Do you eat the booty?

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Bookmark Removed (so proud of ILX rn btw)

Thought about dividing the poll options by identification on the sexual orientation spectrum but it woulda been too many poll options

Poll Results

I eat the booty / I like getting my booty eaten 17
I don't eat the booty / I don't like getting my booty eaten 17
I eat the booty / I don't like getting my booty eaten 10
I don't eat the booty / I like getting my booty eaten 1

, Friday, 26 December 2014 16:55 (nine years ago) link

Related sub-question: Has booty-eating baconed?

, Friday, 26 December 2014 16:58 (nine years ago) link

idgi w r u proud of ilx

lag∞n, Friday, 26 December 2014 17:41 (nine years ago) link

no one ate ass before ilx

The Complainte of Ray Tabano, Friday, 26 December 2014 19:09 (nine years ago) link

fr real

lag∞n, Friday, 26 December 2014 19:23 (nine years ago) link

'i love everything' actually originally popularised just a succinct phrasing of 'i eat the booty / I like getting my booty eaten'

tender is the late-night daypart (schlump), Friday, 26 December 2014 19:39 (nine years ago) link

Of all the things to get all "I was there" about

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Friday, 26 December 2014 20:10 (nine years ago) link

no one ate ass before ilx

― The Complainte of Ray Tabano, Friday, December 26, 2014 2:09 PM (1 hour ago) Bookmark

ITT an ass eater tries to feel superior to other ass eaters

, Friday, 26 December 2014 20:24 (nine years ago) link

my superiority in general matters of ass isn't a question of opinion but public record 龜

The Complainte of Ray Tabano, Friday, 26 December 2014 20:42 (nine years ago) link

it is my duty

N337 (rip van wanko), Friday, 26 December 2014 20:46 (nine years ago) link

The oversharing renaissance

brimstead, Friday, 26 December 2014 21:11 (nine years ago) link

The myopia renaissance

brimstead, Friday, 26 December 2014 21:11 (nine years ago) link

Hey look somebody typed up some garbage, it looks pretty and substantial on this professional website

brimstead, Friday, 26 December 2014 21:14 (nine years ago) link

my superiority in general matters of ass isn't a question of opinion but public record 龜

― The Complainte of Ray Tabano, Friday, December 26, 2014 3:42 PM (33 minutes ago) Bookmark

The Bum Taint of Ray Tabano

, Friday, 26 December 2014 21:16 (nine years ago) link

no option for Hungry4Ass

kola superdeep borehole (harbl), Saturday, 27 December 2014 00:14 (nine years ago) link

eating the booty will never go bacon fyi.

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:05 (nine years ago) link

it just won't. trust me.

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:05 (nine years ago) link

I was in the booty when it was just a bunch of old warehouses, now there's a j crew and a Starbucks.

man alive, Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:15 (nine years ago) link

seriously though anyone who thinks "I don't like getting my booty eaten" is uptight and a weirdo.

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:23 (nine years ago) link

stevie d what if you feel unprepared? so even if you do enjoy it there is always the feeling that you haven't had a shower yet and you don't feel fresh and it's hard to monitor the situation back there anyways so even if you think you're in the clear you have that worry in the bck of your mind

dylannn, Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:32 (nine years ago) link

no, if you have not showered, you should not let someone try to eat your booty w/o letting them know "hey I haven't showered recently"

also idk maybe dudes are way more into raunch just don't care as much? also idk what ~straight sex~ is like but ime there is always a concerted effort for a dude to shower if there is even a remote possibility of sex w/ another dude, maybe bcz gay sex is often times very oral and it's just rude not to wash up beforehand. I mean I can't actually speak from experience or statistics but I am willing to put good money on a muuuuuch higher percentage of ~straight sex~ being penetration-only than gay sex.

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:42 (nine years ago) link

I mean I have definitely told a dude "hey I haven't showered recently" and had the response been basically "idgaf" and I mean hey that's cool if we're all on the same page here.

