No more pallet puzzles: THE LAST OF US PART II

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Lol that sounds pretty awesome - I am playing at night after my kids are in bed, my hand millimeters away from the volume control of the remote

I remember playing Grounded mode on Part 1 with headphones and it being a VERY immersive experience.. in fact, I often didn't really miss "Listen Mode" because actual listening with my ears was so accurately rendered that it was pretty clear where the clickers were

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 2 February 2023 10:53 (one year ago) link

There were definitely times I missed dialogue prompts because I had wandered ahead a little, searching for supplies. Someone would be talking and kind of trail off, and by the time I noticed the interaction icon it would be too late to turn back and resume the conversation (afaict).

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 2 February 2023 13:04 (one year ago) link

I suspect it’s a classic case of the sound designers all using extremely amazing headphones

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 2 February 2023 13:54 (one year ago) link

It’s everyone else’s fault for not owning $1000+ headphones.

hrep (H.P), Thursday, 2 February 2023 23:44 (one year ago) link

No kids yet, although I do have to tip toe around my wife with this game. Soon as she is home it has to go off. Half because of the sound, half because of literally everything else hahah

hrep (H.P), Thursday, 2 February 2023 23:45 (one year ago) link

Kinda wish I was playing without listen mode now, feels like a bit of a crutch maybe I do t need. Don’t feel like the difficulty is out of control, then again I’ve only just reached the first Ellie + Joel flashback museum scene so maybe it ramps up

hrep (H.P), Thursday, 2 February 2023 23:47 (one year ago) link

Unless you’re playing on Grounded you can always change the difficulty. Either in toto or for individual elements. Pretty much any setting you can think of is tweakable. Apart from a few rough patches I thought Normal was pretty easy. I would definitely do at least Hard.

Tracer Hand, Friday, 3 February 2023 00:53 (one year ago) link

I don't recall anything in Normal being particularly difficult, aside from a couple of brief bits that probably wouldn't benefit too much from listen mode. Though there are a couple of sequences iirc that I feel really need listen mode.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 3 February 2023 01:47 (one year ago) link

It's blowing my mind that the PS5 patch reportedly only upgrades the frame rate. This game looks incredible.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 3 February 2023 12:39 (one year ago) link

That keynote was great (and surprisingly only 40 minutes of the YouTube video, the rest is audience questions). Really cool to see how long and how many iterations the core story went through (wow at the Mankind concept... glad they turned around on that!) Definitely kinda surprised as Druckmann explained his truth behind TLOU1's ending, I admit I completely bought into the generally accepted interpretation when I played it - that Ellie was basically accepting Joel's actions complicitly - the way he breaks it down here shows how naturally it leads into Part II's story.

Nhex, Friday, 10 February 2023 04:12 (one year ago) link

Man, some people ...

Bro I have not been on Naughty Dog's payroll since 2017. I am not their complaint department. I think you forgot a cc on this one, champ.

CW: Harassment, Threats, Stupidity

— Jocelyn (@Jocelyn_Mettler) February 16, 2023

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 17 February 2023 19:40 (one year ago) link

And speaking of, I've been going back and reading prominent reviews, and ... they're mostly so full of shit to the extent that it emphasizes either how much of this went over their heads or how maybe (more likely?) they weren't ready for what they got. Like people rioting after "The Rite of Spring" or something. "This is clearly good, but not what I wanted, and kind of makes me uncomfortable, so ... I'm mad! And I'm not quite sure why!"

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 20 February 2023 15:03 (one year ago) link

fans think they’re in the game. you’re not in the game. you’re in the stands

Tracer Hand, Monday, 20 February 2023 15:20 (one year ago) link

I've read a couple takes that try to make the case that it's the fans that are being *too generous* to the game! Can't catch a break, if you like it, you're just a fan, but if you're a fan, you're gonna hate it. I suppose the flipside is that everything one thinks the game does right *or* wrong sort of ratifies its accomplishments. But people like certainty and hate ambiguity, and if a game makes them feel bad or angry, then clearly it must be the game's fault(s), and absolutely no way is it possible that by making millions of people feel the same or similar ways is actually a sign of success, right? (And these are, of course, the at least purportedly good faith attempts at criticism, overlooking lunatics like the person I just posted who, years later, is still harassing the *body model* that "played" Abby).

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 20 February 2023 15:31 (one year ago) link

Face model.

Idk, I can very easily see why people, non-CHUD division, might not enjoy the game in a way where they make a good faith effort to engage in it. It's the same reason why I recommend the game with serious caveats.

