Post here when you hear a mediocre song by Tame Impala

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i just heard a mediocre song by tame impala

marcos, Wednesday, 20 January 2016 18:01 (eight years ago) link

I might start posting here every time a Tame Impala fan tries to buy the single disc I have for sale of a two-disc LP of theirs. Very clearly labelled 'ONE DISC ONLY. No Cover', I have still had 3 people attempt to buy it from me, and then ask for a refund, in the last 3 months. This has only happened one other time to me in 5 years of selling records.

Chewshabadoo, Wednesday, 20 January 2016 18:33 (eight years ago) link

one year passes...

Will they ever write another It Is Not Meant to Be?

calstars, Saturday, 23 September 2017 01:02 (seven years ago) link

six years pass...

Chatting w some coworkers who were telling me about this great rock artist named Taymin Pollack and I’m like sorry dudes I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who??

It was Tame Impala. Lol

Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 2 February 2024 01:57 (eight months ago) link

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