is banning posters for beefing with mods really what we want to do?

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serious question

usic ally (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:19 (nine years ago) link

haha wait is D-40 actually banned now?

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:20 (nine years ago) link

(my answer is no)

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:20 (nine years ago) link

(to the thread title question that is)

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:21 (nine years ago) link

You can disagree with mods, sure, but behaving like an arsehole to people who volunteer chunks of their time to keep this site alive is not on.

stet, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:22 (nine years ago) link

i don't think this needed a separate thread, but while we're here, i think demanding a different standard of civility for dealing with mods as opposed to other posters is a new idea and a poor precedent. with respect, like.

regret it? nope. reddit? yep. (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:23 (nine years ago) link

"punching up" type shithead behaviour towards volunteer mods who're pretty decent ppl on a pretty decent msg board is cuntish behaviour imo ftr

irl lol (darraghmac), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:23 (nine years ago) link

obviously deej went a little overboard with the name-calling, and i guess the fact that it was in a thread title made it worse, but it seems that things had cooled down after that until stet decided to go unilateral.

you could make a reasonable argument that making a thread title like that is sort of asking for suicide-by-cop, but...a permaban?

usic ally (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:23 (nine years ago) link


irl lol (darraghmac), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:24 (nine years ago) link

Can someone sum up in like a sentence or two what happened?

markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:25 (nine years ago) link

if i become a mod can i retrospectively ban ppl who have spoken ill of me?

ogmor, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:25 (nine years ago) link

lol @ this garbage

affluent white (Lamp), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:26 (nine years ago) link

the fracas started not when D-40 beefed with a mod but when he used Joan Crawford's government name (for which he was initially unapologetic). then he got locked out of the thread in question (the Gawker thread btw) and then he started a thread on the Mod Request forum titled "You Guys are Chickenshits Idiots", lots of namecalling commenced.


Οὖτις, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:26 (nine years ago) link

lol come on "you guys are chickenshit idiots" was the funniest thread title i'd seen in months

call all destroyer, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:26 (nine years ago) link

xpost Ah thanks!

markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:27 (nine years ago) link

(fyi this may the one and only time I've been able to follow the sequence of events of one of these types of inter-board firefights)

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:27 (nine years ago) link

We should be able to insult the mods if we can insult other posters. You don’t get special treatment because you decided to take on more responsibility, and some of you basically don’t deserve respect.

markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:28 (nine years ago) link


markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:28 (nine years ago) link

2015: The Summer of Beef

regret it? nope. reddit? yep. (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:29 (nine years ago) link

I think it's fair to insult the mods like you would other posters if its in the context of their posting as a poster

in the course of their modding as a mod, obv and demonstrably best not to, also its dickish

irl lol (darraghmac), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:30 (nine years ago) link

If you think their modding sucks, you should be able to say it sucks. And sometimes being mean about it might be justified too.

markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:31 (nine years ago) link

Can someone sum up in like a sentence or two what happened?

― markers, Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:25 AM (6 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

Ask Beeves

an asteroid could hit the planet (Sufjan Grafton), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:32 (nine years ago) link

I joined this site because I believed it was a place we could get in online arguments w/ people in positions of power. I feel like banning deej is ilx's reichstag fire...mods are redesigning the site to go after the google adsense money.

iatee, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:36 (nine years ago) link

Ha clearly I am a living example of "yes, you can insult mods on ILX"

a strawman stuffed with their collection of 12 cds (jjjusten), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:37 (nine years ago) link

stfu jjj this isnt about u

irl lol (darraghmac), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:40 (nine years ago) link


a strawman stuffed with their collection of 12 cds (jjjusten), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:40 (nine years ago) link

the ban is some 'resisting arrest' nonsense

ogmor, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:44 (nine years ago) link

I think, rather than banning posters for beefing with mods qua mods, the beefing posters should be punished with temporary mod powers.

Something Called Fudge (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:45 (nine years ago) link

wait so you joined the site so you could fight w/mods iatee?

As for the adsense jibe, it would be nice not to have the only options be a) pay for this all myself, b) deal with the huge currency/tax/fees/logistics/stress ball-ache of a yearly fundraiser. But just ftr, whenever it has ever come down to a call between adsense money and the site, the site has always won. The only exceptions are when posts are edited to remove images that have become malware, or posts that would have been nixed anyway.

There are hardly any ads left on the site because everytime Google complains I reduce the areas ads are shown rather than change the content.

stet, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:45 (nine years ago) link

He was making a joke wrt the Gawker situation.

markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:46 (nine years ago) link

oh shit, also, deej is not a permaban, it's 30 days.

stet, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:46 (nine years ago) link

Was c word username banned for doing the exact same thing and then becoming mrf village idiot for like a month, cause I don't remember it if so and I think I would remember, that while episode was lols

wins, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:47 (nine years ago) link


wins, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:47 (nine years ago) link

If you think their modding sucks, you should be able to say it sucks. And sometimes being mean about it might be justified too.

markers reveals himself as a deep-dyed idealist and romantic itt. of course, his ideal is being able to call anyone a chickenshit idiot any time and anywhere he feels like and his romance is the romance of tantrums.

