So what have you cooked lately? (Year three!)

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they both sound excellent. pardon my ignorance, but do you have to start with dried chiles for a sauce?

lauren (laurenp), Friday, 2 February 2007 16:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm sure fresh chiles would be excellent - I was just using what I already had in the house!

Jaq (Jaq), Friday, 2 February 2007 17:31 (seventeen years ago) link

That vegan chili sounds wicked good. I might try that soon (if I can find canned kidney beans here, 'cause I'm never in the mood to cook 'em from scratch).

For the other chili, how does the chili sauce figure into the dish as a whole? At the beginning? End?

g00blar (gooblar), Saturday, 3 February 2007 18:21 (seventeen years ago) link

After I browned the meat and onions, they went into the chili sauce to simmer. I think, if you were making a chili with chili powder, you would add water or tomato juice to the browned meat and onions and a couple tablespoons of chili powder - so the same kind of mechanism as that. I probably could have gotten the same results if I'd have pulverized the chile pods and just simmered everything together. So, the chili sauce was my base chile-ness, then the next day I added smoked paprika and chipotles in adobo sauce, then at the very end, a shot of cayenne.

I'm more used to what I think of as New Mexican chili or chile colorado? (though maybe it's not that, but just southwest or something) - basically you make a big pot of chili sauce and the beans are cooked separately. You might cook up some chunks of beef or pork in the chili sauce, but it's definitely more sauce than meat. If you want beans, a scoop gets added to your bowl. Generally served with tortillas.

I'm really pleased at how the eggplant/mushroom chili turned out. It's thick enough to use as a dip, like a chili baba ganoush.

Jaq (Jaq), Saturday, 3 February 2007 23:40 (seventeen years ago) link

Made lasagna for the first time, with a basic plum tomato-and-ground beef red sauce. Sadly I cannot get meatloaf mix at the groceries in my nabe and today was too cold to venture further. I'm sure it'll be reasonably good but it's so much work, dunno whether I'm prepared to make it eight times until it's just right. Do all ya'll take notes in the margins for future reference?

Laurel (Laurel), Sunday, 4 February 2007 23:51 (seventeen years ago) link

meatloaf mix?

lasagne is fairly labor intensive, but i can get four meals (for two) out of one batch so it evens out. plus once it's in the oven, that's it. you can forget about it and have a few glasses of wine. i haven't made any in quite a while, but i think we're having dinner guests this week so i might try doing the classic version with bechamel.

i've been craving middle eastern lately, so this past week i've been making hummus and foul and have just stocked up at kalustyan's so i can really go to town.

lauren (laurenp), Monday, 5 February 2007 00:22 (seventeen years ago) link

The lasagna recipe I have was tested and perfected for 25+ years by a former coworker of my wife, so I don't mess with it. After the first time I made it, the only adjustment I made was to make 1.5x the quantity of parmesan bechamel.

Sometimes I do make notes in cookbooks (reduce the qty of cloves in the peach butter by half) and sometimes I just go by memory (2x the garlic in the teriyaki marinade; don't substitute for the sherry).

Tuesdays With Morimoto (Rock Hardy), Monday, 5 February 2007 00:54 (seventeen years ago) link

Meatloaf mix = half ground beef/half ground pork. Or even better, a third beef/a third pork/a third veal. I can only get it in Prospect Heights if I take public transit to the Pathmark. Made my lasagna today with just ground sirloin, and I expect to get about 5 meals out of it, so that was worthwhile for work lunches. Needs fresh basil and more salt next time (but granted I didn't really use a recipe, just combined things in ways that seemed sensible).

I might make a project of perfecting the toll house cookie, though! That's a much more manageable undertaking.

Laurel (Laurel), Monday, 5 February 2007 02:15 (seventeen years ago) link

a third beef/a third pork/a third veal

that's what i thought it might be. delicious!

lauren (laurenp), Monday, 5 February 2007 15:29 (seventeen years ago) link

Am I the only person who is a little terrified of supermarket ground meat?

Paul Eater (eater), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Nope, I'm with you on that Paul.

Jaq (Jaq), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:11 (seventeen years ago) link

I'll trust it until I have a reason not to, but only from the independently-owned store and never from Wal-Mart, the big player in town. Their ground beef is NASTY.

