Tabletop RPGs/story-building games - beyond D&D

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reposted from idiot thread repository:

i have been devouring information about dungeon world and it feels like just the right kind of loosey-goosey for me. run and gun. the fiction is paramount. HOWEVER.

i am getting extremely ANXIOUS to GM (DM?) this game with my kids. i have no idea wtf i'm doing. i'm supposed make up villages on the spot and give them tags? if i make up a monster to battle my kids i need to create special moves for them on the fly??

how do i dispense with this anxiety??

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 24 May 2020 22:37 (four years ago) link

i think as you do it you'll get more comfortable with it. doing it with your kids should be forgiving i'd think and good practice for dming for adults?

Mordy, Sunday, 24 May 2020 22:43 (four years ago) link

just don't tell your kids you made any of it up, let them believe it all comes from the game and they'll think it's all cool. worked on the adults i made stuff up on the fly for!

Hackers (1995) (Will M.), Sunday, 24 May 2020 22:56 (four years ago) link

both those posts sound wise.

i've gone way down a rabbit hole with this. these are fun:

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 24 May 2020 23:18 (four years ago) link

what do ppl think about forum roleplaying? probably too embarrassing to ever do on ilx...

Mordy, Sunday, 24 May 2020 23:39 (four years ago) link

three weeks pass...

^ All proceeds going to the National Bail Fund Network

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 16 June 2020 09:42 (four years ago) link

one month passes...

What are people's opinions on paid games on R20? Should I as a noob stay away or is it worth taking flyer on?

AxoLOLtl (Leee), Thursday, 23 July 2020 00:19 (four years ago) link

OK obvs not RPG but Codenames is playable online now! Any ILXORS fancy a game?

Garry Shambling (Leee), Thursday, 30 July 2020 20:24 (four years ago) link

what is it?

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Thursday, 30 July 2020 22:45 (four years ago) link

Oh, it's board game about words. You have a deck of cards with a single word printed on each, and deal some ~25 of them out. Two teams have certain words that they need to guess to win, and one person on each team gives out very concise clues to get their teammates to pick the right cards.

Garry Shambling (Leee), Thursday, 30 July 2020 22:55 (four years ago) link

I am accelerating down a massive WFRP 4e hole and it is gre8.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Monday, 3 August 2020 18:56 (four years ago) link

Been DMing the first stage of The Enemy Within, finishing in the next week or two, it's been a lot of fun.

The combat/advantage system is a bit of a mess but who cares about the combat really

Had a guy going all in on portraying a deluded Bretonnian Halfling Robin Hood wannabe, it's like getting some acting for free

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Monday, 3 August 2020 19:18 (four years ago) link

we love to see it

rumpy riser (ogmor), Monday, 3 August 2020 19:35 (four years ago) link

That’s the way it should be.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Monday, 3 August 2020 20:21 (four years ago) link

one month passes...

Assembled a group for WFRP 4e and we generated characters last Sunday, and had our first play session on Wednesday. Outrageous fun. I’m having difficulty thinking about anything else.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Sunday, 20 September 2020 05:12 (four years ago) link

TTRPG based on Come Dine With Me, anyone?

emil.y, Tuesday, 22 September 2020 14:35 (four years ago) link

Oh my.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Tuesday, 22 September 2020 15:29 (four years ago) link

Who you playing as Nick? I had a very enjoyable run last year as a young soldier who lost a hand to a bomb attack on my first full play session

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Friday, 2 October 2020 11:08 (four years ago) link

I’m GMing. Party had a ratcatcher, a slayer, a physician and an outlaw. Done three sessions on an introductory adventure I wrote, and next Wednesday we do Night of Blood...

No horrific injuries yet - they’ve mostly been combat averse, and sensibly set a rat ogre on fire before letting the slayer at it - but the outlaw got beat up bad by skaven and has contracted ratte fever (but doesn’t know it yet).