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:43 (nine years ago) link

no one ate ass before ilx fred durst

bit of a singles monster (Eazy), Saturday, 27 December 2014 05:13 (nine years ago) link

yeah i mean i'll eat some ass even if it's got flecks of toilet paper on it like who cares and i've found some ladies are the same but i can't settle in. but voting for top option.

dylannn, Saturday, 27 December 2014 08:59 (nine years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 00:01 (nine years ago) link

I've always felt like "booty" referred more to butt cheeks.

how's life, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 00:07 (nine years ago) link

The Bum Taint of Ray Tabano

otm :(

The Complainte of Ray Tabano, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 00:38 (nine years ago) link

I've always felt like "booty" referred more to butt cheeks.

this changes everything

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 01:08 (nine years ago) link

I've always felt "eat" meant to masticate, swallow and digest

N337 (rip van wanko), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 01:20 (nine years ago) link

I keep feeding you, and feeding you, and feeding you

, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 01:44 (nine years ago) link

in stitches

local eire man (darraghmac), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 07:29 (nine years ago) link

Jeff, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 12:18 (nine years ago) link

Yeah I don't think cheeks are what this is talking about tbh.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 13:39 (nine years ago) link

Don't neglect the cheeks.

bob seger's silver bullet gland (sic), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 13:52 (nine years ago) link

there's no option for "i don't eat the booty but i want to / i like getting my booty eaten but it never gets eaten"

marcos, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 14:46 (nine years ago) link

i'd be all about booty eating but my wife is not interested in much re: the booty

marcos, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 14:47 (nine years ago) link

butts are awesome fwiw

marcos, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 14:49 (nine years ago) link

oh that wd be so sad :(

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 15:22 (nine years ago) link

stevie it is very sad. there is plenty of butt admiration but not any eating :(

marcos, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 16:13 (nine years ago) link

We like da booty!
We like, we like da booty!
We like da booty!
We like, we like da booty!

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 16:22 (nine years ago) link

I've always felt "eat" meant to masticate, swallow and digest

― N337 (rip van wanko), Tuesday, December 30, 2014 8:20 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink


Banned on the Run (benbbag), Wednesday, 31 December 2014 22:32 (nine years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:01 (nine years ago) link

Have it on good authority that 'Lotus' was slang for 'booty' back in the day

, Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:03 (nine years ago) link

I have questions about booty cleaning.

mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:38 (nine years ago) link

you rang?

y kant max read (Stevie D(eux)), Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:44 (nine years ago) link


$80 is absurd and very ridiculous! (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:45 (nine years ago) link

Hire a booty cleaner

, Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:45 (nine years ago) link

My question is: clean exterior booty, check

But how far, like, *up* is the cleaning norm for booty eating preparation?

Three centimeters? Five inches? Enema?

I srsly have no idea.

mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:49 (nine years ago) link

I think that a high-fiber diet would take care of it

$80 is absurd and very ridiculous! (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:55 (nine years ago) link

I googled 'eat booty' to find this thread

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Friday, 6 February 2015 16:12 (nine years ago) link

eat booty get money

"Go pet your dog" is the name of my dog (DJP), Friday, 6 February 2015 16:13 (nine years ago) link

Google milo z and find out that he eats the booty

, Friday, 6 February 2015 16:24 (nine years ago) link

only recently, he's new

mh, Friday, 6 February 2015 16:26 (nine years ago) link

I only eat booty in Incognito Mode B-)

harperlee jot shilly (wins), Friday, 6 February 2015 17:20 (nine years ago) link

Mrs. Milo the single vote at the top there.

bit of a singles monster (Eazy), Saturday, 7 February 2015 07:13 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

, Monday, 30 March 2015 12:15 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

, Sunday, 19 April 2015 13:27 (nine years ago) link

Come on now

DJP, Sunday, 19 April 2015 21:46 (nine years ago) link

yeah I'm pretty sure those are ordinary Rolos

the geographibebebe (unregistered), Sunday, 19 April 2015 21:56 (nine years ago) link


fish or click bait (how's life), Monday, 20 April 2015 20:13 (nine years ago) link

three weeks pass...

