JBTV: crazy old school beardo talks to emo bands

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over 24 years of the best in alternative rock . . .
this week he talks to the hood internet

flames are all i see (jdchurchill), Tuesday, 3 November 2009 23:49 (fifteen years ago) link

i guess he needs a sponsor

flames are all i see (jdchurchill), Tuesday, 3 November 2009 23:53 (fifteen years ago) link

Oh man, Jerry Bryant. It warms my heart that he's still on the air. I used to watch his show in like 1995 and see Gigolo Aunts and Stabbing Westward videos.

jaymc, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 00:22 (fifteen years ago) link

ten years pass...

Watched this show once or twice as a kid, seem to recall seeing the "Longview" video, The Grays' "Very Best Years," and all or most of an episode devoted to Alison Moyet's career up through Essex. Turns out all those things came out Feb-March 1994, so... memory confirmed? What channel even carried this in Montana?

swing out sister: live in new donk city (geoffreyess), Wednesday, 14 October 2020 03:55 (four years ago) link

Thread reemergence brought to you by my purchase of a sealed $2 copy of Ro Sham Bo the other day. Amazing any copies remained unbought, after national exposure on JBTV!

swing out sister: live in new donk city (geoffreyess), Wednesday, 14 October 2020 03:59 (four years ago) link

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