Tuesdays With Morimoto (Rock Hardy), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:29 (seventeen years ago) link

I don't know where else to go. I grew up with a meat cutter for a next-door neighbor so we always had the inside scoop (and fresh sausages) but I'm not sure I've progressed to the extent of going to another borough/train line for my ground beef.

I did get a nice big bag of dried oregano for like 99 cents, though, that has much bigger pieces than I'm accustomed to seeing -- actual, visible leaves! And fewer pieces of stalk.

Laurel (Laurel), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:32 (seventeen years ago) link

i take it on a case-by-case basis.

lauren (laurenp), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:33 (seventeen years ago) link

At supermarkets with actual meat counters and butchers on staff, is the store-brand ground meet necessarily ground on the premises? Because it seems reasonable that if it's ground right there from actual cuts of meat that it's fairly "safe". I'm more worried about corporate stuff that's obv been ground and packaged in Iowa or something, and is trucked in.

Laurel (Laurel), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, if they grind it themselves, it's probably at least made from recognizable parts of a reasonable number of animals. You should ask at the meat counter if you're not sure. Giant vats full of scraps of a million cows, trucked around the country, are what particularly alarms me, although I'm sure those central processors are inspected more rigorously than supermarkets' back rooms. I like friendly clean places where you pick out the cuts you want and have them ground to order, but since that's asking a lot I just grind at home.

Paul Eater (eater), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:42 (seventeen years ago) link

So far I've been dodging the issue/hedging my bets by buying specifically labeled "ground sirloin". Also saw "ground chuck", but since both are particular cuts, I'd have thought that meant they were truly made from those cuts! Perhaps I am naive...?

Laurel (Laurel), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:46 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm pretty sure the law is clear that "ground sirloin" must come from the sirloin primal, but that primal includes the lumbar section of the spine, prime prion territory. Rock Hardy sounds sensible, though, and I sound phobic.

Paul Eater (eater), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:52 (seventeen years ago) link

If it's labeled ground round, chuck, or sirloin, it has to exclusively contain that primal cut. Here's some info from Texas A&M. (xpost)

Things are iffier with things labeled ground beef or ground pork.

Jaq (Jaq), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:55 (seventeen years ago) link

Things things things - I'm feeling so technical today. :-/

Jaq (Jaq), Monday, 5 February 2007 18:56 (seventeen years ago) link

Back on topic: this morning I made a sort of quick low souffle, or a firm zabaglione, with soft, fragrant triple-cream cheese stirred into foamy whipped eggs with raw honey and tarragon, and cooked in a double boiler. Nice and light.

Paul Eater (eater), Monday, 5 February 2007 19:32 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm more worried about corporate stuff that's obv been ground and packaged in Iowa or something, and is trucked in.

This is Wal-Mart's ground beef. They put 2 lbs. in a container that could hold 6 lbs., leaving a large area exposed to air, STRIKE ONE. The one time I bought ground chuck from them, the freshly-ground red look of the beef from the outside hid brown/smelly beef on the inside once it was crumbled up, STRIKE TWO. (They're using some sort of preservative on it, obv.) And also that one time, there were lots of inedible bits of bone and gristle, STRIKE THREE, HIT THE SHOWERS.

The local place, Vowell's, usually rotates between ground beef, ground chuck and ground round as a weekly special, and I buy about 10 lbs. when it's ground chuck's turn ($1.89/lb), repackage and freeze as needed. "Ground fresh several times daily" doesn't necessarily carry much weight with me, but when it's the sale item of the week and moving about as fast as they can grind it, I take it for true.

Tuesdays With Morimoto (Rock Hardy), Monday, 5 February 2007 19:44 (seventeen years ago) link

the freshly-ground red look of the beef from the outside hid brown/smelly beef on the inside once it was crumbled up

ARRRGH! i hate that. once upon a time in college, we had to get emergency beef rations during a barbecue and my housemate came back with like 4lbs of what turned out to be unusable steak from the supervalu.

lauren (laurenp), Monday, 5 February 2007 19:51 (seventeen years ago) link

I don't cook with ground beef very often at all anymore (in fact, I can't remember the last time), mostly because of this issue. Also, it's very difficult here (LDN) to find it at the supermarkets at anything but 95% lean. It's out of my way to go to a butcher, and if I'm gonna go to a butcher, I'm usually gonna get something special (like a steak), rather than ground beef.

g00blar (gooblar), Monday, 5 February 2007 23:41 (seventeen years ago) link

Dinner tonight: halibut steak briefly marinated and then baked at 400 deg F (for about 3 minutes too long) in a sauce of light oil, mirin, sesame oil, grated ginger, and natural wasabi powder. Served with edamame, a few gyoza, hirayashi wakame chuka salad (that yummy seaweed stuff) and an okay sake.

