worst contract out of these $100 million contracts

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The Zito contract meant he could pitch the two games of his life in the 2012 postseason so I don’t think anyone regrets that now

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Thursday, 23 May 2024 22:14 (three months ago) link

I looked at the two games, and at his start in the divisional series before that, and we disagree there.

clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:12 (three months ago) link

the term was maybe a bit much, but not unheard of

you can make an argument for giving pujols or harper or trout or mookie or shohei decade-long deals as they head into their 30s -- those guys are all-timers and multiple mvp-winners. obviously the pujols deal was a disaster, and trout's is headed that way*. the others will need to win some titles.

*(tbf, people want to come to the park simply to see the latter four play, which is awesome and worthwhile. i'm not sure pujols was ever that kind of draw for the angels, but my god he was *so* good in st. louis)

anyway X is a really good player but he's not their calibre, and having to move him to 2B in the second year of an 11-year contract is alarming. but he's definitely a better bet than eric hosmer

mookieproof, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:25 (three months ago) link

Since we're on the subject, just came across this right now on my FB wall--weird!


clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:32 (three months ago) link

This is amazing:

After the 1977 season ended, Bostock became one of baseball's earliest big-money free agents, and signed with the California Angels, owned by Gene Autry. Bostock had made $20,000 with the Twins in 1977 and signed a $2.3 million, six-year contract with the Angels. The Twins, Padres and Yankees had all tried to sign Bostock. Almost immediately, Bostock donated $10,000 to a church in his native Birmingham, Alabama to rebuild its Sunday school.

The 1978 season started off poorly for Bostock; he batted .150 for the month of April. Bostock met with the team's management and attempted to return his April salary, saying he had not earned it. The team refused, so Bostock announced he would donate his April salary to charity.

"He came into my office and told me he was reluctant to take his salary," Angels' general manager Buzzy Bavasi recalled. "He said, 'I'm not doing my job.' But I told him, 'I won't let you do that.' And he says, 'Why not?' So I told him, 'What if you hit .600 next month? You're sure as hell not getting any more money out of me.'"

Thousands of requests came in for the money, and Bostock reviewed each one of them, trying to determine who needed it the most. After his poor April, Bostock hit .404 in June and was hitting .296 when he was killed in September.

clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:40 (three months ago) link

I looked at the two games, and at his start in the divisional series before that, and we disagree there.

But he got an RBI off 2012 Justin Verlander in a game he totally unexpectedly outpitched him in! And he pitched 7.2 shutout innings in the elimination game in the NLCS! Striking out losers like Matt Holliday, Carlos Beltran and other guys I’ve never heard of!

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Friday, 24 May 2024 01:42 (three months ago) link

We just disagree gyac. It's a game from 12 years ago...

clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:44 (three months ago) link

Forget it, clemenza, it’s China Basin…

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Friday, 24 May 2024 01:45 (three months ago) link

also lyman bostock is a fantastic Baseball Name


mookieproof, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:46 (three months ago) link

It was a sad story already, and after reading all that, doubly so. (Agree about him name: euphonious.)

clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:49 (three months ago) link

"him" = "his"

clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 01:49 (three months ago) link

I disagree about Zito's contract. It was completely defensible at the time he signed it. He'd been healthy and durable his entire career and had never had a bad season. If he'd been a free agent this past off-season, alongside inconsistent and fragile question marks like Snell and Montgomery, he'd have been the number one FA pitcher on the market, easily.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 24 May 2024 09:26 (three months ago) link

Early on in this thread you said you had a soft spot for Zito, but later on:

Bonus points go to contracts that were indefensible at the time. Wells' was at least somewhat defensible -- he'd been a 4-5 win player on average up until then, still a good defender, and was entering his age-27 season. The market for outfielders was thin, and he was a popular homegrown player. I don't think the disaster signs were obvious compared to the Zito and Hampton signings (or A-Rod's 2007 re-up).

NoTimeBeforeTime, Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When I wrote "I think this has been raised in this thread before" yesterday, I might actually have had you in the back of my mind.

clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 12:17 (three months ago) link

Haha, someone did their research!

At the time, I think Zito's contract was the largest ever for a pitcher? Clearly Zito wasn't the most valuable FA pitcher ever, so the consensus was that the Giants vastly overpaid, and the consensus was right. Even if you were optimistic about Zito, you had to admit that his contract was ridiculous. You can compare it, say, to deGrom's contract with the Rangers.

