I was only a casual TNG viewer but could comfortably follow what was going on xps
― groovypanda, Friday, 24 January 2020 23:15 (four years ago) link
If you really want a refresher, judging from what we saw in the premiere, you could watch these (avert yer eyes if you don't want the SPOILERS):
The Measure of a ManThe OffspringInheritance
― If the thing is pressed I think that Leee will surrender (Leee), Friday, 24 January 2020 23:34 (four years ago) link
Thanks y’all. Might be fun to watch a few old eps
― rob, Friday, 24 January 2020 23:45 (four years ago) link
how's he gonna do it this time drinking DECAF
― tomorrow, Saturday, 25 January 2020 15:56 (four years ago) link
earl grey with no milk is the beverage of a sociopathit’s highly disturbing
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 25 January 2020 18:30 (four years ago) link
always bothered me
that's how i always drink it
― j., Saturday, 25 January 2020 19:09 (four years ago) link
you = also a monster
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 25 January 2020 19:22 (four years ago) link
it was our DUTY
― j., Saturday, 25 January 2020 19:23 (four years ago) link
earl grey with no milk is the beverage of a sociopath
Eek, I’m married to a sociopath. She takes lemon.
― Dan Worsley, Sunday, 26 January 2020 09:48 (four years ago) link
I always thought it was strange that Picard with his French history and English accent would require to specify that the tea was "hot", like if he didn't say so, the computer would respond "do you mean hot tea... or iced tea" in a thick American drawl
Should I watch this? All I heard was that the first episode greatly resembled a certain early S4 episode
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Sunday, 26 January 2020 15:47 (four years ago) link
how well do you have to remember TNG?
My understanding is that Picard takes place in the Kelvin timeline of the J.J. Abrams/Alex Kurtzman films and ST:Discovery. Real life licencing legal battles have severed the Kelvin timeline from the E/OG/TNG/DS9/V timeline. So none of the events of 1965-2003 Star Trek occurred in Picard, at least not in the same way.
Picard is perhaps an examination of how different histories change character. Or a vanity project about Patrick Stewart's real life political concerns produced to maintain Viacom's IP.
― Darth Bambi (Sanpaku), Sunday, 26 January 2020 16:46 (four years ago) link
My understanding is that Picard takes place in the Kelvin timeline of the J.J. Abrams/Alex Kurtzman films and ST:Discovery.
Wait, aren't these two different timelines entirely?
Kelvin timeline starts with a movie where OG Spock comes in from the 'real' timeline, following the destruction of Romulus. I was under the impression said 'real' timeline is both the timeline of Discovery and Picard, while the Kelvin timeline is just the three nu-Trek movies and any directly associated spinoff media.
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 26 January 2020 17:04 (four years ago) link
I always thought it was strange that Picard with his French history and English accent would require to specify that the tea was "hot"
it is a character note, so you remember his commanding aura
― j., Sunday, 26 January 2020 17:22 (four years ago) link
Picard is in the Prime timeline: https://www.gamesradar.com/star-trek-picard-timeline-explained-alex-kurtzman/
― Charlotte Brontesaurus (Leee), Sunday, 26 January 2020 17:52 (four years ago) link
I always figured since the replicator fabricates a cup of tea that never needed steeping, it’d give you the most instantly drinkable temperature by default. By specifying “hot,” Picard wants the experience of fresh-steeped tea that must be carefully sipped.
― babu frik fan account (mh), Sunday, 26 January 2020 18:29 (four years ago) link
Yeah I guess that makes sense. I just got in my head an idea for a Hitchhiker/TNG spin-off. “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” “Share and enjoy!” Data reads Vogon poetry to Spot. Fenchurch teaches Worf to fly and they have an aerial affair. Zaphod becomes assimilated. Deep Thought revises its answer to “Kill Wesley”, with tragic results
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Sunday, 26 January 2020 19:51 (four years ago) link
I reserve the right to judge the timeline by counting lens flares.
