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belatedly: yes I would read and probably buy a book about Moebius, in English or German! is there such a thing? might there be such a thing?

I keep starting Duolingo and keeping up with all the things for about 3 days and then forgetting it exists for 6 months again. I have a few reservations (the robot voices make me think "is this actual good natural pronunciation I'm learning here?") but it's p. cool whenever I do remember it exists

a passing spacecadet, Saturday, 5 March 2016 10:27 (eight years ago) link

Wait, I can learn German FROM ROBOTS?!?! Sign me up! (Always wondered how speech synthesis worked with accents - but so much of the pioneering research on speech synthesis was done by Germans I imagine they've got to be quite good by now.)

Turns out that Electri_City book is being published in English in August. That was what the show last night was promoting; and then a half hour presentation from the Düsseldorf tourist board about the music and arts scenes in Düsseldorf and how we should all visit. I'm not even joking.

Yeah, who would be doing the Moebius book? That sounds like a Geeta project? Hell, I would pay money to read a good full-length book on the Düsseldorf/Forst crew by Geeta, including what Roedelius fed his cats for breakfast. Heck, if she could get a comprehensive interview with Herr Schneider, I'd even throw a couple of thousand pounds towards her Kickstarter or whatever. (I bet Claudia S-E has some GREAT stories but no one ever interviews her!)

Möbius the Stripper (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 5 March 2016 11:28 (eight years ago) link

Speaking of the women of Germany, I'd like to know more about Dorothea Raukes, who released an amazing album as Deutsche Wertarbeit. Have never actually heard the other band she was in (Streetmark), dunno if they're also worthwhile?

emil.y, Saturday, 5 March 2016 16:41 (eight years ago) link

That album is so good!! I did not know it was made by a woman! Hi 5 musical women of Germany.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 March 2016 17:09 (eight years ago) link

Yeah, who would be doing the Moebius book? That sounds like a Geeta project?

not long before he died, he told her (she wasn't sure if he was joking) that she should write a book about him. It's something she is considering.

sarahell, Saturday, 5 March 2016 18:35 (eight years ago) link

OK I've been thinking about this all morning, and here is the thing: I do not want to read another Krautrock book that is all about dudes. Yes, I know, the musicians in that scene, it was such a sausage party. But the musicians in that scene were not the only people IN that scene. Obviously I have a dog in this fight because I've been researching and trying to write *shudders* fan fiction about that music scene, and it is next to impossible to find information about the women that were involved, behind these tantalising clues that they even exist! I want to know Claudia's side of the story on Roedelius. I want to know about her and Florian's other sister, Tina, who I discovered only recently, did a lot of design for La Düsseldorf, including their logo. I want to know about Claudia and Tina's school friend Anita who dated Klaus Dinger, is the woman's voice all over the first NEU! albums. I want to know about Ann Weiss, who turned Michael Rother on to the Velvet Underground and changed his guitar style forever - oh, and also took most of the photos of NEU! and Harmonia. And speaking of photographers, I want to know about Barbara Niemöller who took most of the photos on early Kraftwerk albums (which often get misattributed to Emil Schult - always wondered how Emil was supposed to have taken the back cover photo of Autobahn when he is in the photo, albeit with Wolfgang's head pasted over the top - answer is, he didn't; Niemöller did.) In Geeta's interview with Rebecca Allen, she jokes that she was the first woman in Klingklang because Florian told her they didn't even let their girlfriends in the place. In which case, how the hell did Niemöller take album cover photos of a studio she wasn't allowed inside? There were all these women in that scene that I know nothing of but their names and vague credits about being photographer or designer, and no more, because in the official story, they're just down as "girlfriend" or "muse".

But hey, that's just my hobby horse about how women get written out of scenes because their roles aren't considered important. And that's the Krautrock book *I* would really like to read, but no one ever writes.

