Terraria: Sidescrolling Minecraft!

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I am almost regretting putting this down for a year so I could get over what a PITA the crafting is and just get on with my life as a warrior-architect

Here's some shit that is likely to happen while you're trying to remodel your apartment building (thank goodness I replaced my pumpkin helmet with one made out of some kind of purple metal referred to as "demonite" - I am sure nothing bad will come of wearing this material on my head at all times):

  • The moon will turn red, and the zombies will all of a sudden figure out how to open doors.
  • A goblin army will approach from the west. They just take the doors right off the fucking hinges, because goblins have no respect.
  • A huge fuckoff disembodied eyeball (which can apparently move through some kind of 3rd dimension, thus ignoring all barriers (including but not limited to doors)) will show up, have a bunch of flying eyeball babies at you, and then turn into a huge fuckoff bloodshot Pac-Man until you stab it to death.
  • The goblins will come back again, because you know something about people who have no respect? They don't respect themselves, either.
Eventually these fucking merchants will start paying some goddamn rent, I assume.

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 11 October 2017 05:01 (seven years ago) link

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