Osamu Tezuka's "Phoenix"

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On a recommendation from Martin S., I picked up the first two volumes, and boy, it is quite something, on a scale that I've not seen in any media before. Serialized for THIRTY years, 3000+ pages, and still unfinished!

Anyhow, how many volumes have been translated?

And from what I've read so far, it seems that each volume has its own sense of closure. Does vol. 12 leave things hanging, or does it wrap its story up?

Vitamin Leee (Leee), Tuesday, 30 March 2004 18:56 (twenty years ago) link

He didn't finish it; I think the 12 stories (to be translated into fewer volumes, in that the third includes two of the stories) are all self-contained (though with odd cross-references), so there is no overall story and conclusion - I think there probably wouldn't have been anyway.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Saturday, 3 April 2004 14:52 (twenty years ago) link

I mean next month

A Nairn (moretap), Sunday, 4 April 2004 17:18 (twenty years ago) link

It just came out next month? Anyway, I shall look forward to it - this is my favourite 'new' series (it's new in English) since, ooh, Grant Morrison on JLA. I think I already rate it among the ten or so greatest works ever in comics.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Sunday, 4 April 2004 20:10 (twenty years ago) link

strange coincidence, i found a copy in my college library this morning. i think i'll check it out tomorrow.

what else did tezuka do?

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Tuesday, 6 April 2004 00:07 (twenty years ago) link

You mean besides inventing the modern forms of manga and anime?

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 7 April 2004 04:24 (twenty years ago) link

Astroboy, Adolf, Metropolis (inspired by Lang) and Buddha, off the top of my head. And from what I know, Chris F otm.

Leee O'Gaddy (Leee), Thursday, 8 April 2004 19:50 (twenty years ago) link

His "Princess Knight" is generally cited as the first manga for girls; "New Treasure Island" and "Black Jack" are a couple of his other major works. Check out this website for more.

I saw the movie version of his Metropolis in the theater a while back; I thought it was pretty good.

Chris F. (servoret), Friday, 9 April 2004 04:15 (twenty years ago) link

Tezuka was astoundingly productive. I wrote a brief item on him for Freaky Trigger just a couple of weeks ago. He produced something over 150,000 pages of comics in his life, as well as loads of animation (including the first ever Japanese animated series, Astro Boy (aka Mighty Atom in some territories) and lots more (a few books, addressing the United Nations, all sorts). One of the world's unassailably great figures in the little field of comics.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 9 April 2004 21:24 (twenty years ago) link

How many assistants did he typically have working with him to accomplish that kind of weekly production? It's not like he was working like Kirby or Schulz to produce those pages, right?

Chris F. (servoret), Sunday, 11 April 2004 07:26 (twenty years ago) link

i read volume 2 (a tale of the future) today, in one sitting. and it's certainly, um, mind-blowing, for lack of a better phrase. very highly recommended.

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Monday, 12 April 2004 01:43 (twenty years ago) link

Well Kirby generally worked with a writer/rewriter and an inker, so he wasn't solo. Tezuka did have assistants. Things I've read suggest that he wrote everything then provided layouts with decent pencils on the main figures, and inked the important bits. The tradition in Japan was always to produce and read far more quickly than in Western comics. This was generally so in fine art as well, in fact.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 12 April 2004 15:30 (twenty years ago) link

three months pass...
I don't usually read manga, but Phoenix is unlike any other graphic novel I've read. I'm really enjoying it but sometimes Osamu plays around with the story:audience relationship, it seems like. Examples:

Sometimes a character will address the reader directly.

When all the wolves were attacking at one point, they'd attack "ninja style" and all the wolves would be drawn like they're doing martial arts. In the next panel, they were attacking "Disney style" and they were all cartoony looking. In the next panel they were attacking "student protest style" and they were carrying picket signs that read 'woof' 'humans for food' 'end hunger' and the like.

It's not bad at all, these techniques or the way he writes/draws. It really interesting and I know I'm going to get sucked into the whole series...

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Monday, 19 July 2004 12:35 (twenty years ago) link

Ha, I just responded to you on ILB. I love the fact that he messes around with the form in all kinds of ways, even in this colossally serious and ambitious work. It's a joy to read something of such scope by one of the undoubted masters of the artform, in total control of his material.

