TCB, talk to me of induction cook tops (and maybe other cooking appliances)

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We’re looking at new places right now and a lot of them don’t have reticulated gas, which m and electric cooktops. Resistive electric is the devil’s work but induction might be an option. Supposedly fast heating and more effiecient on the one hand but on the other doesn’t work with cast iron.

My sister likes hers, my sister in law hates hers with a passion.

Any thoughts? Should I just go an buy a $50 induction ring and try it out?

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Saturday, 31 March 2018 01:30 (six years ago) link

i love mine. i've never heard anything bad about induction so i'm interested to hear why your sis-in-law hates hers?

I mean if you want to do special techniques where you wanted to slant the pan off of the element then that doesn't work because the whole base of the pan needs to be in contact with the element for it to work. It took me like 2-3 cooking sessions to get used to the quirks but I'd never go back to any other kind of electric plate.

it's annoying that my aluminium bialetti coffee makers don't work and also that the stainless steel bialetti that i got to replace my octagonal one doesn't work either (the base is too small, the coverage isn't big enough to trigger the mechanism) but once you quickly get used to its quirks there's nothing besides gas that can match it for controllability.

DJ U OK Hun? (jed_), Saturday, 31 March 2018 01:48 (six years ago) link

hi. induction owner for about 9 months now. i was a gas stove lifer and fucked if i was going to go electric. we bought a house with no access to gas.

first, it 100% works with cast iron. les creuset works. regular cast iron skillets work. i cook with cast iron more than ever here. i had to get rid of a couple of cheap nonmagnetic steel pots and an anodized aluminum straight-sided saute pan that i did like a lot. everything else i own worked fine (like all my cheap-ass restaurant supply saucepans and stockpots).

the best thing about it is how insanely fucking fast you can boil liquids. want to make pasta? blanch vegetables? make tea? heat up soup? it's amazing for all this stuff.

i wish mine had a better low simmer setting. #3 on the dial will boil too fast, #2 drops below a simmer too often. honestly lesser gas stoves have the same issue.

medium and medium-high heat, your searing and sauteeing settings, are pretty good imo. i don't think it's quite as responsive as gas but it's damn close. the cleaning benefits due to the fact that the surface never gets hot are real and wonderful.

nb this is a fairly expensive samsung range. not top of the line but prob above average for induction ranges in the states. i think if i could ever get a really killer high-end gas range i'd go back. but i might take decent induction over decent gas.

call all destroyer, Saturday, 31 March 2018 01:50 (six years ago) link

do you have any specific concerns?

DJ U OK Hun? (jed_), Saturday, 31 March 2018 01:52 (six years ago) link


DJ U OK Hun? (jed_), Saturday, 31 March 2018 01:53 (six years ago) link

I haven't encountered any quirks of induction cooking that would make me want to give it up. I'm definitely quite a basic cook though. I don't do fancy things.

DJ U OK Hun? (jed_), Saturday, 31 March 2018 02:00 (six years ago) link

agreed i don't think there's anything it totally sucks at.

you can't roast peppers and heat tortillas over an open flame if that's an issue at all.

call all destroyer, Saturday, 31 March 2018 02:05 (six years ago) link

All good intel. I have a little Korean tabletop gas ring as a backup.

I’m not sure my sister in law is a reliable source, she’s not a great cook and likes to complain about everything.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Saturday, 31 March 2018 02:18 (six years ago) link


DJ U OK Hun? (jed_), Saturday, 31 March 2018 02:23 (six years ago) link

we have an induction stovetop & while it doesn't quite have the flexibility of gas, it's still excellent for cooking & much easier for cleaning (a big deal for us lazy folks).

droit au butt (Euler), Saturday, 31 March 2018 11:37 (six years ago) link

i’m happy w mine and yeah it heats up insanely fast

the late great, Sunday, 1 April 2018 01:59 (six years ago) link

and like jed said, there’s no easy way to keep one side hot of a pan and the other side cool. but you just get used to the quirks and what can you do anyway if there’s no gas?

the late great, Sunday, 1 April 2018 02:03 (six years ago) link

At this stage remaining in a house with gas or moving to one with gas are options, it’s just that a lot of new builds seem to be cheaping out on running gas lines.

Wok’s seam to be a particular challenge, it’s all about movement of the pan and stuff in it and would cool down pretty quickly if not in intimate contact.. Our current gas wok ring is very good, and a pretty common standard feature in Melbourne thanks to a big Asian community.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Sunday, 1 April 2018 04:56 (six years ago) link

i *can* use a wok (flat bottom, carbon steel) on my cooktop but i haven’t come close to mastering it. i try to keep the wok itself pretty still and use a big wok spatula to keep the contents moving.

call all destroyer, Sunday, 1 April 2018 12:33 (six years ago) link

We had induction all last year in every single rental. It was fine. Way better than electric. Gas is preferable. I kind of just really hated cleaning it and was tense about accidentally sitting something on the flat surface while it was still hot.

Yerac, Tuesday, 3 April 2018 18:52 (six years ago) link

ten months pass...

I just bought a magic/nutribullet. There was much deliberation over this but I am overly excited. We try to keep the appliances in the house at a super minimum/must use it several times a week to be worthwhile.

Yerac, Sunday, 10 February 2019 14:30 (six years ago) link

mick signals, Sunday, 10 February 2019 16:58 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

I finally bought an ikea plug in induction single ring cooktop to test out induction cookery. The co-build housing I’m involved in is considering being all electric. I’m actually impressed so far. Gets hot quick and it’s easy to vary temperature.

Would definite recommend for the 50 bucks it cost me.

Need to work out what I’m going to do about the wok thing.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Saturday, 23 March 2019 07:59 (five years ago) link

you can get a wok stand specifically for induction (search 'infinite wok').

what if bod was one of us (ledge), Saturday, 23 March 2019 14:27 (five years ago) link

any flat-bottomed carbon steel wok should be fine on induction

call all destroyer, Saturday, 23 March 2019 14:52 (five years ago) link

three years pass...

so i just moved into a new flat which is grebt in many ways but the cooker is smaller than my older one and also it's an induction hob

which i don't mind tbh (i've always used gas but i also have asthma) except i can no longer use half my trustiest pans apparently

mark s, Sunday, 12 March 2023 17:47 (one year ago) link

You can get a flat metal piece to put between your nonmagnetic pans and the cooktop. The flat metal gets hot which in turns heats the pan. Inefficient but works.

Jaq, Sunday, 12 March 2023 21:30 (one year ago) link

I'm set on getting rid of the electric 4 burner stove/oven in our kitchen and replacing it with 2 induction burners and a countertop convection oven. Will put everything on an IKEA kitchen island thing. We haven't used the stove in over a year - we've got a bamboo cover on it that a single induction burner sits on. The Anova oven I got a year ago and use constantly is at the other end of the kitchen currently.

Jaq, Sunday, 12 March 2023 21:35 (one year ago) link

ok so the scrambled egg i am making via induction is actually i think better than it ever was before (i am using the helldude-approved splash-of-water-toward-the-end recipe, to make it superfluffy) (water! not! milk!)

but i have apparently lost the ability to fry bacon w/o extensive charring :(

mark s, Sunday, 19 March 2023 09:51 (one year ago) link

fvck i just realised i can no longer make soup in my magic black aztec pot >:(

i mean unless i source one of jaq's flat metal things

mark s, Sunday, 19 March 2023 18:05 (one year ago) link

This kind of thing: induction adapter

Jaq, Sunday, 19 March 2023 18:18 (one year ago) link

thank you!

mark s, Sunday, 19 March 2023 18:48 (one year ago) link

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