Swine flu vaccine

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Yes they are doing just one jab now as for the vast majority that gives enough immunity.

Meg (Meg Busset), Monday, 25 January 2010 13:36 (fourteen years ago) link

Meg I think that if A hadn't already had it I'd get it for him now, even though it's in decline. There's nothing about this vaccine that is that different to the vaccines I've already let him have, even though it's a 'new' vaccine it's based on the birdflu one that was tested and they've tested this one.

A and I are on public transport in and out of central london every weekday and he's in a central London nursery so I reckon that even though it's not spreading as they thought he's still coming into contact with a LOT of people and it's not worth the risk.

Vicky, Monday, 25 January 2010 13:42 (fourteen years ago) link

They just to need perfect the whining vaccine and the climbing-into-our-bed-at-3am vaccine, amirite?

lolol Yes! Why is it always three am btw?

Nathalie (stevienixed), Tuesday, 26 January 2010 14:06 (fourteen years ago) link

ten years pass...

got three vaccine shots today! one was the first of two Shingrix shingles vaccine shots, which I've been waiting for for a long time because it's been unavailable but is now in production, as well as a high-dose flu vaccine and a pneumonia vaccine

Dan S, Saturday, 22 August 2020 01:49 (four years ago) link

with the coming winter coronavirus/flu amalgam coming I'm glad to have gotten the vaccine

Dan S, Saturday, 22 August 2020 02:31 (four years ago) link

No pneumonia vaccine for me, but I also got the long-awaited Shingrix 1st dose and a surprise flu jab 2 days ago. Shingrix arm 10x more sore and swollen and warm than the flu arm, but an ice pack helped a little. Much better today and I'm already scheduled for the 2nd dose in 2 months. Surprise was due to the flu vaccine being available so early, I've always gotten them in early October before.

Jaq, Saturday, 22 August 2020 02:48 (four years ago) link

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