I might write something on FT about the comparisons between this and Kirby's 2001 series - both veteran giants of their respective national comic forms, both trying to address what it means to be human in a hugely ambitious way.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 19 July 2004 14:56 (twenty years ago) link

FT? Whassat?

You mentioned Narayan's Malgudi on ILB. Imagine my surprise when I Amazon'd it and it's a bookbook, not a comicbook. Thought I'd mention it here be/c I've been mentioning comics at ILB. Anyway, I've added Malgudi Days to my wish list.

What Kirby are you talking about? Jack?

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Monday, 19 July 2004 15:14 (twenty years ago) link

FT = The Freaky Trigger Media Empire

Kirby = Jack

David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 19 July 2004 16:50 (twenty years ago) link

Freaky Trigger begat I Love Music which begat I Love Everything which begat all these smaller boards. I write for it, and comics are among my specialist subjects (due to a professional past in them) as are Japanese arts, just out of a big interest.

Kirby did a series spinning off from the movie 2001, and did similar things to Tezuka in Phoenix - using his immense skills and genius to tell us what he believed it was to be human, to generalise hugely. I think they are very comparable talents anyway.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 19 July 2004 18:07 (twenty years ago) link

Finished Phoenix: Dawn last night. Soooo good; haven't read anything like it before. At one point, a character was knocked back and busted through his panel, into another one. Then he punched through another one. I don't know, I thought it was all very, very cool and different.

I read Osamu's bio in the back and I didn't realize how much he's done. Was he like the Art Spiegleman of Japan? He did Astro Boy and White Lion. Are those any good? I plan on reading Buddha. He did the movie Metropolis. His webite is awesome: http://www.tezuka.co.jp/

Can someone explain those patched-up pigs to me, though? What's that about?

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Thursday, 22 July 2004 12:58 (twenty years ago) link

He was more like the Jack Kirby of Japan. Astro Boy is tremendously enjoyable.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Thursday, 22 July 2004 13:36 (twenty years ago) link

martin - has kirby's 2001 stuff ever been reprinted?

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Friday, 23 July 2004 03:10 (twenty years ago) link

Can someone explain those patched-up pigs to me, though? What's that about?

i've been really enjoying 'phoenix' too, but i don't understand this either. every now and then a character will have a pigs face as well for one panel. i assume its some sort of japanese cultural meme, does anyone know?

zappi (joni), Friday, 23 July 2004 08:19 (twenty years ago) link

I'm pretty sure Kirby's 2001 hasn't been reprinted or collected - they aren't terribly hard to find or pricey if you go to the kind of places where there are lots of comic back issues around. The first two, from memory, basically retell the film, and it's the ones after that that are really fascinating.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Saturday, 24 July 2004 08:42 (twenty years ago) link

three weeks pass...
How is Buddha? I saw some hardback reprints tonight that look pretty attractive.

Also, apparently an Astro Boy game came out for Game Boy Advance that's actually getting great reviews. :>

Jordan (Jordan), Thursday, 19 August 2004 01:27 (twenty years ago) link

Wow, it is getting excellent reviews. Gamespot rarely give anything a 9+ rating...

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Thursday, 19 August 2004 11:36 (twenty years ago) link

All (I think 12 volumes) have been translated.. Ive been waiting for these since I read a single Phoenix story in the back of 'Comics Underground Japan' about 10 years back.. They really are exceptional books. Id highly recommened 'Phoenix 2029' also know as 'Firebird 2029' which is a 2 hour animated version of one of the phoenix stories (based on Volume 2) which is notable for the extremely high production values and attention to detail..

Although I havent read them all, I think the 12 books do come to a conclusion. the first one starts at 'the beginning'(the past), the second one starts at 'the end' (the future), and the two strands alternate between books, slowly converging on the (near) present in the last volume.. each book is also designed to stand alone in it's own right. It's a brilliant concept, and it allows Tezuka to encompass all of the themes that made his manga great..

