DOOM: Classic or Dud?

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its funny to go back and discover not only can you not look up/down, you can't jump either =)

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 17:52 (eight years ago) link

the limited range of motion means this has the only great control scheme any first person shooter has ever had: wads to move and strafe; left and right arrow keys to turn; ctrl to shoot; that's it. (well, except for space for activate, a bit of excess quake would cut away, but in quake of course you need a mouse.) your hands never leave the keyboard and you fly twirling through hell.

denies the existence of dark matter (difficult listening hour), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:14 (eight years ago) link

yeah the control scheme rules. i never used WASD, just used the arrow keys and alt to strafe. strafing has never been topped, basically enabling cover-based shooting mechanics without cover. dodging shots from a cacodemon while you empty a shotgun into them will never not be fun.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:16 (eight years ago) link

lots of great engines for this available these days: doom retro on the conservative experience-preserving end; brutal doom on the gorehound end. they both still get play for me. invisible beasties still capable of extracting late-night yells.

denies the existence of dark matter (difficult listening hour), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:18 (eight years ago) link

strafing has never been topped, basically enabling cover-based shooting mechanics without cover.

and it was the standard way of moving in 3d for something like 15 years so it was weird when designers all simultaneously decided it would be cooler if you stood in the secret spot they were thinking of and pressed a button to watch a lil movie

denies the existence of dark matter (difficult listening hour), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:20 (eight years ago) link

i've been using GZDOOM. it is nice but i do miss the pixelation. there is probably a setting somewhere to turn off AA.

Brutal DOOM looks fun! never tried it tho. they just released a Total Conversion with new levels, i hear...

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:20 (eight years ago) link

Did anyone ever play multiplayer? I did Deathmatching using a serial cable and it was so much fun. You could do co-op as well.

dad and i used to play serial cable co-op: extremely fond memories. i remember it like it was a place we went of course. (it was.) gf and i worked through first episode a couple months ago, i think using chocolate-doom. i've beaten the second episode but not the third, with the fucking flocks of flying skulls.

denies the existence of dark matter (difficult listening hour), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:26 (eight years ago) link

yes, walking through the levels, it really is like visiting a place.

i played through half of episode 2 yesterday. really stingy with the ammo for the first couple of levels! those flying skulls truly are SOBs.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Wednesday, 6 January 2016 19:04 (eight years ago) link

xps IDKFA, too

niels, Thursday, 7 January 2016 08:09 (eight years ago) link

classic one of only two i think fps i ever got into

lag∞n, Thursday, 7 January 2016 08:19 (eight years ago) link

anyone got any good wads

home organ, Thursday, 7 January 2016 19:57 (eight years ago) link

i remember when we got our first 90mhz pentium and to strut it for my friends i showed them how fast i could fire the bfg in doom 2 now

home organ, Thursday, 7 January 2016 20:00 (eight years ago) link

another reason why DOOM never quite captured me like DOOM 2: no super shotgun. sickest fps weapon ever.

circa1916, Thursday, 7 January 2016 20:03 (eight years ago) link

very visceral feeling on firing for sure. it's funny, but even with the force feedback and vibrating controllers of today, that thing really seemed more.. tactile?

μpright mammal (mh), Thursday, 7 January 2016 20:20 (eight years ago) link

i like DOOM II's levels more. DOOM has a lot of good marine base on mars-style levels where you are working through these weird techno mazes with the occasional weird room with demonic symbols in it. DOOM 2 really felt like you had entered these other realms. the final levels of DOOM II are some of my favorite ever. level 26 might be my favorite just based on style. you are in these industrial-style weird caged walkways constructed in these weird caverns and maybe built to cross pass the boiling lava that bubbles beneath.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 7 January 2016 21:27 (eight years ago) link

yea those final doom ii levels are amazing

marcos, Thursday, 7 January 2016 21:33 (eight years ago) link

not to be confused with Final Doom :)

μpright mammal (mh), Thursday, 7 January 2016 22:03 (eight years ago) link

def not lol

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 7 January 2016 22:05 (eight years ago) link

i don't even know what that is lol

marcos, Thursday, 7 January 2016 22:07 (eight years ago) link

Final Doom is a first-person shooter video game released in 1996. The game uses the engine, items, and characters from Doom II: Hell on Earth, and was distributed as an official id Software product.

