Are most people in your dreams real people you know, or people with no real-life counterparts?

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And celebrities usually appear in my dreams a lot, probably 50/50 with people I know.

three word displayname (snoball), Sunday, 4 September 2011 17:34 (thirteen years ago) link

most of them are friends from school who I haven't seen since. I admit this bothers me a bit, because that was a long time ago now

(what also bothers me is that sometimes I dream about these people as if they're just people I see every day, but sometimes I realise I haven't seen them for a bit, maybe a year or two

I get this alot too (although usually friends I've made and lost/haven't kept in touch with from at least university and forward). I take it as a sign that it's been too long since I've seen or talked with them and should give them a ring. I too often let good friends fall by the wayside by not staying in touch. I think back and realize the last few times we talked, they called me rather than the reverse - it's easy to see why they would think I don't really want them in my life anymore even though I do.

Not surprising I don't dream of celebrities - I don't pay much attention to celeb culture IRL either. I pass by the tabloids with headlines screaming about the latest scandals, with celebs identified only by first names, and I don't even know which Jen or Bob they're referring to.

Lee547 (Lee626), Sunday, 4 September 2011 19:23 (thirteen years ago) link

mostly people i know and most of my dreams have a crushing residual air of disappointment.not fun.

second only to popcorn (or something), Saturday, 10 September 2011 22:58 (thirteen years ago) link

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