Other Tezuka manga worth checking out are (as mentioned above) Astro Boy, Black Jack (basically 'surgeon manga'based on Tezukas experience as a qualified doctor), Jungle Emporer Leo, and of course: Buddha, which is absolutely brilliant, and rivals Phoenix IMO. He also produced the first 'shojo' (or girls) manga 'Ribbon no Keishi', or 'Princess Knight'(yet to be translated), and apparantly was halfway through a comic version of 'Faust' when he died..

The pig faces are indeed 'cultural memes', visible in the work of a lot of other artists, notably Masumune Shirow.. the giant bead of sweat on a charcters head when shamed or embarassed is another one.. surprise, surprise - Tezuka started it all, and this kind of caricature is very visible in early work like Metropolis and Lost World. Not for nothing is he known as 'the god of manga'..

I dont think a comparison to Kirby is really accurate, in fact I dont think that there is a comparable figure in western comics.. the closest reference I can think of is Disney (whom he was very influenced by), but more in the sense that he basically created an entire industry.. but unlike (eugenics + Nazi loving) Disney, Tezuka was a creator first and foremost, and a great Humanist, and I think this is reflected in his work..

droid, Thursday, 19 August 2004 19:09 (twenty years ago) link

It's being published in America in fewer that 12 volumes, although there are 12 stories (some are shorter than others). I've always read that he hadn't finished when he died, too. And while I wouldn't overdo the Kirby comparisons, I think there are some interesting ones to be made, especially since realising the link to Kirby's 2001.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Thursday, 19 August 2004 20:40 (twenty years ago) link

Im not sure about how 'finished' the whole thing is myself, but I do know that 12 original volumes have been created, and are planned for translation. Im not sure why i think this, but i vaugely remember something about the english translation being compressed into 11 volumes.. any - way, heres the stats and a review I found..


Though better known in the U.S. for Astroboy and Kimba the White Lion, the "Phoenix" cycle is manga god Osamu Tezuka's life's work. An anthology of stories spanning from the dawn of civilization to the distant future, Tezuka wrote various Phoenix manga from 1954 until his death in 1989. "Tale of the Future" dates from 1967, and it's technologically advanced world populated by robots and mad scientists is most like Astroboy's and thus more recognizably Tezuka's to American fans.

"Phoenix" is a prime example of why Tezuka is internationally recognized as one of the greatest comics artists in history, as well as the primary architect of the anime medium. Previously, the manga form had been mostly limited to brief one-note jokes comparable to American newspaper comic strips. Tezuka popularized longer, serialized stories with fully-developed plotlines, more in keeping with American comic books. But whereas U.S. comics were almost exclusively the realm of cape-wearing superheroes, Tezuka's varying tastes insured that manga would become a popular medium for all sorts of fiction in every genre conceivable. "Phoenix" is classic Tezuka: an intelligent and involving moral parable with universal appeal. He would also bring these same qualities to the embryonic anime industry in his many pioneering animated series and feature films, establishing a standard to which all anime that followed would be measured.

His drawing style is also something rare and wonderful. Strongly influenced by the work of Disney and other early American animation studios, his characters possess a unique look in which one can see the beginnings of "anime style"(big glossy eyes, pointy hair, tiny mouth); yet at the same time it would not be out-of-place in a classic Hollywood cartoon. Indeed, the denizens of "Phoenix" would blend nicely into a 1930's Max Fleischer "Popeye" or "Betty Boop" picture. But instead of a short, simple, gag-laden story, "Phoenix" is grand sci-fi adventure tale with very little in the way of humor. It is to Tezuka's immense credit that he is able to craft such a convincing, serious epic with such classically cartoony-looking characters. In the hands of a lesser artist the caricatured nature of the artwork could easily undermine the straightforward tone of the story. Tezuka's superb visual style carries it all with ease, and challenges our preconceptions of the kinds of stories "cartoon characters" can tell.

Tezuka's manga share similarities with the work of the American comics master Carl Barks, whose "Uncle Scrooge" also told sprawling, epic adventures drawn in the style of old Hollywood cartoons. But Tezuka's stories tend to be more topical, sophisticated, and complex, and often raise moral and ethical questions in the process. When his superior discovers he is harboring a Moopie, Yamanobe is ordered to kill Tamani, who has become as close to him as a wife, and for a while he seriously considers it. The reasons behind the government's ban on Moopies is a thinly veiled jab at the Japanese social conscious of the 1950s and 60s, which was torn between nostalgia for a lost past and a runaway modernization of the country. And Dr. Saruta's animal creations, which can only live inside the glass tubes they were grown in, pose interesting questions about the nature and value of life....