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Friday, 2 October 2020 19:01 (four years ago) link

Slayers’ first attack on the rat ogre was to hit it with his “bottle of cheap spirits”, and he was lucky enough to catch it right in the snout and give it a second ‘ablaze’ condition. He then basically dismembered it as it tried to flee.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Friday, 2 October 2020 19:06 (four years ago) link


the late great, Friday, 2 October 2020 19:42 (four years ago) link

i bought troika and am excited to run it soon

the late great, Friday, 2 October 2020 19:43 (four years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Played through about half of the legendary Night of Blood in our fourth session. My Kanka journal entry:

A stormy night, in pursuit of a mutant family – but is it to capture or to warn? – the road turning to sludge beneath cartwheels, a strangled, braying sound from beyond the treeline: someone – or something – crosses the road behind the cart, following closely at the forest edge. Then a stag, suddenly, bloodied and terrified, lunges from the forest ahead. The cart upturns, and beastmen attack, giving up their hunt of the stag to hunt the party instead.

The Slayer dispatches them swiftly, and the journey resumes, thunder and lightning, something is in the forest and following: mutants attack! A slog of a battle this time, eyestalks and fur, eventually overcome. Too late to turn back, keep going, a flash of lightning illuminates a coaching inn up ahead. But the gate is locked. A side door gives entry to the courtyard, but the inn is locked, though lights illuminate inside behind drawn curtains.

Knock on the door, a disgusting landlord, surprised to see anybody and not keen on strangers tonight, a roadwarden and a lanky, goggly-eyed barman, suspicious of the party, something about a bandit attack. The ratcatcher takes his dog outside and notices horses in the stables are uneasy, lets them out carefully, and finds the half-devoured corpse of a stable boy in the hayloft.

What in Sigmar’s name? Summons his companions, something alive on the stable roof, the Slayer climbs up there and battles a hideous, mutant spider thing, perhaps once a man, slipping on the pitched roof, flaming arrows from the physician illuminating the scene. The outlaw sets the hayloft alight, and Slayer fells the spider-thing but slips and falls from the roof, two stories straight down onto hard, sodden earth. Is he dead? The doors of the inn are locked and bolted again, and this time they will not open.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Monday, 26 October 2020 19:46 (four years ago) link

three months pass...

this is a neat description of a solo dungeon world game, for anybody here who's never played the system and is interested it.

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 7 February 2021 21:50 (three years ago) link

Can we get an update from Karl Malone??

I've been running Call of Cthulhu games since the summer - regular group, we've run through four scenarios now, starting up on our fifth now. Still getting a bit of a grip on how best to use the mechanics to advance the game but everyone is having fun so that's cool. Only one character death, another close call. This week we continue our investigation in Foxfield, MA, where the town supervisor has been acting strangely. (SPOILER: the Mi-Go have kidnapped his children and put their brains in canisters and their bodies in suspended animation).

ian, Thursday, 18 February 2021 00:11 (three years ago) link

unfortunately, our cyberpunk 2020 game suddenly ended mid-summer due to real life social conflict. the DM (who i have been friends with since HS and who I have made up with, since) kept getting testy with people when they couldn't align with his schedule, and then things reached a head when he guilt-tripped another play who had covid-like symptoms and then guilt-tripped someone else who was taking a vacation and didn't want to play for a couple weeks. i was feeling confrontational and i called him out on it in the group text, thinking for some reason that it would be a good idea to publicly confront someone with long term anger control issues. things went downhill.

Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:28 (three years ago) link

it was a cyberdowner 2020

Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:28 (three years ago) link

sounds like it still went better than the 2077 launch

That's not really my scene (I'm 41) (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:31 (three years ago) link

for sure!

haha, yeah....also it the DM's first time running a game, and it was pretty rough. the first time we faced combat, he said that he hadn't yet read "that section" of the manual so we all kind of walked him through it for an hour or so

Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:33 (three years ago) link

oh dear

Überschadenfreude (sleeve), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:34 (three years ago) link

woof. Sorry to hear that Zack.
i feel like i am cancelling or unavailable as much as any of the players - tbh it's not that hard to be chill???

