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Tho headache, sleeplessness, and nervousness, with, flatulence, unduo fnlnesa nftcr eating, and other symptoms of stomach "trouble," which como to nteti and women, nro nil Nature's warnings of violations of tho laws of healthful living. If theso warnings aio not heeded, then comes tho sterner admonition that often places tho heedless and disobedient on a sick-bed. There aro people to-dav oxistino- on toast and " ing, who ought to bo in sound health and in tho full enjoyment of life. They would bo had they heeded tho warnings Naturo gives. Iu most cases they may oven yet bo voBtorcd to health by tho uso of tho samo means by which thousands of men and women havo been mndo strong and healthy Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery. Tho cures effected by tbis remarkably remedy aro so many that thero is hardly a town or village in tho country which does not contain somo living witnesses to itfl curative powers. The stories of these peopio aro varied and cover many forms of diseaso affecting lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, blood, etc., but all tho stories aro alike in this ono feature they end with a perfect and lasting euro as tho result of the uso of "Golden Medical Discovery." It is a singular fact that tho larger number of persons cured had been sufferers for years and had become victims of chronic diseases. The fact is singular because of tho neglect to uso Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery in tho early stages of disease, a medicine bo widely known because of its cures. The witnesses to theso cures aro legion. Clergymen, doctors, merchants, farmers, men and women in ovory walk of life, aro among thoso who, for tho benefit of other sufferers, point to tho simple and economic mentis of cure offered in tho use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. " I was not well for two years," writes Mr. James M. Sizemorc, of Mitchell, Lawrence Co., Intl., Box 501. "My throat was always sotc, head ached and back ached nearly all the time. My weight was 155 pounds. I was taken sick with typhoid fever, and when the fever left me I had such a pain in my left tide I could not breathe without pain. I thought I must die. My wife went to the drug store and procured a bottle of Jit. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and a vial of his ' Pleasant Pellets.' I discontinued the use of my doctor's medicine and began with the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and ' Pellets.' I at once began to feel better; the pain soon left my side and I could breathe with c.ise. In a week or so I felt 60 goo"d I could not stay in the room. I began to walk about the streets ; I felt better each morning After a mouth's use of the medicine I was well. That was over a year ago. Now I weigh iSf pounds and ftel better than ever in my life." "I was afflicted for several years with a. complication of diseases; neuraltria of stomach, rheumatism and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Luella Garlinchouse, of physicians of our town for two or three years without receiving any particular benefit, I j " decided to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce and give hint a brief description of my case. You S kindly answered my letter immediately, recommending a persistent and systematic I """ "' course ot treatment wiui Dr. 1'ierce s uomen Medical Discovery. Also requesting that I follow the hygienic advice which you enclosed, and which I did with the following results: When I wrote to Dr. Pierce I had been sick for several years with rheumatism, but for the last year other diseases set in. I had neuralgia of stomach, also a pain in my heel and ankle (they were swelled during the day ) , and pajn at the very end of the spine, so I could hardly sit down at all. My throat was very sore every night for three mouths, and my stomach was so sore I couldn't bear the weight of my clothes Strange to say I had an enormous appetite, but everything I ate gave me that pain in the stomach. In fact, 'i wa3 so discouraged I never expected to get well, but after consulting Dr. Pierce I felt some hopes of recovery. After taking thirteen bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' two of 'Favorite Prescription' and three vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets I-felt entirely well." Every farmer and dairyman knows that it is of tho first importance that the vessels into wliioh the fresh milk is put shall be absolutely clean. The slightest taint in tho vessel will taint all tho milk that is put into it. It is very much the samo way with tho stomach. If the stomach is diseased it must injuriously affect ,thc food put into the stomach. And as tho blood is made from digested food, the blood also must suffer contamination from tho diseased stomach. Then becauso blood is tho life of tho body and feeds every organ of- tho body, whatever affects tho healthy quality of the blood must affcot tho organs which feed on tho blood, and, thercforo, affect the whole body, the life and sustenance of which is the blood made from food. These facts connect tho diseased stomach with every organ and tissue of the body, and partly explain why Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, also purifies tho blood and cures through tho stomach diseases of organs seeming remote from tho stomach, but yet so linked to it and dependent on it that they cannot have sound health so long as the stomach and digestive and nutritive system are diseased. Instead of trying JJr. of all. Its use offers always cures. Sick people, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. strictly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N." Y. Accept no substitute for " Golden Medical Discovery." There good" for diseases of the stomach aud blood.