Related anime:
    Hi no Tori (TV) (adaptation)
    Phoenix: Chapter of Dawn (movie) (adaptation)

Alternative title:
    âŒÇÃí (Japanese)
    Fire Bird
    Hi no Tori (Japanese)

Age rating: All Ages (Nothing objectionable)

Genres: Science Fiction

Number of tankoubon: 12

    #01. Dawn
    #02. A Tale of the Future
    #03. Yamato
    #04. Universe
    #05. Hou-ou
    #06. Resurrection
    #07. Robe of Feathers
    #08. Nostalgia
    #09. Civil War
    #10. Life
    #11. Strange Beings
    #12. Sun

    1954-07 to 1955-05 (Dawn)
    1986-01 to 1988-02 (Sun)


BTW 'Comics underground Japan' should read 'Dreamland japan' in my previous post...

droid, Friday, 20 August 2004 07:55 (twenty years ago) link

I read Volume 2 of Phoenix, A Tale of the Future, last night. Fantastic. It starts out in the year 3034, where there are only 5 underground cities left on earth. This volume didn't seem as robust as the first, but it's a total head trip. It's a story of evolution and cycles. So so so best. Can't wait for the next one.

I will say, if you're planning on getting the books from Amazon, the first one is a medium sized manga paperback, but the second one (when it came in the mail), was WAY bigger. Like, big trade paperback size. And it looks like the demensions of the 3 is SMALLER than the first. What's up w/that? Is it too much to ask to have the series be ALL the same size book?

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Tuesday, 31 August 2004 11:58 (twenty years ago) link

The second one is the odd one out - the others are in a uniform edition. I think the second one was published first, in fact. I've heard that they may reprint it in the same format as the others, eventually, but that seems uncertain.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Tuesday, 31 August 2004 15:51 (twenty years ago) link

eight months pass...
Can someone explain those patched-up pigs to me, though? What's that about?

I'm writing a paper on Buddha right now, and apparently it's a hyotantsugi (i.e. "patched gourd"), sketched by Tezuka's sister when they were both schoolchildren. He later used it in his own works as a sort of trademark symbol which doesn't necessarily have any bearing on the story proper (Mark Wheeler MacWilliams, “Japanese Comics and Religion: Osamu Tezuka’s Story of the Buddha,” in Japan Pop! Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture, ed. Timothy J. Craig (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2000), p. 124-5).

L (Leee), Sunday, 29 May 2005 02:49 (nineteen years ago) link


tom wwwwwwwwwwwwest, Tuesday, 31 May 2005 20:35 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...
Everyone's explained why better than me above, but I just finished reading Phoenix: Tale of the Future, and if anyone on this board hasn't read it yet... Go! Buy! Now! It's pretty astonishing.

That's all. ;=)

Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Saturday, 2 July 2005 21:09 (nineteen years ago) link

six months pass...
just been looking on amazon, and they've got publishing dates for 3 more volumes - march 7th, june 13th, and sept 12th. i'm excited!

zappi (joni), Monday, 9 January 2006 03:29 (nineteen years ago) link


Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Monday, 9 January 2006 09:04 (nineteen years ago) link

Since this has been revived, my very brief page on this comic on my website: http://www.japanese-arts.net/comics/tezuka_phoenix.htm.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 9 January 2006 15:24 (nineteen years ago) link

I wish they'd offer the Buddha series in paperback.

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Monday, 9 January 2006 18:32 (nineteen years ago) link

Its worth it in hardback. Just finished vol 7, and Buddhas gone all slackery!

droid, Monday, 16 January 2006 16:19 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...
I saw a paperback version of Buddha volume 1 yesterday, but Amazon doesn't seem to carry it.

c(''c) (Leee), Monday, 8 May 2006 03:15 (eighteen years ago) link

I saw Buddha vol. 1 in paperback at the shop to-day.