― Darth Bambi (Sanpaku), Sunday, 26 January 2020 20:00 (four years ago) link
mh, yr no-prize is in the mail
― chapoquidditch (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 26 January 2020 20:05 (four years ago) link
― mookieproof, Sunday, 26 January 2020 20:54 (four years ago) link
This was pretty ok!
I like the vibe so far - kind of Raymond Chandler in space, with Picard as the dishevelled ‘tec, stumbling from encounter to encounter, endangering his friends and getting lightly beaten up in the process.
I like Pill. The twin and the weirdly accented handsome on the cube ship were... less good.
― Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 27 January 2020 01:14 (four years ago) link
This was okay, I liked that it had the more relaxed tempo of the '80s/'90s series instead of the more modern/actiony vibe of Discovery. I still think it was silly that they had to bring back Brent Spiner for fanservice though, as even the digital manipulation and choice of angles couldn't hide the fact he'd become chubbier and his face had changed with age. I guess his two scenes being dreams made it a bit easier to digest, but still... IIRC it was Spiner himself who wanted Data to die in the TNG movies, as it was obvious he couldn't be playing an ageless android for decades. Well, this episode proves he was right, and his presence here was really superfluous, they could've done the same plot with using only footage from TNG or something.
― Tuomas, Monday, 27 January 2020 07:56 (four years ago) link
Also, the references to "The Offpsring" here made me at first excited and then disappointed. Because after seeing that episode, I always wondered why Data wouldn't try to create another daughter after Lal... Obviously losing her was traumatic to him, but in real life people still have kids after losing one, and you'd think traumatic loss wouldn't affect Data to the same extent as with humans? So when they first implied Dahj was his daughter, I was like, cool, he did build another child after all! But then it was revealed Dahj/Soji were only made after Data's death, so the question of why he never wanted another offspring remains. I get it that they didn't want to tie this series too much into old episodes of TNG, but on the other hand, the Picard wouldn't even exist if people weren't nostalgic for that series. So I do hope the following episodes will have some deeper connections to the lore than just fanservicey appearances of TNG actors.
― Tuomas, Monday, 27 January 2020 08:06 (four years ago) link
deeper connections to the lore
i see what u did
― mookieproof, Monday, 27 January 2020 09:12 (four years ago) link
Haha, that was actually unintentional!
They did seem to refer to Data/Lore with Allison Pill's weird comment about how androids are always made in pairs... Which I don't recall ever being a thing in TNG, IIRC the Soongs built Data to improve on Lore, not because there was some weird rule that you have to build two?
― Tuomas, Monday, 27 January 2020 09:45 (four years ago) link
pill seemed to be implying that there was a biological reason for having to grow/build two at once, the ones in question being indistinguishable from human beings down to some level or something
― j., Monday, 27 January 2020 10:01 (four years ago) link
Maybe yeah, but it was still a weird comment, because she didn't explain what the reason for building them in pairs was, she just stated it like it was an obvious thing.
― Tuomas, Monday, 27 January 2020 10:05 (four years ago) link
if i cared enough, maybe i'd go back and see if it made sense how pill started with 'short answer, impossible; long answer, still impossible' and ended up with 'hey, maybe there's two of them'. also seems bad that a dozen romulan assassins can beam onto the roof of starfleet hq undetected, and the mom's ~slip-up~ mentioning picard was really ham-handed. it's fine, still liked it
― mookieproof, Monday, 27 January 2020 15:55 (four years ago) link
Also, the references to "The Offpsring" here made me at first excited and then disappointed. Because after seeing that episode, I always wondered why Data wouldn't try to create another daughter after Lal... Obviously losing her was traumatic to him, but in real life people still have kids after losing one, and you'd think traumatic loss wouldn't affect Data to the same extent as with humans?
