Lol that reminds me of the first time I saw Aeon Flux, I was just a kid and our family had just gotten cable TV which included MTV. I loved watching the music videos and one day when i turned MTV on there was this really wierd animated show on with a very slender woman running in and out of a elavator shooting at a rope. I remember the sound of the helicopter and the fact that no one spoke. It didn't scare me or upset me in any way it just felt like i had to watch more of it but I didn't really understad why.
Many years later in my teens I saw reruns of the half hour episodes on MTV and thats when I remebered what I had watched as a kid and i assumed that it was probably the same show.
Roughly two years ago I bought the DVD box and finally! their it was, fucking "TIDE"! It still gave me that wierd feeling, like a car accident, difficult to look away!
― nalle, Saturday, 2 August 2008 20:15 (sixteen years ago) link