drash, Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:21 (eight years ago) link

Coutt Lily of the ValUy, t'oicstrrs of Amir'ca, held a unokcr In their hall on Main street hit eie'idng. Thu ladles' Aid society of tho St. JaiuiM' I'pU-ccpal cliuivli will meet at tlia home of Mis. Usu. S. Dunn, of Main ttreet, tuiuonow atuinoou. slops," weak, laiBcrablo and comnlnin. Galena, Delaware Co., O. "After doctorintr iiorco's ttoldcn Medical Discovery the greatest possibility of cure, it ' r OLYPHANT The fuipial of Mr. Tlioma 1' June will laka place fiom tl.e family homo on Sunpieliauua .licit tomonw aiteinoon. At 2.3U ei'clock the le'malns will be taken to tho SuqiK-hanna Stirti llaptUt church, rthcio ieiiiees will be, conducttd by Rev. Oec-rge fla-rue, th pator, Interment will he made In I'ulou eimelery. 'llio fciljiIi uicmbet of Tho lllakelv WhUt club uijo.ied a ulidgh-ilde tu (Jreen RhUo la.t i renins, while they weio entertained at the rett. dcniu of Mr. and Mrs. N. b. Speck, Mr. aud Mi. K. J. Dull, Mr. and Mn. V. J. l'araom, Mr. aud Mis. J. A. Dull, Mr. aud Mr.. D. O. I.lujil, MI-m- AgiifS Dull, Plui.i and Alien Diild, Ollio Murphy, Sadie Lelllbild'u', Majit Shaw, S, h. Me-Cabe, D, II. Mitthewsun, C. W. Douser, T. M. Voyle, Althur Wldduwllild. Dr. I', f-- VauSiekle. 'I he incinbe-t-, of the Lady IJllcn I'ennnn lod.j of llibeeea nr.' leipieitid to incit iu the'r loom th! evening ul 7 ti'eloek slnrp, t' mako atraiiri1-incuts to attend the funeial of the late "dr. '1'. I'. Jonea. 'Ilia Frankle Dramatlu rompani pre.ented "My I'rlend fro.n India" before anotliet laigo audit neu at the opera lioiiie hit (".iiung. 'lonijlit liny will pioduee "Pawn Tlikct No. 210."

drash, Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:22 (eight years ago) link

DURYEA. 1'iauk Salt sust lined Injuries about tho head and back by falling from ems of the jig tint-ben of tho Lawrenca colliery, Mr. Seth rv'sidoi at Wilko-l!aire und was ciuploed ut putting machinery lit tho Laivienej breaker, which intends to rsuiu3 operations in Aptil. lie wa walking on a Jig timber when hU foot tdippped on a little led and he fell pit some snaps of iiou below, striking on lit Inch ana head, a setlous wound w.u Inlllcted on tho back of Id head. A phyilclait' summoned and dreoved tbu inlut Ies "of tho nufortuiuto man. Kdwaid Nolan, an cmploju ot thu lltlbide col' )ier, vuvtalued injuilus by laving Ids Uuco muceftpij befieen two cats, Nolan was working an t.tra eliitt and vn auexrant ot tho darkness did iwt deteet the cars u moling wiien his leg was caught between tlwm. 'J lie aecnleut oc-curiad about 0 p. in. Monday, Dr. lliitllnjtou attended to tho iujuty. iingo NmIv. whu had his k'vsc luJureJ at Roblutoii & Law's mine a fnw ekiS ago, is now yK" ' AWAf J il VM tfcil.fWgj Hi I ''l'l'i'ii"i'!t' ' V ' iM'i1"1 Wi 1Mlf IIMl' . t V W3C- V " f vi Txt V l J "'? 1 1? IT fi'-'-flrV-JV"! iiiiii! 1 P!$Tl'liF ySn3lR45(tn(nn'9wni IB HftniUl'lfierl Hl5uff47?5ryTvWiitfJrTi(re1iJi Hi v& mi 1 l -trw1 1 with five of the best as a last resort, try it first always helps. It almost All correspondence is nothing "just as 4 K tSxil (A fij q sJ (H. 4$m Don't nogSoat tho OiSpop-tassiiy to gat a cojsy of Bt gi NOWHERE ELSE ON EARTH Can the Eeekor After HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Find Such Itich Kewnrd,

drash, Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:22 (eight years ago) link

The Ladles' Homo Missionary society I would like a pamphlet please

a passing spacecadet, Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:34 (eight years ago) link

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