Data got into serious trouble with SF for creating Lal and only avoided punishment because of what ultimately happened to her. And he probably felt that unless he was able to create another android with better odds of survival, he wasn't going to try again.
Also, there's a quick line where Dr. Jurati surmises that the twins were created by Maddox. Don't know if that's meant to throw us off the trail, though.
― Charlotte Brontesaurus (Leee), Monday, 27 January 2020 18:08 (four years ago) link
Data got into serious trouble with SF for creating Lal
I like how this can mean Starfleet, San Francisco or science fiction, and they all more or less work.
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 27 January 2020 18:41 (four years ago) link
― mookieproof, Monday, 27 January 2020 19:11 (four years ago) link
I love the costumes in this so much
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 27 January 2020 20:21 (four years ago) link
it’s highly disturbing
― terminators of endearment (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, January 25, 2020 10:30 AM (two days ago) bookmarkflaglink
earl grey with no milk is delightful
― frederik b. godt (jim in vancouver), Monday, 27 January 2020 20:42 (four years ago) link
in fact i don't like it with milk tbh
I really enjoyed this even though 'you can't make new androids without Data/but just a single neuron would do/oh they come in pairs' was all rather convenient - I know TNG was all about the handwavey pseudoscience but unlike Discovery it never fully jettisoned logic just to tell a cool story bro. I hope this doesn't end up going that route.
― Paperbag raita (ledge), Monday, 27 January 2020 21:43 (four years ago) link
I was a bit thrown when the librarian said "the painting is called... Dodger!" - I had thought the girl was called Dahj but maybe it was Dahja, I mused. It later became clear. Rewatched, still sounds like that.
― Paperbag raita (ledge), Tuesday, 28 January 2020 11:51 (four years ago) link
I spent about ten minutes assuming that this meant that Dahja was Picard's daughter
― Montegays and Capulez (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 28 January 2020 13:10 (four years ago) link
all the tea is upsetting me, tea is horrible and shd not be depicted on-screen
― mark s, Wednesday, 29 January 2020 21:42 (four years ago) link
lol yeah! tea is just some foul aberration for when you've run out of coffee!
― calzino, Wednesday, 29 January 2020 21:44 (four years ago) link
Kathryn Janeway otm
― calzino, Wednesday, 29 January 2020 21:46 (four years ago) link
Now THAT was more like it.
― Charlotte Brontesaurus (Leee), Saturday, 1 February 2020 21:05 (four years ago) link
I think just having a sassy, overqualified Romulan housekeeper question Picard about having all his marbles is all I need to be happy. Though more seriously, it's nice to see that things aren't going to be easy for JL and that other characters are allowed to have their own agendas and personalities.
I'm sure that Starfleet is thrilled about that living arrangement -- and I kind of wonder if some SF intelligence officer thinks that Picard's Romulan friends have turned him.
Also I really liked the Vulcan(?) Commodore.
― Charlotte Brontesaurus (Leee), Saturday, 1 February 2020 22:35 (four years ago) link
I was a bit confused, was she supposed to be Vulcan or Romulan? Because her mannerisms and the fact that she's running the Federation's secret police (presumably built on the foundation of Section 31?) implied she's Romulan, but OTOH there's no indication the Romulan Free State (or whatever it's called) has joined the Federation.
― Tuomas, Sunday, 2 February 2020 11:38 (four years ago) link
One, i think she's more specifically intelligence, not Section 31, since she wears gold (ops/security).
Two, I think she's meant to be or pass as Vulcan, since the first thing we see of her is a box with the IDIC insignia, and her stilted speech sounded more Vulcan to me.
― Charlotte Brontesaurus (Leee), Sunday, 2 February 2020 16:52 (four years ago) link
Pretty sure she's Vulcan
― groovypanda, Sunday, 2 February 2020 17:03 (four years ago) link
Sorry, mean Romulan
― groovypanda, Sunday, 2 February 2020 17:04 (four years ago) link
Arrgh, fucksake, thought you were on about Laris. Oh is Romulan pretending to be Vulcan.
