― triumph of the will the insult comic dog (zvookster), Saturday, 20 March 2010 23:31 (fourteen years ago) link
Alright listening to the stream and I think I most definitely did have a fake leak as this sounds much better... although to be honest I deleted it after a listen and can't confirm. This doesn't want me to kill myself.
― Moka, Saturday, 20 March 2010 23:49 (fourteen years ago) link
Siberian Breaks and I found a whistle were my favorites on first listen. Doesn't seem to be anything in here ripe for singles radio or clubs but this is much better than what I had put my hopes on. I feel an odd relief after I started to lose all hope on them after listening to that fake leak :P
― Moka, Sunday, 21 March 2010 00:01 (fourteen years ago) link
79.72 MB ?
― nakhchivan, Sunday, 21 March 2010 00:22 (fourteen years ago) link
― Bee OK, Sunday, 21 March 2010 04:55 (fourteen years ago) link
That stream is the same thing I was listening to last night. I still think it's terrible. I wonder how bad the fake leak must be if you actually like this, Moka.
― Johnny Fever, Sunday, 21 March 2010 04:58 (fourteen years ago) link
this has some moments -- "someone's missing" & "i found a whistle" -- but it really does kind of reek of a band grasping at something and not knowing at all what that is. i'm sure they're proud of making a left turn album that will divide their fanbase and critics, but i'm pretty sure there will be a day when their fame has passed when they look back and say "yeah this album is pretty retarded." it's pretty laughable that this is being released by a major label.
also lyrically, not like it matters all that much, but they're still very much the band that rhymed "electric eel" and "electric feel"
― shabba canks (J0rdan S.), Sunday, 21 March 2010 05:31 (fourteen years ago) link
it's funny -- yeasayer & mgmt toured back in the day before mgmt really blew up, and after hearing their respective first albums, if you told me, "one band will overreach in an attempt to make a challenging second album and it will lead to nothing of worth and quite possibly might kill their career" and "the other band will pare down their negative qualities and write a second album that is not perfect, but indisputably has three or four epic, monster anthems" i would not have guessed that mgmt would be the first band and yeasayer would be the second
― shabba canks (J0rdan S.), Sunday, 21 March 2010 05:36 (fourteen years ago) link
I saw that tour and thought Yeasayer basically blew MGMT off the stage, but they've yet to effectively transfer that energy to their recordings.
― Simon H., Sunday, 21 March 2010 08:32 (fourteen years ago) link
Have One On MGMT
― Blue Sky Whine (SeekAltRoute), Sunday, 21 March 2010 08:41 (fourteen years ago) link
Considering how much of a disaster that first "single" was, I'm surprised at how not terrible this record is. Doesn't even come close to something I'd recommend to anybody beyond "Check it out, I guess" -- but it's mostly harmless (occasionally interesting) psych (with a few half-decent Sparks impersonations thrown in for good measure). I previously thought this band had no staying power, but I'm willing to recalculate that if they can refine what's on Congratulations for the future.
That said: commercially, this record will drop like a fucking stone. Can't imagine them staying on Columbia after this one, although I can't see them on any of the major indies either (Domino, MAYBE). So, time will tell.
― larry_fitzmaurice, Sunday, 21 March 2010 18:06 (fourteen years ago) link
― Johnny Fever.
No Johnny, I never actually said I liked it, I still think it's awful. But yeah, the leak I had was just a bunch of annoying pitched voices and atuned synth pads... come to think of it, I don't know why I thought it was the real deal as it sounded nothing like the vocalist from MGMT.
― Moka, Sunday, 21 March 2010 18:27 (fourteen years ago) link
two songs in and it is my opinion that you guys are wrong about this not being commercially viable--sounds very accessible, reaching out of lo-fi dance glow into unobtrusive psych pop will get these into way more people's hands and the impending 4.0 pitchfork review won't do enough to stop it.
― samosa gibreel, Sunday, 21 March 2010 19:05 (fourteen years ago) link
I remember nearly all the songs on the first album having a chorus.
― Popture, Monday, 22 March 2010 07:53 (fourteen years ago) link
This is a terrific album. There is so much imagination and joy in it! And guess what? I think Pitchfork is going to give it a BNM. Sorry haters. Good music is good music.
― Traditional Bundy, Monday, 22 March 2010 08:53 (fourteen years ago) link
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 22 March 2010 11:23 (fourteen years ago) link
Sorry haters. Good music is good music.
meme half-life approx 17 days
― nakhchivan, Monday, 22 March 2010 11:25 (fourteen years ago) link
yes but someone has to make it their display name first (hint hint)
― 丫 power (dyao), Monday, 22 March 2010 11:27 (fourteen years ago) link
Good music for me to poop on.
― Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Farting in Space (NickB), Monday, 22 March 2010 13:21 (fourteen years ago) link
First song kinda almost makes me think of old Of Montreal.