Worth getting, eh?

electro-acoustic lycanthrope (orion), Monday, 8 May 2006 03:21 (eighteen years ago) link


c(''c) (Leee), Monday, 8 May 2006 03:52 (eighteen years ago) link

i keep almost buying phoenix #1. but should i just get #2 (which for some reason is in a much bigger format)?

s1ocki (slutsky), Monday, 8 May 2006 03:56 (eighteen years ago) link

They're both amazing, but "Karma", the fifth one (in the fourth volume), is even better. The last one that got translated, "Resurrection", is so odd and melodramatic it's genuinely off-the-scale.

Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Monday, 8 May 2006 10:32 (eighteen years ago) link

two years pass...

I think I've finally found my 'in' to appreciating manga! And, big surprise, it's by Tezuka!


which I picked up at the library this morning, and am already halfway through, and which is kicking my ass hard, and which is probably because it's a genre piece in the hard-boiled crime mold - always a personal fave.

Oilyrags, Tuesday, 5 August 2008 20:44 (sixteen years ago) link

I have one volume of this, I think tale of the future? anyway it was too depressing to make me want to read more. I have plenty of depressing Tezuka already, anyway.

El Tomboto, Tuesday, 5 August 2008 20:47 (sixteen years ago) link

As far as I know, MW is unrelated to Phoenix.


Oilyrags, Tuesday, 5 August 2008 20:50 (sixteen years ago) link

wow, never heard of that one. Sounds worse than Adolf.

El Tomboto, Tuesday, 5 August 2008 20:53 (sixteen years ago) link

Haven't read Adolf, so I can't say, but it's definitely built to stack the deck against your instinct for compassion. The one lead character is a sort of Batman/James Bond type of resourceful genius, except completely evil, and the other nominally more sympathetic lead is a pedophile priest who's one redeeming personality trait is that he's racked with guilt over his crimes and wants to be a good person but just can't seem to manage it.

Oilyrags, Tuesday, 5 August 2008 20:58 (sixteen years ago) link

it=MW, I hope obviously

Oilyrags, Tuesday, 5 August 2008 21:00 (sixteen years ago) link

MW is batshit insane; there's a live action movie on the way in Japan.

I'm about to buy ALL of Phoenix on Amazon except for the first book; anybody got a good place to get that? It's out of print.

forksclovetofu, Wednesday, 6 August 2008 19:21 (sixteen years ago) link

> MW is batshit insane

No argument here! I think maybe that helped me to dig it.

Oilyrags, Wednesday, 6 August 2008 19:26 (sixteen years ago) link

Don't get me wrong, it's great; it's just fuckin' nuts.

forksclovetofu, Wednesday, 6 August 2008 22:35 (sixteen years ago) link

Tezuka is great - I haven't been disappointed by anything of his I've read yet (well, okay, maybe some of the later Astro Boy stuff, but it was like 15+ volumes in). That said...

1) What's the deal with having people mangled horribly in car accidents? I just read v1 of Black Jack and there's like two stories in there with that gimmick!

2) What's with the patchy cloth pig that... err... explodes with tension? It's one of those non-sensical cartoony devices he puts in randomly in his books. Is it related to something real?

Nhex, Tuesday, 19 August 2008 04:18 (sixteen years ago) link

Can someone explain those patched-up pigs to me, though? What's that about?

I'm writing a paper on Buddha right now, and apparently it's a hyotantsugi (i.e. "patched gourd"), sketched by Tezuka's sister when they were both schoolchildren. He later used it in his own works as a sort of trademark symbol which doesn't necessarily have any bearing on the story proper (Mark Wheeler MacWilliams, “Japanese Comics and Religion: Osamu Tezuka’s Story of the Buddha,” in Japan Pop! Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture, ed. Timothy J. Craig (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2000), p. 124-5).

-- L (Leee), Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:49 AM (3 years ago) Bookmark Link

forksclovetofu, Tuesday, 19 August 2008 04:43 (sixteen years ago) link

Not sure what the car accident theme is about, except there's all manner of violent themes that emerge... stonings, urinating on characters, casual rape are all prttty common in the overall oeuvre as well. Dude's pretty twisted.

forksclovetofu, Tuesday, 19 August 2008 04:45 (sixteen years ago) link

Ha, I feel kind of like a jerk for not finding that up in the thread. Thanks, though!