― groovypanda, Sunday, 2 February 2020 17:11 (four years ago) link
important critical observation: lol data's terrible painting
― mark s, Sunday, 2 February 2020 18:22 (four years ago) link
lol, proof that having an IQ of 6million maketh not Egon Schiele
― calzino, Sunday, 2 February 2020 18:48 (four years ago) link
you'd thought at least he would have been capable of doing a super-humanoid pastiche of a good painting!
― calzino, Sunday, 2 February 2020 18:50 (four years ago) link
Does the Picard golem have a usborg port in his neck? Or was it there from his prior assimilation? I guess all that cyberpunk armor is just for show.
― formerly abanana (dat), Friday, 21 April 2023 19:29 (one year ago) link
Yeah, Borg stories hopefully are put to bed now because this, like every story following "I, Borg," has made them such stock villains that have almost none of their original alienness -- how banal it was that Queenie (and Vadic) were simply motivated by revenge.
Health and Wellness Worf is still a treasure. Philip, I kind of wonder if Klingon redundant physiology explains why he was able to shake off the phaser blasts.
I did completely hate Will's decision to keep Picard company, dressed up as loyalty but really just a cheap way of amplifying the stakes, in a way that doesn't make sense. He and Troi still have a daughter, or did she get conveniently forgotten?!
― Sid Bream My Baby (Leee), Saturday, 22 April 2023 20:29 (one year ago) link
But I did like:
The shot of the nebula that's a straight homage to TNG's opening creditsRiker's "I miss that voice."Poker game at the end -- stud, rotating aerial shot, etc.
― Sid Bream My Baby (Leee), Saturday, 22 April 2023 20:46 (one year ago) link
I enjoyed the last ep overall as a nicely final-feeling bit of action TV with lots of fanservice. But.
As others already said, wither Jurati? What was the point of her borgifying if they just dropped that story?
If Q is able to recombobulate or whatever explanation befits, he could have done the decent thing and stepped in and stopped the borg thing. Just rude.
Cannot get past Jack and Picard being able to just rip out their borg cabling. ESPECIALLY since the queen specifically said, several minutes earlier, that doing so would destroy their minds. What is the POINT of assimilation if you can fight it that casually. And yeah did Picard just jam the port into his skin? Huh?
On a related note Worf seemed to cope with being shot twice right in the arm/shoulder by a powerful weapon thats been shown to kill people instantly on many occasions. He didnt even seem hurt. OK whatever. I did like the sword/phaser joke though.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 25 April 2023 00:17 (one year ago) link
i saw someone suggest that worf could survive such things because of his redundant klingon organs . . . which is trying *really* hard
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 25 April 2023 01:20 (one year ago) link
the redlettermedia video pointed out that the last time elron was seen, he was serving on the excelsior. the ending that character deserved.
― formerly abanana (dat), Tuesday, 25 April 2023 01:43 (one year ago) link
I suppose this is where I show my old age because the Treaty of Algernon is complete bullshit and should never have been signed with that provision intact. Section 31 sucks for not bothering to reverse-engineer cloaking tech anyway and Star Fleet sucks for not demanding that Section 31 does - even if it means installing an "in case of emergency, invoke Section 31" button on every NCC-* bridge (surprise, by doing so - you're now a Section 31 ship!) That alone would be a more interesting plot than - oh no, another page or two of script burned on the fucking cloaking device instead of something interesting.
I'm annoyed with how this all wrapped up because the first half was just good enough to encourage my own runaway imagination to expect something better than another Borg story (story made even lazier because now there's a kid). The fact that we're all talking about better spin-off fantasy shows whether it's Star Trek: Enterprise-G with Captain Seven or Star Trek: Kung Fu with Worf just magnifies how inert Picard is - even with all the end of the world stuff going on outside the viewscreen, the show (and him) seem strangely reactive. This isn't the first time this has happened with Star Trek or any other heritage IP bogged down by the weight of its own nostalgia. See also: the Obi-Wan series, most dalek episodes of nuWho.