Möbius the Stripper (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 5 March 2016 19:00 (eight years ago) link

I am absolutely with you, would love to see something that reveals the female input into the scene. Also could include artists/musicians who were working contemporaneously but didn't get pigeonholed into "Krautrock", eg the awesome and fascinating collab between Inga Rumpf and Dagmar Krause, or what brought Dolly Holmes to Germany and thus to Emtidi's folk-kraut hybrid....

emil.y, Saturday, 5 March 2016 19:28 (eight years ago) link

what about djong yun? last i heard she was alive and living in pyongyang.
and renate knaup was super cool but you're right that there were surely a lot more women around. i would like to hear more about them too.
also this gives me fuel to continue mentally assembling my fantasy supergroup CANNES (haha)

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 March 2016 19:30 (eight years ago) link

Argh, this is going to turn into one of those things I get so fired up about I start thinking "I could do it", and then a week later all the reasons why I can't will hit me. Like, hi, biography of Jun Togawa except oh yeah I can't speak or read a word of Japanese. ;_;

emil.y, Saturday, 5 March 2016 19:41 (eight years ago) link

i messaged LL with more details.

i'm majorly creeped out by his posts, and i honestly think ppl should just not engage him at all, if not outright ban him. it's not like he actually takes in anything anyone else posts, anyway.

it's funny, i instantly knew who you were referring to, bc it's been bothering me so much as well.

Justine could you the same me, please.

“I hate my wife. She doesn’t even have a dick” (sunny successor), Saturday, 12 March 2016 04:07 (eight years ago) link

fb messaged you, sunny

just1n3, Saturday, 12 March 2016 04:10 (eight years ago) link

Ja, so! Ich lerne Deutsch! I've been doing Duolingo for a week and I swear I'm getting worse. It bothers me that they do no theory at all, they just bark things at you and expect you to pick it up without knowing what the patterns are!!! (I had to go and look it up on a theory-based website what the deal is with the accusative! Because they did not explain it at all.)

But haha I just had to press the turtle for the first time and mein gott, I have NEVER heard a German robot sound so disdainful! "Iiiiiihhhr sssseeeeiiiiit Määääänner!" OK OK I'm just a learner there's no reason to get so snooty with me! Haha!

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 12 March 2016 08:29 (eight years ago) link

I've been using it for a while for French, and just recently starting using it for Spanish, too. I agree totally, coming at it from a background of learning language from the skeleton out, so to speak. It feels wrong. But! It does encourage me to practice a little daily, which seems key, and after using it for a while I did start to notice increased facility with the language in a unconscious way (like the right verb form just coming to mind, though I didn't really consciously understand the concept of forming it, and the right vocab springing to mind). I'm not sure how helpful or effective it is in the long term.

jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Saturday, 12 March 2016 20:39 (eight years ago) link

There's a lot to be said for just sheer repetition! Like honestly the only reason I'm fluent with the (intensely irregular) verb to be is because I have heard Ralf Hütter sing "Ich bin der Muzikant" and "Sie ist ein Model" and "Wir sind die Roboter" a million billion times. I do like over 100 points of practice a day, and I do have to say that it is getting into my head through blunt force repetition, like Interpol. But once we seriously get into tenses and cases, I know I am going to need to back that up with theory.

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 12 March 2016 21:45 (eight years ago) link


Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 12 March 2016 21:46 (eight years ago) link

You guys this is my main topic of academic and personal study! I'd love to talk about it but typing isn't going to work. Repetition is immeasurably valuable when it comes to learning a skill, and language learning is a skill. Imo.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Saturday, 12 March 2016 22:05 (eight years ago) link

I think that's exactly why I like duolingo- you just learn sort of intuitively, almost like a child or like immersion. I find myself figuring stuff out on my own, and I think that helps me remember a lot better

just1n3, Sunday, 13 March 2016 06:44 (eight years ago) link

Well. Because I took a year of German at college level, I remember the basic understanding that German has 3 grammatical genders and a metric shit-ton of cases that are mainly expressed in the article. If I didn't remember that, I would be ütterly lost! (Stop adding umlauts to things, iPhone, I'm speaking English now!)

Aren't there studies that show that intuitive language acquisition stops at a certain age, and after that, it's a skill that needs to be learned? Did we discuss that on another thread?

And also I wonder what part neurodiversity plays in this. (I had delayed language acquisition in my first language, which is very Aspergers.) Even when I was in single digits, I remember being taught French in the "repeat things at children until the pick it up" fashion and it was a nightmare, I just couldn't pick it up, though other kids seemed fine. But at the same time, Latin, which was taught in a "charts and tables and grammar and theory" style, I absorbed like a sponge. People are different so no one single teaching style is going to work for all.