Shartreuse (Leee), Monday, 20 February 2023 15:58 (one year ago) link

My only caveat would be it's not for the squeamish, but in that sense it's not too different from the first one, just more intense; there are great movies I don't recommend for the same reasons. But I really don't see how how someone who liked the first one wouldn't appreciate ("enjoy" might be too strong a word) this one. I've come across a few "blah blah gameplay blah" takes, and imo that's BS. I've yet to see more or less *any* game (short of From stuff) where the gameplay doesn't get old or repetitive by the end.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 20 February 2023 16:07 (one year ago) link

when the gameplay is good repetitiveness is a virtue

Tracer Hand, Monday, 20 February 2023 16:10 (one year ago) link

Haha I got very tired of Bloodborne by the time I got to the start of the Micolash stage.

Gameplay, the sequel is a huge step forward, but it's the story that I find needs to be approached carefully. The unflinching depiction of the corrosive effects of violence is an incredibly narrow line that the writers have to walk, and it's very easy for me to see why it tips towards the unbearable for some people. It's also a significantly longer game IIRC, and where the first game has a through line that gradually blossoms into a perverse kind of hope, the hope here is attenuated, gated behind story progression, and buried under loads of brutality, which can just be overwhelming.

Shartreuse (Leee), Monday, 20 February 2023 16:18 (one year ago) link

yeah agree w that

Tracer Hand, Monday, 20 February 2023 16:20 (one year ago) link

Yeah, I don't disagree, either. But it all feels like a logical progression to me. Hope is nice to have, and of course this second game is about what replaces hope if/when you lose it, and I think that story only works in tandem with the first game, which ... yeah, it's a delicate balance. So I concede that just because something works doesn't mean it works for everyone. That said, having watched that semi-viral "Sacrificial Trash" video, I'm not entirely willing to believe that *all* negative reviews of this game don't somehow stem from the chudiest of chud takes, which preceded the game by weeks/months. There was a noxious cloud reviewers had to navigate, which is why a lot of the spoiler-free takes I'm belatedly absorbing are packed with cagey caveats or disclaimers or claims of good faith criticism in light of all the noise, etc., all of which makes it seem unlikely this game was ever going to be able to get a fair shake.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 20 February 2023 16:34 (one year ago) link

I'm not entirely willing to believe that *all* negative reviews of this game don't somehow stem from the chudiest of chud takes


Everything in The Last of Us 2 takes work. Every weapon reload, killing blow, and crafted item takes time and button presses. At times the game is painfully slow; even in the most action-packed sections you put in effort to move things forward. You’re paid for this work in a grim story and explicit violence. It can be exciting and beautiful, but mostly I just felt like shit.


Misery simulator

That is the game’s central problem, and what makes so much of it such a challenge to get through: This is a story about characters who seem unable to learn or grow, and more specifically, unable to consider the humanity of the people they kill. If you already think violence isn’t the answer to many of the world’s problems, the repeated lesson that killing is bad makes the game almost maddening.

Whatever you think of the current quality of Polygon and Kotaku, they err on the side of social justice.

Shartreuse (Leee), Monday, 20 February 2023 19:43 (one year ago) link

No, I get it. I've seen a few reviews like that, from reputable sources. I just mean that even those reputable reviews came under the cloud of the stupid backlash, about how even good faith negative reactions can be heightened by bad-faith reactionaries. Or summed up somewhere as "when something becomes fuel for a culture war, it becomes extremely hard to provide genuine criticism of that media because it is impossible for anyone to separate genuine critique from bigots hiding behind genuine critique to try and tear down the 'woke sjw trash' they hate. And even if you are providing that genuine criticism, you are accidentally helping push that culture war narrative for the chuds."

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 20 February 2023 20:07 (one year ago) link

i'm with Josh on this one, the majority of negative takes (as i recall at the time) were generally not well-argued criticism

even the "yes, murder is wrong!" snark is incredibly reductive of what the game puts you through

i remember the "type of game: misery simulator" bit though, still love that

Nhex, Monday, 20 February 2023 21:11 (one year ago) link

i don't remember if it was that review or another one that talked about how ugly and loud the gun sounds are but otm in any case, it's p brutal

i still cackle though whenever ellie gets her neck chomped by a clicker, i can't help it

Tracer Hand, Monday, 20 February 2023 21:44 (one year ago) link

Ugh, I still try and pause the clicker chomping scenes to quickly “restart encounter” so I don’t have to hear it. Yet every time, the game says, “no, you WILL watch this”. I don’t attempt to pause because it’s offensive or “bad”, but because it’s intense. That intensity seems to be at the root of most “good-faith” criticism, but I really don’t see it as a point against. It’s the key ingredient to the magic of the game, its commitment to truthfully following out consequences. Those ugly and loud gun sounds are the best damn thing about this game. The sound design is incredible. Every gunshot is a consequence. Even the resource management goes into it. I unloaded a full clip of my pistol into one WLF’er yesterday and was in dread about how I was going to deal with the next one I ran into with no resources lol.