ian, Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:48 (three years ago) link

it is definitely not that hard to be chill when it comes to accommodating people's schedules during a pandemic, it's the most relatable thing

Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:50 (three years ago) link

ZacH** sorry.

ian, Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:51 (three years ago) link

no big deal!

names are dumb anyway

Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:58 (three years ago) link

This might be the wrong thread but does anyone have an idea of a RPg that would be good for a single 7 year old to play, with her very tired dad as DM? My daughter is full of imagination and loves such things, and I started a very simple self-made RPG for her last summer, but I am running low on inspiration for scenarios and stories and would like to come up with some kind of good experience for her, especially as she is a single child in lockdown and is going (not so) quietly insane

Ray Cooney as "Crotch" (stevie), Thursday, 18 February 2021 11:10 (three years ago) link

all i really know is dungeon world but it’s very flexible and values story over tables of stats etc - you can easily noodge things the way you want them to go. it works best with very minimal prep - a few monsters, maybe an NPC or two particularly for a 1-player game - and maybe an idea of a setting - but most of the world/history gets fleshed out in the questions you ask during character creation. if your daughter is imaginative you’ll find that she does most of the prep for you!

for more of a fleshed-out adventure scenario you could search for slave pits of drazhu

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Thursday, 18 February 2021 11:45 (three years ago) link

Ah, great stuff - thanks Tracer x

Ray Cooney as "Crotch" (stevie), Thursday, 18 February 2021 13:47 (three years ago) link

can i suggest choose your own adventure books or any of their gazillion variants? i bet you could find whole collections on ebay.

That's not really my scene (I'm 41) (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 18 February 2021 15:50 (three years ago) link

Fighting Fantasy books! They're kind of a halfway house between Choose Your Own Adventure and D&D (you roll two normal dice to see which page you should turn to, there are hit points, damage, etc)

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:01 (three years ago) link

speaking of:

That's not really my scene (I'm 41) (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:04 (three years ago) link

also - offered unexplored and without a sense of quality -

And a site that lets you craft your own:

That's not really my scene (I'm 41) (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:07 (three years ago) link

Thanks Forks! She loved a kids CYA-style book when she was 3, been waiting till she was ready to try some more - and there are a few Star Wars ones out there too (she saw a New Hope for the first time a fortnight ago and is now OBSESSED)

Ray Cooney as "Crotch" (stevie), Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:48 (three years ago) link

I would recommend Basic Fantasy RPG if you want something light and D&D-derived. It's a re-organization/slight modification of the 1980s Basic Set rules, but modified to include ascending armor class and a few other minor things. Best of all, the pdf is free, there are a lot of free adventures, and you can get everything at cost if you want print copies -- the rulebook is abut $5 through Lulu or Amazon.

ian, Friday, 19 February 2021 01:21 (three years ago) link

The author suggests it's appropriate for kids 6+.

ian, Friday, 19 February 2021 01:22 (three years ago) link

Another very stripped back D&D-clone is White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game -- another free .pdf

ian, Friday, 19 February 2021 01:24 (three years ago) link

i've heard people swear by Root as a fun tabletop for kids/adults

That's not really my scene (I'm 41) (forksclovetofu), Friday, 19 February 2021 01:31 (three years ago) link

I've played Root and enjoyed it but I thought it was pretty complicated for adults!

Piven After Midnight (The Yellow Kid), Friday, 19 February 2021 01:55 (three years ago) link

Yeah about sixteen minutes into that video he says "that's where the real game begins!", lol.

lukas, Friday, 19 February 2021 02:02 (three years ago) link

Thanks again, guys - definitely going to get one of these started up for when she rises around dawn on Sunday!

Ray Cooney as "Crotch" (stevie), Friday, 19 February 2021 08:42 (three years ago) link

I was going to recommend what this other ilxor was doing with their daughter, but in the end it's probably a little redundant.

RZA Minnelli (Leee), Friday, 19 February 2021 21:23 (three years ago) link

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