Aimless, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:08 (nine years ago) link

Your posting is the posting of badness.

markers, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:15 (nine years ago) link

30 days seems a bit excessive for essentially calling a mod a name. i mean we can't really be serious about this

usic ally (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:19 (nine years ago) link

i can't believe everyone is this upset about deej getting banned. it must just be the principle of the thing.

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:19 (nine years ago) link

it is!

usic ally (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:20 (nine years ago) link

30 day ban for calling anyone including a mod a "chickenshit idiot" seems pretty harsh. that's not even a personal insult.

J0rdan S., Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:20 (nine years ago) link

hey j0rd, how's it going?

Roberto Spiralli, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:20 (nine years ago) link

woah wb

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:20 (nine years ago) link

shoutout to the mods sincerely but i think if you take on the responsibility of authority you have to recognize that people are going to get mad at you and sometimes lash out, and this instance is really very benign. the ban is spiteful.

J0rdan S., Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:21 (nine years ago) link

ppl reserving the right to lash out at mods are children

irl lol (darraghmac), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:23 (nine years ago) link

it does seem excessive, even if he was being a dick (which he was) but otoh I don't care that much, I cut the mods some slack given how well this place is run in general, and I'm sure D-40 can find something else useful to do for 30 days besides defend Gawker to a bunch of prickly jerks on a msg board soooo ... yeah I'm not too fired up about this.

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:23 (nine years ago) link

honestly deej gets on everyone's nerves but "don't ban valuable members of the community over personal vendettas" doesn't seem like it's a lot to ask

i think another thing that is rubbing people the wrong way is the timing. how's life originally threadbanned him, then yellow cards him. dude seems like he has thick enough skin to handle being called a chickenshit idiot. everything seems cool until the next morning when someone else decides to ban him

usic ally (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:25 (nine years ago) link

hey j0rd, how's it going?

ffs how did you manage to fluff this line

wins, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:25 (nine years ago) link

ban hows life what a giagantic chickenshit

lag∞n, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:26 (nine years ago) link

xp lol

an asteroid could hit the planet (Sufjan Grafton), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:27 (nine years ago) link

nobody came in and told me 'oh btw if you use j___ d____'s real name you'll be banned from the thread', that's never been a publicly stated rule as far as I know, it's not in the fucking FAQ

mods = chickenshit idiots (D-40), Sunday, 23 August 2015 10:53 (nine years ago) link

& ffs when it's happened to me in the past & i've had to personally email stet & ask him to edit my own name i figure its equally laissez faire for everyone, but nooo

mods = chickenshit idiots (D-40), Sunday, 23 August 2015 11:01 (nine years ago) link

this thread is a good litmus test of ilxor's political impulses

ogmor, Sunday, 23 August 2015 11:05 (nine years ago) link

ya me and Stevie agree on all things political alright

irl lol (darraghmac), Sunday, 23 August 2015 12:25 (nine years ago) link

kinda feel like everyone said their piece on this and then it turned out that fundamentally nobody gave a shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

my important opinion on this fwiw is I still think both the thread- and tempban were bs and I don't think it's bad form to say so, I mean the mods to their credit continue to maintain a board called "I must protest", good on them, <3 mods

really not sure what deej is trying to achieve here tho

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 12:38 (nine years ago) link

in fairness to deej, by unilaterally banning him without allowing him to defend himself first, you almost ask for the issue to be brought up again in 30 days

usic ally (k3vin k.), Sunday, 23 August 2015 13:38 (nine years ago) link

or email at some point within the last month? That seems to me to be a more respectful & grown-up way to go about things idk

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 13:41 (nine years ago) link

an edible arrangement with a note exactly 1 week after the incident

oh, i am a lonlely poster. i live in a box of posts. (Sufjan Grafton), Sunday, 23 August 2015 13:43 (nine years ago) link

this seems like a good way to go about deciding who is & isn't well loved someone is by essential posters like mookieproof & mattresslessness

― mods = chickenshit idiots (D-40), Saturday, August 22, 2015 11:35 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

But they are regular posters at least - they have views that I recognise and can assign to them. Who the fuck are you?

Andrew Farrell, Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:46 (nine years ago) link

probly best if people only use that line if they follow ILX

MC Whistler (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:48 (nine years ago) link

Taking Sides : that idiot dn vs not realising why real naming certain posters might be on another level than real naming whoever you are vs starting your post-ban career with a cutesy half-real naming of the guy in question.

Andrew Farrell, Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:49 (nine years ago) link

xp - I follow a fair amount of it, I'm not the mythical poster who reads all the threads, because they're mythical.