Final Doom consists of two 32-level megawads (level files), TNT: Evilution by TeamTNT, and The Plutonia Experiment by the Casali brothers. TNT: Evilution features a new soundtrack, while The Plutonia Experiment uses music from Doom and Doom II. In addition to the PC version, Final Doom was also released for the PlayStation; that version included a selection of Final Doom and Master Levels for Doom II levels combined into one game.

μpright mammal (mh), Thursday, 7 January 2016 22:08 (eight years ago) link

Final Doom is levels not made by the iD team but by modders and DOOM fans who were contacted by iD in part as a response to the rampant bootlegging of DOOM add-on CD-ROMs.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 7 January 2016 22:18 (eight years ago) link

Maybe the most famous of the unofficial DOOM add-ons.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 7 January 2016 22:20 (eight years ago) link

morbid 90s kid post: inhumanly, columbine shooter eric harris' late-period single-player doom wads replace the gun sounds, i guess because they weren't enough like ejaculating death. the wads are also, i can report, unfair.

denies the existence of dark matter (difficult listening hour), Thursday, 7 January 2016 23:15 (eight years ago) link

great point about doom ii's levels. knew exactly what you meant about the caged walkways before even seeing the youtube thumbs. i do think there were some great ones sprinkled in the later doom episodes but i didn't replay those as much and they're not as vivid. the skimpy 'story' attached to doom ii also did a surprising amount of work in cementing the sense of a real journey to more and more disturbed, unsettled and dangerous places, combined with the evocative level titles. "i'm descending through the Underhalls," i'd think. i do think both I and II struggle a bit to keep the momentum/intensity going throughout - in particular i remember the "city" levels of Doom II feeling a bit draggy, or there were just too many of them. i like everything they did to try and play different cards through different level design... some slow slogs, some intense onslaughts, etc. but i feel like they should have saved up a few more suprises - more monsters that you don't see until a certain point, etc. final boss is also 50/50 with me, cool concept and definitely 'bigger' than anything else but too much of a nintendo-boss puzzle/gimmick kind of thing.

music also an enormously important part of why these are so awesome, obviously. pretty sure i've posted about that many times on other threads - very formative to a lot of my music tastes later on.

oh man, that "D! Zone" cover! so evocative of a very particular period in packaging/design.

Doctor Casino, important war pigeon (Doctor Casino), Friday, 8 January 2016 01:21 (eight years ago) link

i didn't expect to find myself stoned and watching playthroughs of Eric Harris' DOOM levels tonight but here i am

circa1916, Friday, 8 January 2016 02:06 (eight years ago) link

Shareware you would see at the local Wal-Mart/Target in a vertical software slice

μpright mammal (mh), Friday, 8 January 2016 03:30 (eight years ago) link

the city levels in DOOM II were draggy yes. it was an odd dip towards a kind of RPG or open world approach. a modern comparison may be the ruined city shells in fallout.

i made a DOOM level based on my school's floorplan. i didn't put enemies in it tho. i didn't really texture it either cos mapping it was a lot of work and it was not very interesting for a DOOM level. i know there are lots of kids that did the same. at the time I was taking an architecture class and had access to this amazing customizable 3d tool and was making all kind of levels based on movies and things. my big project was Stargate DOOM. i had this Stargate CD-ROM that was basically an interactive encyclopedia with images i was taking right from the movie for the game. the bad guys were the hawk-headed soldiers, you shot bolts of light with a magic staff, and the levels were the pyramid and various tombs. i had some sand textures and was trying to make sand dunes with lots of sectors going up like steps but there were a lot of limits to what you could do with those old tools.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Friday, 8 January 2016 05:36 (eight years ago) link

and i loved Star Wars DOOM that was the first one that blew my mind

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Friday, 8 January 2016 05:39 (eight years ago) link

Aliens TC was even better than regular DOOM at times.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Friday, 8 January 2016 05:40 (eight years ago) link

oooh, will definitely be sampling:

sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Friday, 8 January 2016 16:56 (eight years ago) link

Old news, but needs to be mentioned:

Vernon Locke, Saturday, 9 January 2016 09:20 (eight years ago) link

Oh: classic, of course.

