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Anyone here read "Kabuki"? Its a comic series about a Japanese female assasin called Kabuki. The only area of Kabuki I'm familiar with is the "Metamorphosis" collection. The story is quite good but the artwork is insanely good - very high levels of skill and creativity involved.

The creator author and artist David Mack, has been working on the soon coming Kabuki movie as writer, visual designer, creative consultant, and co producer.

Sam G, Sunday, 26 September 2004 11:45 (twenty years ago) link

three years pass...

Yeah, I wonder whats happening with this project now?

Sam G, Monday, 7 April 2008 04:47 (sixteen years ago) link

"David Mack (February 17, 2005)
After noticing a fan's concern that the upcoming Kabuki film would be mishandled, David Mack explained:
The Kabuki film is at Fox right now.

I've been re-selling the option to them every year and a half for the last six years while we develop it.

I've been heavily involved in it from the beginning. So rest assured that I'm not going to let it turn into Catwoman. I didn't just sell it to them and write it off. I've been employed by Fox to work on the film this entire time in several capacities. Besides writing the treatment for them, my credits include Visual Designer and Co-Producer among others."

To bad thats not the norm.

Sam G, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 06:35 (sixteen years ago) link

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