wierd dream

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me and my uncle victor went to mc donalds ok.. and i waited in line for like ever and there was this girl who worked there i dont remember how i got to mc donalds but vic dropped me off and wanted me to get like 10 burgers 10 sodas and like 10 fries well ne way i was walking outside and this girl stoped me and we started walking to the parking lot and she held my hand and took me aside and there was this camera on top of mcdonalds and she looked like she had hair that was black and she was very cute but her face had like circuls under neith her eyes and like tribal art that was under neith her circuls and she sat down and i was like what is up with your face and her eyes went grey and she said..... beleive in the nim. now what do you see and she hit me and i could see the most wierdest thing ever it was like every thing was grey and shimmering but then i hurd vic say comeon an i woke up
but thats not the wieredst part my frikkin left eye is fuckin buggin
its like tingling right now. its like 645 in the morning and i was wondering if ne one knows what this means? please help

Jayson Norman Quinlan, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 10:47 (eighteen years ago) link

Something must've hit your eye in your sleep or something..That would explain why your eye is 'buggin'

Mr. Cock, Friday, 21 July 2006 15:44 (eighteen years ago) link

fourteen years pass...

but thats not the wieredst part my frikkin left eye is fuckin buggin

ridingstarbassxd (unregistered), Friday, 18 December 2020 01:30 (three years ago) link

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