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I was getting this on Safari for

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Wednesday, 14 March 2018 21:40 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

maybe want to check this out, getting sent to a suspicious website on the Avengers thread. I'm using Safari. something

omar little, Tuesday, 24 April 2018 23:59 (six years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Not gonna click it to see what's up, but you guys might want to check this post:

Joan Didion

Newly registered user, first ever post, Dropbox link. It may be nothing but it smells fishy to me.

Love Theme From Oh God! You Devil (Old Lunch), Thursday, 10 May 2018 18:31 (six years ago) link

I googled them up based on their email when they registered because we've been getting a ton of spammers lately and I just check everyone. They're actually just a huge Joan Didion fan, as per the username.

mod, Thursday, 10 May 2018 18:48 (six years ago) link

Cool, thanks. Better safe than sorry.

Love Theme From Oh God! You Devil (Old Lunch), Thursday, 10 May 2018 18:50 (six years ago) link

three months pass...

fyi got the same deceptive site warning when clicking on a thread in a search result, searched "ragas" and clicked on thread "acoustic ragas" and it redirected me to

marcos, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 14:25 (six years ago) link

There was a linked image from on there, which I've deleted now. Can you check that theead again and let me know if it's still happening?

Matt DC, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 14:32 (six years ago) link

all set, thank you!

marcos, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 14:44 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

got this warning from "" when I clicked to see all answers on the finest display names thread:

the finest of display names only

crüt, Friday, 21 September 2018 21:26 (six years ago) link

Thread is so borked I'll have to get stet to look at it -- I get the same warning and then it refuses to finish loading.

mod, Friday, 21 September 2018 22:00 (six years ago) link

one year passes...

Not sure where to put this...not ILX, but seems to be the thread.

I got one of those ransomware e-mails about three weeks ago. It got my attention because the subject line had a password I used to use a lot a decade ago but haven't used for ages. The e-mail was ridiculous and of course I didn't respond.

Didn't occur to me until today that a) I still use that password for ILX (an automatic login, so I never think about it), and b) my user profile links to my homepage, and you can get my e-mail address there.

So I'm not 100% sure the e-mail reached me via some ILX security issue (which is 100% my own fault for keeping my name and homepage on my user profile--I'm going to remove those), but it would seem to make sense.

clemenza, Tuesday, 9 June 2020 19:54 (four years ago) link

three months pass...

Getting a Norton alert if I try to open all messages in Posts you had second thought about and decided not to post - put them here - something about network traffic from and/or IP ?

Doctor Casino, Thursday, 8 October 2020 20:50 (four years ago) link

deleted (image posted 6 years ago)

mod, Thursday, 8 October 2020 21:48 (four years ago) link


Doctor Casino, Friday, 9 October 2020 17:49 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

getting a deceptive site warning from Chrome on this thread - Brawls!

Piven After Midnight (The Yellow Kid), Tuesday, 28 June 2022 04:39 (two years ago) link

it's telling me the thread is and it wants to harvest my details!

calzino, Tuesday, 28 June 2022 06:07 (two years ago) link

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