i agree about the lack of Clapton but don't take it out on Miles Davies, he was a huge influence on guys like Nik Kershaw and Level 42.
― Chapman Pincher Overdrive (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:29 (thirteen years ago) link
Yes, they improved on him by adding more melody
― Juice Should Be Sterliized (Tom D.), Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:30 (thirteen years ago) link
And getting rid of the annoying trumpet sounds
― Chapman Pincher Overdrive (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:31 (thirteen years ago) link
Replacing them with superior synth trumpet sounds
― Juice Should Be Sterliized (Tom D.), Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:32 (thirteen years ago) link
another common criticism of these polls is that the dance and electronic genres aren't recognised, but bands like radiohead and the killers have been inccorporating dance influences into soundscapse that work at home as well as in the club
― diouf est le papa du foot galsen merde lè haters (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:34 (thirteen years ago) link
Unfortunately Miles Davis never had the chance to work with a bass player as gifted as Mark King, who knows what he - they - might have achieved
― Juice Should Be Sterliized (Tom D.), Wednesday, 14 September 2011 17:35 (thirteen years ago) link
Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.
― System, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 23:01 (thirteen years ago) link
― runaway (Matt P), Tuesday, 27 September 2011 23:06 (thirteen years ago) link
no juice newton albums?
― Daniel, Esq., Tuesday, 27 September 2011 23:13 (thirteen years ago) link
4eva lol at these lists
― Ravaging Rick Rude (a hoy hoy), Tuesday, 27 September 2011 23:32 (thirteen years ago) link
Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.
― System, Wednesday, 28 September 2011 23:01 (thirteen years ago) link
47. Meatloaf - Bat Out Of Hell 4
well at least we got something out of this
― runaway (Matt P), Wednesday, 28 September 2011 23:03 (thirteen years ago) link
The knowledge that album even exists?
― PoMo with a shotgun (snoball), Wednesday, 28 September 2011 23:04 (thirteen years ago) link
meatloaf says "FUCK YOU"
― runaway (Matt P), Wednesday, 28 September 2011 23:10 (thirteen years ago) link
his name is robert paulson
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 28 September 2011 23:11 (thirteen years ago) link
― PoMo with a shotgun (snoball), Wednesday, September 28, 2011 4:04 PM Bookmark
― Ford Cumlord (The Reverend), Wednesday, 28 September 2011 23:11 (thirteen years ago) link
― Dios mio! This kid is FUN to hit! (Noodle Vague), Thursday, 29 September 2011 06:58 (thirteen years ago) link
"This poll's a lemon and I want my. mon-ey. back!"
― PoMo with a shotgun (snoball), Thursday, 29 September 2011 08:03 (thirteen years ago) link
full footage of the show inc where bob geldof got angry at the #2 album
― Cosmic Slop, Thursday, 8 October 2015 13:49 (nine years ago) link