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 13 March 2016 07:30 (eight years ago) link

Is there an ILX leaderboard on Duolingo, or will that not work if we're all learning different languages?

I talk German with German friends on Tumblr, but they're all 30, 40 years ahead of me, ha!

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 13 March 2016 07:34 (eight years ago) link

That why I specified that it works for me. Formal learning of Japanese got me nowhere. I don't intend to write any academic texts in Spanish but I would like to be able to hold an adult conversation in it, since it's heavily spoken in California.

One thing it's not teaching me is the accent - I can hear it but I can't make my tongue do it. Actually sometimes I can't hear it - sometimes I can't tell if the b is being said like a b, v or w.

just1n3, Sunday, 13 March 2016 08:13 (eight years ago) link

Yeah, sure! I wasn't contradicting you, I was just wondering if that might be a reason why some styles work for some people!

Accents are so difficult to reproduce. The only thing I've found helpful is videos where native speakers physically show you the position your mouth / lips / tongue have to be in. It's weird, I'm fine with Ö but Ü is a struggle. My German friend sent me soundfiles of her saying "Flür! Hütter! Düsseldorf!" and I could hear the difference but couldn't make my mouth do it. Then I watched a video where a guy explained (with a close-up) of how you put your lips further forward for Ü. I feel stupid doing it, but the sound is much more like what Germans do.

"Ch" I am never not going to do like a Cornish "gh" so I give up.

I'm sure there are videos of mouth placement for that weird Spanish B / V thing? I feel stupid doing these exaggerated mouth poses, but until I get the sound, I guess it works? Just do it alone in the bathroom where no one can see you making faces in the mirror!

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 13 March 2016 09:07 (eight years ago) link

I think the critical period for native language learning is up until about 6 years old iirc.
I find it really hard to learn European languages just from hearing as I need to see it written down for it to go in my memory (I am often poor at determining what people are saying/lyrics though). The few words of Japanese I know that wouldn't work for so I feel like a young kid trying to learn it just from hearing.

kinder, Sunday, 13 March 2016 09:25 (eight years ago) link

La Lech is obviously not only trained but also an active teacher of language so I defer to her, but from my training in TEFL I have to say that 'natural' language use is very much emphasised, and has proven to be most effective for most people. I guess one thing that is different in TEFL is that it is immersion teaching, so trying to explain rules of English in English to people who can't speak English is futile, you have to *show* the rules through practice, whereas an app could do explanation in a student's first language if it wanted to. Different styles of learning is definitely a thing, though - my own (learning not teaching) preference is to concentrate on reading and writing before even attempting to broach speaking and listening, which is not how most people learn best, but it's what I'm more comfortable with.

I'm very tired and probably not expressing myself well, which is doubly ironic for both an English grad and TEFL-qualified person. Oh well.

Also, now I have a smartphone I might actually join you in German Duolingo-ing, Branwell. Would be nice to remember more than just "verschwende deine jugend".

emil.y, Sunday, 13 March 2016 15:21 (eight years ago) link

Accents are so difficult to reproduce. The only thing I've found helpful is videos where native speakers physically show you the position your mouth / lips / tongue have to be in. It's weird, I'm fine with Ö but Ü is a struggle. My German friend sent me soundfiles of her saying "Flür! Hütter! Düsseldorf!" and I could hear the difference but couldn't make my mouth do it. Then I watched a video where a guy explained (with a close-up) of how you put your lips further forward for Ü. I feel stupid doing it, but the sound is much more like what Germans do.

Also I've done this with one-on-one teaching and it definitely feels silly but is very very useful, and also is quite fun if you're comfortable in the student-teacher partnership.

emil.y, Sunday, 13 March 2016 15:24 (eight years ago) link

I am MasonicBoo on there if you want to add me, Emil.y? (I haven't quite worked out the social bit of adding people to a class or a board or whatever.)

((Please don't laugh at how bad my German sucks!!!))