Someday I'll be confident about cooking fish, far in the future.

Jaq (Jaq), Tuesday, 6 February 2007 03:20 (seventeen years ago) link

taking fish out of the oven/pan/whatever about five minutes before you think you should is a good rule of thumb.

i made a lentil dish from the zuni cafe cookbook last night, which was tasty but MY GOD did it take longer than the estimated cooking time (my big pet peeve). 30-35 minutes was what the recipe said, but after about an hour i was still pushing hard lentils around the pan.

lauren (laurenp), Tuesday, 6 February 2007 15:31 (seventeen years ago) link

It's cold outside, homely food is required. So tonight I'm going to make a smoked haddock and pea rosotto, then put a poached egg on top and all shall be well.

Matt (Matt), Tuesday, 6 February 2007 19:51 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm making Jaq's vegan chili. Here it is after simmering for an hour+:

I tasted it a while back, and it's pretty hot. Too hot for my partner. So I added some pureed tomato and a bit more water, letting it simmer further. It's a bit better now, but still maybe too hot. Any ideas on how to tame that?

It's in the fridge now; we're gonna eat it tomorrow, so I figured I'd get the first hour or so of simmering out of the way. These things always taste better on the second day anyway, right? Beans, of course, won't go in 'til tomorrow. And I'm making cornbread to go with it!

g00blar (gooblar), Tuesday, 6 February 2007 23:51 (seventeen years ago) link

That looks great! And yay cornbread!!!

Add a little peanut butter - this was a hint from Tep. I don't know what the peanut taste will do, but might be worth a shot. Also, have a glass of milk handy when you eat it (or maybe add a little sour cream) - non-vegan though.

Jaq (Jaq), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 00:20 (seventeen years ago) link

...and all was well. The thing I love about smoked fish in a risotto is the way the rice goes all unctuous and gently smoky as well, when the yolk from the egg break and runs into all that you're pleased it's wintry as fuck outside.

Matt (Matt), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 10:14 (seventeen years ago) link

Matt, that sounds gorgeous. Do you use fish stock, or does that make it a bit too fishy?

Mädchen (Madchen), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 16:08 (seventeen years ago) link

I am doing veal stuffed with wild boar and pistachio salami, rosemary fried potatoes and green beans with prosciutto. Can't be bothered being inventive with this cold.

I am still scared to eat my dragon fruit.

I don't know whether to play the trumpet, read a book or be a lesbian. (aldo_cow, Wednesday, 7 February 2007 16:17 (seventeen years ago) link

have you had wild boar and hazelnut salami? one of the best cured meat products i've tasted.

lauren (laurenp), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 16:32 (seventeen years ago) link

No, I haven't. This is the remnants of some brought back from Tuscany at the end of last year. (It was a bargain despite the place being quite touristy, he was happy to do big discounts on whole salamis and a decent sized bit of prosciutto because the Americans he usually sold to weren't buying in any decent quantity.)

I don't know whether to play the trumpet, read a book or be a lesbian. (aldo_cow, Wednesday, 7 February 2007 16:48 (seventeen years ago) link

pistachio sounds great as well. with the hazelnuts, you got a bit of sweetness in with the gamy richness of the meat. i haven't had any in quite a while... might need to start looking around for a supplier.

lauren (laurenp), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 16:55 (seventeen years ago) link

the pound cake in new cooks' illustrated is great, comes out wonderfully.

indian rope trick (bean), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 17:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Chili, cornbread:

Chili, cornbread:

g00blar (gooblar), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 19:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Wild boar + nut salami sounds incredible. I still haven't been to Mario Battali's dad's sausage shop (Salume), because it is not open when I can get there :( It would probably be my best bet for such delicacies.

g00blar, how was the chili? Your cornbread looks great (as does your cast iron pan!). I had some of my leftovers for lunch today with tortilla chips - I think it is getting spicier over time.