, Thursday, 14 May 2015 12:52 (nine years ago) link

I'm sorry

, Friday, 15 May 2015 11:44 (nine years ago) link

If truffles came out of booty I would eat daily booty

an absolute feast of hardcore fanboy LOLs surrounding (imago), Friday, 15 May 2015 11:52 (nine years ago) link

I mean, like, truffles. Shit, truffles. Keep calm and eat truffles.

an absolute feast of hardcore fanboy LOLs surrounding (imago), Friday, 15 May 2015 11:53 (nine years ago) link

God you ruin everything

, Friday, 15 May 2015 11:55 (nine years ago) link


an absolute feast of hardcore fanboy LOLs surrounding (imago), Friday, 15 May 2015 11:58 (nine years ago) link

clearly a response to 'has booty-eating baconed' (or backend, as my prodigious autocorrect might prefer)

an absolute feast of hardcore fanboy LOLs surrounding (imago), Friday, 15 May 2015 12:07 (nine years ago) link

trufflefalls of booty

all my hatians if u play they make u (gr8080), Friday, 15 May 2015 12:39 (nine years ago) link

that pig is v cute

shep prettybone (clouds), Friday, 15 May 2015 13:24 (nine years ago) link

rooting for booty

ultimate american sock (mh), Friday, 15 May 2015 14:07 (nine years ago) link

"acrobatic" makes me think you're doing conjoined somersaults
--the farakhan of gg (DJP)


flopson, Friday, 15 May 2015 22:49 (nine years ago) link

this poll is split right down the middle!

rip van wanko, Saturday, 16 May 2015 00:10 (nine years ago) link

Ivan, 54 ans, écrivain : Je ne lèche pas les culs.

Mais tu aimes qu’on te le lèche ?

Oh oui ! J’adore ça ! 

drash, Thursday, 28 May 2015 19:36 (nine years ago) link

Oh, those French!

an absolute feast of hardcore fanboy LOLs surrounding (imago), Thursday, 28 May 2015 19:37 (nine years ago) link

, Tuesday, 2 June 2015 12:57 (nine years ago) link

ten months pass...

ulysses, Thursday, 7 April 2016 07:29 (eight years ago) link

lol just coming here to post this

gr8080, Thursday, 7 April 2016 14:35 (eight years ago) link


μpright mammal (mh), Thursday, 7 April 2016 14:37 (eight years ago) link

the pitchfork effect

ulysses, Thursday, 7 April 2016 15:29 (eight years ago) link

there's no room for people who don't eat ass in the future

strong ending tbf

ogmor, Thursday, 7 April 2016 21:36 (eight years ago) link

two months pass...

, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 12:43 (eight years ago) link

i love ass

ian, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 20:53 (eight years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything rotten or ragged or rusty

i believe that (s)he is sincere (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 7 July 2016 04:56 (eight years ago) link

Something something full of kittens

poor fiddy-less albion (darraghmac), Thursday, 7 July 2016 06:27 (eight years ago) link

nine months pass...

hard to eat ass when your jaw's been removed, or is it easier?

clouds, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 01:42 (seven years ago) link

i imagine it's kind of like sticking your face into a pie

Charles "Butt" Stanton (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 26 April 2017 01:47 (seven years ago) link

I would not lick a butthole that looked like that, tbf

some sad trombone Twilight Zone shit (cryptosicko), Wednesday, 26 April 2017 02:00 (seven years ago) link

some irrigation needed

Charles "Butt" Stanton (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 26 April 2017 02:01 (seven years ago) link

you misspelled "citation"

Bobson Dugnutt (ulysses), Wednesday, 26 April 2017 19:36 (seven years ago) link

one year passes...

um so my friend tells me that if you search rimjob on the internet all you get is guys getting eaten, what's up with that?

a roomba of one's own (rip van wanko), Thursday, 23 August 2018 20:38 (five years ago) link

i don't imagine that's true. I'm not going to check on my work computer.

think i missed these results the first time round, lot of people on ilx don't like eating ass hey?

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) (jim in vancouver), Thursday, 23 August 2018 20:47 (five years ago) link

27 yeas to 18 nays not a bad ratio

a roomba of one's own (rip van wanko), Thursday, 23 August 2018 20:58 (five years ago) link

maybe we need another assessment, to get to the bottom of this

a roomba of one's own (rip van wanko), Thursday, 23 August 2018 21:00 (five years ago) link

xp. good, but not good enough

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) (jim in vancouver), Thursday, 23 August 2018 21:02 (five years ago) link


03-07-08 - 09:07

More more more ass we are all addicted to ass

― am0n, Thursday, March 20, 2008 6:06 PM (ten years ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

JoeStork, Thursday, 23 August 2018 21:06 (five years ago) link

Never been into this

F# A# (∞), Thursday, 23 August 2018 21:09 (five years ago) link

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