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 13 March 2016 15:50 (eight years ago) link

I will have to actually d/l the app first but when I do I will add you! (Also my German will be terrible too, I got an A at it for GCSE but have literally never used it after that.)

emil.y, Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:05 (eight years ago) link

I loooove teaching pronunciation because it's light/goofy and physical rather than mental. People have a lot of hang ups/misconceptions/anxiety about lg learning. I enjoy helping them move past it and learn to express themselves effectively. This is why I believe well-trained language teachers have a necessary role in the world.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:13 (eight years ago) link

There's my professional mission statement lol

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:13 (eight years ago) link

Last night I was chatting with a guy at a show who is a lapsed drummer. We were having a nice convo, talking about music etc and I asked him a ton of questions about why he stopped playing. Eventually he told me he sat down recently to try to play, couldn't do what he wanted to do, and gave up pissily. I smiled and was like "what it sounds like is you reacted like a baby". He paused and eventually was like "yeah you're right." His frustration was legitimate and expected but his reaction was self-defeating. We loled after that. I felt like I was at work, but not in a bad way.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:19 (eight years ago) link


Uh, you're not Joyce yet because Joyce spent fucking ages on his work and you don't.

emil.y, Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:25 (eight years ago) link

For the record so no one thinks I'm a monster I don't ever tell my students they're acting like babies -- I just meant having that convo about what prevents us from persevering reminded me of being at work.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:30 (eight years ago) link

Emil.y yes, exactly. <3

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:32 (eight years ago) link

I have fond memories of my GCSE French teacher pulling ridiculous faces and making us all say "pneu" and a few other words in the most exaggerated manner possible, would be all for someone teaching me the secrets of umlauts this way

(I am not very good at hearing the difference, still worse at saying the difference, and Düsseldorf in particular is one word where I swear the difference I usually listen for isn't even there, dunno if that's a peculiarity of that word or if the difference I think I'm hearing isn't even the right one)

anyway everyone please learn German and post lots of fun thoughts and links on ILX's The German language thread

I love that Deutsche Wertarbeit album! Would love to know more about her, hear anything else she did, read a less dude-focussed book, read anything Geeta writes on the subject, etc...

a passing spacecadet, Sunday, 13 March 2016 16:51 (eight years ago) link

I added you, branwell! I think I'm douxjesus666 on duolingo.

jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 15 March 2016 02:49 (eight years ago) link

I will install duolingo this weekend, I will I will. I think it would be good for me to have an aim, even if only small, to get me out of this malaise-in-stasis. Feeling incredibly shitty but with no real focus to be able to express on the mental illness threads so am posting irrelevantly here as a sort of refuge. Sorry.

emil.y, Thursday, 17 March 2016 16:47 (eight years ago) link

having an aim is essential!
has anyone tried those period undies?
i am thinking about trying them. last time i did this with a period product (the product known as "instead") i almost wound up in the ER but i doubt anything that horrible could happen with period undies.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Thursday, 17 March 2016 17:22 (eight years ago) link

I have no experience with them, but they look pretty good. I have incredibly heavy periods so would probably be good for night time use in addition to sanitary towels which often aren't actually enough for a full sleep (I have never ever used tampons b/c toxic shock paranoia).

emil.y, Thursday, 17 March 2016 18:38 (eight years ago) link

I used to use tampons but started to think they were prolonging the event by plugging rather than absorbing. If I try the undies I'll report back.

La Lechuza (La Lechera), Thursday, 17 March 2016 18:55 (eight years ago) link

duolinguists, if a soybombyx follows/friends you, it's me!

tokyo rosemary, Friday, 18 March 2016 15:27 (eight years ago) link

I have followed you both back.

Annoyed by Duolingo's new habit of springing new words in the "match pairs" or review sections when it has never actually told you what they mean. And now I'm into verbs, I really really keenly feel the need for some grammar. But I get no grammar, just cute dolphin pics. :(

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Monday, 21 March 2016 08:24 (eight years ago) link

I have joined as La_Duffeldorf (turns out I actually had an old account, probably tried to learn Spanish for going to Primavera and then forgot about it, though it doesn't seem to have any info on what I was doing before).

Might try to search out a good German grammar site too for B & the other of us who like theory as well as practice. Wish I'd bought that TEFL book which gives an overview of points of divergence from English in various languages, it's written to know what your student might struggle with but in the process gives some straightforward tips about grammar, pronunciation etc. Was one of my favourite texts during the course b/c it really allowed me to dip in to my curiosity about languages and see patterns both micro and macro.

emil.y, Monday, 21 March 2016 16:14 (eight years ago) link

That sounds like a really interesting book.

