TOP 10 FREE INDEPENDENT GAMES of 2008 - #5: Rescue the Beagles

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It took me a little while (and frankly I really should have read the Readme before starting) but it's actually pretty good once you get in the rhythm of it. (Man it helps to realize you can fire the Owls at enemies to kill them!) The main problem is that the game is remarkably unintuitive - owls are ammunition? Double tap up to rope, and down to parachute? Exactly how far can you fall before you die? Not obvious at all.

But once you know all these things, you can get in this fast zone where you're swishing around in all directions. Cool stuff. The micromanagement stuff can get annoying, I agree, but it's not as much of a problem if you can plan ahead enough so you don't worry about depleting your parachutes and ropes (go for the Skyline flow as much as possible).

Nhex, Wednesday, 12 November 2008 06:56 (fifteen years ago) link

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