That said, looking at it eleven years later, I stand by my post from earlier today. In a market where Strasburg earned 250M for throwing about 500 pitches, and where Blake Snell can't string together two good seasons in a row? And along comes a FA pitcher with a CY under his belt and with no history of injury? That guy is making serious bank.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 24 May 2024 19:08 (three months ago) link

Wonder which of the recent massive deals will wind up the worst…my money’s on bogaerts.

― omar little, Thursday, December 15, 2022 5:30 PM (forty-five minutes ago)

de grom. bogaerts will at least be on the field

― J0rdan S., Thursday, December 15, 2022 6:16 PM (one year ago)bookmarkflaglink

Oof yeah you’re right forgot about him

― omar little, Thursday, December 15, 2022 6:26 PM (one year ago)

we both might be right

slob wizard (J0rdan S.), Friday, 24 May 2024 19:17 (three months ago) link

xp and who, crucially, can win you an elimination game in the playoffs. 😎

Zito quoted Sabean in his autobiography* saying he had zero regrets over the deal. I guess I understand their intention was for Zito to mentor the young pitchers/be the leader of the staff and he was more a terrible influence iirc. But he delivered when it really mattered!

* I reviewed it on here and it’s well worth a read solely for how casually he mentions doing meth in his misspent youth

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Friday, 24 May 2024 19:27 (three months ago) link

We’ve all been there.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Friday, 24 May 2024 20:04 (three months ago) link

Wonder which of the recent massive deals will wind up the worst…my money’s on bogaerts.

― omar little, Thursday, December 15, 2022 5:30 PM (forty-five minutes ago)

de grom. bogaerts will at least be on the field

― J0rdan S., Thursday, December 15, 2022 6:16 PM (one year ago)bookmarkflaglink

Oof yeah you’re right forgot about him

― omar little, Thursday, December 15, 2022 6:26 PM (one year ago)

we both might be right

― slob wizard (J0rdan S.)

i think you were righter at the time and might be in the long run, my Bogaerts pick was more a vibes thing, plus my suspicion he was somewhat boosted by Fenway.

omar little, Friday, 24 May 2024 20:40 (three months ago) link

Stipulating that arguing over something that happened over a decade ago is pointless, my thinking (the same as then, when I said how terrible it was):

You can't really compare that deal then to what pitchers get now. Yes, the 2006 Zito would be a solid investment today: a guy who can give you 180 IP like he gave the Giants those first four seasons is highly coveted, almost regardless of how he pitches. But I assume the Giants were expecting a lot more than what they actually got those first four seasons (4.45 ERA, below league average, 5.5 WAR total), never mind after that.

The two post-season starts were very good, but to my mind, not anything extraordinary (Bumgarner was extraordinary). He pitched 12 innings between the two games, left each one with a comfortable lead. Somebody would have pitched those games--I don’t see that he did anything unique. Even going on to win, that’s just not worth $126M to me. And I do include his first start that postseason, where he pitched poorly in the divisional series in a game that might have eliminated his team.

I think you were right the first time, NoTime (and a lot closer then to the actual event).

Started looking around, and it still seems to be considered a historically poor use of $126 million:

Guy who sort of defends it (“Was it a terribly misguided contract? Yeah, it was. In the wake of two World's Championships, if you're a Giants fan would you like a do-over on that terrible contract? I think maybe you wouldn't.”):


Judged terrible before the 2012 World Series:




Judged terrible after the 2012 World Series:





clemenza, Friday, 24 May 2024 22:40 (three months ago) link

I have some thoughts on this and not trying to argue really (I wasn’t there nor am I inclined to really want to change your very legitimate perspective on this), but I want to make some points. I’ll hang up and listen.

The two post-season starts were very good, but to my mind, not anything extraordinary (Bumgarner was extraordinary). He pitched 12 innings between the two games, left each one with a comfortable lead. Somebody would have pitched those games--I don’t see that he did anything unique. Even going on to win, that’s just not worth $126M to me. And I do include his first start that postseason, where he pitched poorly in the divisional series in a game that might have eliminated his team.