Andrew Farrell, Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:53 (nine years ago) link

come the fuck on andrew

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:54 (nine years ago) link

D-40 is a prominent poster! For better or worse. And I've got much love for the ~poster in question~ but are we really gonna get precious about ppl saying "jd"

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:56 (nine years ago) link

ban (The Other) J.D. for his cutesy allusion to somebody's ACTUAL NAME already

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:00 (nine years ago) link

lol otm

drash, Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:05 (nine years ago) link


Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:07 (nine years ago) link


1994 ball boy (Karl Malone), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:18 (nine years ago) link

Okay fine - I don't remember seeing him outside the Gawker thread. Is he mostly ILM?

I'm not in favour of being precious about it, but in context it's a gun flash - hey here's a thing I could do again if I'm pissed off.

Andrew Farrell, Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:22 (nine years ago) link

just search for his name

1994 ball boy (Karl Malone), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:24 (nine years ago) link

deej writes and argues about rap, he's been here forever

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:24 (nine years ago) link

the search button is at the top of the screen. you might have to scroll up

1994 ball boy (Karl Malone), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:25 (nine years ago) link

So ILM, that's fine.

Andrew Farrell, Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:45 (nine years ago) link

were there a thread of missing him on a secret board, it would be a stillborn thread, sadly

Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, 23 August 2015 15:51 (nine years ago) link

"Who the fuck are you?" is such an awful, bad faith rhetorical tactic

Treeship, Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:02 (nine years ago) link

When we ask people who they are, it should be in a spirit of openness and curiosity.

Treeship, Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:03 (nine years ago) link

you tell em

usic ally (k3vin k.), Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:10 (nine years ago) link

darragh that's political impulses as in instincts re: power not economic policy or w/e

ogmor, Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:12 (nine years ago) link

were there a thread of missing him on a secret board, it would be a stillborn thread, sadly

― Hi, my name's David and I quit (wins), Sunday, August 23, 2015 10:51 AM (1 hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

Damn tell me how u really feel

mods = chickenshit idiots (D-40), Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:32 (nine years ago) link

If I cared that much I would have emailed but I'm ok w shaming idiots for their incoherently applied "principles" which amount to little more than ilx popularity contest bullshit

mods = chickenshit idiots (D-40), Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:33 (nine years ago) link

he said he feels sadly. you got a problem with that?

Aimless, Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:35 (nine years ago) link

I want to note that I went and changed my dname to d-jerk reactions this am but changed it without using it cos why be a dick I don't dislike deej I just think he's eh a guy i dont have any ilx interaction with who veers towards trollish challops and brattish tantrums and we've all been that soldier.

but with that in mind, constantly referring to ilx popularity contests as the reason why he's just out of chokey as opposed to the behaviours that might be losing him ilx popularity contests also lending weight to mod decisions to tempban is nagl

these are mods that have gone en masse to bat for far more loathed posters than himself iirc and imo

minute thoughts about (darraghmac), Sunday, 23 August 2015 17:59 (nine years ago) link

here's a clue, deej. look at your current dn and ask yourself, what does this say about me to the rest of ilx?

if your answer is 'this is the dn of a bold, forthright man of integrity who proudly defies a world too timid, shallow and conventional to accept his vision of truth,' then perhaps you should think again.

Aimless, Sunday, 23 August 2015 18:51 (nine years ago) link

I think it's just a metaphor.

Jeff, Sunday, 23 August 2015 19:04 (nine years ago) link

deej might be mistaking ILX mods for 'the man'. He might think that he's 'fighting the power'. But no.

One Wittle Wee-Wee (Old Lunch), Sunday, 23 August 2015 19:27 (nine years ago) link

deep thoughts itt

mods = chickenshit idiots (D-40), Sunday, 23 August 2015 20:06 (nine years ago) link

e = m(ods)c(hickenshit)^2

flopson, Sunday, 23 August 2015 20:39 (nine years ago) link

e equals m times ods times c times hickenshit squared?

oh, i am a lonlely poster. i live in a box of posts. (Sufjan Grafton), Sunday, 23 August 2015 20:43 (nine years ago) link

nyah fuckit

deejerk reactions (darraghmac), Sunday, 23 August 2015 20:57 (nine years ago) link

"Who the fuck are you?" is such an awful, bad faith rhetorical tactic

― Treeship, Sunday, August 23, 2015 1:02 PM (4 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

When we ask people who they are, it should be in a spirit of openness and curiosity.

― Treeship, Sunday, August 23, 2015 1:03 PM (4 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink


drash, Sunday, 23 August 2015 21:14 (nine years ago) link



i died

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 24 August 2015 00:32 (nine years ago) link

Hoos the fuck are you?

Why because she True and Interesting (President Keyes), Monday, 24 August 2015 02:31 (nine years ago) link

hoos hoos

hoos hoos

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Thursday, 27 August 2015 15:18 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

all this over deej threatening to k.o. a chickenshit hillbilly

am0n, Wednesday, 16 September 2015 15:33 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

lmao am0n

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Tuesday, 27 October 2015 02:32 (nine years ago) link

four years pass...


LaRusso Auto (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 14 October 2020 22:08 (four years ago) link

wait no i don't

LaRusso Auto (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 14 October 2020 22:08 (four years ago) link

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