This game has sucked me in far more than others do, and it’s because of the exact things it gets critiqued for.

hrep (H.P), Monday, 20 February 2023 22:28 (one year ago) link

The sound design *is* nuts. You can hear how close or far the enemies are, or where the bullets or arrows are hitting, that sort of thing. You can hear the baddies yelling to one another from different spots. It's amazing and scary.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 20 February 2023 23:34 (one year ago) link

I take back all praise. I just reached Abby section and met the dog……… wtf why did they have to bring dogs into this mess :(

hrep (H.P), Tuesday, 21 February 2023 11:23 (one year ago) link

My Swiss Shepherd is lying next to me while I’m playing and I’m feeling her harsh judgement. Time to turn the tv off, touch grass, and heal my soul with some doggy time

hrep (H.P), Tuesday, 21 February 2023 11:24 (one year ago) link

Speaking of truthfully following out consequences… I know it’s a non-issue in the end but you cannot tell me Mel and her baby were simply fine with very bumpy car chases, gunshots, climbing a rope, pressing one’s belly against steel beams to climb platforms, etc. like wtf, I don’t know much about pregnancy but I know those activities typically don’t align with a pregnant woman’s lifestyle for good reason.

Also also, confused as to why “Abby” is typically referred to as the villain in reviews/dialogue about this game. From pretty early, really as soon as you find out why Abby’s party was going for Joel (even before you find out it’s Abby’s dad), the game changes. I think it’s when you’re in the flashback scene where Ellie’s listening to the tape saying an immune person would be pointless now since we don’t have the doctors to make a cure anymore. Abby’s story seems a lot more justified than Ellie’s from that point

hrep (H.P), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 00:09 (one year ago) link

That's what I'm talking about. Reveals the limitations/laziness of the then contemporaneous discourse that she was often described as a villain just because she did a (the) bad thing, in a game full of people doing equally bad things. You can tell who the villains are in this game because, like most fodder, they don't have names (whistling crazies, Santa Barbara dudes).

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 22 February 2023 00:26 (one year ago) link

It’s not even that it’s grey, it’s that Abby is genuinely more justified that Ellie (not to say Abby is right, she’s just lesson the wrong than Ellie).

Joel kills Abby’s dad with the add on bonus of dooming humanity. Abby kills Joel which really doesn’t even make things even on the eye-for-an-eye scale due to that aforementioned bonus. Ellie then kills everyone she can in response, again as opposed to Abby’s gang where only a single person gets offed (well, minus Jesse, but still, the math stacks against Ellie)

If there’s a main character that needs to be called a villain in this game, it goes to Ellie/Joel by default.

hrep (H.P), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 00:57 (one year ago) link

*less in the wrong

hrep (H.P), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 00:58 (one year ago) link

If your ethics are utilitarian, Joel is the villain, if they are deontologist then Ellie is the villain. It’s only if your ethics are “don’t kill the dude I played as last game!” That Abby can be the villain.

hrep (H.P), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 01:00 (one year ago) link

If your ethics are based upon who kills the most dogs (the correct ethical theory), well, I’ve said enough

hrep (H.P), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 01:01 (one year ago) link

I think that's call deondoglogism.

Shartreuse (Leee), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 04:04 (one year ago) link

They didn’t teach that one in my intro to philosophy course

hrep (H.P), Wednesday, 22 February 2023 04:59 (one year ago) link

I'm imagining railroad tracks split into two paths, one in which a single human is tied up on them and another in which five dogs are tied up. Here comes the trolley...

octobeard, Wednesday, 22 February 2023 06:24 (one year ago) link

"Last of Us 2" discourse is trolley vs. trolls.

Josh in Chicago, Wednesday, 22 February 2023 13:17 (one year ago) link

four months pass...

y'all... got some IRL flashbacks last week:

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 29 June 2023 18:59 (one year ago) link


A friend of mine who is even less up to date on the last few decades of games came over for a beer the other night. He got a hoot out of the chaos and cartoonish cruelty of "Hitman," so just for balance I had him play the first several playable bits of LoU2. At first he kind of joked around, focusing mainly on the look of the game and his own inept gameplay, but as he got sucked in, and experienced his first enemies/set pieces, he stopped cracking jokes and admitted the game was making really unsettled and anxious.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 29 June 2023 19:39 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

So my current critical crush Jacob Geller* co-hosts a podcast called Something Rotten (as well as a regular guest on the MinnMax (sic) podcast, also a recommendation), and they're digging into Part II, and it's been worthwhile so far, as it goes beyond the typical "this game makes me feel bad" takes.