Nhex, Tuesday, 19 August 2008 04:53 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

Just finished the last volume of Phoenix this morning. Excellent recommendation, so just wanted to say thanks to the various people who were recommending it. I'm kind of curious to learn more about Tezuka's religious beliefs. Buddha was, obviously, fairly well-disposed toward Buddhism, but there were a couple Phoenix volumes that seemed highly opposed to the proliferation of Buddhism in Japan. I suppose both share a hostility to organized or state religions, but I was surprised at the portrayal of Buddhism as an evil, invading religion.

Now I want to track down the live action 1979 Phoenix adaptation with the Michel Legrand score. According to Wikipedia, I'm going to have to find a Spanish DVD. Don't suppose anyone here has actually seen it?

arango, Friday, 17 October 2008 01:38 (sixteen years ago) link

It's up on Karagarga with English subtitles, thanks for mentioning it to me, cuz I'm gonna go get it NOW. Email me off thread and I'll see about mailing you a copy.

You know that Metropolis (the anime, not the F. Lang film) is based on the second book of Phoenix, right? Also Space Firebird 2772

forksclovetofu, Friday, 17 October 2008 02:40 (sixteen years ago) link

d'oh! no seeders!

forksclovetofu, Friday, 17 October 2008 02:40 (sixteen years ago) link

Ah, too bad. I knew about Space Firebird 2772, but I didn't realize Metropolis (which I've been meaning to see for a while) was an adaptation. I knew it was Tezuka, but I thought it was a different work. I should certainly watch it while I'm still on a Tezuka kick.

arango, Friday, 17 October 2008 15:40 (sixteen years ago) link

I just went through what felt like a bender of Tezuka—the first volumes of Black Jack and Phoenix and three volumes of Buddha. Great stuff, as if that needs repeating.

mte, Friday, 17 October 2008 17:50 (sixteen years ago) link

So, I should read Black Jack next, then? Adolf? Dororo?

arango, Friday, 17 October 2008 17:56 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah, Black Jack's cool. Totally different in tone from Buddha and what I've read of Phoenix. I mean, who dreams up an emotionally haunted mercenary supersurgeon as a comic book hero?

mte, Friday, 17 October 2008 17:59 (sixteen years ago) link

probably an emotionally haunted ex-doctor who became a comic book writer.

Dororo, Apollo's Song, MW are all great; don't neglect astroboy! The dark horse reprints are tiny, but fun reads. Buddha and Phoenix are pretty clearly the apex as far as American reprints go.

Astro/Blackjack do suffer from repetitious episodic themes, so tread lighter than you would with Buddha/Phoenix. You can burn out if you do two or three books at a time.

forksclovetofu, Friday, 17 October 2008 18:17 (sixteen years ago) link

MW sounds excellent, but the library doesn't have it. They do have Dororo and Apollo's Song, though, so maybe I'll do some shorter ones after this most recent glut. Certainly before I try the 23 volumes of Astro Boy they've got....

arango, Friday, 17 October 2008 19:24 (sixteen years ago) link

seven years pass...

it is ridiculous that all the viz english volumes of phoenix are OOP.

adam, Wednesday, 4 May 2016 19:46 (eight years ago) link

i bought them all on amazon a year or two back and i never did a full read through! need to set aside a month.

ulysses, Monday, 9 May 2016 18:45 (eight years ago) link

five years pass...
one month passes...

Just read Ayako, holy cow, that was dark.

Nhex, Tuesday, 3 August 2021 03:27 (three years ago) link

two years pass...

Guys, I just watched the first episode of the OG Astro Boy, and I really did not expect it to be such a rich + multilayered text as it is or for it to be so deeply, sublimely fucked up. Soooooo I'm gonna be watching more Astro Boy, is what I'm sayin' here.

Great-Tasting Burger Perceptions (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 12 March 2024 02:14 (eleven months ago) link


UKXEPCTED TWITS (WmC), Tuesday, 12 March 2024 03:35 (eleven months ago) link

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