He speaks in your voice, American. Soon you'll wish I did.
― Tom Wilkinson, Wednesday, 7 April 2004 12:05 (twenty years ago) link
In the bleak New England winter. Sledding crash scarred me and my girl for life! Now we're trapped with crazy wife and her pickle dish.
― Jocelyn, Wednesday, 7 April 2004 12:57 (twenty years ago) link
I was so enthusiast about Mendeleev table, that I became a psychiatrist.
[spero suoni bene, in inglese ;o)]
― kiddie, Friday, 9 April 2004 07:25 (twenty years ago) link
Or of the bramosia.
― IceS, Friday, 9 April 2004 07:59 (twenty years ago) link
― Mario, Friday, 9 April 2004 08:37 (twenty years ago) link
The etranger. Albert Camus
― Alessandro Marinaccio, Friday, 9 April 2004 09:18 (twenty years ago) link
― Leonardo RECCHIA, Friday, 9 April 2004 22:39 (twenty years ago) link
No. No. No. Oh, yes alright then.
― Joseph Gurney, Saturday, 10 April 2004 11:24 (twenty years ago) link
Lots of people fail to get to Canterbury because they spend too much time talking.
― Joseph Gurney, Saturday, 10 April 2004 11:33 (twenty years ago) link
Decadent aesthete thinks that if he creates the ultimate escapist fantasy he can fight "against Nature". He's wrong.
(vide supra ;-) )
― Joseph Gurney, Saturday, 10 April 2004 11:46 (twenty years ago) link
Giant Walking Deadly Poisonous Plants are a Disaster, don't you know!
― Joseph Gurney, Saturday, 10 April 2004 11:48 (twenty years ago) link
Angry customer tries to get revenge on bloodsucking parasitic Real Estate agents, fails.
Moby Dick - Herman Melville:
Bad idea. Turn back now - certain death ahead. Fine, ignore me. Splash. Aargh! Told you so.
― Cornelius Murphy, Saturday, 10 April 2004 18:36 (twenty years ago) link
Sail TaleFrail man failspale wale prevails
― Christoph Schulte-Vennbur, Saturday, 10 April 2004 21:23 (twenty years ago) link
Oh Catherine... Oh Heathcliff. Oh Catherine... Oh Heathcliff! Oh Catherine!! OH HEATHCLIFF!!! OH CATHERINE... you get the idea.
― JL, Sunday, 11 April 2004 04:58 (twenty years ago) link
Emancipated, intelligent woman loves a man but is hindered by religion or stupid men!
― Geesa de vries, Sunday, 11 April 2004 08:19 (twenty years ago) link
Kids are gruesome. Fat kids are losers.
― TN, Sunday, 11 April 2004 08:22 (twenty years ago) link
Son wakes up, finds himself transformed into a bug, makes family life a hell, than dies. Life goes on.
― Dirk Dunkel, Sunday, 11 April 2004 08:48 (twenty years ago) link
My name is Robert Jordan. I am noble. Spaniards are cool even though they curse a lot . Cowardice, though, is bad. I mean *real* bad. But -- damn! -- even noble men have to die. So I'll shag that Maria one last time.
― rhesus m. dexter, Sunday, 11 April 2004 09:07 (twenty years ago) link
If you are in danger, run, it doesn't matter where you are running to. And what the hell does this luggage with feet do?
― WLBORg, Sunday, 11 April 2004 09:41 (twenty years ago) link
THE FIRM - GrishamYoung stud goes mafia. Outsmarts everyone. Happy end.
A TIME TO KILL - GrishamPisshead wins courtcase.
THE HOBBIT - TolkienDiary of a Duke of Edinburgh Award Trip. PS: Little man finds ring
FELLOWSHIP - TolkienAnother diary of a Duke of Edinburgh Award Trip. More Walking. PS: Little man wants to get rid of ring
TWO TOWERS - TolkienWizard's condo gets flooded.
RETURN OF THE KING - TolkienNutter jumps to death.
JURRASIC PARC - CrichtonScience backfires, badly.
PREY - CrichtonScience backfires, badly, again.
TIMELINE - CrichtonDon't timetravel!
BACK TO THE FUTURE 1-3You stupid. I told you. Don't timetravel!
PARADISE AND POWER - KaganThey are nuts, we are nuts. Yippee, let's beat up some Iraqis.
ROMEO AND JULIET - ShakespeareTwo lovers. Lots of crazy shit. Everyone dies. The End.
― janji, Sunday, 11 April 2004 10:40 (twenty years ago) link
MATRIXSequel to Alice in Wonderland.
― janji, Sunday, 11 April 2004 10:43 (twenty years ago) link
Japan 1600. Englishman to learn japanese - else villagepeople ordered dead. Intriguenet between great emperors. Love. Everyone addicted by selfmurder and obedience.
― Tokee, Sunday, 11 April 2004 12:10 (twenty years ago) link
― abcd, Sunday, 11 April 2004 12:14 (twenty years ago) link
thats a great idea to summarise novels in 25 words, also very funny.
thx to all of u who have found the time and the effort to contribute some summarasetion to this page.
― Claudio Riolo, Sunday, 11 April 2004 12:31 (twenty years ago) link
BTW.. is there a "summarize a movie in 25 words" franchise? if not, it would certainly be great...