Vernon Locke, Saturday, 9 January 2016 09:21 (eight years ago) link

about to play this. can't wait! this is a total surprise

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Saturday, 16 January 2016 03:35 (eight years ago) link

i have to hand it to him, well done, he doesn't seem to have lost his touch. the level design is INSANE (upon opening the map I was like, holy moly) twisting and turning and having fake-outs and traps around every corner. when he did some Let's Plays of DOOM levels recently Romero explained that he designed rooms to take full advantage of the odd treatment of height in the engine. there is one spot where you exit a keyed door and look out to see nothing but toxic green acid. if you are using mouselook you can look down and see there is a tiny platform for you to jump to directly underneath. similarly there are spots where the ceiling cuts just short of your viewing range, and you can see enemies lurking around on the floor above you. so great.

i like the motif of having the weird sketchy red markings that harm the player. this level takes place at the end of Episode I, where you just reach the entrance to Hell from your moonbase. Romero has included some really cool setpiece rooms designed around this, especially that final room w the two barons. it was in the original DOOM (made by someone other than Romero, and frankly, worked perfectly as an appetizer by holding back) and the level follows the same narrative, but the art in that main room has to be seen to be believed. after winding your way through ledges on the edge of acid pits and ambushing enemies in claustrophobic spaces, reaching this big open room is an awesome experience.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Sunday, 17 January 2016 00:36 (eight years ago) link

three months pass...

Am I the only one interested in this? Lot of suspicion surrounding it because id/Beth held back review copies, most likely spooked by the (unfair imo) evisceration the multiplayer beta got, but early response to the single player has been OTT enthusiastic. Will be playing this weekend.

circa1916, Friday, 13 May 2016 15:30 (eight years ago) link

how many guns can you carry at once?

adam, Friday, 13 May 2016 15:35 (eight years ago) link

if it is >=8 distinct weapons i will purchase this game

adam, Friday, 13 May 2016 15:35 (eight years ago) link

Pretty sure you can carry all of them at once and there are > 8

Going for a return to FPS basics, which is exactly what I've been wanting.

circa1916, Friday, 13 May 2016 15:41 (eight years ago) link

Well, plenty of new stuff like upgrading yr weapons and armor and flashy melee, but a return to no regenerating health, no cover mechanics, no reloading, no carry limitations, etc.

circa1916, Friday, 13 May 2016 15:45 (eight years ago) link

Listened to some of the soundtrack today at work and it's pretty righteous.

circa1916, Friday, 13 May 2016 15:48 (eight years ago) link

yes this is getting lots of praise for the singleplayer, comparisons to Wolfenstein new order, so i caved and just ordered it... if its genuinely that fun i have no idea what bethesda are doing marketing wise

jamiesummerz, Friday, 13 May 2016 16:13 (eight years ago) link

if it's half as good as the new order i'll be happy - that was one of the most pleasant surprises of the last few years for me

(main prostitute from Game Of Thrones) (bizarro gazzara), Friday, 13 May 2016 18:11 (eight years ago) link

looks dope but im pretty sure im not cut out for fast twitchy fps :(

am0n, Friday, 13 May 2016 21:28 (eight years ago) link

Just put in 2 hours. This is a blast. Kinda regretting making plans to go out tonight.

circa1916, Saturday, 14 May 2016 01:50 (eight years ago) link

ahahaha i love this

adam, Saturday, 14 May 2016 04:28 (eight years ago) link

feels like it was dropped in from an alternate reality where plodding military man shooters never took over. modern gameplay amenities (3 different types of upgrade tree, for example) mixed with fast movement, wide open level design, colored keycards, and crunchy industrial metal.

map creation/community content stuff seems ok, only messed with it a little. played a couple rounds of multiplayer which felt better than the beta but is definitely more chaos than skill (for me, at least). fun tho.

adam, Saturday, 14 May 2016 04:32 (eight years ago) link

pretty good shotgun too

adam, Saturday, 14 May 2016 04:33 (eight years ago) link

ahahaha i love this

LOL OTM. Was by myself grinning, laughing, and saying "aw fuck yeah!" to nobody like a total dork weirdo. This is crazy fun. Exactly what this genre needs.

circa1916, Saturday, 14 May 2016 07:24 (eight years ago) link

The ~synergy~ of the melee to get health, chainsaw to get ammo, rush-n-attack to survive is really brilliant and satisfying. After a full on brawl your hands are shaking.

circa1916, Saturday, 14 May 2016 07:43 (eight years ago) link

(and really it's not in deus ex, which is too busy being Real to try for anything like the density of romero's levels -- aha.)