― Adam Bruneau, Monday, 22 March 2010 18:07 (fourteen years ago) link
I really like the coda to "Someone's Missing". Vocals are mixed too low in this record IMO.
― Adam Bruneau, Monday, 22 March 2010 18:11 (fourteen years ago) link
this album is incredible. do you people hate fun or something?
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:18 (fourteen years ago) link
― corrine bailey the chef (J0rdan S.), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:19 (fourteen years ago) link
this album is incredulous.
― shite new answers (cutty), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:31 (fourteen years ago) link
― johnnyo
It's not fun when the joke's on us.
― Moka, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:33 (fourteen years ago) link
sure it is!i'm not even really sold on these guys, but thank god someone is doing something that's ambitious AND humorous.this album is even funnier than the cover.
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:39 (fourteen years ago) link
you have a terrible sense of humor
― corrine bailey the chef (J0rdan S.), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:40 (fourteen years ago) link
Kinda skipping around on the stream, "Brian Eno" is pretty funny but I could really go for some more huge hooks.
― he's always been a bit of an anti-climb Max (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:40 (fourteen years ago) link
good music is BORING
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:41 (fourteen years ago) link
i'm not even really sold on these guys her, but thank god someone is doing something that's ambitious AND humorous.
Could just as easily have appeared in a Joanna Newsom thread.
― Johnny Fever, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:42 (fourteen years ago) link
mgmt have never been funny -- they're cynical at best but aren't clever in expressing their cynicism at all
― corrine bailey the chef (J0rdan S.), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:43 (fourteen years ago) link
yeah but that's why they're funny. who are they supposed to be - warren zevon?
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:44 (fourteen years ago) link
i don't think joanna newsom is doing anything humorous. pure pretention.
it's not bold to be a pop band that releases an album that has no singles but has a bunch of songs like "flash delirium" that flail around in the name of "unexpected stylistic curveballs" -- it's just self-defeating and self-hating
― corrine bailey the chef (J0rdan S.), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:45 (fourteen years ago) link
haha, hold on -- mgmt aren't pretentious? aaalright
good fucking god i hate the 60s
― call all destroyer, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:45 (fourteen years ago) link
i don't think it's self-defeating. obviously a lot of work went into these songs, they're pretty elaborate. it's self-defeating to just declare something a "fuck you" because you don't get it all right away. i'm not saying their geniuses, but this album is hardly intentional career suicide. just use your imagination or something.
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:47 (fourteen years ago) link
thin-sounding, derivative, twee, joyless, sexless, rhythmless, hookless "retro pastiche" that really "highlights their influences"
― call all destroyer, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:50 (fourteen years ago) link
for fucks sake at least e6 bands were sincere when they played shit like this
― call all destroyer, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:51 (fourteen years ago) link
this doesn't sound anything like elephant 6 bands. lazy comparison.this album sounds exactly like the last one minus the three electro-pop singles. hardly mind-blowingly different.
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:52 (fourteen years ago) link
i think it's pretty hard to read it as them intentionally trying to pull back from the sort of fans that they've amassed -- they said that they don't want people to download their songs, they want people to download the album and listen to it in full, blah blah -- for people who only heard "kids" or "electric feel" and then here "flash delirium" or w/e, i'm not exactly sure that a lot of them are going to be enticed into hearing the whole album! that sounds as pretty close to "intentional career suicide" as a major label rock band can get
― corrine bailey the chef (J0rdan S.), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:53 (fourteen years ago) link
pretty hard NOT to read it as them*
"this album sounds exactly the same as the last one minus the three good songs"
― call all destroyer, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:54 (fourteen years ago) link
― corrine bailey the chef (J0rdan S.), Monday, 22 March 2010 19:54 (fourteen years ago) link
actually it's been a long time since i tried to struggle through the first one but this sounds like way, way more affected
― call all destroyer, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:55 (fourteen years ago) link
ok maybe if Kings of Leon had followed up their huge piece of shit with this, you could say it was reaching and/or a fuck you album. but this sounds EXACTLY like MGMT. if you heard this and had to guess who's new album it was, would you really get it wrong?
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 19:58 (fourteen years ago) link
But it doesn't sound EXACTLY like GOOD MGMT. The whole thing sounds like the laziest album tracks from the last go-round.
― he's always been a bit of an anti-climb Max (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 22 March 2010 20:04 (fourteen years ago) link
commiseration to MGMT
― aarrissi-a-roni, Monday, 22 March 2010 20:05 (fourteen years ago) link
sorry, i just think it's going to be annoying to read every review because they will all have the same meme, which is what you're saying now. An unexpected left-turn, intentionally difficult, in thrall to the sixties. anytime a band makes a record with harmonies and reverb, people start talking about the sixties. or elephant six. it's lazy.
― johnnyo, Monday, 22 March 2010 20:05 (fourteen years ago) link
anytime a band makes a record with harmonies and reverb, people start talking about the sixties. or elephant six. it's lazy.
― mizzell, Monday, 22 March 2010 20:10 (fourteen years ago) link