By C. Castro on March 27, 2014
The mane reason I purchased the daddle was to try and restore my relationship with my father. He neighglected me as a child, so you could say that our relationship was less than stable. I figured with the Daddle that we would be trotting our way to a restored bond. Gallup polls indicated that this was a useful tool to bring two people together, so I was on board. My father and I had such a blast horsing around with each other! As each day passed, we become more and more anxious to strap on the daddle and have another adventure.We were out playing in a field 3 months ago when tragedy struck. While riding my father, he sprained an ankle very badly. I knew at that moment that he wasn't going to be able to give me rides anymore, so with a long face I pulled out my .22 and put him out of his misery.
I truly appreciate those moments that we got to spend together. It was great while it lasted.
― Sufjan Grafton, Friday, 11 December 2015 19:35 (eight years ago) link