le Histoire du Edgy Miley (difficult listening hour), Saturday, 14 May 2016 22:49 (eight years ago) link

so it's notable+funny that

a fairly detail-free, nonfunctional level design

as a collection of textures/objects/interactivity is also such an insanely detailed design as a layout, in a way that has diminished in proportion to the skyrocketing of the other kind of detail

le Histoire du Edgy Miley (difficult listening hour), Saturday, 14 May 2016 22:53 (eight years ago) link

sry about that hueg last one

le Histoire du Edgy Miley (difficult listening hour), Saturday, 14 May 2016 22:57 (eight years ago) link

also i lied i am not actually sure at all that there is something in 2016 i haven't played that looks like that

le Histoire du Edgy Miley (difficult listening hour), Saturday, 14 May 2016 23:00 (eight years ago) link

enjoying this convo, but making me think i should start a thread specifically for the new one. on it.

circa1916, Saturday, 14 May 2016 23:58 (eight years ago) link

DOOM (2016)

circa1916, Sunday, 15 May 2016 00:04 (eight years ago) link

Those maps are great. dlh's comments about level design also remind me of some threads where we've discussed old school difficulty. ?. DOOM was not insanely hard but you were at risk of dying, and might do so, a lot. Given that obstacle, getting to a new area was a real payoff in a way that it just isn't in an on-rails game that's constantly delivering you to new and novel encounters.

(Though, you can save anytime, right? That's kinda dumb tbh.)

sisterhood of the baggering vance (Doctor Casino), Sunday, 15 May 2016 06:01 (eight years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I got this for PS4

it's fuuuun

μpright mammal (mh), Monday, 30 May 2016 03:46 (eight years ago) link

more talk here: DOOM (2016)

le Histoire du Edgy Miley (difficult listening hour), Monday, 30 May 2016 04:27 (eight years ago) link

three weeks pass...

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Wednesday, 22 June 2016 16:45 (eight years ago) link

two years pass...

Hellshots Golf
Golf, but in Doom.

the battering ram's rolling (snoball), Monday, 31 December 2018 23:11 (five years ago) link

Being able to run to your ball while it is in flight (or just run around the course whenever) would be awesome in realistic golf games.

(V) (;,,;) (V) (FlopsyDuck), Tuesday, 1 January 2019 02:13 (five years ago) link

eight months pass...

what the

Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Tuesday, 24 September 2019 04:00 (four years ago) link


Vernon Locke, Tuesday, 24 September 2019 05:20 (four years ago) link

the first doom movie, despite being basically indefensible, is kind of a guilty pleasure for me so i’m in for this

Is it true the star Beetle Juice is going to explode in 2012 (bizarro gazzara), Tuesday, 24 September 2019 06:40 (four years ago) link

trailer does manage to capture the feeling of a cheesy 2000s adaptation of a video game tho

weird ilx but sb (Doctor Casino), Wednesday, 25 September 2019 12:40 (four years ago) link

It looks like this adaptation, like the first one, makes the mistake of having more than one character. The only way to make a Doom film, IMO, is to have one character (Doomguy) and zero dialogue. It should be a silent horror-comedy, basically. Cast the dude from Letterkenny, he'd be a perfect Doomguy.

icy bike chain rain (zchyrs), Wednesday, 25 September 2019 13:43 (four years ago) link

It seems to me like the biggest mistake made by filmmakers when adapting a videogame into a movie is that they wake up each day and decide to continue doing that instead of considering their actions rationally and doing something less terrible with all of that time and money.

Welcome To My Lifemare (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 25 September 2019 14:06 (four years ago) link

Cast the dude from Letterkenny, he'd be a perfect Doomguy.

the main problem with the first movie is that they cast the rock and made him a villain when he's clearly doomguy material

the other problem, of course, is that neither movie has gone down the route of doing a straight-up verbatim adaptation of the doom comic book

Is it true the star Beetle Juice is going to explode in 2012 (bizarro gazzara), Wednesday, 25 September 2019 14:47 (four years ago) link

Would watch two hours of that man's hinges coming loose.

Welcome To My Lifemare (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 25 September 2019 14:49 (four years ago) link

Doom Eternal delayed to March

ciderpress, Tuesday, 8 October 2019 14:17 (four years ago) link

oh there's a different thread for the new ones isn't there

ciderpress, Tuesday, 8 October 2019 14:18 (four years ago) link

So the new one is delayed until March ... and the Switch version delayed even further past that to some yet to be determined date.

Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 8 October 2019 15:07 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Tuesday, 13 October 2020 02:10 (three years ago) link

good lord. humanity is capable of things

Nhex, Tuesday, 13 October 2020 04:52 (three years ago) link

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