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 28 April 2023 05:41 (one year ago) link
There’s a single line in the RLM vid where Mike inadvertently summaries a lot of the modern ST content as missing the point with the writers/showrunners wanting more grimdark as presumably more real/relevant/realistic: “here! Here’s a sweet to wade thru!” rather any sort of utopian idea
― Glower, Disruption & Pies (kingfish), Friday, 28 April 2023 16:17 (one year ago) link
Dammit. “Here’s a SEWER to wade thru”
― Glower, Disruption & Pies (kingfish), Friday, 28 April 2023 16:18 (one year ago) link
I gave up on this show but wife has been rewatching it and I'll say this much: great theme song.
― Daniel_Rf, Friday, 5 May 2023 17:52 (one year ago) link
Captain Shaw memes are still the best:
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 9 July 2023 11:23 (one year ago) link
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 9 July 2023 11:27 (one year ago) link
― Captain Sisko and Ebert (Leee), Friday, 5 January 2024 21:32 (eight months ago) link
"the actor, Patrick", said Patrick Stewart
― adam t. (abanana), Saturday, 6 January 2024 18:06 (eight months ago) link
I remember that Stewart went through a "refers to self in third person" phase in the late 90s or early 00s, maybe this was a deeply buried tic that resurfaced.
― Captain Sisko and Ebert (Leee), Saturday, 6 January 2024 19:38 (eight months ago) link
If you have 4 hours and hate in your heart:
― Joanna Neu!some (Leee), Sunday, 25 August 2024 02:15 (two weeks ago) link
i am willing to stipulate
― mookieproof, Sunday, 25 August 2024 02:59 (two weeks ago) link
So clearly we just need to base a new series on this:
― Ned Raggett, Sunday, 25 August 2024 03:07 (two weeks ago) link
Unwilling to watch either Picard or a 4-hour Youtube video, Star Trek remains unruined.
― papal hotwife (milo z), Sunday, 25 August 2024 03:46 (two weeks ago) link
tl;dr: her line is "ffs it's a utopia not a dystopia, time for alex kurtzman to section 31 himself"
― mark s, Sunday, 25 August 2024 10:52 (two weeks ago) link
Ugh Trek gatekeepers are almost as bad as Starwars ones are. I'm not watching that. Picard was fine, rly my only gripe was the illogic of killing data/not killing picard for basically the same reason/killing off Q who's meant to be omnimpotent or immortal or whatever.
But "waahhhhh Trek cannot be grim, its a nice show with nice people and no bad guys or war or gritty reality" copium can feck off.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Monday, 26 August 2024 01:31 (two weeks ago) link
Is there a notable increase in quality from S2 to S3 or were people just saying that because all the old friends were back?
― Daniel_Rf, Monday, 26 August 2024 07:34 (two weeks ago) link
Bit of both, probly.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 27 August 2024 01:53 (two weeks ago) link
If you'd simply watched the 4-hour video you'd know that the season 2 production was a nightmare, with a COVID-shortened shoot that required them splitting the crew while prepping season 3 stuff. But agreed, season 3 had its moments, which were purely because of the fan service.
(Also science lady isn't really being a gate keeper, because IMO her biggest point was that the writing was uniformly abysmal and dumb.)
― Joanna Neu!some (Leee), Tuesday, 27 August 2024 02:34 (two weeks ago) link
strange new worlds has been grim as hell (i mean, apart from the musical episode)
but mainly it has been good while picard has been bad
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 27 August 2024 03:57 (two weeks ago) link
I should clarify - especially on re-reading my own past comments haha - there were deffo some large swathes of Picard that blew. TOo much angst.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Wednesday, 28 August 2024 22:48 (two weeks ago) link