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yer a loonie

lukas, Wednesday, 17 June 2020 03:39 (four years ago) link

one month passes...

lots of really aggy cars today for some reason. happy to sign an executive order bringing in summary executions for all car drivers, if that is something people would appreciate

it's like, god, it's such a nice day, calm down, slow down, enjoy life a little, why so angry bro

aw naw no bolingoli anaw noo (||||||||), Saturday, 15 August 2020 18:33 (four years ago) link

Drove up to Yorkshire where the temperature was about 15C lower than what I'd left behind in London. Rode up several major evil climbs (each with sections of 20-26%) with thick fog every time I got high up. Encountered some kind of rally with old cars steaming towards me through the fog. And an elderly Yorkshire cowboy in full costume cheering me on near the top of Buttertubs.

The Rampaging Goats of Llandudno (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Monday, 17 August 2020 23:34 (four years ago) link

about to do a short cycle downtown to get my wife some medication and it's 30 degrees outside oh dear.

Temporary Erogenous Zone (jim in vancouver), Tuesday, 18 August 2020 00:11 (four years ago) link

I'm out of shape and there is a hilly section on the way there

Temporary Erogenous Zone (jim in vancouver), Tuesday, 18 August 2020 00:11 (four years ago) link

how'd it go?

lukas, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 03:51 (four years ago) link

Not so bad!

Temporary Erogenous Zone (jim in vancouver), Tuesday, 18 August 2020 05:04 (four years ago) link

I had a family Zoom call scheduled right after my ride, so I had to hustle today if I wanted to get any lunch. Which turned out to be fun! I miss chasing faster people :/ I'm so lazy usually.

lukas, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 23:13 (four years ago) link

still struggling with my shoulder if I ride anywhere over 3/4 hours... in other news someone in my club just did an 11 hour/180 mile ride : /

||||||||, Wednesday, 19 August 2020 20:00 (four years ago) link

rode up to 12000ft this weekend, which was a first -- not so bad!

gbx, Tuesday, 1 September 2020 19:01 (four years ago) link

smoke from the forest fires has kept me from doing my regular rides, but air quality has been better at night, so I've been doing night rides out to the ocean. they closed the highway along the ocean to cars, rode it last night, just a straight dark road with the sound of waves crashing. now i gotta buy an actual front light (not just a flasher) cuz i almost mowed someone down.

lukas, Tuesday, 1 September 2020 19:07 (four years ago) link

also - congrats gbx, sounds fun

lukas, Tuesday, 1 September 2020 19:07 (four years ago) link

thx man

gbx, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 14:54 (four years ago) link

air quality was finally good enough to go for a ride during the day. followed by a chocolate almond croissant so unnecessarily massive that i felt the need to tack on extra climbing on the way home

lukas, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 22:32 (four years ago) link

Almond croissant is such a delightful sugar bomb

American Fear of Scampos (Ed), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 22:34 (four years ago) link

five months pass...

Hi all. First time checking in in this corner of ilx. Got a racing bicycle three years ago and fell in love with riding it way more than I expected. December/January are the only months I don’t ride, tried using a Tacx trainer during the winter but I’ve come to accept that indoor riding is really not my thing. Rides include commuting (approx. 30km one way) from March to September, basically as soon as daylight allows it, 1-3 times a week. In most weekends I’ll make longer rides. Love doing it by myself, but with a small group of friends is great too, and often adds a nice competitive element ;)

With Spring coming early this year, this is the first time that commuting by bike started in February – feels so good to be back on the road!
Late last year a bridge specifically for bikes was installed on the route to work, cutting the distance by 5km which takes the morning commute below 1 hr. There’s a myriad of options for the afternoon rides back home, including some nice climbs (not that extreme, it’s the Netherlands I’m talking about, though I do live in one of the hillier parts of the country) that are ideal to clear the head at the end of a working day.
Anyway, blah blah, maybe more interesting stuff to share throughout the year. Would love to read your riding adventures, had a fun time reading the thread

willem, Wednesday, 24 February 2021 13:53 (three years ago) link

Sounds like a great commute!

Doing more in-city rides over here. Weather's nice, enjoying being out and about. Any day with breathable air in California is one to celebrate.

lukas, Wednesday, 24 February 2021 19:28 (three years ago) link

Does that apply to the entire state? My idea of California (I've never been there) is that it would be perfect for year-round cycling!

willem, Thursday, 25 February 2021 09:21 (three years ago) link

It is perfect for year-round cycling ... except during wildfire/smoke season.

lukas, Thursday, 25 February 2021 15:32 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions but I'm making an exception for once - I'm gonna ride slower on the bike path to the park. Sorry, lady I almost ran over :/

lukas, Monday, 15 March 2021 21:33 (three years ago) link

(it's a mixed pedestrian/bike path)

lukas, Monday, 15 March 2021 21:33 (three years ago) link

Knowing how to rein it in and where is that next next level.

pence's eye juice (Hunt3r), Monday, 15 March 2021 23:11 (three years ago) link

Yeah within city limits I'm taking it easy unless I'm on a dedicated bike path without crossing potential for pedestrians.