I am never going to get my head around German gender. :-/ Not to mention there really is no way to do gender neutral language in German. Singular "they" already is She.

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Tuesday, 22 March 2016 08:15 (eight years ago) link

Turns out it's not that expensive (in comparison to most textbooks), so I think I am going to pick a copy up even though I'm not teaching at the moment: Learner English

In some ways I like that 'Sie' is both she and they, as a default to the feminine is pretty cool, considering masculinity is the traditional baseline for discourse in English. However, I totally get that it's shit not to have gender neutral possibilities (unless you use 'that'? I do know someone who identifies as 'it' but I think a lot of people wouldn't want to be pigeonholed into that). Also gender of words drove me crazy at school, it's all so arbitrary, French and German don't even agree, how are we meant to remember and what is even the point?!

emil.y, Tuesday, 22 March 2016 15:32 (eight years ago) link

hey yall im participating in the NNAF bowlathon for reproductive justice and i am shameless. i'm bowling for richmond reproductive freedom project who are doing AMAZING world-changing work. i'm offering rewards if people donate $! mixtapes, hand-knitted stuff, and en vogue tshirts. other things negotiable. i've met my goal but am currently trying to take over the world tbqqh.
check it out:
my blog:
personal page on bowlathon site:

thank you for reading!

jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Sunday, 27 March 2016 15:26 (eight years ago) link

Girls, I'm in a bad place. Someone in my life that I'm very close to is sick, in a potentially terminal way. Sometimes ILX is really supportive towards people in situations like this, but for whatever reason, I'm not one of the people that ILX chooses to be support-y or understand-y towards, most of the time, so I don't really feel comfortable going into it here.

So I'm stretched really thin, emotionally, and I have no wiggle-room for dealing with fuckery. And boy, did the fuckery hit hard, at exactly the wrong time. I've had a lifetime of being shamed and mocked, by dudes, for ~liking music in the wrong way~ (read: being a girl who has the audacity to like music in public) and usually I will fight them on this, but right now I am so brittle and upset over the other thing, the Big Thing, that I don't have the emotional room to engage with anything without screaming or bursting into tears.

This is not a nice place to be right now, so having a bully jumping up and down on my sore spot is really not something I have the capacity to deal with. I don't want to do a flounce, but I'm in a really bad place, and this place is making it worse at the moment. Take care, girls.

Sehr Kornisch (Branwell with an N), Thursday, 7 April 2016 07:54 (eight years ago) link

Really sorry to hear that... I've been blissfully unaware of any recent threads of twattery and i'm going to keep it that way. Hope you and they have support irl.

kinder, Thursday, 7 April 2016 11:51 (eight years ago) link

Really sorry to hear this, Branwell. Hope you and your person do as well as you can, and I'm thinking of you.

FWIW, I've just seen your post on the WGW thread and you are bang on the money there. Have literally no idea why people think that sort of thread is funny or contributes anything worthwhile to the boards.

emil.y, Thursday, 7 April 2016 11:53 (eight years ago) link

Take care Branwell, best wishes for you and your someone.

That whole thread is totally baffling but I guess at least if it keeps being bumped I should eventually remember to get round to an album I am already pretty sure I'll love. (There would be better ways to achieve this though obv)

a passing spacecadet, Thursday, 7 April 2016 12:55 (eight years ago) link

branwell, i'm so sorry to hear that. i don't know what's up w/the fuckery, but i can relate to the excruciating sadness of a dear friend being terminally ill--i went through that with my oldest friend a month ago. mentioned it on one of the cancer threads when he was diagnosed but i don't really post much here, so i didn't mention it otherwise. tbh, i couldn't handle posting about it--there was just this blinking cursor, and no words.

i hope that the potentially terminal part of it becomes not-terminal. it's utterly heartbreaking to lose someone you're close to, to even think about it. it's a really awful and gut-wrenching place to be. take good care of yourself.

JuliaA, Thursday, 7 April 2016 13:54 (eight years ago) link

I'm not one of the people that ILX chooses to be support-y or understand-y towards, most of the time, so I don't really feel comfortable going into it here.

I'm sorry you feel that way, in that, I know the feeling, and it really sucks. You've always struck me as a resilient person, and I bet your friend is fortunate that you are there for them.

sarahell, Thursday, 7 April 2016 17:10 (eight years ago) link

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