― TN, Sunday, 11 April 2004 18:10 (twenty years ago) link
William Gibson: Neuromancer
Case gets his brain repaired by AI to screw his dead girl inside the Matrix. His new girl enjoys killing people in a stylish way._________________________________________
Isaac Asimov: I, Robot
Computers are wonderful because the do what they're told. Humans not so._________________________________________
Frank Herbert: Dune
Guy goes into the desert to find he is the messiah everybody is waiting for but discovers he is unable to change anything.
Dune II: He still can't, though he is emperor of the GalaxyDune III: Neither can his Children, although they are superhuman.Dune IV: His son still fails despite becoming a god.Dune V: Sex doesn't help solving the problem.Dune IV: Best sex in the universe, neither.
The Collected Works of Robert A. Heinlein
Real Guys kick sissys around and get the chicks laid, all times ,all universes, except USA, Terra, middle of 20th century.__________________________________________
Robert Zelazny: The Lord of Light
On a remote planet, Buddha destroys oligarchy of indian gods by allying with alien natives, freeing mankind.__________________________________________
Larry Niven & Jerry Purnelle: Footfall
Aliens arrive in giant spaceship to conquer Earth but are beaten back by NASA-Shuttles and patriotic americans that support manned space flight.
― Nikolai W. Kutuzov, Sunday, 11 April 2004 18:48 (twenty years ago) link
Everyone has bad thoughts, even kids. Having this emotions under control becomes important.
― Yigit Gümüs, Monday, 12 April 2004 07:35 (twenty years ago) link
We evolved from apes, but they were the first who flew to space.
― Feyzi Karaer, Monday, 12 April 2004 07:58 (twenty years ago) link
She's married with the wrong man. She loves the wrong one too. She chooses the train.
― Alex Hartmann, Monday, 12 April 2004 15:02 (twenty years ago) link
I killed her. Ooops, I did it again.
― Der Zwerg vom Berg, Monday, 12 April 2004 17:47 (twenty years ago) link
Three physicists pretend to be nuts, who pretend to be another great physicists. They murder hospital's stuff to prove their madness. The plan fails.
― Alex Hartmann, Monday, 12 April 2004 18:34 (twenty years ago) link
Jose Arcadio Buendia, Colonel Aureliano Buendia,Ursula Iguaran, Amaranta, Remedios, Renata Remedios, Amaranta Ursula, Jose Arcadio Segundo, Aurelianox17,loads of shagging, killing, amnesia, and pigtails.
― Cindy Montano (www.montanodesigns.com), Monday, 12 April 2004 19:10 (twenty years ago) link
Man burns books, reads one, changes mind
― Kenneth McElroy, Monday, 12 April 2004 19:46 (twenty years ago) link
Dog turned into man-dog by professer,causes chaos, then turned back into dog again. Parody of Russian Revolution, and how commies are such bastards.
― Kenneth "it's me again" McElroy, Monday, 12 April 2004 19:58 (twenty years ago) link
Jewish merchant makes deal, loses deal due to a bit of unfairness. oy! what a world!
― Kenneth "i'm Scottish, not Irish" McElroy, Monday, 12 April 2004 20:04 (twenty years ago) link
Man murdered, murderer murdered by murderer's murdered man's brother. All this set in the beautiful Scottish Highlands.
― Kenneth McElroy, Monday, 12 April 2004 20:11 (twenty years ago) link
"Reality sucks. The 50´ies suck. I suck. They suck. We all suck."
― Meltdown1986, Monday, 12 April 2004 21:14 (twenty years ago) link
Likable but slightly cranky fellow´s wife gets screwed by her brother. Likable but slightly cranky fellow goes out to find his cat and screws brother.
― Meltdown1986, Monday, 12 April 2004 21:21 (twenty years ago) link
― phips, Monday, 12 April 2004 22:15 (twenty years ago) link
boy gets to work for mobster boss. boy grows older, is a mobster. mobster boss dies. boy (now mobster) finds out who did it.
― maleen, Monday, 12 April 2004 22:26 (twenty years ago) link
― carolina, Monday, 12 April 2004 22:30 (twenty years ago) link
women are toys. being rude to women is cool and everything is perishable except beer.
― carolina, Monday, 12 April 2004 22:31 (twenty years ago) link
Isaac Asimov - Foundation (Trilogy)
Political business-novel. Scientists fighting over aristrocrats in the galaxy to rebuild it faster.
---Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
Techno-Pop and Cyber-Punk. Six different strands of acting (from WW2 up to today) become one. All about cryptography and political issues. Heavy.
---Neal Stephenson - Diamond Age
Futuristic cyber-punk. Young girl gets grown up and taught only by an electronic book. Rise and fall of a whole system.
---Well thats it ;-)
― Sven Wagner, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 07:20 (twenty years ago) link
don't fuck the devil... you might find yourself in odessa
only the good survive... do they?
(master and margerita by mikhail bulgakov)
― karmeliter, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 08:25 (twenty years ago) link
endogamy made me a real good organ player.
― drecksack, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 10:12 (twenty years ago) link
better be white...and rich...or move to europe
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carleegg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly
― drecksack, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 10:32 (twenty years ago) link
― Andreas Schleicher, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 10:36 (twenty years ago) link
You're ugly, you're alone, you're thirsty. You're a SON OF A BITCH on shining wheels!
― Andreas Schleicher, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 10:38 (twenty years ago) link
500 Billion years, Entropy wins
― isnochys, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 10:50 (twenty years ago) link
war sucks, life in a submarine, too
― isnochys, Tuesday, 13 April 2004 10:55 (twenty years ago) link