discovering family history

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The most dramatic family history story I can tell is about my paternal grandparents. As my grandmother was on her death bed she finally confided to one of my aunts that when my grandfather was 12 years old, he had accidently shot and killed his brother, while playing with a gun he thought was unloaded. She'd carried this secret for over 70 years (she was 89), but decided she had to unburden herself before she carried it to her grave.

Aimless, Wednesday, 1 October 2014 17:34 (ten years ago) link

That is pretty intense. I assume your grandfather was already passed on by then?

my jaw left (Hurting 2), Wednesday, 1 October 2014 17:57 (ten years ago) link

he'd died about a decade earlier

Aimless, Wednesday, 1 October 2014 18:06 (ten years ago) link

I forgot to add that the main reason my grandmother and her sister took their families out of Alabama around this time period is because my dad's aforementioned cousin became radicalized by the murder of my great-grandfather and was on the verge of getting lynched himself

💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Wednesday, 1 October 2014 18:19 (ten years ago) link

I think what gets me the most (xp) is that this was all revealed in a lucid moment from my dementia-stricken grandma, that I might just never have learned about this connection if not for that moment.

my jaw left (Hurting 2), Wednesday, 1 October 2014 18:25 (ten years ago) link

Jeez, deX - that is insane, and in a horrible way.

I can't think of anything of note (that I have ever heard) from either of my parent's family histories (well, except someone had the idea that Belzemeier was a good name for a female). BUT on A's side, there is some good and horrible stuff. Good: A's father is somehow distantly related to President Coolidge. Bad: A's grandmother and her family were Russian Jews who fled the Tsar - and there was some confusion bc apparently his great-grandmother was older than she thought she was since before they fled they were trying to keep her brother safely out of military service (or something - it's been a while since I heard all of this). Anyway, the city that they fled in Russia eventually lost its entire Jewish population during WWII - as in, they were deliberately eradicated.

Sara R-C, Monday, 6 October 2014 06:56 (ten years ago) link

My family is about as boring as it gets, but ytth's non-Jewish side of the family were founders of Salem, MA, or something to that effect.

just1n3, Monday, 6 October 2014 07:25 (ten years ago) link

My great grandmother was allegedly the first divorced woman in Kentucky.

my jaw left (Hurting 2), Monday, 6 October 2014 13:32 (ten years ago) link

Easy joke there, but being from Arkansas, I shouldn't be the one to make it.

pplains, Monday, 6 October 2014 13:42 (ten years ago) link

I've got Russian Jews on one side too (well, one at least, who met a Jewish French woman on the boat over). They arrived late in the 19th century.

I never thought about them escaping anything though. Just pictured him laying in his bedroom in ‎куда, looking up at the walls affixed with postcards of Memphis, Tennessee, and photographs of unborn blues singers.

pplains, Monday, 6 October 2014 13:47 (ten years ago) link

my paternal lineage traces back to a guy who came over to america from england in 1638 which is kind of cool idk

ciderpress, Monday, 6 October 2014 13:54 (ten years ago) link

also i have an ancestor on that side who was a privateer hired by the US to raid european ships, that branch of the family maintains their old homestead in connecticut and i got to visit it one time and they have the letter/contract signed by the president at the time (im blanking on whether it was jefferson or madison but one of those two) authorizing him to use force on british ships or w/e. i thought it was neat.

ciderpress, Monday, 6 October 2014 14:07 (ten years ago) link

I'm related somewhat directly to Daniel Webster and somewhat less directly to Noah Webster. I have a copy of our family's genealogy but I still haven't done the work of figuring out how many "great"s there are between us.

Certified Genious (Old Lunch), Monday, 6 October 2014 14:17 (ten years ago) link

An ex-girlfriend had a story about her great-grandparents. Typical life in the country, I guess. Open door, kids bringing home friends for dinner or going to their house. Great-grandfather comes out of the fields one day for supper and his tweenage daughter has met a new girl at school and brings her home to meet everyone.

You see where this is going. Great-grandfather and new girl from school apparently hit it off, she gets pregnant, family life is ruined in scandal, and nine months later, my ex's grandmother is born.

I always thought it was a good story just because here we are in the 21st Century with that descendants of that couple doing well and living life, all thanks to that horrible end-all, be-all scandal of 1920.

pplains, Monday, 6 October 2014 14:18 (ten years ago) link

Wow...had to read this three times. I kept picturing a great-grandfather type emerging from the fields instead of a younger fellow.

*tera, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 04:57 (ten years ago) link

My grandmother's cousin was a wealthy girl who was really into the arts in Mexico. She got married, had a little boy...kept falling in love and having affairs. Finally after two bouts of unrequited love she shot herself at the alter of Notre Dame de Paris in 1931. Recently my cousins have all been claiming her and attending these openings and dedications in Mexico City in honor of her. I still haven't figured out exactly what she did, I have never seen her art. I think she did a lot of schmoozing. Growing up I was told she was a communist, really promiscuous and depressed.

*tera, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 05:28 (ten years ago) link

I kind of love that story about the scandal and then the point about all the descendants who are just FINE. Really a much happier story than many...

Sara R-C, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 06:48 (ten years ago) link

I apologize for being ambiguous up there, but hey, there are still Confederate war widows running around so it's not that crazy, I guess.

pplains, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 13:34 (ten years ago) link

six months pass...

hey, if people were interested in the report about my great-grandfather:

DJP, Friday, 17 April 2015 16:03 (nine years ago) link

Wow, djp, thank you for sharing that.

from batman to balloon dog (carl agatha), Friday, 17 April 2015 16:37 (nine years ago) link

heartrending. inspires horror & outrage but also great admiration for the man your greatgrandfather was.

drash, Saturday, 18 April 2015 04:35 (nine years ago) link

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