It’s relative though; Bumgarner was expected to do what he did in 2014. Zito didn’t even make it into the 2010 postseason because he was so bad, he lost out to Jonathan “remember him?” Sanchez and Bumgarner who’d started the season in triple A. Bochy chose to go with a staff of four starters, not even trusting Zito to pitch long relief.

Re the NLDS, are you sure about that? Sure Zito got bombed but long relief STUD Lincecum came in and held on long enough for the team to get the win in that game, which forced a game five. Cain and Bumgarner both got torched badly that same series by the Reds. The other thing, the run support, wasn’t by any means guaranteed for that win; the Giants had scraped together a total of four runs over the previous 27 innings.

But reading contemporary reporting by Baggarly etc, Zito’s number came up in the NLCS & because of how his DS series had gone, expectations were low. He was washed! It’s not even remotely objective, this argument, but I always like the “old guy summons up one last push” narrative and that game was definitely that. Who would have predicted it? That Bochy gave him the game 1 WS start was, according to Bochy, a vote of confidence and thanks to him for his efforts.

But to circle back to the overall worth of the contract; of course he didn’t deliver any value close to what you are describing. It was an odd choice in the context of them letting Bonds walk and having the minors stacked with pitching. But I do think that his legacy due to those elevated postseason performances is much better than it was without them. Baggarly reported how, as he left the field in the WS, that the crowd chanted “Barry, Barry, Barry” for him and Zito himself said that the crowd had never loved him back like that before.

But like I said, not trying to change your mind, but just how I see it’

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Friday, 24 May 2024 23:07 (three months ago) link

The Aaron Rowand signing was way more annoying than Zito

brimstead, Friday, 24 May 2024 23:22 (three months ago) link

We're definitely at an impasse. I think it mostly comes down to those two postseason starts (he left the other one up 3-2 after 2.2 innings). In general, you see postseason success as much more determinative than I do. His game scores were 72 and 55--timely, well pitched games, nothing more or less. Marco Estrada gave the Jays some terrific postseason starts in 2015 and 2016. I'm glad he came a lot cheaper than $126 million.

Would be interested in hearing from others who posted in this thread at the time and thought it was a terrible signing.

clemenza, Saturday, 25 May 2024 00:22 (three months ago) link

Actually, no--let's do a poll of the worst contracts of the past decade, then we can argue about stuff we actually remember (I evidently had all these strong feelings about the Zito contract in 2010 that I have zero recollection of today).

clemenza, Saturday, 25 May 2024 01:35 (three months ago) link

the zito contract was . . . not good. he was coming off a really good run but even then his K and BB numbers and velocity weren't great

but also the giants won two titles during that deal (and another a year later) so you can't really say that his contract hampered the team at all

which may not officially count in a 'worst contract' thread? but it certainly colo(u)rs my thinking about its disaster level. if the giants *hadn't* signed him, would they have won more than those two championships? i'm skeptical

mookieproof, Saturday, 25 May 2024 02:50 (three months ago) link

Which I somehow didn't mention, the reason I initially thought it was so bad: his three mediocre seasons (and large number of innings he'd already pitched in his career) leading up to the signing.

I think "you can't really say that his contract hampered the team at all" is about the best compromise I'm going to get here, so let's go with that (and move on!).

clemenza, Saturday, 25 May 2024 03:03 (three months ago) link

I think zito's contract was some other, secret third thing

H.P, Saturday, 25 May 2024 04:17 (three months ago) link

'supporting country music'

mookieproof, Saturday, 25 May 2024 04:26 (three months ago) link

The proper response was: ‘no secrets’

H.P, Saturday, 25 May 2024 04:30 (three months ago) link

three months pass...

i hate to say it since i will love him forever, but that contract the Rockies gave Kris Bryant is looking pretty bad.

― omar little, Sunday, April 7, 2024 12:28 PM (four months ago)

sure is. since joining the rockies in 2022 he has -1.2 fWAR in just 159 games. only 4 more years (through 2028) on the bryant contract

z_tbd, Sunday, 1 September 2024 13:42 (three weeks ago) link

Rendon has 238 plate appearances this season and zero HR

omar little, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 19:07 (one week ago) link

rendon has been brutal but you can kinda see where they were coming from at least

the rockies signed bryant to that deal 13 months after trading away nolan arenado for a fungo bat! like they were simply one bryant-sized piece away from contending! just a completely clueless organization

mookieproof, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 20:32 (one week ago) link

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