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Mtume - Alkebu-Lan (Land of the Blacks)

Heavy shit, cats! Dig!

Nothing Is' description


Ride, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 17:20 (thirteen years ago) link

messed up the image link somehow, let's try again

Recorded August 29, 1971 at The East, New York. According to Jim Flannery of the Kozmigroove Mailing List, it's "Pretty damn wild...AACM goes to Africa... but I guess I'd have to add 'Pharoahs go to Saturn' to get the picture complete. Starts out with a four-minute speech describing the role of 'these jams' in the service of Black Nationalism... and then backs it up. Cover is black with white line-drawing of a sorta Egyptian-meets-subSaharan figure (Pharoanic beard, pyramids for eyes, goat amulet), back side has an eye-in-pyramid drawing with photo of Mtume leaning against it." Having finally heard this record finally, I love it. While it's certainly dated, it's a fascinating glimpse of the marriage of early 1970s Afro-centric music, politics and spirituality, plus it really grooves. To me reminiscent of Bartz' Ntu Group work, it's more energetic and colorful than those records. A treasure: Strata-East was an extraordinary label.

-Ian Scott Horst: Jazz Supreme

Ride, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 18:19 (thirteen years ago) link

looks like img tags ain't working for me

Ride, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 18:23 (thirteen years ago) link

Awfully quiet here of late. My turn?

Let's go with the record I am listening to for the first time, right now:
Pharoah Sanders Tauhid(1966)

Tauhid marks the 1966 Impulse debut of tenor saxophonist Pharoah Sanders, who had already gained fame as a flame-throwing saxophonist of the "new thing" playing with John Coltrane. However, Sanders' tenor appearance doesn't saturate the atmosphere on this session; far from it. Sanders is content to patiently let the moods of these three pieces develop, whether it be through the percussion of Roger Blank and Nat Bettis, guitarist Sonny Sharrock, or his own piccolo. For those looking for Sanders' patented screeching tenor throughout, Tauhid will disappoint.

I see Pharoah is getting some play on another thread at the moment. I am loving Karma, Jewels of Thought and Thembi. Excited to let this one weave its hypnotic spell.

Did I mention I am seeing the man play the first weekend in May? Beyond excited.

xtianDC, Wednesday, 30 March 2011 17:40 (thirteen years ago) link

nice, I've latched onto this record and Karma pretty heavily. also be sure to check out Black Unity (the other i've heard; it's also fantastic)

hey ilxor, thanks for contributing, glad you stopped by (ilxor), Wednesday, 30 March 2011 17:49 (thirteen years ago) link

Black Unity is on its way to me as we speak! Also picked up a nice vinyl copy of Live At The East. Not sure if this one ever made it to cd or not?

xtianDC, Wednesday, 30 March 2011 18:15 (thirteen years ago) link

get elevation too guys...amazing record.

just properly reading back over this thread, the mtume sounds well up my street. checking it out now.

Packie Bonner (Local Garda), Wednesday, 30 March 2011 21:29 (thirteen years ago) link

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