what does my dream mean?

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I had a dream, my family and I were at a beautiful watering hole with lots of other people. there were big brown bears there and they seemed to be getting along with the humans. My mum accidentally went into the bears space. Next thing I know I'm in a different part of my dream and my dad my brother and I are going to a wedding, but I cant find my mum. I assume that she has been eaten by the bears. I am very upset and i make my dad go back and find her. we cant see her, and we have a fight with the bears and they attack but we get away. Please inturperate this for me as it was very upsetting.

tanya Lee, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 16:44 (fourteen years ago) link

call your mom immediately. your dream may mean she has been eaten by bears.

Roberto Spiralli, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 17:28 (fourteen years ago) link

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