Jaq (Jaq), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 20:18 (seventeen years ago) link

The chili was very, very good, yes. 'Twas very hot, but that wonderful, back of the mouth, smoky chipotle heat (and sour cream made it totally fine for my gf's palate). Only thing is that I don't have an immersion blender, so I just put half of it in my mini-cuisinart, and I wish I pureed less of it (or pureed it less). I was wanting more actual pieces of eggplant and mushroom. Still. Sooo tasty, especially with fresh, hot cornbread crumbled into it. I definitely didn't miss meat.

g00blar (gooblar), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 20:38 (seventeen years ago) link

i made chili this weekend!

for some reason i couldn't quite get it hot enough... but still did me good on the coldest day of the year.

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 7 February 2007 20:59 (seventeen years ago) link

i had a drunk genius moment last night. i bought fresh liver (from a free range, organic, highly educated, lovingly raised lamb) yesterday from the greenmarket to make for the rest of the week's lunches, and after frying it in a bunch of butter i decided to deglaze the pan with the single malt scotch that i'd been chugging all evening. DELICIOUS.

lauren (laurenp), Thursday, 8 February 2007 16:39 (seventeen years ago) link


g00blar (gooblar), Thursday, 8 February 2007 17:13 (seventeen years ago) link

Madchen: nah, you're right, fish stock does make it too fishy. A spot of veg stock and a bit of white wine (and possibly a slug of gin). It's one of those soothing things with which you don't want to get too clever with the flavours. The poached egg, however, is key.

Aldo that sounds marvellous (as, for that matter does whisky glazed liver, and of course, chili, it's two in the morning. No food now. Gah)

Matt (Matt), Friday, 9 February 2007 01:53 (seventeen years ago) link

It was marvellous, or rather was just what I needed with this cold.

Tried making a mutton and prune tagine last night, but not having one I tried to make it in my pipkin which I'm still trying to get to grips with. As such, it wasn't nearly reduced enough and the flavours hadn't developed properly but it was my own fault.

Dragon fruit is very strange, and not at all what I expected. It's like a far more delicate kiwi fruit, the flesh is scented rather than flavoured, and rather pleasing. The outer parts of the fruit, once the seeds have gone and you're near what would be the pith, have a lovely bitterness that provides a lovely contrast. I would buy one again, but I'm not sure what for.

I don't know whether to play the trumpet, read a book or be a lesbian. (aldo_cow, Friday, 9 February 2007 09:44 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh fuck, no wonder none of the rest of the world drinks drip coffee...I just bought a stove-top espresso maker and even with grocery store espresso beans it's kicking the hell outta anything else I could have made at home. Add these lovely sesame-crusted almonds and lunch is made.

Laurel (Laurel), Saturday, 10 February 2007 20:52 (seventeen years ago) link

i've got flank steak in the fridge marinating in soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, chopped ginger and garlic, honey, and thai bird chilis. it's going to be thinly sliced, broiled, and consumed with glutinous short grain rice and several kinds of kimchi from the huge, wonderful, well-stocked korean supermarket in flushing/murray hill. i stocked up today. and i saw the rice cooker of my dreams:

Multi-Menu Selections for Cooking White Rice, Mixed Rice, Rinse-Free Rice, Sprouted Brown Rice, Sweet Rice, Quick, Porridge and Dol Sot Bi Bim Bab


lauren (laurenp), Saturday, 10 February 2007 23:06 (seventeen years ago) link

the huge, wonderful, well-stocked korean supermarket in flushing/murray hill.

Is this Super H? I just found out about two Super H locations around Atlanta, must-to-investigate next time I'm there.

Tuesdays With Morimoto (Rock Hardy), Sunday, 11 February 2007 00:33 (seventeen years ago) link

i think the only chain we've got up here is HanAnReum.

lauren (laurenp), Sunday, 11 February 2007 03:04 (seventeen years ago) link

hmm... looks like i misspoke. han yang actually seems to be a local chain with locations in nj and li as well as qns. did i mention that their snack bar serves the korean equivalent of corn dogs? i love this place.

lauren (laurenp), Sunday, 11 February 2007 16:43 (seventeen years ago) link

hi, guys.

lauren, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 21:08 (seventeen years ago) link

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