Weather's been too wet for commuting the past two weeks :-/
Fell from my bike on the last commute, such a silly accident - was cycling with a colleague when we had to cross an expressway. With no traffic in sight, we slowly started getting across and then bumped into one another after both thinking the other was going left rather and right and vice versa. Beside feeling embarrassed, nothing more than a scuffed knee and a torn bib....

willem, Tuesday, 16 March 2021 08:53 (three years ago) link

Did a ride with mates for the first time in a long time this mornings ending up at my local coffee shop. Five minutes later the Melbourne cycling nobility roll in (James Huang from cycling tips, all of curve cycles, former Australian cyclocross champ Lisa Jacobs etc.). Suddenly makes me feel very fat.

American Fear of Scampos (Ed), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 21:45 (three years ago) link

Oh, and apparently Simon Gerrans who I totally didn't clock.

American Fear of Scampos (Ed), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 22:48 (three years ago) link

hey, you beat them to the coffeeshop

lukas, Wednesday, 17 March 2021 01:01 (three years ago) link

seven months pass...

Cool and humid today, nobody out there. Stopped on my ride for coffee and a galette. Eavesdropped on two old guys talking on a bench. There is nothing better, to me, than two old guys on a bench talking. Heard one guy telling another how he got married when he was 21, to a 38yo woman. They were married for 42 years until she died of diabetes complications at 80.

lukas, Monday, 1 November 2021 02:55 (three years ago) link

six months pass...

Can you introduce me?

^^ that was in my Zing drafts, dunno what the context is.

Last few weeks have been cold and blustery. Today was nearly perfect, though, and I got out for 50 miles on a favorite route with some nice rollers. Just don’t ask me how long it took.

brisk money (lukas), Saturday, 14 May 2022 23:22 (two years ago) link

Bought a new GoPro last week. Here's yesterday's club run:

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Monday, 23 May 2022 20:13 (two years ago) link

A month and a half ago, someone broke into my garage and stole two bikes. One bike was a new mt bike, and the other was the 20yo touring bike. That was the one that had me sad.

Well, wouldn't you know it, but they dumped the old bike (minus some parts) a block away. I found it that morning and had it fixed up.

Finally back from the shop, took it for a ride this morning. Still solid.

fajita seas, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 01:48 (two years ago) link

one month passes...

Two new tubes, two flats. Tyre was v old ao bought a new one. Just tried to put it on and got a pinch flat. Fuuuuck. The guy in the bike shop said don't use levers to put it back on but there was absolutely no way I could get it on otherwise. Think I have to accept I just can't change tubes :(

dear confusion the catastrophe waitress (ledge), Wednesday, 20 July 2022 20:46 (two years ago) link

I had to use my bike today and still hadn't sorted the tyre, luckily had another wheel on my single speed that's up in the loft, it's not quick release though. Broke a spanner putting it on - that should mean it's tight, right? It seemed tight enough. Rode 4 miles no problem. On the way back - hmm, what's that rattling noise? Luckily I didn't quite find the answer to the question 'how far can you ride on a loose front wheel?', also lucky I was on a quiet canal not a busy road or I might not have heard it.

dear confusion the catastrophe waitress (ledge), Thursday, 21 July 2022 13:41 (two years ago) link

This all sounds familiar.

I am now passing competent at this stuff, though, practice makes perfect.

death generator (lukas), Thursday, 21 July 2022 15:25 (two years ago) link

eight months pass...

One of my former riding partners was killed mid-day yesterday on a popular bike route in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. Everyone's really freaked out and angry and sad. He was well decorated on the track (multiple masters golds national and world levels but also outright USA record holder for flying 500mTT) but just a sweet, humble and nice guy who loved riding. If you ever rode around the GGP polo fields you were likely to see him. Just senseless and saddening.

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 6 April 2023 21:56 (one year ago) link

aw shasta, i'm terribly sorry. i've not seen you in these parts for a long time, and given the hazardous world of cycling, i've thought of you in concern for your own welfare, even. so i am glad to hear from you-- but what terrible circumstances. stay safe and well.

alright alright alright alright (Hunt3r), Friday, 7 April 2023 02:39 (one year ago) link

same here - wish I wasn't hearing from you again because of such awful news.

Man we've both biked that stretch of road about a billion times.

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Friday, 7 April 2023 15:26 (one year ago) link

three months pass...

White was riding on the shoulder of Highway 119, known as the Diagonal, in Boulder on Saturday afternoon when he was hit by a 23-year-old woman driving a Toyota Matrix. The driver crossed from the right-hand lane onto the shoulder, striking White from behind before she crashed into a fence, according to an incident report from the Colorado State Patrol. White was transported to the hospital and pronounced dead. The car's driver was uninjured.

Top American cyclist Magnus White, 17, dies after being hit by a car

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Tuesday, 1 August 2023 17:32 (one year ago) link

fucking diagonal. it's a graveyard.

toenail fungus (Hunt3r), Wednesday, 2 August 2023 23:24 (one year ago) link

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