The Loneliness of the LLama Smith Waiting for 1DS Feedback
Anyway, who else is signed up for the American Revolution ML?
hi dere!
I'm surely gonna get hammered; expect a lot of USers are experts on that; I hardly know my Saratoga from my Yorktown.
― anatol_merklich, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 22:31 (three years ago) link
expect a lot of USers are experts on that; I hardly know my Saratoga from my Yorktown.
lol, you're giving the American school system too much credit.
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 22:49 (three years ago) link
Yeah, I am expecting to get krushed as well.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 13 April 2021 23:53 (three years ago) link
Only three of us are doing it as far as I can get. Quite a few more for the General Knowledge Puzzle League though.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 16:18 (three years ago) link
I'm doing American Revolution and it is tuned very hard imo
― Canon in Deez (silby), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 16:50 (three years ago) link
I overthought the Phillis Wheatley question and thought that the reference to "religion" in the Jefferson quote was a clue pointing to Mercy Otis Warren.
― jaymc, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:19 (three years ago) link
Maybe I should have submitted on Dude, Where's My Car? It was fun to review after the fact, in any case, more than I can say for Instruct 2.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 14 April 2021 19:55 (three years ago) link
I picked up on the "liberty"/"death" clue in Q1 of American Revolution, but then answered...Thomas Paine. D'oh.
― jaymc, Thursday, 15 April 2021 18:26 (three years ago) link
I got an email about my 1DS marking the midpoint, and it sez that so far we've had a total of 142 submissions. Obviously there's still a whole half day left, but still, oof!
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Thursday, 15 April 2021 20:30 (three years ago) link
I didn't realize you had one up! Having now taken a look, I'll give it a go, but I will say that this is not a 1DS that I would normally have done (and, since I've never read the book, do not expect to do very well on).
― jaymc, Thursday, 15 April 2021 20:41 (three years ago) link
oh yeah (i said yeah i said yeah) i can't hang with that one!
― G.A.G.S. (Gophers Against Getting Stuffed) (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 15 April 2021 20:53 (three years ago) link
I liked yours, but made a dumb mistake. We’ll see. I am not expecting even that much turnout for mine. The turnout- and high scoring! - for Optimizations gives me a good idea about the makeup of a good bit of LL.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 15 April 2021 22:10 (three years ago) link
I wouldn’t worry about the turnout though, I just looked back at some single artist musical 1DSes that I participated in as well as some literature ones and the results were of similar orders of magnitude.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 15 April 2021 22:20 (three years ago) link
P-Funk 90Frank Zappa 70Beastie Boys 99Led Zeppelin 132Humphrey Bogart 183Hemingway 222
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 15 April 2021 22:24 (three years ago) link
Always remember that Zappa one since I finished pretty high ranking-wise if not percentile-wise despite not being a fan, only getting four right and not even moneying all four of those.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 15 April 2021 22:31 (three years ago) link
P. G. Wodehouse 114 (!)
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 15 April 2021 22:32 (three years ago) link
I did a Neil Young 1DS with only 48 participants, but that was back in 2013, when the league was much smaller.
― jaymc, Thursday, 15 April 2021 23:18 (three years ago) link
Yeah, was wondering about that too.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 15 April 2021 23:33 (three years ago) link
That makes me feel a little better! I think my current hope is that we at least beat the turnout for John Grisham.
If your May 1DS is the one I think it is, it's at least about a medium that should attract more players. And FWIW, I had briefly thought that the turnout for my and forks's was going to be low, but we ended up breaking 1000 (and in fact it had the most players of that day's topics).
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Friday, 16 April 2021 00:20 (three years ago) link
No, that does not sound like my 1DS. Did you guys already prepare your recap minus the stats?
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 17:03 (three years ago) link
Also, finally got feedback from a second (!) reviewer
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 17:12 (three years ago) link
No, that does not sound like my 1DS.
Oh man, I misread Greg's post as yours! Are you comfortable sharing the topic or date here, as I don't know your username?
Did you guys already prepare your recap minus the stats?
A little bit yes, though not every smith ends up putting up a recap.
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Friday, 16 April 2021 17:40 (three years ago) link
I kind of hate it when there is no recap. One of the reasons I was so gung-ho helping to write the recaps for the 60s Music ML.I can't be too secretive about my identity, especially since I am following most of you on player tracker. My 1DS is on Isaac Newton.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 18:05 (three years ago) link
Hey, made 82nd-percentile on yours despite screwing up one of my monied questions. A certain music was almost top ten. And your turnout was ultimately not too bad.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 19:39 (three years ago) link
I am always too scared to money the ones I'm not totally sure about, even though there's basically no chance of a high score unless you money some hard ones.
― Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, 16 April 2021 19:54 (three years ago) link
Sometimes I will money when I am less than sure because of the greater upside. This time I moneyed because I thought I knew it but I had misremembered something.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:02 (three years ago) link
Looks like I finished right around the middle of the James Joyce 1DS. The back half of the quiz was much easier for me than the front half; I basically just moneyed the last 5 and got 4 of them right.
Unsurprisingly, I did much better in Improv. If I'd remembered that Aisha Tyler is the current host of Whose Line Is It Anyway?, I'd have managed to tie for first place.
― jaymc, Friday, 16 April 2021 20:12 (three years ago) link
heyyyy my friend (and referrer) placed 7th on your 1DS! which makes sense considering he's a professor of studying it
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:13 (three years ago) link
I playtested Improv. Didn't get too many right but thought it was well done.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:13 (three years ago) link
Your friend isn't teh pinefox, is he?
(i got halfway through that sentence and realized i have no idea what his position is exactly but i know he is a professor and that was part of his focus at some point)
xp if that is a reference to the book u should be asking him not me!! (if that's not a reference, no, i don't think so... i don't know who the pinefox is)
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:14 (three years ago) link
No, I guess not. teh pinefox is an old school ilx0r. Still here, actually.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:15 (three years ago) link
many xps!
The alternative is to get all of the questions right (which I've done once, and I've gotten 11/12 once too).
This was obviously a hard one, and I would've gotten the music question wrong. Anyway, my co-smith's recap is in, so I'll have the recap up hopefully by day's end today.
Same here on the Improv (except I finished in the 55th %ile). I could picture Tyler but completely blanked on her name.
Hah, I sometimes forget how many Joyceans are on this board.
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:15 (three years ago) link
xp lol i looked it up and got deeply embarrassed
― Kompakt Total Landscaping (Will M.), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:16 (three years ago) link
Should we ask teh pinefox to take the quiz?
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:22 (three years ago) link
― Tahini Coates (Leee), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:27 (three years ago) link
Okay, I just posted a link to the current Rolling ILB thread.
― It Is Dangerous to Meme Inside (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 16 April 2021 20:35 (three years ago) link