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At first glance I thought you said chupacabra.
Upon realizing my mistake I got to thinking about capybara and how they used to be skinned and the tanned hides made into a head covering
Eventually people tired of saying "I'm wearing my Capybara on my head" and shortened it to just "Cap".
American frontiersmen found the raccoon hides to be of a similar quality to the capybara and followed suit by making the now famous "coonskin cap".
This brought another thought to my mind.....
How dangerous was it for them to be wandering around the wilderness with what appaers to be a raccoon on their head? Nowadays you would be begging to be shot if you did likewise, so why wasn't it a problem way back then? Are we all so trigger happy today or were they just extraordinarily poor marksmen back then?
Which got me to thinking about the opening sequence to The Beverly Hillbillies where uncle Jed is hunting fer some food, misses the shot, and up through the ground comes a bubblin crude, oil that is.....
But he wore a tattered old stetson NOT some fancy dead animal hat.
Which leads me to believe that he barely kept his family fed due to his complete lack of outdoorsman skills therefore he never shot a raccoon which is an integral part to the production of a coonskin hat.
To further prove the point he went as far as to move clear across the country to a place where his lack of hunting skills would go unnoticed.
― еdë §téè£, Saturday, 26 July 2008 03:58 (sixteen years ago) link
fourteen years pass...
For the sake our dear posterity, who can never be told often enough how much they missed by coming late to the dance, I repost this. It was originally posted on Mindless Prattle, but it went down with the ship when Greenspun folded his tent an the carnival moved on:
Marx and Hegel Go Shopping for Clothes:
Hegel: These lederhosen make me look like an overstuffed weisswurst.
Marx: On the contrary, I think they look very good on you -- like the conductor on a funicular railroad.
Salesman: Funiculars are tres chic this year!
Hegel: I don't care. And watch where you put your fingers, you carp in a cravat.
Salesman: A thousand pardons. Foolish me.
Marx: Can we get back to the lederhosen?
Hegel: By all means. They make me look fat.
Marx: Funicular railroad conductors are meant to be fat. Fat is of their essence. It is the fashion among them as with Burgermeisters. I won't hear any more objections on that head.
Hegel: I am not convinced, but I allow that I am swayed. However, can we both agree that this bilious green Tyrolean hat with the pheasant's feather is frightfully ridiculous?
Marx: Sehr richtig! One must draw the line at such bourgeois abominations.
Hegel: That is why I bring you along on these shopping trips, Karl. Our tastes synthesize so perfectly.
Salesman: Shall I have one of the lederhosen wrapped for you, sir?
Hegel: (sighs) I suppose. [exuent Salesman]
Marx: Toe-sucking leech.
Hegel: My thought exactly.
-- Aimless (, October 20, 2003
― more difficult than I look (Aimless), Sunday, 9 April 2023 20:31 (one year ago) link