I have some interesting news for you ppls: All foods you eat come out in yr poos.
― TEENAGE DIALECTICS (libcrypt), Sunday, 14 December 2008 03:08 (sixteen years ago) link
So I made a tomato pie yesterday. This kind:
not an actual pie or something. So anyway I made a whole cookie-sheet full and it was so good that it was literally the only thing I ate for 36 hours. And then it turned my shit a really weird reddish hue from all the tomato sauce.
― Are you there, God? It's Madonna, call me in Miami. (Stevie D), Monday, 15 December 2008 16:14 (sixteen years ago) link
Guinness turns your shit a particularly foul very dark shade of brown.
― chap, Monday, 15 December 2008 17:55 (sixteen years ago) link
In the middle of eating shepherd's pie at an Irish restaurant (on St. Patrick's Day!), I went to the restroom & to my horror discovered that my poo was a dusky shade of green, similar to what comes out the back end of a goose. I was 12 at the time & failed to see the humor of the situation.
― arugula (unregistered), Monday, 15 December 2008 21:56 (sixteen years ago) link
Squid ink pasta = DEEP BLACK POO
And when you eat whole green onions (Me and my dad make them when grilling, just wrap them in foil with a bit of butter and leave em cooking, or grill them after brushing them with the butter), the end part with the roots is clearly visible in the toilet.
― throwbookatface (skygreenleopard), Monday, 22 December 2008 18:59 (sixteen years ago) link
That actually reminds me of a joke, but, er, I think I'll save it. It's in bad taste.
― snoball, Monday, 22 December 2008 23:54 (sixteen years ago) link
It's in bad taste.
^^^ that isn't the joke or anything to do with the joke, BTW
because a thread called FOODS THAT COME OUT IN YOUR POO is clearly the place for good taste to be observed
― Merry Christuomas (electricsound), Monday, 22 December 2008 23:56 (sixteen years ago) link
Well I feel that there is a limit...
― snoball, Monday, 22 December 2008 23:59 (sixteen years ago) link
what's the joke
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 October 2021 21:19 (three years ago) link
I have no idea!
― Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Monday, 25 October 2021 21:36 (three years ago) link