* A selection of 'tubes to watch:

The Banshees of Ed Sheeran (Leee), Saturday, 9 September 2023 20:59 (one year ago) link

Cool, thanks!

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 9 September 2023 21:05 (one year ago) link

Started the podcast episode about LoU2 and think I'm going to go back and listen to the one about Part 1 first. As they say in the second one, it's kind of remarkable how two games and, only recently, a TV show have been enough to sustain this level of discourse for a decade.

Josh in Chicago, Sunday, 10 September 2023 00:19 (one year ago) link

I started the podcast episode about the first game. It's good so far, but whoever the hosts are are weirdly catty about it. Like, you know the game is good, you keep saying the game is good, you admit you might be a little tired of it because you've played it so many times, but you've done that because the game is good. So don't sigh and act like watching the TV show was some exhausting experience because it was so familiar to you. Not a deal breaker by any stretch, just a little irritating.

I do find it interesting when they address the 2013 discourse, because as far as I can remember, I had no idea the game existed in 2013. Just totally passed me by. I mean, I didn't have a PlayStation, so there's that. But for a game with so much praise and acclaim, it still managed to go under my radar as a non-gamer civilian.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 14 September 2023 14:04 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

I listened to the first two episodes of the podcast. The first is about Part 1, and then there are four (I think?) episodes about Part 2. I first guest was fine, the second guest (on the first episode about the second game) was pretty annoying to listen to, since his (Kenneth? A Kotaku writer?) voice kept cracking, which made it sound like listening to a 13-year old boy. I do like Jacob, who is a great moderator, in every sense of the word, which allows him to balance out Blake, who is a little too cynical and cool-for-school for my tastes.

Anyway, they've already brought up some interesting stuff, and keep alluding to a future discussion on race, which is intriguing. I never thought much about the role race plays in the first game, or whether it even matters. On my walk, listening, I started wondering if it would have made a difference if Joel were not a white man, and the conclusion I came to was no. But we'll see where the conversation goes. I do know that this podcast is why I am playing Bioshock Infinite now, not just because I recently played the first two but because they implied it apparently inspired similar sorts of discussions and debates at the time, which I knew nothing about. And indeed, in Bioshock Infinite the issue of race is much, much more explicitly foreground, so I wonder why they would group it in with Last of Us, where race is, iirc, not foregrounded at all. I guess I'll see what they have to say.

Anyway, the discussion makes me feel even more that this (second) game is a masterpiece that will be hard for anyone to surpass. Though you never know.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 28 September 2023 18:47 (eleven months ago) link

IDK if you care about podcast spoilers but the gist of the race things is that black characters pretty much all die with a cut to black, and their deaths function taking up pretty limited narrative space (as plot devices for the white characters to react to in the moment) as opposed to e.g. Joel's death as a constant specter that Ellie wrestles with throughout part 2; also, they talk about the dissonance of homophobia and transphobia existing in the world but not racism.

Hoisted by your own Picard (Leee), Thursday, 28 September 2023 19:28 (eleven months ago) link

Hmm, I look forward to hearing what they have to say.

Meanwhile, there was supposedly a leak confirming a quietly rumored remaster of Part 2, which seems ... truly unnecessary. I suppose with a live-service multiplayer Last of Us scuttled indefinitely (good) and a potential Part 3 years and years away (expected), a remastered Part 2 seems like a logical stopgap, especially if it's been in the works already. But again, no idea what it might entail, the PS4/PS5 version looks and plays incredibly as it is. I assume they'd tie it to the return of the TV show, though last I heard the TV show had been delayed until maybe 2025.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 6 October 2023 17:23 (eleven months ago) link

A Part 2 remaster amid recent layoffs sounds like a major red flag, if that rumor shakes out.

Hoisted by your own Picard (Leee), Saturday, 7 October 2023 02:49 (eleven months ago) link

I imagine the layoffs follow ramping down the multiplayer project. Or at least, I could have sworn it was less about downsizing and more returning back to the level they were at before they brought in a bunch of new people for the thing that is no longer happening.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 7 October 2023 04:38 (eleven months ago) link

two weeks pass...

Finished the podcast. Disagreed with a lot of what they had to say, and especially how they said it, but it was still really interesting and full of good insights.

Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 24 October 2023 19:05 (ten months ago) link

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