Do you listen to your own music / do you enjoy listening to your own music?

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I listen to it a lot when I'm making it and then I end up taking a break from it, then I return to it later. I think it might be different to be in a band to working alone though - in a band you can hear other people's parts and choices they've made with them, and that's interesting in a way that going over your own choices is not.

boxedjoy, Friday, 4 December 2020 16:48 (three years ago) link

the only reason i record my own music is to be able to hear it outside of the context of me sitting in my room playing guitar. i want to hear some of my melodies and ideas at the beach or driving through a forest or walking to the supermarket, etc. i think it's maybe kind of different for me, because it literally is a form of therapy that is more beneficial than anything else i've ever encountered. i post my music on bandcamp for anybody to hear, but i'm essentially using it as a free cloud service. if someone else hears something i did and enjoys it, well hey, bonus!

i guess it also helps that my whole premise to recording music is to just accept that i'll never gain any notoriety or make any money from it (because i'm not really very good at it, if we're being totally honest) and that nobody actually cares about my music except me and the lovable weirdos that i share a brain with.

good thread.

Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 10 December 2020 17:59 (three years ago) link

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